Short update, but I'm glad things are getting back on track again. Hopefully we can wrap up our meetings in an update or two and then do some more interesting things and/or unwind a little before the final prep for the vote. Thanks for the update!
I'm about to be banned for insisting on archiving SV threads for my personal use, so goodbye everyone! It's been fun.
Yeah, this is the only thread I really participate in though. And I am going to respect their right to ban me, even if I don't respect their right to keep me from downloading quests.

Don't worry, the offtopic will come to a sudden and abrupt end pretty soon :p
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"Don't mention it," she said. "I'm working hard to forget that deal ever existed and definitely don't want to talk about it, think about it, or acknowledge it in any way, ever again. Let's just pretend that it never happened; it's dead, so further discussion of it can't do anything except cause problems." She shook her head ruefully. "And yes, in retrospect I see that it was a terrible idea that I should never have pursued and I'm very sorry that I did. Personally, I interpreted it as a case of ethical nuance with practical consequences that were important and philosophical slash moral consequences that were interesting, and I think it would have said a lot about your character and would have helped you develop as a person and as a leader. Still, based on your reaction I see that in the future I should keep things much more black-and-white and not do anything that you might consider even the slightest vaguest teensiest bit questionable, because the drama isn't worth it even for something that would have made our clan suuuuper powerful and influential."
Subtle. But amusing.

And wow, Naruto's apparently loaded. Or at least pretending to be, and I'm not sure why he'd do that.
Why would they ban you over that request, unless you've been obnoxious about it? I mean, would got rather read quests online or not at all?

Actually, don't answer that. I don't want to get dragged in drama.
Yeah, this is the only thread I really participate in though. And I am going to respect their right to ban me, even if I don't respect their right to keep me from downloading quests.

Don't worry, the offtopic will come to a sudden and abrupt end pretty soon :p
Could you not just set whatever tool you're using to do it slowly? The thread's not going away, so if you told it to do a page every 15 minutes you'd get the whole quest in about 2 months, and probably not piss off the Staff.
All three were lovely people and I had a great time. Thanks, folks!
My sources say that @MMKII was one of these individuals (my source is @MMKII) and he also went on record saying:

It was a blast! Definitely have to do it again sometime! :)

Naruto Prime sat forward, his fingers steepling as the other Narutos looked up. Their multi-faced smile was amused and sardonic at the same time; the feeling of four sets of perfectly-coordinated stares made Hazō nervous.

"Are you asking me for money?" the Narutos all asked in terrifyingly creepy unison.

Why would they ban you over that request, unless you've been obnoxious about it? I mean, would got rather read quests online or not at all?

The same as for any website that officially bans downloading and keeping content: the site is licensed by users to display that content directly, but it's not licensed to otherwise distribute that content.

This is more relevant on SV than most forums, because the site has nominally private member-only sections that are sometimes used by real published writer people to preview content, and the status of prior public distribution is often an important point of publishing contracts.
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. . .
The economic question of the day has now been answered.
  • What has historically motivated civilians to resettle?
    • Famine, destruction of settlements by chakra beast, sometime ninja for the same reason. Very rarely, population growth pressure(the 7th son getting the boot). If peasants are lucky, rural nobility supporting land expansion for more farmlands, sometime resettling abandoned settlements.
The same as for any website that officially bans downloading and keeping content: the site is licensed by users to display that content directly, but it's not licensed to otherwise distribute that content.

This is more relevant on SV than most forums, because the site has nominally private member-only sections that are sometimes used by real published writer people to preview content, and the status of prior public distribution is often an important point of publishing contracts.

Not according to explicit, public statements by a director who refused to participate in protecting first-publication rights as immoral, for what little the words of the executive staff are worth.