See, I was debating posting about this, but I don't know if this is accurate as far as his *identity*. It's not that he *specifically* is not interested in sex, his disinterest is part of a much larger fact of his life.
It's kind of fitting though, only mfd Shikimaru would get stuck in what is basically a harem situation and be more annoyed than anything else.

Shikimaru: man this whole relationship thing with multiple women is such a drag

Noburi: wow your life must suck so bad, two girls wanting to sleep with you, poor guy /s

Kiba: This asshole

Shino: It's as if I'm dying of dehydration while watching another man drown...

Hazo: At least your Mori isn't completely insane (Akane why....:()
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Added a picnic on the shore before talking privately on the water, and re-phrased things a little to stay under budget.
Plan reposted, just in case. I also optimized the wordcount a little and changed the name.

Word Count: 296
[X] Action Plan: Reasonable Handling of New Information.
  • Show the letter to Jiraiya
    • Help him find a clean shirt. In the process, quickly confirm conclusions:
      • The first letter was sent through a compromised courier:
        • Everyone important probably knows about it.
        • Implies that the second courier wasn't compromised.
      • This leaves us an opportunity to continue with the marriage, but signals that she'll drop it if we won't.
      • Testing whether the courier was compromised is a cover-up: the aggressive first message likely signals that she'd strongly prefer if we did play along.
    • If we run out of time, cover these later.
  • Tell Keiko and Noburi about the second letter. Pre-empt their concerns, this one's good news.
    • Let them voice their opinions.
    • Carefully ask Keiko's thoughts on the potential second meeting.
    • Finally get Noburi's full opinion on the situation.
  • Do something calming and rote to relax a little, like making explosives.
  • Help Keiko plan for her upcoming fight.
  • When Jiraiya returns, get his opinion of the letter/situation:
    • We need to send a letter soon, to at least cancel Ami's favour.
    • Should we accept the second meeting?
      • We could try to figure out if Ami really does want a political marriage with the Goketsu.
      • After a picnic on the shore, a walk across the bay would be pretty OPSEC-secure.
      • We're still a bit shaken from recent events, any advice?
    • Is it still a bad idea to go outside?
  • Go watch the matches for today.
  • Verify Ami's story (if time permits).
    • Disguise: civilian.
    • Invent a backstory with Noburi. Ideas:
      • Writer interested in Mist's culinary history.
      • Secret police.
    • Visit a few restaurants. Inquire about their history, then ask about:
      • Connection between Byakuren's Cookbook and Experimental Cuisine.
      • Byakuren's Cookbook serving large groups of ninja.
    • Byakuren's Cookbook: name-drop Ami for regulars-only menu.
  • If anyone talks about Hazou and Ami: no comment.
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And if he served on the front lines in his youth and survived it to make it to a command position, his talent level can't be THAT low. (Unless talent levels are low as a standard in the summon realm.)
...Hm. Actually, the latter would make sense. It'd make the high-talent individuals stand out that much more, and wouldn't you know it but there was only one boss summon per clan...
@Inferno Vulpix,

We should probably send one of the post-interaction surveys to Ami, she can give it to us when we meet again.

The best part is that she'll probably take this as a joking riff on her whole "develop a persona better optimised for interaction with you" concept, and then during their next date, when she brings it up, he can reveal that no, he actually does this.

The question is, will her hidden reaction to "so he really is the deeply weird person I (mostly) only pretend to be" be amusement or discomfort? Either way is fun.

So yes, I am totally in favor of giving her the survey along with whatever message is sent.
Nonsense, she can't be everyone at the same time.

Or at least I wish I could have said. But Ami probably invented her own Shadow Clones technique, just like she invented her own CCnJ before we did.

So there are loads of Amis around and it explains why she has to many different personas and isn't quite sane anymore. That's what happens if you abuse Shadow Clones and give them a distinct personality each.

You know what else it explains? Zabuza. And how he is everyone and everywhere at the same time. She was gracious enough to share.

Actually, everyone in Mist is Ami. She just overloaded so much that she forget this and let her clones to develop own personalities.

Yeah, but outside observers hyping up the Mokuton don't know that it's unrelated. (I know they're unusually full of vitality, but AFAIK actual combat-relevant regeneration isn't normal.)

Outside observer can take a hint from Tsunade's combat-regen even if she have no wood release herself.

It also states in Canon that Hashirana was the only nin to ever Master wood release and mfd haven't state things are different here. Neither Tobirama, nor any other Senju had it. It assumes the release may not be part of Senju bloodline as much as talent of Hashirana.

This also updates probability that Nara used storage seals because it is less probable that bastard of Hashirama was the only talented Senju ever to match the first Hokage. I mean, why would he?

E: also,
[X] Action Plan: Reasonable Handling of New Information.
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Sure, but that's why Hashirama was impressive. Why is the Wood Release impressive? "Super tough wood" and "giant wood golems" are...kind impressive? I guess? It still doesn't really seem to stack up against some of the other nonsense that's flying around.

See, here's the thing...with canon being the way it is, I honestly don't know if you're making this up from whole cloth or just providing a snarky summation of what actually happened. Which is it?

It's probably considered powerful because it creates life or something.
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Apropos of the Wood Release thing...


Seriously, the guy can make trees grow really fast. Why is this impressive? These people over here have superuser access to reality for Ghu's sake. But yeah, sure, making trees grow real fast in order to spear someone...totes impressive. Really.
Point of order: Izanagi is a secret technique the way Mangekyō Sharingan is secret. It also leaves you permanently blind in one eye after use. It's ridiculous, but not that ridiculous for normal Uchiha who only have two eyes. (All those Uchiha eyeballs Danzō harvested? This is what he used them for when Sasuke attacked him.)

IIRC the things that made Hashirama scary as all hell were:

  • He can control Tailed Beasts.
  • He has a Wolverine-tier healing factor.
  • His Wood Techniques have some of the toughest/nastiest constructs in the franchise.
    • He has a Wood Clone (Shadow Clone knockoff except no memory transfer but extremely durable), a Wood Dragon, a Wood Golem and that massive Wood Buddha statue thing.
  • He has Sage Mode.
To expand on this, Wood Element is exceptional for sheer versatility. You can make pretty much anything out of durable wood on the spot, and it doesn't have to be a pre-designed shape. Clones, barriers, entangling vines, giant flying dragons, freaking forests... The only limit I can imagine is chakra, and Hashirama was a chakra monster.

The wood constructs MMKII references can comfortably go toe-to-toe with Mangekyō Sharingan chakra mechs, which are supposed to be nigh-indestructible (and Madara's version makes Sasuke's look embarrassing).

As an aside, that massive Wood Buddha statue thing? It is almost literally a Wood Buddha statue thing. Its technique name actually references a real-life historical zen master. DYK.
...Tsunade, the famous medic-nin? If you told me she had combat regen, my immediate assumption would be "well obviously she's healing herself". I'm pretty sure that's actually true, too.
She doesn't have real combat regen. She stores up chakra over long periods of time, and releases all of it in an emergency to activate a high-speed regeneration technique. Note that it works by stimulating the production of enzymes to accelerate cell division (reminder: DYK), so you shorten your lifespan every time you use it.
So, bad news- ISC dominated the tournament, as well as the dating market.
After all, Chouji proved the size of his limb, as well as his heart. Shikamaru, on the other hand, proved that his family is not underperforming, and released his wood for everyone to see. (doesn't matter that it's most likely a prosthetic)

Good news- we must marry Ami now. It's the only way to stay standing in this alliance.
See, I was debating posting about this, but I don't know if this is accurate as far as his *identity*. It's not that he *specifically* is not interested in sex, his disinterest is part of a much larger fact of his life.
He's completely uninterested in Lady Life's advances. :p
...Hm. Actually, the latter would make sense. It'd make the high-talent individuals stand out that much more, and wouldn't you know it but there was only one boss summon per clan...
Well, summoning him costs ~165 chakra points IIRC so his XP pool has a rough upper bound of 8k. Thats pretty good, but nothing Hazou won't be at in 3 years or so.
@Inferno Vulpix,

We should probably send one of the post-interaction surveys to Ami, she can give it to us when we meet again.
I kind of disagree. The post-interaction surveys are a good joke but I feel like the Ami situation is (beneath whatever veneer we present on the surface) far too serious for it to really fit in.

Not to mention we have no idea if there'll be a third date in the first place. Even if the opportunity remains, I doubt we have time left in the exams to schedule it, since we're pretty near the end.
I kind of disagree. The post-interaction surveys are a good joke but I feel like the Ami situation is (beneath whatever veneer we present on the surface) far too serious for it to really fit in.

Not to mention we have no idea if there'll be a third date in the first place. Even if the opportunity remains, I doubt we have time left in the exams to schedule it, since we're pretty near the end.
Are we not staying a few days to tie up loose ends?
Are we not staying a few days to tie up loose ends?
Hmm, is that so? Well, I'm still of the opinion that things are a bit too serious right now for a joke like that. We also put it in the first meeting plan but Ami controlled the pacing of the meeting so much that we didn't have time to give it to her, I feel like re-trying would just be awkward.
After a picnic on the shore, a walk across the bay would be pretty OPSEC-secure.

Maybe we should reverse the order of this? Picnic would assumr smalltalk and it would be reasonable to do it after we get important thing from our chest.

Also a questions of whether it is a good idea to take the bay option: it was dark last time we did it. Doing this in broaght daylight isn't so secure. Anyone will figure out we're Doing something secret and that will make us stand out more.

Also, if we decide to use the bay way, when settings up security we should ask Ami whether she could detect body parts and/or this bullshit invisible ninja (thus ptobing for abilities)

Are we not staying a few days to tie up loose ends?

It was discussed, I noted that there is no guarantee that Jiraiya would be allowed to stay and then the thread just moved leaving idea uncommented
It was discussed, I noted that there is no guarantee that Jiraiya would be allowed to stay and then the thread just moved leaving idea uncommented
Why wouldn't he be allowed to stay? They have to get on with these gosh darn alliance negotiations.
So, what's the consensus around the Wood release thing? It seems odd that they'd make it public now, for such an irrelevant event, instead of say in the middle of WWnext. Doesn't it also make Shikamaru more of a target than he was before? Kidnapping him to weaken the perceived weakest Leaf clan is one thing, kidnapping him to pierce the secrets of Wood release is another.
Maybe we should reverse the order of this? Picnic would assumr smalltalk and it would be reasonable to do it after we get important thing from our chest.

Also a questions of whether it is a good idea to take the bay option: it was dark last time we did it. Doing this in broaght daylight isn't so secure. Anyone will figure out we're Doing something secret and that will make us stand out more.

Also, if we decide to use the bay way, when settings up security we should ask Ami whether she could detect body parts and/or this bullshit invisible ninja (thus ptobing for abilities)

It was discussed, I noted that there is no guarantee that Jiraiya would be allowed to stay and then the thread just moved leaving idea uncommented
Switching them around is a good idea, Hazou's certainly going to want to figure things out ASAP. Not so concerned about being seen on the water, we're already assuming everyone important knows we're 'betrothed' and a walk across the water could be for plenty of non-OPSEC reasons so it doesn't force us to admit anything.

e: switched the wording for water walk before small talk
Plan reposted, just in case. I also optimized the wordcount a little and changed the name.

Word Count: 297
[X] Action Plan: Reasonable Handling of New Information.
  • Show the letter to Jiraiya
    • Help him find a clean shirt. In the process, quickly confirm conclusions:
      • The first letter was sent through a compromised courier:
        • Everyone important probably knows about it.
        • Implies that the second courier wasn't compromised.
      • This leaves us an opportunity to continue with the marriage, but signals that she'll drop it if we won't.
      • Testing whether the courier was compromised is a cover-up: the aggressive first message likely signals that she'd strongly prefer if we did play along.
    • If we run out of time, cover these later.
  • Tell Keiko and Noburi about the second letter. Pre-empt their concerns, this one's good news.
    • Let them voice their opinions.
    • Carefully ask Keiko's thoughts on the potential second meeting.
    • Finally get Noburi's full opinion on the situation.
  • Do something calming and rote to relax a little, like making explosives.
  • Help Keiko plan for her upcoming fight.
  • When Jiraiya returns, get his opinion of the letter/situation:
    • We need to send a letter soon, to at least cancel Ami's favour.
    • Should we accept the second meeting?
      • We could try to figure out if Ami really does want a political marriage with the Goketsu.
      • A walk across the bay would be pretty OPSEC-secure, and then a picnic on the shore.
      • We're still a bit shaken from recent events, any advice?
    • Is it still a bad idea to go outside?
  • Go watch the matches for today.
  • Verify Ami's story (if time permits).
    • Disguise: civilian.
    • Invent a backstory with Noburi. Ideas:
      • Writer interested in Mist's culinary history.
      • Secret police.
    • Visit a few restaurants. Inquire about their history, then ask about:
      • Connection between Byakuren's Cookbook and Experimental Cuisine.
      • Byakuren's Cookbook serving large groups of ninja.
    • Byakuren's Cookbook: name-drop Ami for regulars-only menu.
  • If anyone talks about Hazou and Ami: no comment.
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