Good plans aside (I do still think Village Get is the lowest risk one), I'm more interested in seeing this quest go the route of diplomacy and politics than outright theft, mostly because I find it more interesting (If less exciting) to read.

That, and we don't have to get the scroll this update. We can take our time with an objective as big as this one is.
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[x] Training Hazou: Preparing for heist

I agree that since now seems like a really bad time to research sealing, it's probably a good time to level it instead. I'm not as into the stealth/awareness addition, since I'm hoping we go the diplomacy route, but they're skills I think we'll want eventually anyway, and we might end up using them soon, so I'll go with them.

Of course, this assumes we have enough time to level Sealing this update. @eaglejarl, you'll have the floor. Any comment on that?
Summary of the action plans as they currently stand for those confused by what's happening (or who are curious about my take on things :p):

Village Get: focuses on general relations and diplomacy with the village, working on building ties and gathering information about them, trying to get information about them, and beginning to help them out with what we know and have. Its ultimate goal is to have a relationship with the VHitM (ideally, as its masters) which we can leverage for future plans (e.g. merchant caravan). It attempts to play the long game with the village instead of going straight for the summon scroll.

[X] Action Plan: Village Get
This is a nice village. We have things they'd like (medic-nin, outside news, seals, taijutsu, Keiko's planning) and they have a place of safety, and are a potential ally. Let's build our network, starting with this village. To do this, we need to stay around longer, improve their view of us, gain the trust of their leaders, and find our more about their politics, customs, and ideology so we can suitably twist it to create a proper space for us. Details on how to do each of these are below.

Staying Around
If it sounds like they want us to leave, have Inoue talk with their leader. She tells them we'd like to have a mutually beneficial interaction. Besides, they probably don't know what to do with us (after-all, if we leave, we're a security threat yeah? And it's not like they can beat us in combat). Let's be friendly instead, saves a lot of trouble. We can heal and train them, provide them information from the outside world, they can be a safe place for us to stay. Suggest that we could be helpful to their village (as we've already shown ourselves to be by healing their strike force).

If the village elders cannot be convinced to allow us to stay, revert to the highest voted scroll-stealing plan.

Building Goodwill
Noburi becomes the prophet he's always wanted to be. Glamorous showy healings, soothing aches, curing diseases, fixing sore muscles, helping out people who ask. Build up a fan-club. While out and about, talk about things outside the village with the villagers. Talk about meals we've had, nice scenery we've seen, tell stories of chakra beasts, ask about for the nearest kunai-shop (oh, wait, they don't have them), etc. Make ourselves liked, and make the villagers see the outside as a potentially fun place. Suggest medically better practices if we observe harmful practices.

Hazou and Akane act as Taijutsu instructors for any who ask (don't be crazy). Begin by having Akane and Hazou practice with each other in view of the village. When a crowd inevitably gathers, invite others to spar and practice. Demonstrate superior skill - if necessary, use chakra boost, have Noburi give us a drink between battles if necessary (regularly have Noburi give us drinks, just normally don't have them be chakra infused). Don't use Roki (keep it in reserve for a serious fight, should one break out).

Kagome and Hazou provide two storage seals for the village as a gift demonstrating our goodwill. Explain how to use them if villagers ask about it. Play it off as not a big deal.

Gaining the Elder's Trust
Act in sincerity. Be genuine. Don't sneak around their village. Offer suggestions on improvements on the village that Keiko has observed. Provide information about global ninja things (e.g. standard village practices, combat methods, a dossier of Leaf and Tea ninja they might encounter).

Find out about them
Whenever the opportunity arises, try to find out more about the villagers to get to know them better. Ask if there are things we could do beyond what we've been doing to help out. E.g. do they have a project MEW would help out with?

In each interaction with their leaders, or villagers, try to figure out how their political situation is set up, if there are significant disagreements in their leadership, if there's stuff they're hiding from us, which groups are more and less happy about our nature, etc. If the elders/senior ninja seem interested in the outside world, talk it up. If they tend toward the isolationist side, talk about how we can help keep them hidden from the world (warn them when the area will be in conflict, let them know common ninja-routes people take, etc.)

Try to learn more about the Tapirs. Treat them with respect, talk to them if alone, inquire about them from the villagers.

Prepare for the Worst
Kagome work on making sure our mini-fort is safe. Maybe make more explosive seals if he thinks we need more?

Stay as a group. Be prepared to enter Taijutsu if necessary, with us supporting Inoue. Don't split the party for any reason.

If we hear an explosive seal, assume we are under attack by the Village. Keep our explosive seals as we have them distributed (Keiko and Inoue each with 8, Noburi, Akane, Hazou with 3)

Boring Bargaining: focuses on a diplomatic method of acquiring the summon scroll. Be reasonably straightforward, express interest in the scroll, explain what we're willing to trade for it, and go from there.

[X] Action Plan: Boring Bargaining

(Red text is just my comments/justifications for stuff and not part of the plan.)

Additions underlined.

Figure out who holds power in this village and from where do they derive it from. Democracy? Bloodline? The guy who has the biggest...fist?

Talk to the tapirs! Surely they know something. See if you can bargain with them by using treats.

Make contact with the leadership and tell them our story: A wise Sage sent us on a quest to acquire the mysterious scroll of power in order to save the world from a coming war. (I don't think this even needs a Deception roll)

We are prepared to prove our character and help the village in exchange for an access to the scroll they are protecting. (I put access here because we don't really know what we need the scroll for or if it's even legitimate. We still need to make contact with the summons themselves before we can actually use the damn thing and after that I'm pretty sure the villages opinion on where the scroll should be won't count for much.)

Things we can do for the village: (Additional ideas appreciated)
  • Basic healing
  • Improvements on village infrastructure
  • Training both in combat and ninja arts
  • Information about the outside world
  • Discreet contact with the outside world, we know people (Okay, we know Jiraya, but that's pretty good right?)
  • Limited trading for hard to get resources
We are open to suggestions if they have problems that need to be taken care of.

Heist: Fairly straightforward steal the scroll, replace it with a fake, and leave. If it goes well, we'll have the summon scroll and the village will be none the wiser. Avoids the messy quagmire which is trying to convince a 300 year old isolationist village to open up to outsiders.

[X] Plan Heist
  • Noburi continues to gather rumors about the scroll;
  • Keiko prepares escape plan;
  • Akane makes traps that are intended to slow down pursuit and cover our tracks; Noburi contributes red herring style medical concoctions;
  • Hazou and Kagome prepare some seals;
  • All team members attempt to covertly communicate with tapirs;
    • Show Kagome Yuni seals, ask for his counsel;
  • Mari, Keiko, Hazou and Kagome steal the scroll:
    • Kagome keeps an eye on traps and seals both on the scroll and around it. Curent generation of ninjas in the village sucks, sure, but their ancestors could be much more powerful and canny.
    • Don't try to succeed at the first try no matter the cost: if security seems too tight, gather information and retreat to plan and prepare countermeasures.
    • If feasible, steal scroll in two steps: first make a good look to be able to produce convincing replica (seal blank without infusion), then come again and switch the scrolls.
    • If anybody on the team feels uncertain about our ability to replace the scroll with fake while remaining undetected, abort plan and re-vote.
  • After stealing the scroll, our team flees using the evasive maneuvers we practiced while fleeing Iron.
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[X] Action Plan: Village Get
The only thing I would change is to secretly make 10 more explosive seals for each of our teammates. (Except kagome, he already has lots) If things go south, you can never have too many explosive seals.

If village get fails, we can probably try the stealing plan with more info whereas the reverse is not as true.

@HyperCatnip if it comes to thieving, I propose picking up the scroll with a clone while we stand far away, just in case there is an explosive failsafe that we missed.
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@Sigil, good idea, added to the plan. Thanks for your suggestion!
Updated plan is below:
OMG, guys, I leave for a day and you suddenly decide to take over entire ninja village while simultaneously rewriting combat rules to make it unfeasible.

I think, Action Plan: Village Get is too ambitious.
I propose we steal the contract and GTFO.

[X] Plan Heist
  • Noburi continues to gather rumors about the scroll;
  • Keiko prepares escape plan;
  • Akane makes traps that are intended to slow down pursuit and cover our tracks; Noburi contributes red herring style medical concoctions;
  • Hazou and Kagome prepare some seals;
  • All team members attempt to covertly communicate with tapirs;
    • Show Kagome Yuni seals, ask for his counsel;
  • Mari, Keiko, Hazou and Kagome steal the scroll:
    • Kagome keeps an eye on traps and seals both on the scroll and around it. Curent generation of ninjas in the village sucks, sure, but their ancestors could be much more powerful and canny.
    • Don't try to succeed at the first try no matter the cost: if security seems too tight, gather information and retreat to plan and prepare countermeasures.
    • If feasible, steal scroll in two steps: first make a good look to be able to produce convincing replica (seal blank without infusion), then come again and switch the scrolls.
    • If anybody on the team feels uncertain about our ability to replace the scroll with fake while remaining undetected, abort plan and re-vote.
    • Use jutsu to pick up scroll (Zephyr's Reach or earth clone)
  • After stealing the scroll, our team flees using the evasive maneuvers we practiced while fleeing Iron.

Also, everybody, please remember we wanted to commit some XP to Sealing. Let's not renege on it. Let's vote on training plan that has Sealing:
[X] Training Hazou: Preparing for heist

If you dislike this training plan, feel free to propose different one, but don't forget to get that Sealing 11 we decided to buy earlier!
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Ch. 37: Plan Compilation

Action Plans:

[X] Action Plan: Village Get
This is a nice village. We have things they'd like (medic-nin, outside news, seals, taijutsu, Keiko's planning) and they have a place of safety, and are a potential ally. Let's build our network, starting with this village. To do this, we need to stay around longer, improve their view of us, gain the trust of their leaders, and find our more about their politics, customs, and ideology so we can suitably twist it to create a proper space for us. Details on how to do each of these are below.

Staying Around
If it sounds like they want us to leave, have Inoue talk with their leader. She tells them we'd like to have a mutually beneficial interaction. Besides, they probably don't know what to do with us (after-all, if we leave, we're a security threat yeah? And it's not like they can beat us in combat). Let's be friendly instead, saves a lot of trouble. We can heal and train them, provide them information from the outside world, they can be a safe place for us to stay. Suggest that we could be helpful to their village (as we've already shown ourselves to be by healing their strike force).

If the village elders cannot be convinced to allow us to stay, revert to the highest voted scroll-stealing plan.

Building Goodwill
Noburi becomes the prophet he's always wanted to be. Glamorous showy healings, soothing aches, curing diseases, fixing sore muscles, helping out people who ask. Build up a fan-club. While out and about, talk about things outside the village with the villagers. Talk about meals we've had, nice scenery we've seen, tell stories of chakra beasts, ask about for the nearest kunai-shop (oh, wait, they don't have them), etc. Make ourselves liked, and make the villagers see the outside as a potentially fun place. Suggest medically better practices if we observe harmful practices.

Hazou and Akane act as Taijutsu instructors for any who ask (don't be crazy). Begin by having Akane and Hazou practice with each other in view of the village. When a crowd inevitably gathers, invite others to spar and practice. Demonstrate superior skill - if necessary, use chakra boost, have Noburi give us a drink between battles if necessary (regularly have Noburi give us drinks, just normally don't have them be chakra infused). Don't use Roki (keep it in reserve for a serious fight, should one break out).

Kagome and Hazou provide two storage seals for the village as a gift demonstrating our goodwill. Explain how to use them if villagers ask about it. Play it off as not a big deal.

Gaining the Elder's Trust
Act in sincerity. Be genuine. Don't sneak around their village. Offer suggestions on improvements on the village that Keiko has observed. Provide information about global ninja things (e.g. standard village practices, combat methods, a dossier of Leaf and Tea ninja they might encounter).

Find out about them
Whenever the opportunity arises, try to find out more about the villagers to get to know them better. Ask if there are things we could do beyond what we've been doing to help out. E.g. do they have a project MEW would help out with?

In each interaction with their leaders, or villagers, try to figure out how their political situation is set up, if there are significant disagreements in their leadership, if there's stuff they're hiding from us, which groups are more and less happy about our nature, etc. If the elders/senior ninja seem interested in the outside world, talk it up. If they tend toward the isolationist side, talk about how we can help keep them hidden from the world (warn them when the area will be in conflict, let them know common ninja-routes people take, etc.)

Try to learn more about the Tapirs. Treat them with respect, talk to them if alone, inquire about them from the villagers.

Prepare for the Worst
Kagome work on making sure our mini-fort is safe. Maybe make more explosive seals if he thinks we need more?

Stay as a group. Be prepared to enter Taijutsu if necessary, with us supporting Inoue. Don't split the party for any reason.

If we hear an explosive seal, assume we are under attack by the Village. Keep our explosive seals as we have them distributed (Keiko and Inoue each with 8, Noburi, Akane, Hazou with 3)

[X] Action Plan: Boring Bargaining

(Red text is just my comments/justifications for stuff and not part of the plan.)

Additions underlined.

Figure out who holds power in this village and from where do they derive it from. Democracy? Bloodline? The guy who has the biggest...fist?

Talk to the tapirs! Surely they know something. See if you can bargain with them by using treats.

Make contact with the leadership and tell them our story: A wise Sage sent us on a quest to acquire the mysterious scroll of power in order to save the world from a coming war. (I don't think this even needs a Deception roll)

We are prepared to prove our character and help the village in exchange for an access to the scroll they are protecting. (I put access here because we don't really know what we need the scroll for or if it's even legitimate. We still need to make contact with the summons themselves before we can actually use the damn thing and after that I'm pretty sure the villages opinion on where the scroll should be won't count for much.)

Things we can do for the village: (Additional ideas appreciated)
  • Basic healing
  • Improvements on village infrastructure
  • Training both in combat and ninja arts
  • Information about the outside world
  • Discreet contact with the outside world, we know people (Okay, we know Jiraya, but that's pretty good right?)
  • Limited trading for hard to get resources

[X] Plan Heist
  • Noburi continues to gather rumors about the scroll;
  • Keiko prepares escape plan;
  • Akane makes traps that are intended to slow down pursuit and cover our tracks; Noburi contributes red herring style medical concoctions;
  • Hazou and Kagome prepare some seals;
  • All team members attempt to covertly communicate with tapirs;
    • Show Kagome Yuni seals, ask for his counsel;
  • Mari, Keiko, Hazou and Kagome steal the scroll:
    • Kagome keeps an eye on traps and seals both on the scroll and around it. Curent generation of ninjas in the village sucks, sure, but their ancestors could be much more powerful and canny.
    • Don't try to succeed at the first try no matter the cost: if security seems too tight, gather information and retreat to plan and prepare countermeasures.
    • If feasible, steal scroll in two steps: first make a good look to be able to produce convincing replica (seal blank without infusion), then come again and switch the scrolls.
    • If anybody on the team feels uncertain about our ability to replace the scroll with fake while remaining undetected, abort plan and re-vote.
  • After stealing the scroll, our team flees using the evasive maneuvers we practiced while fleeing Iron.

[X]Action Plan: Sneaky ninjas who sneak and ninja
While Nobari continues to build goodwill by doing medical work, Hanzou and Akane practice their Tainj in public in the village in an attempt to make friends as Hanzou tries to get them to talk more about the Tapirs and the Scroll in a way that is not obvious.
Keiko watches and sees if there are any secrets in the village we are missing and tries to build dossiers on their most effective members.
Late at night, Inoue sneaks in to inspect the scroll security, and evaluate what she finds.
Afterwords, meetup to debrief, have Kagome evaluate what she says to see if we think it is a valid target, and if we can use our combined skills to create a decent fake.

[X] Action Plan: Open Your Country, I mean Gate
- Talk with the Tapirs around the village in case they are actually under the employ of/are the summon creatures. Ask what their expectations and wishes are and if it aligns with our goal. The Tapirs did find us first.
- Influence those within the village to demand more goods not found within the village. (Seals, Medical Knowledge, Training, plus construction plans)
- Trade basic medical knowledge for them to open more of their village to our group and others.
- Increase the defense of the scroll so that the Village Leaders would feel safer letting the rest of Tea to know that the village exists.
- Try and get the village to make contact with the Summon Creatures and learn their demands, ask for a chance to prove self in a contest of skill.


Training Plans

*Note: I'm slightly changing the formatting on these to make them look approximately the same, including the colored titles, to make it easier to compare.


[X] Training Hazou: Taijutsu Instructor
Strength 4 [8]
Dexterity 5 [18]
Stamina 4 [26]
Taijutsu 12 (e13) [38]

[X] Training Hazou: Deceptive Punching

Manip 5 [10]
Deception 9 [19]
Presence 4 [27]
Composure 4 [35]
Deception 10 [45]

Roki 5 [50]

[X] Training Hazou: Deception Deluxe

Manipulation 5 [10]
Deception 9 [19]
Presence 4 [27]
Composure 4 [35]
Deception 10 [45]

Roki 5 [50]

Awareness 10 [60]

[X] Training Hazou: Battlefield Control

MEW 5 [5]
MEW 6 [11]
MEW 7 [18]
MEW 8 [26]
Capacity 6 [38]

[X] Training Hazou: Preparing for heist

Intelligence 11 [22]
Sealing 11 [33]

Stealth 10 [43]
Stealth 11 [54]

Awareness 10 [64]

[X] Training Hazou: Exploding Walls

Intelligence 11: 22 XP [22/66]
Sealing 11: 11 XP [33/66]

MEW 5: 5 XP [38/66]
MEW 6: 6 XP [44/66]
MEW 7: 7 XP [51/66]
MEW 8: 8 XP [59/66]



[X] Training Keiko: Somebody's gotta keep watch!

Wits 5 [10]
Awareness 13 [23]
Awareness 14 [37]

[X] Training Keiko: Nope



[X] Training Noburi: Wandering Healer (Chrono Note: Invalid Plan. We can't learn MedNinjutsu without a teacher until we're skill level 10.)

Resolve 4 [8]
Control 7 [22]

Medical Ninjutsu 7 [29]

Medical Knowledge 4 [33]
Medical Knowledge 5 [38]

[X] Training Noburi: Smooth Operator

Presence 5 [10]
Diplomacy 9 [19]
Composure 4 [27]
Manipulation 4 [35]
Diplomacy 10 [45]

[X] Training Noburi: Smooth Operator with Control

Presence 5 [10]
Diplomacy 9 [19]
Composure 4 [27]
Manipulation 4 [35]
Diplomacy 10 [45]

Control 7 [59]



[X] Training Akane: The Fist of Civil Engineering v2

Dexterity 4 [8]
Taijutsu 10 [18]
Taijutsu 11 [29]
Taijutsu 12 [41]

Mechanical Aptitude 11 [52]
Mechanical Aptitude 12 [64]

Awareness 9 [73]

Capacity 5 [83]

[X] Training Akane: Close Combat Specialist

Dexterity 4 [8]
Taijutsu 10 [18]
Taijutsu 11 [29]
Taijutsu 12 [41]

Tactical Movement 10 [51]
Tactical Movement 11 [62]

[X] Training Akane: The Fist of Civil Engineering

Dexterity 4 [8]
Taijutsu 10 [18]
Taijutsu 11 [29]
Taijutsu 12 [41]

Mechanical Aptitude 11 [52]
Mechanical Aptitude 12 [64]
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[X] Training Hazou: Preparing for heist
[X] Training Hazou: Battlefield Control
[X] Training Noburi: Smooth Operator with Control
[X] Action Plan: Village Get
[X] Training Keiko: Nope
[X] Training Noburi: Smooth Operator with Control
[X] Training Akane: The Fist of Civil Engineering v2

[X] Training Hazou: Exploding Walls

Intelligence 11: 22 XP [22/66]
Sealing 11: 11 XP [33/66]

MEW 5: 5 XP [38/66]
MEW 6: 6 XP [44/66]
MEW 7: 7 XP [51/66]
MEW 8: 8 XP [59/66]

Planning for the future with Sealing 11, and finally getting seal-less version of our favorite jutsu ever.
On the subject of training plans, there's some limits on what you can train in these circumstances:

- Sealing cannot be trained because there isn't enough time
- Sealing cannot be researched safely while staying safe around the villagers.

If your plan is one that keeps you around for a few days then there's no problem training Stealth, Taijutsu, MechApt, Awareness, and Weapons can be trained. It's a bit of a stretch to say that you could level up that fast, but I'll roll with it.

If you end up with an action plan that doesn't allow enough time then I'll simply skip the training and it can happen during the next update where there is time for it.
[X] Training Hazou: Storage Seal Research
Because goddamn we should have finished this weeks ago.
We can't research safely (read: without killing or maiming our selves) or train seals. See post above you. If we want to do that here, we'll need to build another seal bunker.

[X] Action Plan: Village Get
The only thing I would change is to secretly make 10 more explosive seals for each of our teammates. (Except kagome, he already has lots) If things go south, you can never have too many explosive seals.

If village get fails, we can probably try the stealing plan with more info whereas the reverse is not as true.

@HyperCatnip if it comes to thieving, I propose picking up the scroll with a clone while we stand far away, just in case there is an explosive failsafe that we missed.
I'm not suggesting we build more explosive seals because it's dangerous to do so without our infusion bunker and we aren't as good at sealing as Kagome is. Given that there's likely under 100 ninja we could possibly fight here, I suspect that 25 explosive seals should be enough for us to get out of any tight spaces we find ourselves in. God knows Kagome's got enough to do the heavy lifting. The purpose of the explosive seals we carry around is to let us get to our mini-fort, where we've got more defenses. If we go full village assault, we'll need more seals, but we should also have some prep time before then. Not to mention I suspect they willl hesitate once the first explosive seal goes off. Ain't nobody want to fight the beasts who took out their assault squad and now are tossing around explosives.

Everyone, remember to unvote for plans that you don't like anymore.
Sigh, true. That kind of assumes I know what I voted for though. I guess I can go back to Eaglejarl's vote count and look for my name. Hopefully I didn't vote for anything after that which I don't want anymore. :p
[-] Training Akane: The Fist of Civil Engineering
[-] Training Noburi: Wandering Healer

I have this niggling feeling that we're doings something absurdly sub-optimal in our training plans, but given I haven't the slightest idea which ones are winning, I guess I'll just be surprised when the vote is called :p
Maybe I'm underestimating the level of difficulty needed to create a seal bunker...but why can't we just move a bit out of the town/mountain/wherever and make a bunker?
Voting closes in 16 hours.

CounterBot by eaglejarl, version 1.2

Plan name: Action Plan: Village Get

Voters: @Cariyaga, @ChronOblivion, @faflec, @fictionfan, @HoratioVonBecker, @HyperCatnip, @Jello_Raptor, @MadScientist, @Radvic, @Ridiculously Average Guy, @Rozencrantz, @Sigil, @Sleeps Furiously, @ThatOneCrazyChic
Num votes: 14

Plan name: Training Akane: The Fist of Civil Engineering v2
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @GoldenFalls, @Jello_Raptor, @MadScientist, @Muer'ci, @Radvic, @Sleeps Furiously, @Twofold
Num votes: 8

Plan name: Heist
Voters: @HyperCatnip, @Inf0mercial, @Muer'ci, @WheelbarrowWight, @will408914
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Training Keiko: Nope
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @HyperCatnip, @Muer'ci, @Sleeps Furiously, @Twofold
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Training Noburi: Smooth Operator with Control
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @MadScientist, @Radvic, @Sleeps Furiously, @Twofold
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Action Plan: Boring Bargaining
Voters: @Citrus, @Traiden, @Twofold, @WheelbarrowWight
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Training Hazou: Deceptive Punching
Voters: @Cariyaga, @fictionfan, @Muer'ci, @Twofold
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Training Hazou: Exploding Walls
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @fictionfan, @MadScientist, @Sleeps Furiously
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Training Hazou: Preparing for heist
Voters: @fictionfan, @HyperCatnip, @Radvic, @Sleeps Furiously
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Training Hazou: Deception Deluxe
Voters: @MadScientist, @Muer'ci, @Twofold
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Action Plan: Sneaky ninjas who sneak and ninja
Voters: @ClawClawBite, @Orisha91
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Training Akane: Close Combat Specialist
Voters: @Cariyaga, @Radvic
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Training Akane: The Fist of Civil Engineering
Voters: @Muer'ci, @Twofold
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Training Hazou: Battlefield Control
Voters: @Radvic, @Sleeps Furiously
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Training Hazou: Nope
Voters: @HyperCatnip, @Radvic
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Training Noburi: Smooth Operator
Voters: @Muer'ci, @Twofold
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Action Plan: Heist
Voters: @Rozencrantz
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Action Plan: Open Your Country, I mean Gate
Voters: @Traiden
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Training Akane: Nope
Voters: @HyperCatnip
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Training Hazou: Storage Seal Research
Voters: @faflec
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Training Hazou: Taijutsu Instructor
Voters: @Radvic
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Training Keiko: Somebody's gotta keep watch!
Voters: @Radvic
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Training Noburi: Nope
Voters: @HyperCatnip
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Training Noburi: Wandering Healer
Voters: @fictionfan
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 24
Maybe I'm underestimating the level of difficulty needed to create a seal bunker...but why can't we just move a bit out of the town/mountain/wherever and make a bunker?

There's bunch of factors here. One is simply time -- sealing research takes a lot of it, and this next update will be starting the day of / day after the last one ended. Depending on how much time your action plan takes there might simply not be enough time to level sealing.

Then there's the "don't be off by yourself lest you get swarmed under by angry villagers" rule that you guys set for yourself. Having other people around while doing seal research is strongly contraindicated. You can try to balance things like "well, stay just far enough away" but that gets complicated and uncertain -- sealing accidents aren't predictable, one of the others might accidentally distract you, etc.

Fundamentally, I simply don't feel that it's doable under these circumstances.
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