Should I be researching how to figure out whether we or any of our family member's are Masks as well, or are we just going to assume we're all not?
I say again:

  1. Charge into melee.
  2. Do not roll Taijutsu.
  3. Pop a Banshee.
Ill go for this after the opening salvo. I think we can levy our skills in an ambush as soon as they get onto our turf. We dont need to roll initiative and we can get some solid hits in.

Why would we do that when we can use our log explosion gambit to trigger banshee seals attached to LBF everywhere around?
We can do both.
Tbh the Cloud turnout is extremely impressive. That Lightning Aura technique thing is BOSS. These ninja are serious contenders. I really hope theres not more than a handful of ninja with such prodigious combat stats.

If it makes you feel any better, look it from his point of view. That lightning aura is supposed to be an overwhelming advantage against other taijutsu users, and Hazou no-sold it.
Alternatively, Hazou can just carry around a bunch of Jiraiya-tier goo bombs, and anyone who bothers to move into melee with him actively (ie taijutsu specialists), he just uses those on.
If it makes you feel any better, look it from his point of view. That lightning aura is supposed to be an overwhelming advantage against other taijutsu users, and Hazou no-sold it.
Which is great for us! They should fear the fist.

My concern is there are 3-4 other high statted combat specs with similar boost abilities. This is not super likely since this guy was noted as *the* Taijutsu specialist in the dossier, but I digress.
So first old ladies, and now incestuous BDSM? I suppose we're technically following in Jiraiya's perverted legend, but I'm not so sure we want the Goketsu to be known for unparalleled kinkiness.

That said, if they believe we hit on old ladies and tie our siblings up in their underwear for fun people will be ready to believe any level of lewdness from us. We could use that to our advantage, blue screen of death-ing our foes with strategically delivered insinuations of ultimate depravity.

Erotic meme hazards. I like it.

Seriously. Hazou should take leaf from Rock Lee.

The genin are at the age where this would be super useful and off putting. Plus we already have a rep.
I keep telling you guys, rational Akatsuki are the real heroes. I swear, if I was here at the time we were debating giving Skywalkers to Leaf, I would've made the Rain route reality instead.

I might be a bit biased because I read Daybreak: Part I yesterday, but we really should make at least some effort to figuring out what their goals are. If they're jaded idealists who started out trying to uplift the world then got mired in the required power-grab, we might be able to sway them to our side.

Tbh the Cloud turnout is extremely impressive. That Lightning Aura technique thing is BOSS. These ninja are serious contenders. I really hope theres not more than a handful of ninja with such prodigious combat stats.

inb4 that guy retroactively has Dragon Skin

Which is great for us! They should fear the fist.

My concern is there are 3-4 other high statted combat specs with similar boost abilities. This is not super likely since this guy was noted as *the* Taijutsu specialist in the dossier, but I digress.
So! Fun fact: Touma doesn't actually show up in dossier. He's not mentioned under the entry for Cloud, or anyone else as a "high power ninja to look out for".

We should say that to his face; we respect his fighting ability, and if the other chumps would like to prove that they got what it takes to take him on, just take us on, preferably 2 at a time to make the fight remotely fair :V

Can you activate a seal from the back of it (on a sheet of paper?) We could use layered seals: macerator on the back, at zero velocity (so as not to harm the goo bomb), and then activate both, punch the macerator to let fly a rock (it's at low shredding levels) at our enemies' feet with a goo bomb on front.
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This is probably a stupid idea, but I'm enjoying the mental image.

Using pangolins and explosives, clear out everything within at least 40 metres of the facility. Do the same to a ring just outside of byakugan range and a strip connecting it to the facility. Throw all the burnable material in the resulting horseshoe of forest and set it on fire.
So! Fun fact: Touma doesn't actually show up in dossier. He's not mentioned under the entry for Cloud, or anyone else as a "high power ninja to look out for".

We should say that to his face; we respect his fighting ability, and if the other chumps would like to prove that they got what it takes to take him on, just take us on, preferably 2 at a time to make the fight remotely fair :V

Wow! This doesnt assuage my fears but maybe we should befriend this lad then.
This is probably a stupid idea, but I'm enjoying the mental image.

Using pangolins and explosives, clear out everything within at least 40 metres of the facility. Do the same to a ring just outside of byakugan range and a strip connecting it to the facility. Throw all the burnable material in the resulting horseshoe of forest and set it on fire.

I actually suggested this a hundred or so pages ago (ish). We have some decent confirmation that Byakugan is gonna be a non issue so I dont think we need to be this ridiculous anymore.

Also it would take a lot of time to really get an impressive firewall going, yknow?
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Wow! This doesnt assuage my fears but maybe we should befriend this lad then.

I actually suggested this a hundred or so pages ago (ish). We have some decent confirmation that Byakugan is gonna be a non issue so I dont think we need to be this ridiculous anymore.

Also it would take a lot of time to really get an impressive firewall going, yknow?
This could combine well with the shallow lake idea for Noburi draining. Firewall curtain on the outermost edge, then lake.

Also, do thousand yard stare points do anything mechanically?