Also, are we going to bring up to Jiraiya the idea of selling the casino seals to the Yakuza (and subsequently cooperating with them to socialize with visiting dignitaries)? Or are we going to push it forward every voting cycle until we've already left for the tournament?
Excellent point. It's things like these (general approval but we keep forgetting about it) that belong on our list of side-projects. I put it near the top because it's fairly time-sensitive.
Side Project Order of Operations: Because we have way too many to easily keep track of.
- Kagome's birthday present
- Consult Jiraiya regarding selling Casino Seals to Mist Yakuza
- Get other combat seals approved
- Kabuto Research Proposal
Sealing/Research queue:
- Larger Storage Seals/Better Macerators (more detail on goals needed)
- Mountain Seals et al. [When Jiraiya is available]
- Black Paper Seals (Skywalker viability?)
- Movable Force Walls
- Purifier Variants
I'll keep a link to this handy so I can keep track of what we should be doing next when we have spare time. If anyone has anything that we've been meaning to do but I forgot to list, or if you disagree with the priority I've placed them in, please speak up!
Okay, I love Kagome to death, but he also needs to take this chance to learn that he is the last person to give anybody shit about this. His entire time in the team has been the team proactively attempting to keep him from making unilateral decisions without telling anybody. The first time, he obliterated a dozen explicitly no-kill combatants and almost got himself killed before getting Mari seriously wounded. Next, he murdered forced Mari to eventually murder his team leader and completely wreck a critical political play all of the clan's wealth was invested in. Then he deliberately hid his intentions again and sold himself into servitude trying to fix it.
If we're going to address this matter we need to take advantage of his being on the other side of it for once to make him understand before he actually does do something irreparable which won't be retconned.
The difference here, as I think Kagome would see it, is that Kagome tends towards unilateral decisions without consulting anyone
in the moment when there's no time to explain. If it's do or die you don't ask permission before saving the lives of the people around you. Meanwhile what
we did was completely forget about him for over a half hour of planning, even though we were side by side with him taking care of Mari, and only thought to say
anything to him after we had all signed off on it and put it into motion. Kagome doesn't ask permission because he can't afford to, we didn't ask permission because we didn't care about his opinion.
[Kagome perspective ends]
I'm sure you could argue that Kagome is guilty of that kind of negligence too, such as when the situation wasn't do-or-die, but the fact of the matter is that our goal is to make up with Kagome, not to show him his own errors, especially since him making the same mistake as us doesn't mean what we did wasn't a mistake.
I can still see this angle being useful, at least as a contingency if the conversation goes a certain way, but I don't think this should be the thrust of our point. If it's wrong to unilaterally make decisions, excluding the rest of the team, when a misjudgement could be disastrous, then Hazou
still messed up big time and needs to apologize, so I can only really see this argument being useful as a side-point if Kagome presses the issue as if he's innocent of it.