Akane and Hazou *in tandem*: he/she is not my boy/girl friend!
Akane and Hazou *in tandem*: (realises what the other said) You tell 'em, honey...
Akane and Hazou *in tandem*: he/she is not my boy/girl friend!
It does seem like a bad idea to me. Bodies float, and then some farmer fishes them out and ninja find out and track the place of origin.. no. We have storage scroll capacity to carry a few bodies, dumping them in the middle of ocean sounds way more appealing.
If we're going to Smugglerville we'll have to talk, and our amazing lying skills might not be enough.
Aaw, but then @eaglejarl would get to be the one to write it.Hint, people! We must take it! On that note, we're probably fine with ending this plan on 'step onto the Tea shore' note. In fact, that's what I'd prefer...
"Dear Akane,I know! Put the Leaf nin thing (and maybe other things we might want to say) in a letter, seal it shut, and give to Akane with a promise to only open it if something happens to us. Problem solvedIf something does happen she'll know we didn't mean to keep her in the dark forever. Until then she'll think it's just a safeguard against 'bad things'
Bodies can have seals on them. Sealing seals leads to Bad Things.I'm stuck thinking about the dead bodies. Would it be crazy to seal the bodies to scrolls and then deliver the scroll to Jiraya at later date? You know, as a gesture of good faith. Burying their dead probably has great significance in ninja culture and it's not like they will go bad inside the scroll.
Eek, forgot about that. If they are root we so don't want to seal them...Bodies can have seals on them. Sealing seals leads to Bad Things.
Bodies can have seals on them. Sealing seals leads to Bad Things.
[X] Action Plan: Carry on, nothing to see here!
Check if Inoue is an impostor.
- Dispel
- Check if we can Substitute with Inoue
- Ask Inoue for the password and an innocuous detail that she should remember from our earlier adventures
Don't mention the dead Leaf ninjas to Akane yet, unless she or someone else specifically asks about it.
Don't worry about mentioning the dead Leaf ninjas to Akane, she is a big girl and she can take it. Keep an eye out for her reaction though.
Head towards River and continue with the pre-planned route along River/Fire border.
Acquire a boat.
- Cover our tracks to the best of our ability
- Place the bodies inside a sealing scroll after checking them for seals with the intention to deliver them to Jiraya later
Dump the bodies into the river (with water clones), unless it seems like a really bad idea
Cross over to Tea.
- Find a coastal settlement that has boats
- Split the party and have Kagome, Akane and Noburi hide somewhere out of the way
- Have Hazou, Keiko and Inoue gather information on what is needed to cross the gulf
- Use fresh Transformations
- If splitting up seems optimal make sure Hazou and Keiko work as a pair
- Type of boat, chakra monster preparations, do we need an actual sailor to cross safely, currents, routes, time of day to embark?
- Take the time to observe Keiko's behavior for anything unusual
- Acquire the resources needed to cross
- First, try buying the required things
- If we can't afford everything, have Hazou gamble for the money somewhere
- If that's not possible just steal what we need
Assess the situation and consider what to do next.
- We are from an island nation, I'm sure we can handle a boat
- Have Noburi scout for dangerous things with his jutsu
- Try to aim the landing somewhere with no people
- Sink the boat offshore and water walk to land
Setup a short term base and rest.
Goods we bought for trade
Head inland and make a hidden Kagome-approved base somewhere out of the wayStart making plans on how to meet with our contact
- High-quality metal needles from Earth
- Skins and furs of animals of northern animals not specifically from Iron
It's not just ROOT operatives that have seals. They're probably not Hyuuga, but they and the Wakahisa clan habitually use seals, so it's certainly possible other clans have something similar in their clan secrets.I mean, consider how big a proportion ROOT ninjas make out of Leaf's active ninja population. Then add to it the fact that compulsion type seals might not even be a thing in rational!Narutoverse and I think it's okay to seal the bodies. Also, if they are ROOT, us figuring out that they have seals on them might be useful later.
The important points of my question are basically, how big do ships get, and if we pretend there aren't any ninja or chakra monsters out to get us, how safe is sailing on the ocean.I'm not enough of a historian/shipwright to give you concrete reference points, but I'll say that, as far as Hazō knows, boat technology isn't very sophisticated inthe Ministry of DefenceMarked for Death. Since the First Mizukage ended the age of ninja pirates, ninjutsu development has greatly reduced the potential for naval warfare (Great Fireball Technique plus wooden ship = GG), and aquatic chakra monsters make sea trade a high-risk, high-reward proposition. Plus, of course, there's ninja walking on water. There may be elite groups out there who have poured resources into advanced naval technology, but if so they have not chosen to make their successes public.
Why do I see this ending in a ninja/chakra monster attack on us?
Might wait for @eaglejarl to chip in. I think he is more knowledgeable about such things.The important points of my question are basically, how big do ships get, and if we pretend there aren't any ninja or chakra monsters out to get us, how safe is sailing on the ocean.
The fact that you are even considering the possibility of a ninja attack in the tentacle monster's natural habitat tells me that you are still underestimating me.Why do I see this ending in a ninja/chakra monster attack on us?
Are we telling Akane right away, or not at all?Don't worry about mentioning the dead Leaf ninjas to Akane, she is a big girl and she can take it. Keep an eye out for her reaction though.
Might wait for @eaglejarl to chip in. I think he is more knowledgeable about such things.
@Velorien @eaglejarl Any status on those storage scrolls Hazou made some time ago?
@eaglejarl has hinted that this is a useful course of action, by rating the post insightful.
@eaglejarl: How bad an idea is it to try to stick a boat into a storage scroll while it's on water?
We haven't gotten results
You have acquired:
- Results of your reverse-engineering of the storage seal will be announced after the GMs confer on appropriate target numbers