None of that is refinancing in common usage. Refinancing is when you renegotiate terms with the original lender.

Ummmm.... its how I've generally understood it?

"Refinancing is the replacement of an existing debt obligation with another debt obligation under different terms."

Refinancing - Wikipedia

"to renew or reorganize the financing of something : to provide for (an outstanding indebtedness) by making or obtaining another loan or a larger loan on fresh terms"

Definition of REFINANCING
Huh, if Tsunade is sure she's not going to continue the Senju can we ask her to designate the Goketsu as the Heir to the senju's founding status? If and when she chooses to dissolve the Senju clan as a political entity.

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail :

How much access do we have to Naruto these days?

Is he still inpatient at the hospital? Sleeping in the Uzumaki clan compound? Sleeping at his apartment? Does he visit/crash at the Goketsu compound?

What do we know about his current daily routine? Mostly resting? Therapy? Training? Etc..

Also, do the Uzumaki have a clan compound?

  • It could be 'no' because:
    • Well, if the clan were dwindling before the Kyuubi attack then non-productive property is an easy first choice to liquidate.
    • They just didn't have a compound in the first place.
    • Mismanagement of whatever trust/inheritance Naruto had.
  • It could be 'yes' because:
    • There were more members of the clan when the Kyuubi attacked, but they all died.
    • Maybe Naruto was born in the clan compound, and it was effectively wrecked when the Kyuubi attacked, so it's just a rented out plot of land now.
    • If Naruto and his mom were the last members of the Uzumaki clan, then they might have been planning to converting it into the Namikaze clan compound, or having Minato become an Uzumaki. (It would have been a really good political move, esp. given the respect Minato was held in).
  • It could be 'only a few small holdings' because:
    • It's just a bunch of productive rented out property scattered around Leaf. The rest was liquidated since it wasn't profitable.
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@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail :

How much access do we have to Naruto these days?

Is he still inpatient at the hospital? Sleeping in the Uzumaki clan compound? Sleeping at his apartment? Does he visit/crash at the Goketsu compound?

What do we know about his current daily routine? Mostly resting? Therapy? Training? Etc..

He apparently has shadow clones everywhere, so we just need to find one.
Ummmm.... its how I've generally understood it?

"Refinancing is the replacement of an existing debt obligation with another debt obligation under different terms."

Refinancing - Wikipedia

"to renew or reorganize the financing of something : to provide for (an outstanding indebtedness) by making or obtaining another loan or a larger loan on fresh terms"

Definition of REFINANCING
I stand corrected. Never heard it used that way.

By the way @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail This is just a curiosity on my part; have you guys (read: Velorien) given thought to how Keiko's shadow clones might act, once she has it?

Huh, if Tsunade is sure she's not going to continue the Senju can we ask her to designate the Goketsu as the Heir to the senju's founding status? If and when she chooses to dissolve the Senju clan as a political entity.

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail :

How much access do we have to Naruto these days?

Is he still inpatient at the hospital? Sleeping in the Uzumaki clan compound? Sleeping at his apartment? Does he visit/crash at the Goketsu compound?

What do we know about his current daily routine? Mostly resting? Therapy? Training? Etc..

Also, do the Uzumaki have a clan compound?
A fair amount.
Yes/generally no.
Little to nothing, HDK. HDK. HDK.
I'm not sure Hazō would know.
Naruto is almost certainly spying on us. Our high OPSEC room is probably safe, but we shouldn't assume anything else is.

Granted, we don't have anything we desperately want to keep from him. But we should keep it in mind.
The thread is moving to fast, I just finished Page 5936, so sorry if what I have to say is already mentioned.

[X] Action Plan: Clanless Interactions

I'd normally be inclined to treat this as a joke, but my experience tells me not to. The theory implies that Mari was somehow able to spy on us from a huge distance. Hmmm

Nah, I hear you too.

Which just means something terribly is about to happen to me.

When exactly did Whirlpool vanished? In Canon it was at Kushina's 7 years iirc, so it should be about 25 or more years ago

We may play peacemakers between two. We're already on good terms with Mist yaks, let's achieve similar with Leaf's and then bring them together on neutral grounds to pitch yak-peace. Will need to go with @faflec idea of settings up communication channel with Mist via Ami.

Also, about good relations with Oyabun: I vaguely recall him failing a deception roll against Keiko regarding certain scroll. Did we ever investigated that? My read was that it had some kind of recording seal in it and he wanted to have scroll back to get the info on us discussing him with Jiraiya. Do we still have the scroll?

Yeah, sorry about that. This won't make sense until later, but don't look at them, don't talk about them, don't in any way acknowledge them. Don't try to warn anybody. Just find an excuse to get up and leave the area as soon as possible. They don't automatically know that you can see them, and you really don't want them to find out.

Whirlpool went poof suspiciously shortly before the last great war. I'm 90% sure that Ami's patron's memory of his first encounter with the Sannin happened during the Whirlpool campaign and he was so surprised and unprepared for it because Leaf was at least officially the only major power to stay out of it.
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Spread rumors with Mari and Naruto to get tenuous allies to abstain. Follow their lead.
  • Hiashi said something horribly offensive targeted at one of the Inuzuka who died at Nagi island.
  • Hiashi plans to hold Uchiha responsible for Itachi's betrayal and the Leaf deaths at Nagi island, as a multipart plan to vassalize the Clan while they're weak.
  • Hiashi plans to screw over the Kyoshō to secure the Kurusu vote (and vice versa).
We should be weary of anything that might cause the Uchiha to back off, unless the rumor's Uchiha's approved or something.
Right, so I'm not that concerned with this since we'd be following Mari's/Naruto's orders, and they'd know if doing something like this would go badly; but if more people voice concerns about it I'd be willing to alter or remove that section.
Huh. I'd have intuitively expected this to be the other way around. Special jōnin previously were always explained as being highly skilled in certain areas, but not well rounded enough or otherwise lacking in something to be promoted to full jōnin, with the command position that entails. This seems like a perfect excuse to promote some chūnin to the high income bracket in order to ensure loyalty, without having to justify doing so if the person isn't actually jōnin material.

As is, a promotion to special jōnin is actually a thinly veiled insult while at the same time not quite explaining how valuable single focus ninja become special jōnin. If that is even still a thing.

Hmm. This being new to Mari means that Mist had a different system. Interesting. Would asking her about it cost you guys too many spoons?

The only thing we know right now is that in Mist a jōnin banished from her clan ended up with less than subsistence level. Maybe Hana's bonuses continued to directly flow to the Kurosawa instead.


What do you suppose is the point of the parenthesis then?

Given the existence and descriptions of the jounin aura, I wouldn't be surprised if jounin is something you are and the rank is just recognition of it. Mari is certainly emphatic that there are no jounin exams and mum on everything else about it. There might be a sharp, objective, qualitative difference when somebody becomes one. Since we don't know about it it would probably be something which only other jounin recognize, but it wouldn't be surprising if you could take any jounin and run them anonymously through something in front of any other jounin and always get the same answer of, "yup, that's a jounin."
...Would it help to have a (public) list of questions that are under active discussion amongst the QMs?
While that's cool, is there a reason not to push chakra and shadow clones now? This seems like the ideal time, with a party member with enough xp, and a protegy teacher.
Honestly, I'm leery of trying to metagame Akane's XP expenditures. Until quite recently she has little idea she was going to become officially part of the Goketsu and thus gain access to the rights of top-tier secret techniques and the like. And without the expectation of eventual Shadow Clone I just don't buy Akane pushing Chakra Reserves over her primary combat skills or rounding out other parts of her build (her skill pyramid is pretty stretched, she could use a couple more 20's and 30's). Spending XP is retroactive wibbly casuality and technically we can spend it on anything but I don't want to poke the veil by having XP expenditures that don't make sense for the periods of time they represent.

Pushing ridiculously high Elemental Mastery is slightly more plausible, since it's one of her most unique advantages and it's good to capitalize on it, and it's a pretty good area denial technique, but at the same time if Akane said that she spend the last few months exclusively training Elemental Mastery I'd squint at her because it would seem very odd for her to suddenly value this one jutsu over the entire rest of her build.

I personally think that we should divide her XP between rounding out her build a little, pushing her main stats, and then putting a little off to the side to maybe push things in a preferred direction a little. For example:

Elemental Mastery 10->20 (155 XP)
Chakra Reserves 17-22 (200 XP)
1009/1364 XP remaining
Getting Elemental Mastery and Chakra Reserves more build presence serves our meta goals but is also reasonably in-character. Akane would appreciate the value of good chakra reserves and stronger area denial, especially in moderation not consuming the entirety of her focus. From that, she could do something like this:
Alertness 30-40 (355 XP)
Physique 25-30 (140 XP)
Taijutsu 40-45 (215 XP)
Trapmaking 30-35 (165 XP)
Flame Aura 10-20 (77.5 XP after EM discount)
And that would leave 56.5 XP left for tweaking the numbers a little or putting a bit into bumping socials or getting a couple other skills to level 10 for the skill pyramid. Either way, something like this is something I'd easy buy her spending her time on.

(If you have a keen eye you'd probably notice that Akane wouldn't have enough 30's skills to support Alertness 40, but she could just leave it at 39 until she gets something else up to 30 or pushes Taijutsu up to 50.)

In conclusion, yes it's tempting to treat Akane's vast swaths of unspent XP as a blank check to level anything we want, but if we blatantly metagame her stats it'll show in the story as an inexplicable choice for Akane to spend the last few months grinding CR way past where it needs to be to the exclusion of her primary and supplementary skills. Instead we should focus on the general shape of how Akane would spend her XP and tweak the edges to befit our intentions without making the choice odd.
Honestly, I'm leery of trying to metagame Akane's XP expenditures. Until quite recently she has little idea she was going to become officially part of the Goketsu and thus gain access to the rights of top-tier secret techniques and the like. And without the expectation of eventual Shadow Clone I just don't buy Akane pushing Chakra Reserves over her primary combat skills or rounding out other parts of her build (her skill pyramid is pretty stretched, she could use a couple more 20's and 30's). Spending XP is retroactive wibbly casuality and technically we can spend it on anything but I don't want to poke the veil by having XP expenditures that don't make sense for the periods of time they represent.

Pushing ridiculously high Elemental Mastery is slightly more plausible, since it's one of her most unique advantages and it's good to capitalize on it, and it's a pretty good area denial technique, but at the same time if Akane said that she spend the last few months exclusively training Elemental Mastery I'd squint at her because it would seem very odd for her to suddenly value this one jutsu over the entire rest of her build.

I personally think that we should divide her XP between rounding out her build a little, pushing her main stats, and then putting a little off to the side to maybe push things in a preferred direction a little. For example:

Elemental Mastery 10->20 (155 XP)
Chakra Reserves 17-22 (200 XP)
1009/1364 XP remaining
Getting Elemental Mastery and Chakra Reserves more build presence serves our meta goals but is also reasonably in-character. Akane would appreciate the value of good chakra reserves and stronger area denial, especially in moderation not consuming the entirety of her focus. From that, she could do something like this:
Alertness 30-40 (355 XP)
Physique 25-30 (140 XP)
Taijutsu 40-45 (215 XP)
Trapmaking 30-35 (165 XP)
Flame Aura 10-20 (77.5 XP after EM discount)
And that would leave 56.5 XP left for tweaking the numbers a little or putting a bit into bumping socials or getting a couple other skills to level 10 for the skill pyramid. Either way, something like this is something I'd easy buy her spending her time on.

(If you have a keen eye you'd probably notice that Akane wouldn't have enough 30's skills to support Alertness 40, but she could just leave it at 39 until she gets something else up to 30 or pushes Taijutsu up to 50.)

In conclusion, yes it's tempting to treat Akane's vast swaths of unspent XP as a blank check to level anything we want, but if we blatantly metagame her stats it'll show in the story as an inexplicable choice for Akane to spend the last few months grinding CR way past where it needs to be to the exclusion of her primary and supplementary skills. Instead we should focus on the general shape of how Akane would spend her XP and tweak the edges to befit our intentions without making the choice odd.
Hasn't she also been training with Tsunade? Logically, she should probably have a lot put into taijutsu, and possibly have started leveling some new stuff, like medical ninjutsu or Tsunade-style ultra punching.
Hasn't she also been training with Tsunade? Logically, she should probably have a lot put into taijutsu, and possibly have started leveling some new stuff, like medical ninjutsu or Tsunade-style ultra punching.
Quite possibly. I wasn't giving a too serious look into what exactly Akane might have been learning, just a cursory examination of stats that would have made sense to work on. It was more a case study of how much focus on CR and EM would feel reasonable in the context of the rest of her build.
Except for her fighting style, which is a pretty good thing to spend effort investing in. It's also why I guessed a buff to Trapmaking, because that's her other fighting style. Beyond their normal utility, a fighting style is only as good as the stat used to get it off.
Why would she use an aspect on a bonus to her fighting style rather than her taijutsu roll?