Should the woman wish to be re-adopted into the Uchiha Clan, the Gouketsu Clan will pay the sum of R42,400 (annual subsistence level for a ninja) annually to the Uchiha Clan for the rest of that woman's life.
No. Bad incentives. Cut entirely.
The Gouketsu Clan offers to shoulder the cost of raising their blood children until they reach their legal age of majority, after which point they will move into the Uchiha Clan. At all points these children will be legally considered to be members of the Uchiha Clan.
"cost of raising" -> "cost of raising (including but not limited to: monetary costs, training, general child rearing, etc.) "
The Gouketsu Clan offers an increased payment totaling up to R5,000,000 per month to the Uchiha Clan.

No. Absolutely not. Do not go higher than 1.5 mil ryo.

The Gouketsu Clan offers to reduce the number of political markers given upfront by the Uchiha Clan down to 1 (which will be used for the Hokage vote).
Make it 3.

The Gouketsu Clan offers to void political markers the Uchiha Clan is obligated to give for every year a child is adopted into the Uchiha.
The Gouketsu Clan offers to reduce or void political markers the Uchiha Clan is obligated to give for every year a child with the potential to develop the Sharingan is adopted.
What does this even mean? We wouldn't get extra markers?

The Gouketsu Clan offers to reduce the amount or duration of the 5% Uchiha income net of basic clan expenses, and are willing to void this entirely.
Thats perfect.
Don't forget we can offer justu and seal education, and maybe Nara hours owed to us(pending Nara approvals).
Eaglejarl wants us to be specific about this, and while I'm certainly willing to add it I don't know how broad we can be on this. I'mma table this for now.
What does this even mean? We wouldn't get extra markers?
Yes, basically. The Uchiha Clan is obligated to offer a political marker for every year a child is born and adopted, and one additional marker for children that have Sharingan potential. Gonna change that to be more clear in a bit.

Changed everything else you suggested.

Suggested Changes to the Uchiha Deal:

Gouketsu Key Contentions and Possible Solutions: If any of these contentions are not solved to our satisfaction, we will not sign the contract. Bulleted beneath each Key Contention are details and/or possible solutions to the contention.
  1. The Gouketsu Clan will not allow for the eleven (11) civilian women to be impregnated to be threatened, blackmailed, coerced, or in any other way be unwilling to bear children. At any point, any one of the civilian women may choose to 'opt out' of the deal, and may choose to remain within the Gouketsu Clan or be re-adopted into the Uchiha Clan as she sees fit.
    • The Uchiha Clan is free to select another healthy civilian woman to be adopted into the Gouketsu Clan. This woman will continue the previous woman's obligations under the same terms of the deal.
    • Should adoption not be feasible, the Gouketsu Clan will ensure that the total number of children adopted into the Uchiha Clan (55) remains the same, and will bear another child from the remaining women as soon as is healthy to do so. Should these children be born after the five-year stipulation, the Uchiha Clan will not be obligated to pay the one (1) political marker for the year this child is born.
  2. To ensure the safety of the eleven (11) civilian women, a competent medical professional will be enlisted to confirm whether or not each woman is capable of giving birth with minimal complications (NB: the chances of this woman dying or being otherwise permanently weakened from the ordeal is less than 5%). Should this medical professional deem it so, the rate OR number of births for this woman must be reduced or ended entirely.
    • The Uchiha Clan is free to select another healthy civilian woman to be adopted into the Gouketsu Clan. This woman will continue the previous woman's obligations under the same terms of the deal.
    • Should adoption not be feasible, the Gouketsu Clan will ensure that the total number of children (55) adopted into the Uchiha Clan remains the same, and will bear another child from the remaining women as soon as is healthy to do so. Should these children be born after the five-year stipulation, the Uchiha Clan will not be obligated to pay the one (1) political marker for the year this child is born.
  3. Parents of any child born and immediately adopted or married into the Uchiha Clan will be allowed to be heavily involved in the raising of the child until said child has reached his or her age of majority. This includes any children born under the eleven (11) civilian women adopted from this deal, as well as any future children with the potential to develop the Sharingan.
    • At the bare minimum, the Gouketsu Clan requires the right to visit these children as often as they desire.
    • The Gouketsu Clan offers to shoulder the cost of raising these children, which includes but is not limited to: monetary costs, training, general child rearing, etc., until they reach their legal age of majority, after which point they will move into the Uchiha Clan. At all points these children will be legally considered to be members of the Uchiha Clan.
    • The Gouketsu and Uchiha Clans may choose to raise these children together under dual-clan membership. This means that they will be considered to be both of the Uchiha AND the Gouketsu Clans, though their status as Uchiha Clan will take precedence.
    • The Gouketsu Clan is willing to train these children to prevent issues arising from the Iron Nerve bloodline from occuring, and may offer them tutoring in certain clan secrets (without being said aloud, this means teaching them Pangolin jutsu and/or IN socials). Any clan secret training will be understood to be not taught to anyone outside of the Gouketsu Clan.

Additional Concessions to Contentions: In addition to solutions to specific contentions, these are general concessions that may be added to resolve any contention. Specifics are to be determined based on the magnitude of the contention and how much is necessary to 'balance the scales'.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers an increased payment totaling up to R1,500,000 per month to the Uchiha Clan.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to reduce the total number of political markers given upfront by the Uchiha Clan down to 3.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to void political markers the Uchiha Clan is obligated to give for every year a child is adopted into the Uchiha.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to void political markers the Uchiha Clan is obligated to give for every year a child with the potential to develop the Sharingan is adopted.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to reduce the amount or duration of the 5% Uchiha income net of basic clan expenses, and are willing to void this entirely.
But they are Goketsu for all intents and purposes and *grumble* *grumble* Alright, point. Changed.

Add in the dual-clanship bit that this would of course include the kids getting techniques from us as well as our ridiculous Gouketsu-insanity level sealing loadouts.
Add in the dual-clanship bit that this would of course include the kids getting techniques from us as well as our ridiculous Gouketsu-insanity level sealing loadouts.
Would it be appropriate to just put it into the last bullet point? Seems to be something we'd do if they were dual-clan or raised by us entirely...
Should adoption not be feasible, the Gouketsu Clan will ensure that the total number of children (55) adopted into the Uchiha Clan remains the same

This (and other parts like it) aren't in the original deal, why would we make it worse for ourselves?

The deal is for pregnancies, not births, not children.

I assume Mari understood the distinction and slipped it past the Uchiha negotiator.
Would it be appropriate to just put it into the last bullet point? Seems to be something we'd do if they were dual-clan or raised by us entirely...

As long we abide by the letter and the spirit of the agreement and that they are told this agreement, we'll be fine. (Basically, if they are not legally and spiritually Goketsu, we can't teach them)
Would it be appropriate to just put it into the last bullet point? Seems to be something we'd do if they were dual-clan or raised by us entirely...


I would even go as far as to put "NB: The incentive here is that if they are family they get treated like family. This includes making sure they're better equipped than a small nation's army and are as unkillable as possible."
  • Should adoption not be feasible, the Gouketsu Clan will ensure that the total number of children adopted into the Uchiha Clan (55) remains the same, and will bear another child from the remaining women as soon as is healthy to do so. Should these children be born after the five-year stipulation, the Uchiha Clan will not be obligated to pay the one (1) political marker for the year this child is born.

The Uchiha wants the children, the Uchiha should shoulder the burden of making the adoption possible, not us. As long as we act in good faith, they need to make adoption possible with all they have.
    • The Gouketsu Clan is willing to train these children to prevent issues arising from the Iron Nerve bloodline from occuring, and may offer tutoring in certain clan secrets (without these being said, this can include seal training and Pangolin jutsu). Any clan secret training will be understood to be not taught to anyone outside of the Gouketsu Clan.

If we really REALLY want to give them the IN children, then we should propose something along the lines "IN are Goketsu,they will marry Uchiha" / "IN are Uchiha, they will marry Goketsu" or the much better "Bloodline holders that are not sharingans will have dual clanship, with their progeny being Goketsu(Major)-Uchiha(IN) or Uchiha(Major)-Goketsu(Normal/Sharingan) as far as chain of command is concerned"

Also,what are going to do about other Sharingan wielders/Hazou developing the Sharigan(If possible, but we all know we are going to try)? Let them have it? Insert a clause?
I say "This deal is about the 55 children, we are willing to talk about another deal".
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This (and other parts like it) aren't in the original deal, why would we make it worse for ourselves?

The deal is for pregnancies, not births, not children.

I assume Mari understood the distinction and slipped it past the Uchiha negotiator.
Point, changed.
As long we abide by the letter and the spirit of the agreement and that they are told this agreement, we'll be fine. (Basically, if they are not legally and spiritually Goketsu, we can't teach them)

I would even go as far as to put "NB: The incentive here is that if they are family they get treated like family. This includes making sure they're better equipped than a small nation's army and are as unkillable as possible."
Alright then.
If we really REALLY want to give them the IN children, then we should propose something along the lines "IN are Goketsu,they will marry Uchiha" / "IN are Uchiha, they will marry Goketsu" or the much better "Bloodline holders that are not sharingans will have dual clanship, with their progeny being Goketsu(Major)-Uchiha(IN) or Uchiha(Major)-Goketsu(Normal/Sharingan) as far as chain of command is concerned"
I'm not as concerned with IN as I was in the past. Honestly, as long as we're able to influence them with the whole "raising them" thing, I'm cool with letting them go to the Uchiha.
Also,what are going to do about other Sharingan wielders/Hazou developing the Sharigan(If possible, but we all know we are going to try)? Let them have it? Insert a clause?
I say "This deal is about the 55 children, we are willing to talk about another deal".
Other Sharingan users aren't going to be an issue, but they will be if we make it so. Hazou isn't developing the Sharingan, it's literally impossible barring massive biosealing or related bullshit. The Uchiha Clan isn't going to tolerate another clan having their bloodline, one would imagine that they're still pissed at the Kurosawa for what happened way back when.

Suggested Changes to the Uchiha Deal:

Gouketsu Key Contentions and Possible Solutions: If any of these contentions are not solved to our satisfaction, we will not sign the contract. Bulleted beneath each Key Contention are details and/or possible solutions to the contention.
  1. The Gouketsu Clan will not allow for the eleven (11) civilian women to be impregnated to be threatened, blackmailed, coerced, or in any other way be unwilling to bear children. At any point, any one of the civilian women may choose to 'opt out' of the deal, and may choose to remain within the Gouketsu Clan or be re-adopted into the Uchiha Clan as she sees fit.
    • The Uchiha Clan is free to select another healthy civilian woman to be adopted into the Gouketsu Clan. This woman will continue the previous woman's obligations under the same terms of the deal.
    • Should adoption not be feasible, the Gouketsu Clan will ensure that the total number of pregnancies (55) remains the same, and will ensure another pregnancy from the remaining women as soon as is healthy to do so. Should this occur after the five-year stipulation, the Uchiha Clan will not be obligated to pay the one (1) political marker owed for the particular year a child is born.
  2. To ensure the safety of the eleven (11) civilian women, a competent medical professional will be enlisted to confirm whether or not each woman is capable of giving birth with minimal complications (NB: the chances of this woman dying or being otherwise permanently weakened from the ordeal is less than 5%). Should this medical professional deem it so, the rate OR number of births for this woman must be reduced or ended entirely.
    • The Uchiha Clan is free to select another healthy civilian woman to be adopted into the Gouketsu Clan. This woman will continue the previous woman's obligations under the same terms of the deal.
    • Should adoption not be feasible, the Gouketsu Clan will ensure that the total number of pregnancies (55) remains the same, and will ensure another pregnancy from the remaining women as soon as is healthy to do so. Should this occur after the five-year stipulation, the Uchiha Clan will not be obligated to pay the one (1) political marker owed for the particular year a child is born.
  3. Parents of any child born and immediately adopted or married into the Uchiha Clan will be allowed to be heavily involved in the raising of the child until said child has reached his or her age of majority. This includes any children born under the eleven (11) civilian women adopted from this deal, as well as any future children with the potential to develop the Sharingan.
    • At the bare minimum, the Gouketsu Clan requires the right to visit these children as often as they desire.
    • The Gouketsu Clan offers to shoulder the cost of raising these children, which includes but is not limited to: monetary costs, training, general child rearing, etc., until they reach their legal age of majority, after which point they will move into the Uchiha Clan. At all points these children will be legally considered to be members of the Uchiha Clan.
    • The Gouketsu and Uchiha Clans may choose to raise these children together under dual-clan membership. This means that they will be considered to be both of the Uchiha AND the Gouketsu Clans, though their status as Uchiha Clan will take precedence.
    • The Gouketsu Clan is willing to train these children to prevent issues arising from the Iron Nerve bloodline from occuring, and may offer them tutoring in certain clan secrets (without being said aloud, this means teaching them details on the Iron Nerve). Any clan secret training will be understood to be not taught to anyone outside of the Gouketsu Clan. Additionally, the Gouketsu is willing to teach them non-clan secret techniques and outfit them with seal loadouts at our discretion.
      • NB: The incentive here is that if they are family they get treated like family. This includes making sure they're better equipped than a small nation's army and are as unkillable as possible.

Additional Concessions to Contentions: In addition to solutions to specific contentions, these are general concessions that may be added to resolve any contention. Specifics are to be determined based on the magnitude of the contention and how much is necessary to 'balance the scales'.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers an increased payment totaling up to R1,500,000 per month to the Uchiha Clan.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to reduce the total number of political markers given upfront by the Uchiha Clan down to 3.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to void political markers the Uchiha Clan is obligated to give for every year a child is adopted into the Uchiha.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to void political markers the Uchiha Clan is obligated to give for every year a child with the potential to develop the Sharingan is adopted.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to reduce the amount or duration of the 5% Uchiha income net of basic clan expenses, and are willing to void this entirely.
Hazou developing the Sharigan(If possible, but we all know we are going to try)
If we personally get adopted to the Uchiha after somehow obtaining the Sharingan, we'll likely be running the show more or less within the year. This would be fantastic, so we should leave that possibility open.

If we manage to go the weird eye transplant route and get both bloodlines, well, that would make it pretty much trivial to take them over. We just level up combat skills and socials and then Jiraiya their asses after convincing Sasuke that the elders are a pile of whiny bitches.
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I'm not as concerned with IN as I was in the past. Honestly, as long as we're able to influence them with the whole "raising them" thing, I'm cool with letting them go to the Uchiha.

Well, dual clanship would give us even more possibility to influence them, by virtue of being part of our clan, also the real objective is to make so that a decent part of the Uchiha ninja will legally be Uchiha-Goketsu/Goketsu-Uchiha, forcing the two clan merge sooner or later.
The "Bloodlines must remain secret" is a good enough smokescreen to force dual clanship and start the process.

Other Sharingan users aren't going to be an issue, but they will be if we make it so. Hazou isn't developing the Sharingan, it's literally impossible barring massive biosealing or related bullshit. The Uchiha Clan isn't going to tolerate another clan having their bloodline, one would imagine that they're still pissed at the Kurosawa for what happened way back when.

Yeah? Of course we're going for massive biosealing bullshit, we want to become immortal and resurrect people.
My proposal was more alongside the line "Sneakily insert that this deal is about 55 pregnancies(Something completely legit), so that in case we can just rule-lawyer our way out of it if our children has the Sharingan", but "ignore it and deal with it once we are S-rankers" works too.
Well, dual clanship would give us even more possibility to influence them, by virtue of being part of our clan, also the real objective is to make so that a decent part of the Uchiha ninja will legally be Uchiha-Goketsu/Goketsu-Uchiha, forcing the two clan merge sooner or later.
The "Bloodlines must remain secret" is a good enough smokescreen to force dual clanship and start the process.

Screw that. We are not losing another vote for hokage.
Screw that. We are not losing another vote for hokage.

We don't need them to actually merge, just to informally be almost the same like the Uzumaki and Goketsu are now.
Once we are at that point, we can decide when and if to make the merge official, or use both clans for double the votes.
Uchiha+Goketsu+Hagamoro will be an insanely powerful voting block, if we vote with the ISC.
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Pregnancies versus children.
...yeah, OK. That's fair. I think this was the original.

Suggested Changes to the Uchiha Deal:

Gouketsu Key Contentions and Possible Solutions: If any of these contentions are not solved to our satisfaction, we will not sign the contract. Bulleted beneath each Key Contention are details and/or possible solutions to the contention.
  1. The Gouketsu Clan will not allow for the eleven (11) civilian women to be impregnated to be threatened, blackmailed, coerced, or in any other way be unwilling to bear children. At any point, any one of the civilian women may choose to 'opt out' of the deal, and may choose to remain within the Gouketsu Clan or be re-adopted into the Uchiha Clan as she sees fit.
    • The Uchiha Clan is free to select another healthy civilian woman to be adopted into the Gouketsu Clan. This woman will continue the previous woman's obligations under the same terms of the deal.
    • Should adoption not be feasible, the Gouketsu Clan will ensure that the total number of children born to these women (55) remains the same, and will ensure another children is born from the remaining women as soon as is healthy to do so. Should this occur after the five-year stipulation, the Uchiha Clan will not be obligated to pay the one (1) political marker owed for the particular year a child is born.
  2. To ensure the safety of the eleven (11) civilian women, a competent medical professional will be enlisted to confirm whether or not each woman is capable of giving birth with minimal complications (NB: the chances of this woman dying or being otherwise permanently weakened from the ordeal is less than 5%). Should this medical professional deem it so, the rate OR number of births for this woman must be reduced or ended entirely.
    • The Uchiha Clan is free to select another healthy civilian woman to be adopted into the Gouketsu Clan. This woman will continue the previous woman's obligations under the same terms of the deal.
    • Should adoption not be feasible, the Gouketsu Clan will ensure that the total number of children born to these women (55) remains the same, and will ensure another children is born from the remaining women as soon as is healthy to do so. Should this occur after the five-year stipulation, the Uchiha Clan will not be obligated to pay the one (1) political marker owed for the particular year a child is born.
  3. Parents of any child born and immediately adopted or married into the Uchiha Clan will be allowed to be heavily involved in the raising of the child until said child has reached his or her age of majority. This includes any children born under the eleven (11) civilian women adopted from this deal, as well as any future children with the potential to develop the Sharingan.
    • At the bare minimum, the Gouketsu Clan requires the right to visit these children as often as they desire.
    • The Gouketsu Clan offers to shoulder the cost of raising these children, which includes but is not limited to: monetary costs, training, general child rearing, etc., until they reach their legal age of majority, after which point they will move into the Uchiha Clan. At all points these children will be legally considered to be members of the Uchiha Clan.
    • The Gouketsu and Uchiha Clans may choose to raise these children together under dual-clan membership. This means that they will be considered to be both of the Uchiha AND the Gouketsu Clans, though their status as Uchiha Clan will take precedence.
    • The Gouketsu Clan is willing to train these children to prevent issues arising from the Iron Nerve bloodline from occuring, and may offer them tutoring in certain clan secrets (without being said aloud, this means teaching them details on the Iron Nerve). Any clan secret training will be understood to be not taught to anyone outside of the Gouketsu Clan. Additionally, the Gouketsu is willing to teach them non-clan secret techniques and outfit them with seal loadouts at our discretion.
      • NB: The incentive here is that if they are family they get treated like family. This includes making sure they're better equipped than a small nation's army and are as unkillable as possible.

Additional Concessions to Contentions: In addition to solutions to specific contentions, these are general concessions that may be added to resolve any contention. Specifics are to be determined based on the magnitude of the contention and how much is necessary to 'balance the scales'.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers an increased payment totaling up to R1,500,000 per month to the Uchiha Clan.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to reduce the total number of political markers given upfront by the Uchiha Clan down to 3.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to void political markers the Uchiha Clan is obligated to give for every year a child is adopted into the Uchiha.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to void political markers the Uchiha Clan is obligated to give for every year a child with the potential to develop the Sharingan is adopted.
  • The Gouketsu Clan offers to reduce the amount or duration of the 5% Uchiha income net of basic clan expenses, and are willing to void this entirely.