"Don't mention it," she said. "I'm working hard to forget that deal ever existed and definitely don't want to talk about it, think about it, or acknowledge it in any way, ever again. Let's just pretend that it never happened; it's dead, so further discussion of it can't do anything except cause problems." She shook her head ruefully. "And yes, in retrospect I see that it was a terrible idea that I should never have pursued and I'm very sorry that I did. Personally, I interpreted it as a case of ethical nuance with practical consequences that were important and philosophical slash moral consequences that were interesting, and I think it would have said a lot about your character and would have helped you develop as a person and as a leader. Still, based on your reaction I see that in the future I should keep things much more black-and-white and not do anything that you might consider even the slightest vaguest teensiest bit questionable, because the drama isn't worth it even for something that would have made our clan suuuuper powerful and influential."