They were a shoe in regardless.

For this to be believable we'd presumably have to be in the cave we dug and unhenged, no? Does this not immediately disqualify us upon discovery anyway? We can't just hangout in there for 8 hours, thats unreasonable.

Can't we say that we recovered enough chakra to henge but still didn't have a way out?
Getting DQ'd and getting DQ'd wih a -30,000 point fuckup is a pretty big difference.
Ok, whose to say it hasn't been filled in, trapped or otherwise rendered inaccessible by now?

We are also a sitting duck down there if someone wants to snap our necks over this.

Edit: Its way to easy to murder us if we do this without telling anyone. We're lucky Nobs found us earlier, and you want to go back for round 2 in the hole?
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Can we just go to the hedge maze, and say that we have no idea what's going on since we've been there all day? No hole, just wandering around in the far corner of the ground.
I will point out that digging tunnels on the property would count as property damage. We do not want to tell the proctors about it.

You guys are seriously overcomplicating this. We just need to leave the area discreetly, or at least get back to ST Leaf. Us not being present is proof of nothing.
Strictly speaking, you are not dealing with 150 ninja. Aside from the obvious, you don't know how many ninja have already been publicly disqualified and escorted off the premises.
...How 'bout we just substitute in through an open window (it does make sense for it to be open, given the heat), and then skitter off.
I think its more prudent to spend a fate point or two on a statue or a bench to substitution with and or henge into.

Like theres a statue placed 15 feet away from the door on either side in safe distance from the mob(-1 FP). We seal the one closest to us into a storage scroll and henge into it, wait 10 literal seconds then rehenge into our disguise and come from behind. Boom, no one is the wiser.

edit: On second thought I sort of like the open window idea more but I think we'd really have to powerwalk away to get this to be reasonable.
@faflec I normally wouldn't vote this early, but there is no way I am letting that plan have the most votes.

People, you do realize that we can just lose the exams, right? And that we will still be alive afterwards?

[X] Substitute through an open window, then hide back in our tunnel.

Pretend Noburi never found us.
@faflec I normally wouldn't vote this early, but there is no way I am letting that plan have the most votes.

People, you do realize that we can just lose the exams, right? And that we will still be alive afterwards?

[X] Substitute through an open window, then hide back in our tunnel.

Pretend Noburi never found us.
Thats a short vote, you're going to give Hazo an aneurysm.