What is the word for the sensation of "a vortex of despair has opened up in my soul and begun hoovering up every spoon I possess because I can see the future and it involves a ton of questions for which I will need to make up consistent answers against the shred-tearing of dozens of people"?

Did Hazou pay his Explosives Tag tax for the month while he was at the Tower?
Once again I note that some munchkinning might be had with the Iron Nerve as psuedo-preprogrammed reactions to a bunch of different vibrations.

Vibration Seals 5-8, Response 23: Immediate Backflip + Axe Kick
Vibration Seals 12-14, Response 3: DUCK!

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What is the word for the sensation of "a vortex of despair has opened up in my soul and begun hoovering up every spoon I possess because I can see the future and it involves a ton of questions for which I will need to make up consistent answers against the shred-tearing of dozens of people"?


noun: aspirin; plural noun: aspirin; plural noun: aspirins
  1. a synthetic compound used medicinally to relieve mild or chronic pain and to reduce fever and inflammation.
    • a tablet containing aspirin.
  2. a vortex of despair has opened up in my soul and begun hoovering up every spoon I possess because I can see the future and it involves a ton of questions for which I will need to make up consistent answers against the shred-tearing of dozens of people
    • eaglejarl feels aspirin.
If someone knows about those, that sounds super exploitable.

Nonono! You have two dozen or so for each combination of seals activated. You cherrypick based on the context or go with some safe defaults otherwise.

Vibrators 12-14 Activated, Response 2: Duck.

Vibrators 12-14 Activated, Response 3: DUCK!

Vibrators 12-14 Activated, Response 9: UPPERCUT!


Vibrators 12-14 Activated, Response 19: Dodge Left

Might all be valid depending on situational context. Maybe one or more, in which case it comes down to a gametime decision.
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What is the word for the sensation of "a vortex of despair has opened up in my soul and begun hoovering up every spoon I possess because I can see the future and it involves a ton of questions for which I will need to make up consistent answers against the shred-tearing of dozens of people"?
You know, I really wish you'd phrased that, "Is there a word" instead of "What is the word". You know, for reasons.
Once again I note that some munchkinning might be had with the Iron Nerve as preprogrammed reactions to a bunch of different vibrations.

Vibration Seals 5-8, Response 23: Immediate Backflip + Axe Kick
Vibration Seals 12-14, Response 3: DUCK!

You know, the more I think about it, the more I think that having another sense with significant range has application in more than increasing Alertness. If it's sufficiently reliable (compared to vision), it would open up moves in taijutsu that would be inconceivable otherwise.
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What is the word for the sensation of "a vortex of despair has opened up in my soul and begun hoovering up every spoon I possess because I can see the future and it involves a ton of questions for which I will need to make up consistent answers against the shred-tearing of dozens of people"?

Hey, do you think that there is technically more chakra happening when the seal vibrates or emits light? Such that a dormant chakra sensor seal wouldn't set off a second chakra sensor seal, but an active one would?

We lay a chain of them in pipes beneath the earth for long range low ping low bandwidth communications!
You know, the more I think about it, the more I think that having another sense with significant range has application in more than increasing Alertness. If it's sufficiently reliable (compared to vision), it would open up moves in taijutsu that would be inconceivable otherwise.

If they're sensitive enough, I bet we could even develop a style based around damaging individual tenketsu.

We could call it the Youthful Fist.
What is the word for the sensation of "a vortex of despair has opened up in my soul and begun hoovering up every spoon I possess because I can see the future and it involves a ton of questions for which I will need to make up consistent answers against the shred-tearing of dozens of people"?
NB: I think most of us are quite happy with "This worked, this didn't, heres a range of stuff you think you can maybe do but can't yet."

RAW is fine. Mechanics exist for a reason. Its NoFun when you have to reinvent your magical physics every time you make a new spell.
Yeah. Every time a plot hook of tantalizing exciting adventure was offered, the right option was always to stay in the lighthouse and get stronger.

The term was used a lot more in this thread previously, back when we were missing-nin. It was a little distressing since the term had the quality of being 'always bad don't do it' but was also sufficiently flexible in definition that it could be applied to a lot of things. As a result, every so often someone or another would call any amount of research lighthousing, even when it had good reasons behind it, and the proponents of said research had to justify that no really they do intend to go do interesting stuff soon, but the research's actually important.

In time we largely stopped using the term, which I'm glad for because it led to the uncomfortable kind of arguments where you kind of feel like someone's not playing fair, but it remains well-known enough that people can use it as a quick reference.
Would you say there's a lesson learned there that QMs need to make sure there are pressing things to do that can't be put off indefinitely, too? It would seem like the lighthousing problem would only be possible in the absence of anything that needed to be protected or gotten done.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail By dictate of the Council of Three on the discord server, we have decided that Hazou should learn the arts of Silent Killing from Zabuza.

Think about it: Combine the gas mask (we don't have it yet, but we could fix one up), noxious non-flammable smoke, and V-Sensor seals, and he can pull a mean Zabuza cosplay.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail By dictate of the Council of Three on the discord server, we have decided that Hazou should learn the arts of Silent Killing from Zabuza.

Think about it: Combine the gas mask (we don't have it yet, but we could fix one up), noxious non-flammable smoke, and V-Sensor seals, and he can pull a mean Zabuza cosplay.
I obviously support this idea.
Would you say there's a lesson learned there that QMs need to make sure there are pressing things to do that can't be put off indefinitely, too? It would seem like the lighthousing problem would only be possible in the absence of anything that needed to be protected or gotten done.
Yeah, I don't think lighthousing is a real problem now that we're part of Leaf and Leaf politics. As missing-nin the idea of spending five years in the woods doing nothing but research would be actually viable, assuming we could secure income, but now we have to interact with people and advance the goals of the people our fortunes are intertwined with and all that jazz, so we're not going to be totally bereft of plot points.

Also, I support becoming Zabuza's apprentice by befriending Yukino. If we become friends with her then Zabuza won't be able to get rid of us, an ironic 180 of our previous connection to him.
[X] Oh shit we actually need a plan
  • Give Kagome his birthday presents early as an apology.
    • We didn't mean to exclude him, it's just that we didn't think Hana would do anything -- much less anything drastic. Hazou was just scoping out if she'd be amenable to helping reverse the damage she caused.
    • Hazou is conflicted and doesn't know how to reconcile Hana's actions with his feelings for his mother. He's upset, and still figuring this out, but also understands why Kagome is upset. He regrets to have thrown this at him.
  • Lunch with Ino.
    • Let her know our findings.
      • Not really important in the grand scheme, but having something mundane to focus on is a nice distraction.
  • Hazou takes an out-of-the-way C rank mission (or multiple D-ranks) for a day or so.
    • Something uplift related.
    • Just chill out and take a break from the madness. Maybe sleep in a comfy and familiar forest full of deadly chakra beasts that want to kill us.
    • Let everyone know roughly where we'll be.
    • Bargain with Noburi; offer him whatever necessary so he takes up our remaining shifts and looks out for Mari.
      • Also delegate handling clan matters to Noburi, should they arise while we're out and Jiraiya isn't around.
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[X] Oh shit we actually need a plan
  • Give Kagome his birthday presents early as an apology
    • We didn't mean to exclude him, it's just that we didn't think Hana would do anything -- much less anything drastic. Hazou was just scoping out if she'd be amenable to helping reverse the damage she caused.
    • Hazou is conflicted and doesn't know how to reconcile Hana's actions with his feelings for his mother. He's upset, and still figuring this out, but also understands why Kagome is upset. He regrets to have thrown this at him.
    • Remind Kagome of his recent mishap with Keiko.
      • It's sometimes surprisingly easy to hurt those you care about.
  • Lunch with Ino
    • Let her know our findings
      • Not really important in the grand scheme, but having something mundane to focus on is a nice distraction
  • Hazou takes an out-of-the-way C rank mission for a day or three
    • Something uplift related
    • Just chill out and take a break from the madness. Maybe sleep in a comfy and familiar forest full of deadly chakra beasts that want to kill us.
      • Bargain with Noburi; offer him whatever necessary so he takes up our shifts and looks out for Mari. Let everyone know roughly where we'll be.

Edits for word count.

I'm not actually sure Hazou's allowed to take C-ranks of his own volition as a genin.

Not sure it's a good idea to go straight from "I'm sorry for doing this thing" to "remember how you did this thing too funny huh".

I kind of feel like we should apologize to Mari as well. I'm not sure what to do beyond that. She still won't believe us if we tell her she can be better.
Here's the barebone plan.

[X] Action Plan: Mitigating Problems Caused by Adult Drama

  • Apologize to Kagome.
    • For not involving Kagome in the decision making process.
    • For Hana being overly harsh. Hazō did not know that she would do this.
  • Promise Kagome that Hazō will...
    • Involve Kagome in the decision making process.
  • Make sure she do something with the kids; keep her busy.
  • Suggestions:
    • Sparing
    • Gōtesku night out
  • Work on chakra intensity detection for seal according to Keiko's suggestion
  • Make explosive seals to sell to the tower; capitals for tournament betting in Mist
  • Make sure that pangolin tower seals are squared away.

Added a research and misc section. List of ideas for things to do with Mari.
I'm not actually sure Hazou's allowed to take C-ranks of his own volition as a genin.

Ok, fall back to multiple D ranks then. I think this is sufficiently obvious that Hazou will do it of his own accord, but can put in a contingency if necessary (note it will put us past 200 words).

Not sure it's a good idea to go straight from "I'm sorry for doing this thing" to "remember how you did this thing too funny huh".

This is a much gentler way than I'd normally phrase it, which is more along the lines of "1) Don't be a hypocritical ass. 2) I know I fucked up, I know how the error occurred and how to prevent it, and if necessary I'm willing to play your ridiculous monkey signaling games until your inner monkey is convinced of that fact / satisfied that I'm still a worthy ally. 3) No seriously, this whole thing is beyond stupid, can we go back to trying to fix the world plz?"

Open to suggestions.

I kind of feel like we should apologize to Mari as well. I'm not sure what to do beyond that. She still won't believe us if we tell her she can be better.

I'll save Vel the time for writing this scene.

H: "Mari-sensei, I'm so sor--"
M: "It's okay, Hazou. I deserve it."
H: "No you don't! I--"
M: "It's okay, Hazou."
H: "But..."
M: "It's okay. Please leave me alone."
H: *walks away dejectedly*
Added a research and misc section. List of ideas for things to do with Mari.

I don't even know where to start, so I'll just say I think you are substantially missing the mark here and have Hazou myoptically focused in a way that is likely to result in additional drama, not less.
...Hm. Maybe we should ask (ask) Akane if she could keep an eye on Mari while we're gone?
Do we not have graduated levels anymore?
I'll save Vel the time for writing this scene.

H: "Mari-sensei, I'm so sor--"
M: "It's okay, Hazou. I deserve it."
H: "No you don't! I--"
M: "It's okay, Hazou."
H: "But..."
M: "It's okay. Please leave me alone."
H: *walks away dejectedly*
Actually, I was more thinking of something like, if/when she first says she deserves it, apologize for that too. He didn't mean for his brainwashing of her to go that far.

I mean, would she in her right mind have gone on that mission to Hot Springs? No, that's ridiculous, every decision she made was a result of Mastermind Hazou.
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@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail By dictate of the Council of Three on the discord server, we have decided that Hazou should learn the arts of Silent Killing from Zabuza.

Think about it: Combine the gas mask (we don't have it yet, but we could fix one up), noxious non-flammable smoke, and V-Sensor seals, and he can pull a mean Zabuza cosplay.
So, it seems our good opposites have finally revealed themselves. On reflection, I can't think of a better candidate than you (though I'm not sure whose opposite you are), but who are the other two?

Unholy mother of--that's insane!

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail plz decrease limits by at least 100. Otherwise I have to find compelling arguments to push back on plan bloat, and hey look, a distraction!

Actually, I was more thinking of something like, if/when she first says she deserves it, apologize for that too. He didn't mean for his brainwashing of her to go that far.

I mean, would she in her right mind have gone on that mission to Hot Springs? No, that's ridiculous, every decision she made was a result of Mastermind Hazou.

I'm pretty okay trying to turn the tables like this, so long as we have decent contingencies for when her mood turns sour/angry as a result. I don't trust Hazou to navigate this by default and don't have anything atm.