*goes and actually looks at the votes in preparation for writing the update*
You guys tied the vote. For everything.

Okay, the training votes are locked in, since you actually managed to decide on that. I'm going to reopen voting for 1 hours only on the action plans. If there isn't a clear winner by then it obviously means that y'all don't care what happens and I can just write whatever I want. (mwahaha)

Voting is open until 11am Pacific, only on the action plans. That's 1 hour, folks.
Interlude: Seal Training
We haven't gotten results :)
Ah, right. Okay, decision-ing and rolling has happened:

~ Two weeks before the trip to Tea, during seal research ~​

"Agh! What do you think you're doing?!" Kagome-sensei yelled, tackling Hazō before the young genin could set brush to paper. "Not like that, you damn fool! You'll kill us all!"

Hazō blinked. Usually when Kagome-sensei freaked out it was for very good reasons, but right now the genin felt like perhaps his teacher was overreacting juuuuust a bit.

"Sensei?" he said, lying very still in no small part because Kagome-sensei currently had him trapped in a submission hold and was wrestling the brush out of his fingers. "What's wrong, sensei?"

"That was the regular ink, you nitwit!" Kagome-sensei said. "You can't mix that into a half-finished seal or you'll leave the chakra pathways unconnected and when you try to infuse in the middle of the stinking barracks it'll spray everywhere and chain-fire all the other half-finished seals and blow you to meat paste and I'll have to scrub the damn floors until my fingers bleed just because some of your teeny-tiny little brain got trapped in the tiles even though it totally wasn't my fault!"

"But...," Hazō started, before trailing off. As usual when Kagome-sensei went off on one of his rants it was all a little hard to untangle. Bits of the man's very clearly colorful past (most of those colors apparently being blood red and brain-matter grey) all mixing up with the current moment, leaving him to wonder how much was flashback and how much was actual caution.

"Sensei, that wasn't the seal," Hazō said.

"...what?" asked Kagome. "What do you mean it wasn't the seal?"

"That was my journal, sensei. I was writing down my latest research."

"Oh," said Kagome. "Um, really? Your journal?"

"Yes, sensei."

"So, just to be clear, there's nothing explosive or storage-y or brain-exploding or explosive or face-melting or explosive about this journal?"

"No, sensei. No chakra at all. Just notes."

"Oh. Um, right," said Kagome-sensei. "Well, uh...good job, then! Carry on!"

Hazō lay still for another moment before asking very politely, "May I have my arm back, please, sensei?"

Kagome-sensei seemed to suddenly realize that he still had his student trapped in a nasty armbar. He immediately let go and scrambled to his feet. "Right, yes! Sorry." Hazō started to push himself up when Kagome-sensei remembered that it was polite to offer a hand. The sealmaster tried to make up for his forgetfulness by darting forward and yanking Hazō up so fast that he nearly hurled him into the air. The genin caught his balance and waited as Kagome-sensei brushed the dirt off of him too vigorously.

"So, uh, how goes the research?" Kagome-sensei asked, smiling his best smile. He was definitely out of practice at smiling.

"It's going well," Hazō said. "I've got all the main pieces sketched out, although I'm still filling in the bodies of most of them. I'm feeling really good about it, actually. Give me another few weeks, I think I'll have it."

"Great news, great news!" said Kagome-sensei. "Um, just...be careful not to summon any eldritch horrors from beyond time and space to schlurp out our brains before disappearing back through the purple crack to their own hellish dimension, okay? That tends to ruin my appetite for weeks."
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"Great news, great news!" said Kagome. "Um, just...be careful not to summon any eldritch horrors from beyond time and space to schlurp out our brains before disappearing back through the purple crack to their own hellish dimension, okay? That tends to ruin my appetite for weeks."
This. The underlined implies previous experience.
I like these stories Kagome keeps throwing around. At the same time it makes me wonder. If these are the cute anecdotes he uses to warn his student, what are the actual horror stories he's seen like?
If anyone has questions that got missed, now's a good time. I got a couple hours.

Not sure if you missed this or if you guys are still pondering but I had a few questions about Transformation jutsu I asked earlier. They are also in the player knowledge document.

Transformation technique gets physically tougher as we put more levels to it right? At what level does it get hard enough for Hazou to be able to punch a person without breaking the transformation?

Since we can magic away injuries with Transformation technique, what does Inoue think about using it in mid-combat to ignore injuries? Is this common practice or pure lunacy?
Okay, voting is once more closed. Final results:

CounterBot by eaglejarl, version 1.2

Plan name: Action Plan: Carry on, nothing to see here!
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @faflec, @HyperCatnip, @Jello_Raptor, @Killer_Whale, @Muer'ci, @Traiden, @Twofold
Num votes: 8

Plan name: Training Akane: The Eye and the Fist
Voters: @faflec, @Jello_Raptor, @Kalkin, @Muer'ci, @Rozencrantz, @Skelm, @Traiden, @Twofold
Num votes: 8

Plan name: Training Hazou: Not-Flash
Voters: @Citrus, @fictionfan, @HyperCatnip, @Jello_Raptor, @Kalkin, @Rozencrantz, @Skelm, @Traiden
Num votes: 8

Plan name: Training Noburi: Eyes in the Water
Voters: @faflec, @HyperCatnip, @Kalkin, @Muer'ci, @Rozencrantz, @Traiden, @Twofold
Num votes: 7

Plan name: Action Plan: Twofold Plot
Voters: @fictionfan, @Kalkin, @MadScientist, @Ridiculously Average Guy, @Skelm, @will408914
Num votes: 6

Plan name: Training Hazou: Talk & Run
Voters: @Archibald, @MadScientist, @Muer'ci, @Rozencrantz, @Skelm, @Twofold
Num votes: 6

Plan name: Training Keiko: Heavy Weapons
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @Muer'ci, @Rozencrantz, @Skelm, @Traiden, @Twofold
Num votes: 6

Plan name: Training Keiko: Pointy Owl
Voters: @faflec, @HyperCatnip, @Kalkin, @MadScientist, @RedV
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Training Akane: Automail Fist
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @HyperCatnip, @MadScientist, @RedV
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Training Noburi: Clones Eyes
Voters: @Jello_Raptor, @Muer'ci, @Skelm, @Twofold
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Action Plan: Verification
Voters: @jy3, @RedV
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Training Hazou: Civil Engineering
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @MadScientist
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Training Noburi: Eye Test
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @MadScientist
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Hazou Training: Basics have power
Voters: @RedV
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Research Hazou: Poor Man's Yellow Flash
Voters: @MadScientist
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Training Hazou: The Eleventh Hour
Voters: @MadScientist
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 19
Of course, you have to ask yourself: just how much does Inoue-sensei, a former Mist jōnin, really know about the proliferation of the lupchanz?
Long-Term Questlog


Defeat Pein

Defeat Obito

Defeat Madara

Destroy Hidden Mist

Defeat Kaguya

Defeat Toneri

Defeat Momoshiki

The Case of the Missing Uzumaki

(NEW!) The Lupchanzen Conspiracy
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@Jackercracks Where exactly is Jiraiya's contact (within the Land of Tea)?
Two thirds up the country, in a village near the western shore.
Not sure if you missed this or if you guys are still pondering but I had a few questions about Transformation jutsu I asked earlier. They are also in the player knowledge document. Transformation technique gets physically tougher as we put more levels to it right? At what level does it get hard enough for Hazou to be able to punch a person without breaking the transformation?
10 to start with, but the stronger he gets the harder he punches, and thus the level of transformation technique needed rises as his Taijutsu level rises. They grow closer at the higher levels, but it's still a significant disadvantage. The other thing is that you use the technique, then you get stabbed and it's dispelled, and suddenly you're off-balance and twice as injured.
Since we can magic away injuries with Transformation technique, what does Inoue think about using it in mid-combat to ignore injuries? Is this common practice or pure lunacy?
It removes a lot of your muscle memory, so it's not really done. (Yes, that means hazou as well.)
What did Kagome say about Version 2 of Poor Man's Yellow Flash? How difficult would it be, has a stack of stored objects been done before, etc.
I don't have an answer for this one right now. Haven't figured out the answer.
Can iron nerve be use to do usually involuntary reaction? Can Hanzo cry, sneeze or fart at will? Naruto beat Kiba with a well timed fart.
Cry, yes. Sneeze, yes. Fart, depends on if he actually has gasses within this intestines. Try to fart when you only have solid in store and you're in for a brown time.
All joking aside, I'd like us to investigate/research for a safe way to become a lupchanzen summoner. They're basically Intellect Devourers, and anyone who's played a mindflayer campaign knows how hard those are to deal with.