The Uchiha Renegotiation, as per Action Plan Head to Head
Goketsu Requirements
Goketsu will have a role in raising their blood children. Possible methods to accomplish this include visitation rights for the Goketsu father, dual-clan membership, or the Goketsu raising their blood children, legally understood to be Uchiha.
Adopted civilian women's birthrate will be reduced to safe levels, closer to a year between pregnancies or higher if possible. Current expected birthrate will result in severely deficient infants and significantly higher risk to women. Possible solutions include adopting more women or adopting a longer time horizon for these children to be ready.
Goketsu's (Possible) Concessions
Remove Hokage vote abstension requirement, given that Hiashi loses the vote for Hokage. (i.e. we won't require you to abstain, but the deals' only on if Hiashi loses)
Reduction in net income take (i.e. we won't take 5% of your net income, we'll take 3%)
Reduction in marker take (i.e. we won't ask for 5 upfront, we can deal with less)
Reinterpretation/favorable definition of "preferential trading partner" (i.e. preferential trading partner means no tariffs between us, moneylender on given terms, but no right of first refusal, to be more generous)
Increased civilian adoptions (i.e. we'll adopt more than eleven women but keep the amount of expected children the same)
Goketsu's Possible Further Demands
We want more jutsus.
We want more seals.
Goketsu's Best Alternative to No Agreement
Walk away without signing either contract.
@eaglejarl, is this an improvement?