This is perhaps more to my liking:

[X] Action Plan: The Hallmark of 'Clever Ideas'
Word count: Dont care

Grab Mari and talk to her about Iwa's appearance.
  • On Iwa:
    • They recently arrived to 'offer aid' with this crisis. Given that there are no coincidences in this universe, this reeks of someone attempting to be exceedingly clever.
      • You may not be much, but you are a Special Jonin in "Exceedingly clever ideas rarely pan out, and here's why."
      • It's time to start throwing spanners in the works.
    • Suggest she work with Asuma to stall, negate, or otherwise counter whatever clever thing the Iwa nin are attempting to do. Keeping in mind that:
      • They may or may not be behind the attack. Perhaps it was them taking a nonstandard approach to "Winning" the future war. Perhaps they're just capitalizing on someone else's (Akatsuki) attack.
      • They may or may not also have been attacked.
    • Implementational suggestions:
      • Stall (Most important at the moment): Use paperwork, "Leaf traditions", and drown them in other social/bureaucratic nonsense to keep them busy. Use social-fu and Byakugan bullshit surveillance to assess what they want and verify facets of their story (lumber merchant they were escorting? send a scout party to check on their forces location?).
      • Negate: While stalling, attempt to get in contact with Suna and Mist-- either for intel (Were they also hit?) or for aid. Ami's presence could be leveraged into suggesting Mist's "already" helping.
      • Counter: If their "offer" is a bluff, then call it if we can find that out. If they caused this: every village on the planet might like to know they are capable of wiping villages out overnight-- this is sure to be problematic for them. Point at Orochimaru-- his mere presence could at least stall them for a bit if they don't know he's returned, and force them to rework the gambit. As a last resort, we could accept their offer and feign subservience- no one expect others to be reasonable and go along with their clever schemes, so it is sure to throw them off at least.
  • Misc.
    • Scouting missions to the Iwa border and to Suna seem to be priorities.
    • Iwa knows Leaf invented Skywalkers, maybe demonstrate their use en masse as a show of strength?
    • Should we get folks to officially instate Asuma as Hokage?
  • Give Yuno a crash course on EN culture with Akane.
  • Be ready: more shit is undoubtedly on the way.
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Offtopic: Does anyone here consider themselves skilled with Git and possess the willingness to get on a screen-sharing session for 10-15 minutes this weekend? I'm trying to understand what gitk and magit are showing me about how my history branches and merges, and I cannot make heads or tails of it. I'd like to be able to squash some of the garbage commits together but I'm worried about bodging things up.
I can likely help out. I'm not specifically familiar with those two particular tools, but I'm fairly familiar with git itself. Feel free to ping me on discord this weekend, and we can set up some time to chat and/or screen share.
[X] Action Plan: Rocks Fell, Everyone Died


If there is room to add:

- Have Mari check up on Ami, is she acting nervous or relaxed (especially wrt Keiko)? Might give us a clue about the threat level or whether she knows more about things.

Reason: We already know that Ami seems to care about Keiko's well-being and has slipped up when it came to her so if she is totally relaxed (and Mari can tell it's not an act) that would be a clue in thinking that she knows Iwa is bluffing and not actually going to harm Leaf. Maybe.

- Send Mari directly to Asuma to offer her services. Social specs should be uncommon and she should be able to help in any negotations with Rock right now.

Reason: Pretty obvious. This is out of our league and the only one that can actually impact things is Mari and not Hazou.
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[X] Action Plan: Chargin Muh Anti-Kaiju Lazorz With Chouza
[X] Continue previous plan

Offtopic: Does anyone here consider themselves skilled with Git and possess the willingness to get on a screen-sharing session for 10-15 minutes this weekend? I'm trying to understand what gitk and magit are showing me about how my history branches and merges, and I cannot make heads or tails of it. I'd like to be able to squash some of the garbage commits together but I'm worried about bodging things up.

I don't normally use GUI tools for git other than the occasional IDE built-in, but I am an advanced user with some fairly arcane knowledge, so poke me on Discord whenever. I'm not doing anything other than chores this weekend.
The following is based on a quick skim at midnight, so I may have missed things:

> Should mass sensor-types, on Skywalkers if needed.

I'm reading this to mean "tell the relevant authority figures to gather a group of Hyūga et al and put them on skywalkers to keep an eye on the Rock ninja."

> Ami's could be leveraged into suggesting Mist's already helping.

I think this means "We can get Ami to tell the Rock ninja that Mist is already helping us."

> Should we instate Asuma as Hokage? There are pros and cons to doing so...

To whom is this directed?
Yes, kinda, and I'll change it.
Are we not trying to stall them?
Not necessarily, but I'll add a thing.
If there is room to add:

- Have Mari check up on Ami, is she acting nervous or relaxed (especially wrt Keiko)? Might give us a clue about the threat level or whether she knows more about things.

Reason: We already know that Ami seems to care about Keiko's well-being and has slipped up when it came to her so if she is totally relaxed (and Mari can tell it's not an act) that would be a clue in thinking that she knows Iwa is bluffing and not actually going to harm Leaf. Maybe.

- Send Mari directly to Asuma to offer her services. Social specs should be uncommon and she should be able to help in any negotations with Rock right now.

Reason: Pretty obvious. This is out of our league and the only one that can actually impact things is Mari and not Hazou.
Yes, and no. Mari should know where she should be headed, she's smart and not a static character. She'll put herself in the way to keep shit from exploding.
[X] Action Plan: Rocks Fell, Everyone Died
Word count: 298

Grab Mari and talk to her.
  • Iwa: This makes no sense. Why didn't they strike earlier, while we were reeling and disorganized? Why give us the opportunity to fortify and reorganize? It's been 3 days!!!
    • Did Akatsuki attack all the nations? Iwa might've recognized Deidara's work, and deduced that they attacked us as well. Leaf's got fertile land Iwa needs, so they might be bluffing by claiming responsibility and trying to force us into capitulating.
    • OTOH, if Iwa was responsible, or aren't hurt badly by Akatsuki's attack, they might have the strength to attack if we call their bluff.
      • Upon consideration, Orochimaru's return may have precipitated a premature attack.
  • Regardless, Leaf needs to demonstrate their strength quickly, and negotiate like hell.
    • Stall. Longer negotiations means more prep time and information.
    • Scout the Iwa border. Checking the "relief party"'s strength lets us know how much threat we're under; though they'd have to move quickly.
    • Contact Suna. We're allies, and them being hit provides evidence in favor of an Akatsuki attack.
    • Keep tabs on the Iwa-nin, and see what other saboteurs are nearby (check underground). Should mass sensor-types, on Skywalkers if needed.
    • We should also verify their story. Where's the lumber merchant they were escorting?
    • Iwa knows Leaf invented Skywalkers, maybe demonstrate their use en masse as a show of strength?
    • Ami's presence could be leveraged, either by demonstrating Mist's already helping or by present a strong Leaf-Mist alliance to deter an attack.
      • ....what's Ami's theory on who attacked? Maybe she knows something we don't...
    • Should we instate Asuma as Hokage? It'd show Leaf's still unified and capable of fighting back.
    • Orochimaru's still alive; his mere presence could make Iwa think twice.
  • Mari, as a social-spec, how should we proceed?
  • Lower priority: Check these letters? We'll send if approved.
Mari should know where she should be headed, she's smart and not a static character. She'll put herself in the way to keep shit from exploding.

I mean, sure, as an NPC she will act accordingly to her agency etc but then again, most of the stuff the plan is discussing is also something a smart Asuma would have come up with so it's odd we draw the line here of all places.

No matter though, not a big deal.
I mean, sure, as an NPC she will act accordingly to her agency etc but then again, most of the stuff the plan is discussing is also something a smart Asuma would have come up with so it's odd we draw the line here of all places.

No matter though, not a big deal.

I'm honestly reluctant to bet too much on the "smart people will have thought of that already" card. I have too much recent real-world experience in seeing important processes derailed in some way unless I specifically make sure they aren't. The hypothetical "smart Asuma" may well think of a bunch of smart things you haven't even considered, but miss a few you consider obvious. Human decison making, even when they explicitly try to be rational and follow a well-defined process, is not as homogeneous as you'd expect.
Actually, is that right? @faflec has there ever been a statement about whether or not macerators are uni-directional? I'm not aware of such a statement, and I thought that only Kagome's directional explosives violated action/reaction, but I could be wrong.
Sorry I didn't answer this first, but I wanted to get edits out so people could look at them.

Macerators are derived from storage seals, which release their contents unidirectionally (orthogonal to the face of the seal). That's established by the current rulesdoc. I don't see a reason why macerators, which are just storage seals with their anti-stress components dampened, would release their contents in a non-standard location, unless you are deliberately blocking the way (which leads to Bad Things anyway, let's not go into that).

Anyway, it's a bit harder to establish that macerators violate action/reaction. The original plan for them was to release their contents at a speed, and while my understanding was that they did violate action/reaction it's not stated outright. One would observe that Hazou's CHAOSsuit wouldn't be very functional if Macerators didn't violate action/reaction, as they would limit his ability to use them mid-air; yet Hazou was able to box with a training dummy with taijutsu (which presumably involves a lot of midair movement) when testing. Yes, he couldn't actually hit anything, but that's probably due to his limited skill and not due to any midair momentum change which would have been stated otherwise.
It would be very helpful if you could think of a way to get rid of nets and shoot the planks at Hazou's feet instead

We're aiming to have finer control of the velocity vector (so: the speed and direction of the imparted velocity, not just the speed, which is what we currently have access to) in Macerators v3.

Add chakra adhesion parameters too, for a variant you can activate with your feet.

You could theoretically then just toggle it to "Release the objects with a velocity of 20 m/s, in the exact opposite direction to that of the release." , and stick the seals on your feat. Store and unstore a bunch of wooden pallets and ride them. Maybe construct some sort of metal brace for your legs so that theres less risk in the way of damage to joints and whatnot over time.

That sounds workable to me?
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I'm honestly reluctant to bet too much on the "smart people will have thought of that already" card.

Yeah, ever since the Tipserator event I have been trying to keep something like this* in mind but the point I wanted to bring up was less about that than the fact that we are assuming Mari can work well autonomously but we are still brainstorming what to do with Asuma even though he should function similarly.

Can't have it both ways, IMO.

But either way, like I said earlier, it's not a big deal in this case.

*That people can be even dumber than expected, so the opposite should also be true.
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@faflec, what about this suggestion?:
Another idea to run by Mari and Asuma:

I'm thinking we should covertly send half a dozen ninja equipped with Skywalkers and 12-SINs to Rock's border, ordered to bomb Rock unless Asuma calls them off in a few days/a week/a month. Getting symmetric leverage over Rock should do wonders for Leaf's chances to survive as a geopolitical entity if negotiations go poorly.
@faflec, what about this suggestion?:
I'm, uh, personally not in favor of making the suggestion. Ignoring how Mari will quarantine us and Keiko will kill us for making a suggestion like this, I don't want people to mutually destroy each other, or make the threat of it. Escalating tensions is not the wise decision FMPOV.

Also, I'm not sure we have the manpower to bomb Iwa. We'll get some buildings at most, but nobody will die and their munitions/supplies will probably survive as well (unless they don't have the manpower to transport them, which is possible but not necessarily likely.
Voting is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Nov 23, 2019 at 9:47 AM, finished with 323 posts and 20 votes.
Neat, it's a tie.

Looking forward to 5k words of Hazou being paralyzed by indecision. :V until a bird flies into his face and forces him to choose
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So here is something that started bugging me after I kept thinking about it some more:

The "Threaten Hiashi" plan would have had us make an appointment to talk with Hokage if it hadn't gone off the rails.

Now imagine a world where it didn't, where it was phrased in a way that got Naruto's and Mari's approval and we went through with it*. In that world we would have lost our main character through no fault of our own just because we happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Not because we made bad choices and got killed for them. No, because something entirely unexpected happened and we got caught in it. And maybe that's fine if you are going full simulationist but not for a quest where the player's successes and failures should matter. Where they should be directly traced to player actions.

And here is the crux of the issue: the quest has prided itself in simulating a world full of NPCs with the PCs being only a small slice of it so if, at some point, the reformed Akatsuki decided to nuke all of the world or take away everyone's ninja powers in secret for peace would it be simuliationist? Yeah, probably; it was their stated goal to bring peace to the world and that group is just so ridiculously OP. But would it be fun? No, not in my opinion as a player because there was little to nothing we could have done to prevent things.

To me it's a bit like if Mari died of a heart attack next update because we didn't stop her from eating that greasy piece of meat fourty-two updates ago. (Not that I think this particular case would happen, naturally. It is merely an example to demonstrate the randomness/out of contextness that players had little reason to suspect would happen.)

I get the impression that having a simulationist death world with multiple powerful agents that could easily kill the PCs as collateral made sense many years ago when PCs were not expected to survive longer than a few IRL weeks or months anyway.

But after getting attached to them for years this doesn't mesh very well anymore. And now it seems too late to change the premise of the quest without compromising its identity as being simulationist because so much work has gone into all the behind-the-scenes world building that players cannot even so much as guess at so what do we do?

I suppose my question is this: does this actually bother anyone else? That we could die randomly due to out of context problems and not because us players actually screwed up? What are the QM's opinions on things? Am I blowing things out of proportion?

*To preempt the whole "we wouldn't have been at the Tower that day because getting an appointment is not instant" bit: the exact timing is only tangentially related to the greater point I am trying to make: this came out of nowhere for the players and we could just as easily have died eating at a restaurant that just happened to be in the blast zone. And no, "Orochimaru came back early, we should have expected an attack and hid somewhere safe" is not a convincing argument to me either because it relies on hindsight and we'd have been super paranoid both IC and OOC to act like this (and good luck not convincing the family that you are sane while doing this).
I suppose my question is this: does this actually bother anyone else?
Speaking for myself? Not in the slighest.

The reason I joined up with the quest was because it promised that we would literally die even if we did everything right. And (when we started) also because we were in a position where us misstepping slightly would also lead to our deaths. Because we were missing-nin.

Not to say that we aren't still in that position, but us being missing-nin was way worse from a survival perspective.