Your new action plan is not the one linked in the tally. Suggest you update the original post instead.If anyone has anything on this, get it in now; deadline is in 5 hours and it's midnight where I am.
Your new action plan is not the one linked in the tally. Suggest you update the original post instead.If anyone has anything on this, get it in now; deadline is in 5 hours and it's midnight where I am.
Meaning is a bit unclear. Perhaps replace it with "If she gives a serious, specific answer, consider it"?
- Mari-sensei's a good teacher. What was the lesson in hurting you, then mocking your pain?
- Rhetorical question.
- Consider serious, specific answers.
Not at all clear that it's referring to what we did after BotG. I suggest replacing it with something like "you forced her out of retirement".You forced her to continue. Though you said you needed Mari the tool, you also meant to save Mari the person.
Not clear that it's an instruction for Hazou to ignore her attempts to overwhelm him with horrible details. I suggest returning the original phrasing ("don't let her drown you out with horrible details, that misses the point"); there's plenty of space before the 500-threshold left.
Show you know her better than she expects.
- Talk about all the Maris you know. Don't flinch from harsh ones. (Mentor, protector, weapon, interrogator, sadist, prankster, comrade, big sister, friend...)
- Specifically mention her...
- saving Akane by torturing Arikada.
- sacrificing herself for Kagome in Isan.
Inoue-sensei didn't look away from Joutarou, but she obviously saw Komori coming. The redhead smiled and a long-hidden burden seemed to fall from her shoulders. She took a calm breath and didn't move as Komori's fist blasted forward at her head—
I tried again to get it under 400 words; I succeeded by making seven changes, but these are also pretty big and I'm probably butchering at least one of these:If anyone has anything on this, get it in now; deadline is in 5 hours and it's midnight where I am.
Fair enough. This is probably the point where I need to give up and go to sleep; it's 3AM for me right now.@huhYeahGoodPoint
1 might be ok.
2 was deliberately preserved: I'm emphasizing "don't even let her get the whole thing out, it's bullshit". Might be unnecessary.
3 is absolutely not kosher, we need to keep the separation between Heartbreaker and current Mari.
4 again just doesn't work.
5 I'm tempted by, but at the same time it might be wrong to use the specific word because "I destroy everyone who loves me" is a big part of Mari's negative selftalk.
6 This one's fine, will cut.
7 The intended implication is "you don't have to share the details of this with anyone else in the clan if you don't want to." We're offering her control, which is something Mari cares about very deeply.
I'm highly confident that the coward's price is a reference to the saying, "A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once..."
A cowards runs away and abandons all. Death could be called the the ultimate abandonment of everything. Thus to constantly run away from, and erase your own memories; to abandon who you are would be to die a thousand times.You have a strong model for TLitF and you're not sharing with the class.
Please elucidate.
I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Lailoken. Who I do not believe models TLitF with the common memory-loss theory.A cowards runs away and abandons everything. Death could be called the the ultimate abandonment of the world. Thus to constantly run away from, and erase your own memories to abandon who you are would be to die a thousand times.
Can probably change toAsk her to let the rest of the clan take some of the political side.
- She can't do it all forever
Ask her to let the clan handle some of the political stuff.
- She can't do everything forever
The idea I'm getting is that she merges a piece of her mind with her target to create a bridge. She corrupts that piece to serve her purposes and then cuts it off from herself to prevent contamination. It may be that it doesn't just cost memories and actually incurs a small amount of permanent damage to her brain and/or soul.
Yeah, that's a thing we should pick. Do we want "vote follows user" or not? I'm unclear on the implications.Just a reminder if you vote for a person. Depending on your settings it'll either count as the last plan that person voted for, or all the plans that person voted for.
I've noticed that this is consistent, so I wanted to point it out: Only one 'L' in @faflec
Note that he hasn't called her "sensei" since beginning Clan Head.
You'll want to check both "Voting for a username" and "If selected, votes for [x] Username will count...".Yeah, that's a thing we should pick. Do we want "vote follows user" or not? I'm unclear on the implications.
Note that he hasn't called her "sensei" since beginning Clan Head.
"All right," Hazō said. "Thoughts? Mari-sensei, you apparently know her best."
Sigh. FINE. He isn't calling her that anymore, and I suspect that instance was author miscommunication. Simply note that if you choose to use that term it's got implications about the changes in their relationship.
Fanart by Zerovirus, I take no credit just posted on their behalf.
Our friend Zerovirus on the Discord doesn't have a SV account so he charged one of us with posting his wonderful fanart to the thread:
Big Sister, yes. Mom? Mari would hate herself, in general because she doesn't think she'd make a mother, and specifically because she'd be quasi-replacing Hana.We could try going for the "Big Sister/Mom" angle instead of Sensei, works the same(maybe even better as far as emotional attachment goes), but doesn't imply she's the superior in the relationship?
Nah, it's Hazou calling attention to the fact that Ami called Mari "Mari-sensei" earlier in the chapter. Note how "-sensei" is italicized — he's putting emphasis on it, and she then answers the unspoken question.Sigh. FINE. He isn't calling her that anymore, and I suspect that instance was author miscommunication.
I'm pretty sure that's intentional, Hazou calls her Mari-sensei inside his head more times than that IIRC.Nah, it's Hazou calling attention to the fact that Ami called Mari "Mari-sensei" earlier in the chapter. Note how "-sensei" is italicized — he's putting emphasis on it, and she then answers the unspoken question.
(There are, however, two instances of Hazou calling her "Mari-sensei" in his thoughts in this chapter, which should probably be retconned.)
I don't think so, the only other time he does that is here, and it's specifically phrased as "back when she had been Mari-sensei".I'm pretty sure that's intentional, Hazou calls her Mari-sensei inside his head more times than that IIRC.
I don't know why destroying your inner monster would be bad? Perhaps the effort dedicated to it isn't worth it, but the end in itself isn't bad.
This seems to imply that Mari wants to kill those she loves? Perhaps replace by becoming invulnerable when all those you love have died, or by not loving anyone.Becoming invulnerable by killing all your loves is a nightmare, not a goal.
I don't think so, the only other time he does that is here, and it's specifically phrased as "back when she had been Mari-sensei".
It's in the same chapter, admittedly, so YMMV.Mari-sensei's voice whispered in his memory's ear, telling him that a modicum of fear was useful in order to chart one's path through dangerous waters, but more than that modicum was something to actively discard.