So what is our goal with this village? Do we want to try and reform them wholesale, aid them in just minor ways but enough so they can give us a chance to sign the contract, or just get what we want and be done with them? If we can figure out what our end goal is for our interactions with the village we could more easily plan out how to achieve that result. Do we want to leave a lasting impression on them so that we could call on them later to help us, do we just want them to not report us at all? The first rung on the ladder to global economic power?
We have more information to work with and a small sample of the population and how they view us, is what we see something we want to spend time and effort trying to change? What is to much work for us to say we are done with this, lets just steal the scroll and get out? Out right killing one of our group seems to be that line for some to want to exact revenge against the village as a whole instead of just the one guy, who was already injured by Mari in revenge of Akane. This is just the one guy though, and it is implied that he is going to be punished by his Elders for taking the actions that he did. Do we want to try and follow up on that and find out what they plan on doing to him, and if they are lenient or harsh? Should we work on figuring out more of the whole village's social and political leanings and if they are something we agree or disagree with?