Modafinil is dosed at ~300mg


Not if you want to sleep anytime in the next couple of days.

A good friend of mine tells me that although the most common method of obtaining it comes in 100-200mg pills, that it is far more effective, in terms of not having your brain gradually fray apart from the inside while serially tunnel visioning to the maximal degree on literally everything you come across and having to drink 4x your daily average intake in water lest you get dehydrated and feel even more miserable, to use a dosage of 20-50mg, and that it's a far more appropriate dosage for getting the intended effect.

Or so they say, at least.
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But muh delayed gratification :(

Now I'm wondering if we could have chilled some alcohol bottles, playing it off as a shipment for the party, getting rid of some complexity by relying on people to drink it because it's cold and they're hot.

Bit of an aside, Jiraiya's banshees run at 175 decibels, which is 6 times stronger than Hazou's. This ratio probably isn't globally representative, but it gives us something to work with. For storage, I'd assume Jiraiya can do better than 600kg/6 cubic meters, but could he make a 5SB that runs 6 months? Would his macerators spit out their contents at 120m/s or going by the kinetic energy equation, only 20*(6)^0.5 = ~50m/s, along with munching particles into 6 times smaller sizes? Even if it's the latter, there's still room for improvement by removing functionalities besides adding velocity. Alternatively, Jiraiya could make his banshees stronger but then it would be hard for the user to use them safely.
Expecting Sealing to follow rules like that is a fools' gambit. He can make higher volume banshee seals because he's good enough to do so. We might also be good enough to do so, we just didn't aim for that higher of a volume because, frankly, the failure state of "your guts turning to mush" is a bit much for us right now. :p
HAZOU: Imma take this event easy, ya know? Swindle some people. Laugh about it. Generally keep my head down. No need to get worked up.

SHIN: (does SHIN things)

HAZOU: ...

SHIN: (awakens to find himself tied up upside down and hanging from a rope) Whu-?

HAZOU: You're really fucking with my zen here, kid.

SHIN: (notices the screaming, the fighting drunken ninja, the corpses, and the ruined mansion) What... happened?

HAZOU: I got annoyed. See that it doesn't happen again.
You know... it's a very good thing that Rock Lee was disqualified, now that I'm thinking of it. The aerosol alcohol idea would have backfired spectacularly if he hadn't been.
HAZOU: Imma take this event easy, ya know? Swindle some people. Laugh about it. Generally keep my head down. No need to get worked up.

SHIN: (does SHIN things)

HAZOU: ...

SHIN: (awakens to find himself tied up upside down and hanging from a rope) Whu-?

HAZOU: You're really fucking with my zen here, kid.

SHIN: (notices the screaming, the fighting drunken ninja, the corpses, and the ruined mansion) What... happened?

HAZOU: I got annoyed. See that it doesn't happen again.

HAZOU: Yeah, that's totally how it'll go...

GRUE: Free jutsu? Don't mind if I do!

HAZOU: (faceplants as visions of the Out are injected into his brain)
*looks over at ARS, which even got screentime in the latest CfG*
I think part of the lack of traction might be the name? Maybe call it the "TV Remote" seal, or something like that?

[Ami] is frightening as hell.
She's Keiko's big sister who is better at socials. Think about the implications.

Did you try to do an estimate as to how many updates on average you were going to need per event, before starting?
Nope. We never do; the fact that player plans drive the action means that we lack control over what's going to happen. We're also writing on very short timescales, meaning there's not always enough time to shape the narrative and often the story can get away from you and go off in some unexpected direction, but there's no time to go back and redo it.

Modafinil is dosed at ~300 mg.
Not if you want to sleep anytime in the next couple of days.

A good friend of mine tells me that although the most common method of obtaining it comes in 100-200mg pills, that it is far more effective, in terms of not having your brain gradually fray apart from the inside while serially tunnel visioning to the maximal degree on literally everything you come across and having to drink 4x your daily average intake in water lest you get dehydrated and feel even more miserable, that a dosage of 20-50mg is far more appropriate for getting the intended effect.

Or so they say, at least.'re saying that the 600 mg I took this morning may have some negative impact on sleep?

HAZOU: Imma take this event easy, ya know? Swindle some people. Laugh about it. Generally keep my head down. No need to get worked up.

SHIN: (does SHIN things)

HAZOU: ...

SHIN: (awakens to find himself tied up upside down and hanging from a rope) Whu-?

HAZOU: You're really fucking with my zen here, kid.

SHIN: (notices the screaming, the fighting drunken ninja, the corpses, and the ruined mansion) What... happened?

HAZOU: I got annoyed. See that it doesn't happen again.
FtD: Kurosawa Hazō et al. Cell T243.
I don't know if we've actually got weapons that split the atom. We've certainly got weapons that flood the universe with a literally-greater-than-infinite amount of energy (I don't understand the maths of how this works), and we have like three or four ways of creating black holes. But to my knowledge, we don't technically have nukes.
Don't stacked implosion seals do that, depending on the assumptions?


Not if you want to sleep anytime in the next couple of days.

A good friend of mine tells me that although the most common method of obtaining it comes in 100-200mg pills, that it is far more effective, in terms of not having your brain gradually fray apart from the inside while serially tunnel visioning to the maximal degree on literally everything you come across and having to drink 4x your daily average intake in water lest you get dehydrated and feel even more miserable, that a dosage of 20-50mg is far more appropriate for getting the intended effect.

Or so they say, at least.
It's adrafinil which is typically dosed in 300mg increments, I believe.'re saying that the 600 mg I took this morning may have some negative impact on sleep?
You took adrafinil, I'm fairly sure :p
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One of the best parts of this quest is how blatantly corrupt the QMs are. :V
If we pooled some money and just hired a professional comedian to come post here once in a while, we could probably get more XP that way than with nearly perfect plans (which are much harder to do).

Of course we'd have to "compensate" the other QMs as well so they don't get jealous and kill us off so I'm open for suggestions. I am thinking a bunch of voodoo dolls crafted in our image for @Velorien that he can stab whenever he feels particularly vindictive regularly and a promise to reduce oil spills from BP for the Other One?
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A quick Google search gives me this (from

"The relative humidity in your environment can affect the temperature you actually feel, which is called the "apparent temperature." Some example scenarios include:
  • If the air temperature reads 85˚F (29˚C), but there's zero humidity, the temperature will actually feel like it's 78˚F (26 ˚C).
  • If the air temperature reads 85˚F (29˚C), with 80 percent humidity, it will actually feel like 97˚F (36˚C).
High environmental temperatures can be dangerous to your body. In the range of 90˚ and 105˚F (32˚ and 40˚C), you can experience heat cramps and exhaustion. Between 105˚ and 130˚F (40˚ and 54˚C), heat exhaustion is more likely. You should limit your activities at this range. An environmental temperature over 130˚F (54˚C) often leads to heatstroke."

Lower down, it also mentions abrupt temperature changes as a risk factor.

FYI the reason for the 105 is I believe above that temperature air-flow/wind make you warmer rather than cooler and perspiration has no beneficial effect. Exerting oneself is primarily where the danger is sourced, ex: bad things happen if you were to somehow go jogging in a sauna, etc
Why are we telling people the sneeze gas thing ?
Wouldn't it give ninja time to prepare aganist mass poping if they believe it ?.

I believe it's meant to help herd them out of the mansion itself, which is where the 'sneeze gas attack' will happen. Since our real objective is to get them outside into the area we want, that's fine, and a preparation against sneeze gas isn't going to do anything against heat. Still, if it's a bad idea Keiko can nix it as one of those things Hazou thinks up that overcomplicates an otherwise workable plan.