Chapter 294, Part 0: The Man Who Deserves No Introduction
February 15, 1069 AS. While Hazō is making Asuma and Kurenai miserable.
"I didn't think you'd invite me," Yuno said in a soft voice, sitting with Noburi in a corner away from the action. "After the other night."
"I wanted you here," Noburi said. "Even if… stuff…, you're still important to me. I didn't want to leave you out."
"Thank you," Yuno said. "Noburi, can we talk tonight, after the gaming is over?"
"Sure," Noburi said. "I mean, we could just go up to my room now." He looked pointedly at Hazō and his gleeful rolling of endless dice. "It's not like we'll be missing anything."
Yuno considered. "No. I'm actually enjoying the gaming. There's an awful lot of strangers surrounding us, though, and it's making Satsuko antsy."
That did not bode well for anyone or anything. They needed a (non-romantic) distraction.
Then Noburi was struck by a brainwave of spectacular, nay, diabolical ingenuity.
"You know, since we're pretty much out of this game anyway, there's someone I'd like to introduce you to. Come on." He rose from his seat, unthinkingly reaching out to lead Yuno through the crowd by the hand. She just as unthinkingly took it.
After a second to realise, Noburi found himself caught on a knife-edge of indecision. Let go of her hand, or hold tighter? Which way was he supposed to go? Which way did she want him to go? Was he
allowed to hold her hand right now?
Yuno looked no more certain.
After an eternity of hesitation, they let go. That seemed like an acceptable compromise.
"There he is!" Noburi grinned. "Oi, Hyūga, get over here!"
Hyūga gave him a contemptuous glance.
You. I had intended to let you off as a courtesy to my host, but if you insist on deliberately seeking me out, then clearly you are begging for the evisceration you have long been denied."
Yuno turned look at him attentively. "Details, please."
Noburi rolled his eyes (out of her line of sight; one did not insult one's potential bride's hobbies). "He means verbal evisceration, which would be a great threat if he didn't have to carry it out with his blunt spoon of a mind.
"Yuno, Hyūga Neji. He's a minor branch family member of the Hyūga Clan with delusions of grandeur.
"Hyūga, Gasai Yuno. A woman who has everything you lack, from brains, to beauty, to the respect of another human being—in this instance, me."
"Glad to see you're drowning in your own wit, Gōketsu. I would offer you a towel, but it seems you're already completely dry."
Well, now. Hyūga must have been training hard since they last met.
Hyūga raised his eyebrows. "Another of your many mudfoots?"
Yuno looked down at Noburi questioningly.
"Kannagi Clan, actually," Noburi said. "The best of them, at that."
Yuno smiled shyly.
"I do not bother memorising the names of all the minor clans," Hyūga said dismissively. "Just be sure not to let him drag you down into the mud with him."
"You don't need to worry about that," Noburi said. "I've already reserved your place."
"I regret to tell you that I have no need to avail myself of your employee discount."
Hyūga really was growing. Noburi wondered if he'd picked up some kind of creative hobby.
"And here I thought you were poor," Noburi replied. "Oh, no, sorry, that was 'morally bankrupt'."
"A fine thing to hear from a foreigner incapable of morality to begin with. I'd sooner be judged by an Inuzuka dog than you."
Too easy. Far, far too easy.
"Are you two best friends?" Yuno asked unironically before Noburi could craft a response worthy of the opening.
"Like hell we are!/How dare you!"
"You bounce off each other," Yuno said affectionately. "You've got this great rhythm going—it's so adorable. If you were a boy and a girl, I'd be dragging you off to the Betrothal Stone myself."
Noburi and Hyūga looked aghast at each other.
"Thanks for introducing us, Noburi," Yuno said. "And it's nice to meet you, Hyūga. I hope the three of us will get to spend much more time together."
"Hey," Noburi said. "Is it me, or has the main room gone really quiet?"
Hyūga made to go investigate, briefly noted all the people he'd have to push past, then smirked.
Huh? Oh, right, Kagome had yet to replace the (usually unnecessary) privacy seals on the inner walls.
"Well?" Noburi asked.
"By the Tsuchikage's enormous rocks, what
is that thing?!"