It does seem like a bad idea to me. Bodies float, and then some farmer fishes them out and ninja find out and track the place of origin.. no. We have storage scroll capacity to carry a few bodies, dumping them in the middle of ocean sounds way more appealing.

Well, it doesn't really matter to us if the bodies are found like a day later, besides I assume that our ninjas know that bodies float and will make sure that they don't. I'm kinda hoping that would lead to a "case closed" on the part of the investigators instead of a huge manhunt to find their missing compatriots.

I would assume Leaf has some sort of system to keep tabs on their border patrols. It's critical to know if someone starts attacking them so I don't think it will take long for someone to notice that they are missing and start canvasing the area. Between all the bullshit powers Leaf has they probably will find the spot where fighting took place and can probably track us to an extent.

I'm kinda torn on this because I don't want to carry the bodies around for an unspecified length of time. What if there are complications and we can't get to sea as expediently as we expect.

Does anyone else have an opinion on dead body disposal?

If we're going to Smugglerville we'll have to talk, and our amazing lying skills might not be enough.

This is actually a decent point and whatever happens I think we'll have enough XP to get the rest of the Substitution later anyways. Besides Diplomacy is something we can plausibly level now so might as well get that.

[-] Training Hazou: Not-Flash
[X] Training Hazou: Talk & Run
Hint, people! We must take it! On that note, we're probably fine with ending this plan on 'step onto the Tea shore' note. In fact, that's what I'd prefer...
Aaw, but then @eaglejarl would get to be the one to write it.

Hmm, maybe it could be another two-parter...

I know! Put the Leaf nin thing (and maybe other things we might want to say) in a letter, seal it shut, and give to Akane with a promise to only open it if something happens to us. Problem solved :D If something does happen she'll know we didn't mean to keep her in the dark forever. Until then she'll think it's just a safeguard against 'bad things'
"Dear Akane,

If you are reading this, then we are dead. But you're not. Good on you. Keep up the good work.

Sorry about that, Akane. I'm taking over writing while Noburi sits in a corner and takes sensitivity lessons from Keiko.

Anyway, listen. I know you're hoping for something to give you a sense of closure, maybe some parting wisdom or a confession of eternal love. Kagome is offering to do the former, and Hazō is squirming in this really cute fashion when I mention the latter. But honestly, I don't see either of those helping you come to terms with our deaths and move on. So instead I'll tell you the one thing we might not have had time for before whatever killed us.

Those Rain ninja from before? They weren't Rain ninja at all. I killed a squad of Leaf ninja, possibly people you knew and/or cared about, and then decided not to tell you in case you freaked out at an inconvenient moment.

That's all. Have a good life.


Inoue Mari"
I'm stuck thinking about the dead bodies. Would it be crazy to seal the bodies to scrolls and then deliver the scroll to Jiraya at later date? You know, as a gesture of good faith. Burying their dead probably has great significance in ninja culture and it's not like they will go bad inside the scroll.
I'm stuck thinking about the dead bodies. Would it be crazy to seal the bodies to scrolls and then deliver the scroll to Jiraya at later date? You know, as a gesture of good faith. Burying their dead probably has great significance in ninja culture and it's not like they will go bad inside the scroll.
Bodies can have seals on them. Sealing seals leads to Bad Things.
Bodies can have seals on them. Sealing seals leads to Bad Things.

It's more accurate to say that sealing seals can lead to bad things, or not. The chance of these guys having seal tattoos is already so low that I think it's an okay risk to take. Besides that's what the alternative plan is doing anyways.

I mean, consider how big a proportion ROOT ninjas make out of Leaf's active ninja population. Then add to it the fact that compulsion type seals might not even be a thing in rational!Narutoverse and I think it's okay to seal the bodies. Also, if they are ROOT, us figuring out that they have seals on them might be useful later.

About 4 hours to deadline so this will probably be my last big edit, unless there's something seriously wrong with this plan. (It's not even winning currently so bah.)

I put back the sealing of bodies part BUT with the intention to hand them over to Jiraya at a later date. It seems like an unexpected thing to do and Inoue's face will be priceless when we suggest it.

I also cut off the end part about making a base after landfall. We can put that stuff in the next vote and maybe even wrangle a beach episode for Velorien to write. :p

[X] Action Plan: Carry on, nothing to see here!

Check if Inoue is an impostor.
  • Dispel
  • Check if we can Substitute with Inoue
  • Ask Inoue for the password and an innocuous detail that she should remember from our earlier adventures
Don't mention the dead Leaf ninjas to Akane yet, unless she or someone else specifically asks about it.

Don't worry about mentioning the dead Leaf ninjas to Akane, she is a big girl and she can take it. Keep an eye out for her reaction though.

Head towards River and continue with the pre-planned route along River/Fire border.
  • Cover our tracks to the best of our ability
  • Place the bodies inside a sealing scroll after checking them for seals with the intention to deliver them to Jiraya later
  • Dump the bodies into the river (with water clones), unless it seems like a really bad idea
Acquire a boat.
  • Find a coastal settlement that has boats
  • Split the party and have Kagome, Akane and Noburi hide somewhere out of the way
  • Have Hazou, Keiko and Inoue gather information on what is needed to cross the gulf
    • Use fresh Transformations
    • If splitting up seems optimal make sure Hazou and Keiko work as a pair
    • Type of boat, chakra monster preparations, do we need an actual sailor to cross safely, currents, routes, time of day to embark?
    • Take the time to observe Keiko's behavior for anything unusual
  • Acquire the resources needed to cross
    • First, try buying the required things
    • If we can't afford everything, have Hazou gamble for the money somewhere
    • If that's not possible just steal what we need
Cross over to Tea.
  • We are from an island nation, I'm sure we can handle a boat
  • Have Noburi scout for dangerous things with his jutsu
  • Try to aim the landing somewhere with no people
  • Sink the boat offshore and water walk to land
Assess the situation and consider what to do next.

Setup a short term base and rest.
  • Head inland and make a hidden Kagome-approved base somewhere out of the way
  • Start making plans on how to meet with our contact
Goods we bought for trade
  • High-quality metal needles from Earth
  • Skins and furs of animals of northern animals not specifically from Iron
I mean, consider how big a proportion ROOT ninjas make out of Leaf's active ninja population. Then add to it the fact that compulsion type seals might not even be a thing in rational!Narutoverse and I think it's okay to seal the bodies. Also, if they are ROOT, us figuring out that they have seals on them might be useful later.
It's not just ROOT operatives that have seals. They're probably not Hyuuga, but they and the Wakahisa clan habitually use seals, so it's certainly possible other clans have something similar in their clan secrets.
My long term goal of having a Beach Episode for everyone to unwind and then talk frankly about their feelings about how they have lived life so far is coming to pass. We will invoke the reciprocity rule and lay ourselves bare so that Akane can follow our example and then it is two of 6 sharing their life stories. Nobouri will soon follow, not wanting to be shown up by his friendly rival and we will drill him for a confession to Keiko by the end of his story. The three of the confessors will then look to Keiko as she was partially the topic of the last open heart talk and she will feel the social pressure to share more about herself. Our teacher will laugh, give us all a pat on the head, ruffling our hair, say about two sentences and get Kagome to share about that much content even through he will ramble on and then get distracted by the fact we have not made a fort to stay in yet.
I'm not sure that the bodies are all that important. Hungry animals and chakra monsters are everywhere. Can't we just find a pack of chakra voles or something?

[X] Training Hazou: Talk & Run

I'm not enough of a historian/shipwright to give you concrete reference points, but I'll say that, as far as Hazō knows, boat technology isn't very sophisticated in the Ministry of Defence Marked for Death. Since the First Mizukage ended the age of ninja pirates, ninjutsu development has greatly reduced the potential for naval warfare (Great Fireball Technique plus wooden ship = GG), and aquatic chakra monsters make sea trade a high-risk, high-reward proposition. Plus, of course, there's ninja walking on water. There may be elite groups out there who have poured resources into advanced naval technology, but if so they have not chosen to make their successes public.
The important points of my question are basically, how big do ships get, and if we pretend there aren't any ninja or chakra monsters out to get us, how safe is sailing on the ocean.

I would love to write a beach episode. Just FYI.
Why do I see this ending in a ninja/chakra monster attack on us?
[X] Action Plan: Carry on, nothing to see here!
[X] Training Hazou: Not-Flash
[X] Training Noburi: Eyes in the Water
[X] Training Keiko: Pointy Owl
[X] Training Akane: Automail Fist
While I like the idea of a beach episode, ideally it would happen once we land in tea, rather than on the coast we're being chased to.
The important points of my question are basically, how big do ships get, and if we pretend there aren't any ninja or chakra monsters out to get us, how safe is sailing on the ocean.
Might wait for @eaglejarl to chip in. I think he is more knowledgeable about such things.

Why do I see this ending in a ninja/chakra monster attack on us?
The fact that you are even considering the possibility of a ninja attack in the tentacle monster's natural habitat tells me that you are still underestimating me.
Are we telling Akane right away, or not at all?

Huh, I guess I did phrase it a bit ambiguously.

I meant that we are not actively hiding it from her, so once we start checking the bodies and stuffing them inside scrolls she will probably notice. If it doesn't come up naturally now we can make a point to mention it to her in the next vote.

But especially with the addition of possibly delivering the bodies to Jiraya at some point I'm pretty sure it will come up now.
Voting is closed.

CounterBot by eaglejarl, version 1.2

Plan name: Training Akane: The Eye and the Fist
Voters: @faflec, @Jello_Raptor, @Kalkin, @Muer'ci, @Rozencrantz, @Skelm, @Traiden, @Twofold
Num votes: 8

Plan name: Training Hazou: Not-Flash
Voters: @Citrus, @fictionfan, @HyperCatnip, @Jello_Raptor, @Kalkin, @Rozencrantz, @Skelm, @Traiden
Num votes: 8

Plan name: Action Plan: Carry on, nothing to see here!
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @faflec, @HyperCatnip, @Jello_Raptor, @Killer_Whale, @Muer'ci, @Twofold
Num votes: 7

Plan name: Action Plan: Twofold Plot
Voters: @fictionfan, @Kalkin, @MadScientist, @Ridiculously Average Guy, @Skelm, @Traiden, @will408914
Num votes: 7

Plan name: Training Noburi: Eyes in the Water
Voters: @faflec, @HyperCatnip, @Kalkin, @Muer'ci, @Rozencrantz, @Traiden, @Twofold
Num votes: 7

Plan name: Training Hazou: Talk & Run
Voters: @Archibald, @MadScientist, @Muer'ci, @Rozencrantz, @Skelm, @Twofold
Num votes: 6

Plan name: Training Keiko: Heavy Weapons
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @Muer'ci, @Rozencrantz, @Skelm, @Traiden, @Twofold
Num votes: 6

Plan name: Training Keiko: Pointy Owl
Voters: @faflec, @HyperCatnip, @Kalkin, @MadScientist, @RedV
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Training Akane: Automail Fist
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @HyperCatnip, @MadScientist, @RedV
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Training Noburi: Clones Eyes
Voters: @Jello_Raptor, @Muer'ci, @Skelm, @Twofold
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Action Plan: Verification
Voters: @jy3, @RedV
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Training Hazou: Civil Engineering
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @MadScientist
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Training Noburi: Eye Test
Voters: @ChronOblivion, @MadScientist
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Hazou Training: Basics have power
Voters: @RedV
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Research Hazou: Poor Man's Yellow Flash
Voters: @MadScientist
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Training Hazou: The Eleventh Hour
Voters: @MadScientist
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 19
Might wait for @eaglejarl to chip in. I think he is more knowledgeable about such things.

Most of what I know is about small modern sailboats. That said, I know a little bit about Ye Olde Ships too. First off, they were made of dry wood and sealed with pitch, meaning they were basically floating torches and would burn to the waterline if you looked at them funny.

Supposedly China had some really big cargo ships in the very beginning of the 1400s. Like, really friggin' huge. Even at the smallest size given, those things are enormous.

I doubt the EN have much in the way of blue-water boats, though. Most of the EN is landlocked, there's rivers and roads for fast internal transport, and there's no sign in canon(*) of anyone outside the EN (the areas on our map) to trade with. They certainly have littoral boats for fishing and trade back and forth between Mist and the mainland, but I doubt very much that those boats are more than about 12 people at the very largest. I think it's fair to say that they're using modern lateen (triangular) sails, since those were available in China pretty early on. Lateen sails make the boat much more maneuverable than square-rigged sails, and allow the boat to point much closer to the wind, giving it greater effective speed over the water when close-hauled (i.e., not reaching or running).

(*) Filler about moon colonies and Flying Ninja doesn't count.

@Velorien @eaglejarl Any status on those storage scrolls Hazou made some time ago?

Uh...he made them, and you have them? Can you de-ambiguify the question?

@eaglejarl has hinted that this is a useful course of action, by rating the post insightful.

@eaglejarl: How bad an idea is it to try to stick a boat into a storage scroll while it's on water?


*wipes away tear* Oh, man, you guys are hilarious.