[X] Action Plan: Village Get
This is a nice village. We have things they'd like (medic-nin, outside news, seals, taijutsu, Keiko's planning) and they have a place of safety, and are a potential ally. Let's build our network, starting with this village. To do this, we need to stay around longer, improve their view of us, gain the trust of their leaders, and find our more about their politics, customs, and ideology so we can suitably twist it to create a proper space for us. Details on how to do each of these are below.
Staying Around
If it sounds like they want us to leave, have Inoue talk with their leader. She tells them we'd like to have a mutually beneficial interaction. Besides, they probably don't know what to do with us (after-all, if we leave, we're a security threat yeah? And it's not like they can beat us in combat). Let's be friendly instead, saves a lot of trouble. We can heal and train them, provide them information from the outside world, they can be a safe place for us to stay. Suggest that we could be helpful to their village (as we've already shown ourselves to be by healing their strike force).
If the village elders cannot be convinced to allow us to stay, revert to the highest voted scroll-stealing plan.
Building Goodwill
Noburi becomes the prophet he's always wanted to be. Glamorous showy healings, soothing aches, curing diseases, fixing sore muscles, helping out people who ask. Build up a fan-club. While out and about, talk about things outside the village with the villagers. Talk about meals we've had, nice scenery we've seen, tell stories of chakra beasts, ask about for the nearest kunai-shop (oh, wait, they don't have them), etc. Make ourselves liked, and make the villagers see the outside as a potentially fun place. Suggest medically better practices if we observe harmful practices.
Hazou and Akane act as Taijutsu instructors for any who ask (don't be crazy). Begin by having Akane and Hazou practice with each other in view of the village. When a crowd inevitably gathers, invite others to spar and practice. Demonstrate superior skill - if necessary, use chakra boost, have Noburi give us a drink between battles if necessary (regularly have Noburi give us drinks, just normally don't have them be chakra infused). Don't use Roki (keep it in reserve for a serious fight, should one break out).
Kagome and Hazou provide two storage seals for the village as a gift demonstrating our goodwill. Explain how to use them if villagers ask about it. Play it off as not a big deal.
Gaining the Elder's Trust
Act in sincerity. Be genuine. Don't sneak around their village. Offer suggestions on improvements on the village that Keiko has observed. Provide information about global ninja things (e.g. standard village practices, combat methods, a dossier of Leaf and Tea ninja they might encounter).
Find out about them
Whenever the opportunity arises, try to find out more about the villagers to get to know them better. Ask if there are things we could do beyond what we've been doing to help out. E.g. do they have a project MEW would help out with?
In each interaction with their leaders, or villagers, try to figure out how their political situation is set up, if there are significant disagreements in their leadership, if there's stuff they're hiding from us, which groups are more and less happy about our nature, etc. If the elders/senior ninja seem interested in the outside world, talk it up. If they tend toward the isolationist side, talk about how we can help keep them hidden from the world (warn them when the area will be in conflict, let them know common ninja-routes people take, etc.)
Try to learn more about the Tapirs. Treat them with respect, talk to them if alone, inquire about them from the villagers.
Prepare for the Worst
Kagome work on making sure our mini-fort is safe. Maybe make more explosive seals if he thinks we need more?
Stay as a group. Be prepared to enter Taijutsu if necessary, with us supporting Inoue. Don't split the party for any reason.
If we hear an explosive seal, assume we are under attack by the Village. Keep our explosive seals as we have them distributed (Keiko and Inoue each with 8, Noburi, Akane, Hazou with 3)