[blatant trolling]Blatant hints to cover your asses are usually of the form "a QM made a post"
FINALLY the seeds of the most perfect pairing are taking root.
Woah the winning plan still isn't finished yet? We really need to start making smaller, more focused plans. I know I've already said this before, but when we've had multiple updates and the QM's are still working their way through one plan, it's worth repeating.
This next update will be the third one to touch this plan.Well, if the find ourselves in the worst harem timeline, at least we'll always have nukes.
Huh? It's going to take around 1.5 updates to get through it, it seems like. That's more than usual, but no cause for immediate alarm. The plan is relatively focused as well, it just has us doing lots of preparation for the event.
There's a certain tension between whether you all* want this to be run as a play-by-post RPG or as a more generic Quest. A play-by-post RPG is just what is says; run very much like a tabletop roleplaying game where players are expected to make a lot of detailed choices and by explicit about what they want to do. Play-by-posts tend to be incredibly time-consuming as the GMs have to constantly stop the action and consult the players as to what they want to do next.
Many quests are run as much different beasts. There the QM(s) will take control of the character for extended periods of time, generally following either very light guidance or no guidance at all from the players until they get to a decision point they find interesting.
If the QMs want shorter plans, my advice is to put a word limit on plans. That will force use to include only the most important high points and leave the rest up to QM interpretation. Maybe also pair it with a demand to plan for a certain period as in, "What do you want to do between now and the beginning of the Event?"
*You all being both players and QMs.
@OliWhail went over them today and they should be very close to finished. I think they just need final check at this point.
And Leaf especially would be checking this now that they know the Kurosawa Clan are all potential sealmasters.The best indicator for such a tactic would be to view the paper and ink markets within the region. Which I would imagine has already been put into place a long time ago at the start of the invention of sealing. Much like how major countries within our world view the production and sales of strategic resources used in the manufacturing process of weapons such as bombs.
Kurosawa is a sealmaster, and probably will soon be the most famous in the world. That puts a lot of pressure on the Kurosawa because they let one got away.
Why would he be the most famous one in the world? I guess being the apprentice of the guy who invented Skywalkers is pretty prestigious, but still.
Ideologies are tricky like that. Even when you realize that what you're doing is clearly inefficient and suboptimal, you are heavily disinclined to toss it aside if you have any other option (or, at least, if you believe you have any other option). Largely, this stems from the way people try to reach the absolute optimal outcome, which involves getting everything they want without trading away anything major.
For the Kurosawa in particular, they are enamored with the idea of, as they put it, holding the line. If you were in a rules-lawyering mood you could argue to them that they can 'hold the line' better by supporting the village through seals, but the Kurosawa aren't taking 'hold the line' as a rule to be followed but an attempt to convey a concept that they already intuitively understand, which appears to be something along the lines of 'we punch out our enemies and keep everyone safe with our awesome Taijutsu'. In absence of rules-lawyering, dropping the secret and turning the clan to seal production would be in no uncertain terms the abandonment of the ideal they hold so dear.
Sure, Mist is in a very sticky situation, but they aren't so desperate as to become convinced that there is no way to have Mist come out ahead without abandoning the line. Maybe that's stupid of them since they'd be in a better position by throwing away their ideals, but it's stupid in a way that means even a reasonable and competent person like Ren being in charge doesn't just wipe away the intense desire to not abandon the ideals they hold so dear.
He could never claim any degree of credit and have it be taken seriously. See my edit above. He still can't even infuse a Skywalker seal, and he's going to claim to be co-inventor?
Why would he be the most famous one in the world? I guess being the apprentice of the guy who invented Skywalkers is pretty prestigious, but still.
EDIT: Putting all operational security questions aside, think about how it would sound if Hazou ever tries going around and telling people, "Oh yeah, Skywalkers were totally my idea. My sealing sensei just made it work is all." What a punk he'd sound like! Who would take that seriously?
He came up with a useful and specific implementation schematic/idea/etc that allows skywalking even though the possibility was staring people right in the face. So, yes, he's a co-inventor.
This is not the same thing as merely having an 'idea', which is almost worthless.
Hazou didn't make Skywalkers, couldn't without Kagome, but by the same token Kagome couldn't have made Skywlakers without Hazou's idea. I don't think it's really appropriate to describe it as X% Hazou's and Y% Kagome's, because then we'd also need to credit whoever taught Kagome (or else he wouldn't be able to make them), the people who made those centuries of seal theory (or else no one could), and so on and so forth. Many things needed to happen for Skywalkers to happen, and just as Kagome's actually designing them was necessary and can't be discarded Hazou's idea was necessary for Kagome to make them and thus can't be discarded either. Condensing it into 'one person is exclusively responsible for this invention and no one else can claim any of the credit' doesn't really match reality in this case.
I don't care what's actually true. I'm talking about public credit and fame, and I see Hazou getting ignored more than a woman researcher in a group of tenured male professors. You're damn right it doesn't match reality... but no one will care. He'll never be anything more than a footnote in history, at least as far as Skywalkers are concerned.