Hm... How much chakra could we regen over the 3 hours? If we just had Kei summon a pangolin to dig a (sufficiently-large) escape tunnel to the outside of the Ring of Death over the next couple hours, using Noburi to keep her topped up from everyone else, we could have Neji scout it out, then just vamoose quickly before anyone knew what was going on.

We can drop a few long timer explosives over to destroy all our traps (so enemy sealmasters don't get any of our seals), and be out before anyone knows what's happening. As long as we do it far enough ahead of time, they can't afford to have Living Roots (et al) on all the time, it's kind of chakra expensive, so as long as they don't know we're leaving, they won't have any idea of what's happening until we're gone. And we only need ~3 minutes to get out, so one minute's lead is enough for us to get out.
Hm... How much chakra could we regen over the 3 hours? If we just had Kei summon a pangolin to dig a (sufficiently-large) escape tunnel to the outside of the Ring of Death over the next couple hours, using Noburi to keep her topped up from everyone else, we could have Neji scout it out, then just vamoose quickly before anyone knew what was going on.

We can drop a few long timer explosives over to destroy all our traps (so enemy sealmasters don't get any of our seals), and be out before anyone knows what's happening. As long as we do it far enough ahead of time, they can't afford to have Living Roots (et al) on all the time, it's kind of chakra expensive, so as long as they don't know we're leaving, they won't have any idea of what's happening until we're gone. And we only need ~3 minutes to get out, so one minute's lead is enough for us to get out.
@faflec Thoughts on this? If we're particularly wary of cave-ins or whatever we could send along some 5SBs to help reinforce it with wood planks or whatever.
@faflec Thoughts on this? If we're particularly wary of cave-ins or whatever we could send along some 5SBs to help reinforce it with wood planks or whatever.
I kinda already did write this, though it's not as explicit as yours (I had us do full tunnel-escape as an option, but left open the possibility of going above-ground). Didn't do the "destroy our base" though, I'll add that in to preparations.
@faflec, can you change your plan to take into account that we don't have tunneler's friend seals, and thus are unlikely to be able to send Neji with Panashe for scouting, and will be unable to tunnel under the ground to get past the trap line?

As a suggestion, we could have Noburi send clones (or we could just throw PMYF) to points on the edge of the trapped zone, then have Neji substitute with them rapid fire while using his byakugan to scout out how the area around the zone of death looks? We could also use PMYF to get past the trap line instead of tunneling under it.

Could we have Banshee Slayers active from the start? That would save some time fumbling around at the start of combat for our allies who are less familiar with the seals.
The plan also says we're clearing a path using explosives, but can we change it to training explosives to avoid accidentally killing anyone hiding in front of us? Or would training seals not work well enough?

Regardless, I prefer running towards the exit, rather than trying to fight everything in our path. We'll probably get plenty of fighting done anyway.
[X] Action Plan: Last-Minute Escape
I kinda already did write this, though it's not as explicit as yours (I had us do full tunnel-escape as an option, but left open the possibility of going above-ground). Didn't do the "destroy our base" though, I'll add that in to preparations.
You should probably make the tunnel immediately, not when it's needed. That way Neji can do a quick check before we vamoose instead of having to wait.
@faflec, can you change your plan to take into account that we don't have tunneler's friend seals, and thus are unlikely to be able to send Neji with Panashe for scouting, and will be unable to tunnel under the ground to get past the trap line?

As a suggestion, we could have Noburi send clones (or we could just throw PMYF) to points on the edge of the trapped zone, then have Neji substitute with them rapid fire while using his byakugan to scout out how the area around the zone of death looks? We could also use PMYF to get past the trap line instead of tunneling under it.

Could we have Banshee Slayers active from the start? That would save some time fumbling around at the start of combat for our allies who are less familiar with the seals.
The plan also says we're clearing a path using explosives, but can we change it to training explosives to avoid accidentally killing anyone hiding in front of us? Or would training seals not work well enough?

Regardless, I prefer running towards the exit, rather than trying to fight everything in our path. We'll probably get plenty of fighting done anyway.
[X] Action Plan: Last-Minute Escape
Hazou can infuse Tunneler's Friends, actually.
@faflec, can you change your plan to take into account that we don't have tunneler's friend seals, and thus are unlikely to be able to send Neji with Panashe for scouting, and will be unable to tunnel under the ground to get past the trap line?
Why does our lack of Tunneler's Friend seals mean that we cannot send Neji with Panashe? IIRC Pangolins have access to a burrowing technique (similar to Tunneling Excavation) that produces a permanent tunnel; Neji could in theory follow Panashe underground while still being able to breathe.
As a suggestion, we could have Noburi send clones (or we could just throw PMYF) to points on the edge of the trapped zone, then have Neji substitute with them rapid fire while using his byakugan to scout out how the area around the zone of death looks? We could also use PMYF to get past the trap line instead of tunneling under it.
This isn't an impossible plan but requires Neji to use 14CP for each log which is really expensive.
Could we have Banshee Slayers active from the start? That would save some time fumbling around at the start of combat for our allies who are less familiar with the seals.
A reasonable point, and I will add it.

Edit: After checking the new rules, having Banshee Slayers up gives -1 to Awareness and -0.5 to Stealth. This is per "protection point" which is a lot when considering Banshee seals.
The plan also says we're clearing a path using explosives, but can we change it to training explosives to avoid accidentally killing anyone hiding in front of us? Or would training seals not work well enough?
Kinda-sorta? I'm not sure how powerful training explosives actually are. I'll edit it to say that we avoid using higher-level explosives to avoid "going full lethal" unless we need the stronger explosives to clear a path.
You should probably make the tunnel immediately, not when it's needed. That way Neji can do a quick check before we vamoose instead of having to wait.
I mean...the idea is to have Panashe and co. check where the best place to build a tunnel is first (read: places of least resistance) and build the tunnel after that. I'll make it more explicit.
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Why does our lack of Tunneler's Friend seals mean that we cannot send Neji with Panashe? IIRC Pangolins have access to a burrowing technique (similar to Tunneling Excavation) that produces a permanent tunnel; Neji could in theory follow Panashe underground while still being able to breathe.

This isn't an impossible plan but requires Neji to use 14CP for each log which is really expensive.

A reasonable point, and I will add it.

Edit: After checking the new rules, having Banshee Slayers up gives -1 to Awareness and -0.5 to Stealth. This is per "protection point" which is a lot when considering Banshee seals.

Kinda-sorta? I'm not sure how powerful training explosives actually are. I'll edit it to say that we avoid using higher-level explosives to avoid "going full lethal" unless we need the stronger explosives to clear a path.

I mean...the idea is to have Panashe and co. check where the best place to build a tunnel is first (read: places of least resistance) and build the tunnel after that. I'll make it more explicit.
Oh, uh, right... how do we get through the water table without drowning ourselves underground?
The current plan:
Alright, here's a plan that:
  • Avoids fighting if at all possible.
  • Limits possible fighting from spilling over into "neutral" teams (i.e., teams that are nearby but aren't gunning for us specifically).
  • Maximizes Party Trick seal production.
[X] Action Plan: Last-Minute Escape
  • General:
    • Discuss everything with Team Goketsu, then with the group as a whole.
    • Make sure everyone is in agreement. Fix errors in plan.
  • Preparations:
    • Hazou continues to make Party Trick seals for personal use/trade.
    • Teams collectively decide now who gets how many seals.
      • Every individual gets 33 seals.
      • New seals made:
        • Gets added to the 9 remaining seals, and distributed evenly among the 12 people here.
      • Any remaining seals:
        • Divide them evenly among the 4 teams, and let individual teams decide who gets the extra seal(s).
        • If any seals remain after that (e.g., we have 3 seals remaining), have the team leaders draw straws or something similar.
    • Keiko summons Panashe. Panashe goes underground to scout the Ring of Death. As possible Neji and other high-Awareness individuals with underground sensing go with her.
      • Location/clustering of enemies (Where are enemy teams densely packed? Where are they really spread out? Are some teams allied based on how close they are?).
      • Alertness level (Are they able to spot Panashe/her squad?).
      • Security/traps (Are they using non-standard seals, like Force Walls? Do they have traps set up? How well-hidden are they? How much would they slow us down given our plan?).
      • Combat styles (Do they have characteristic signs of Taijutsu/Weapons? Do they appear to be ninjutsu users?).
      • Other (Chakra levels? Have they taken any Consequences/injuries?).
    • Prepare to scuttle our traps and seals. Take the ones we can afford to do stealthily (e.g., 5SBs in the base) but plant timed explosives around the perimeter (from underground, if possible) with the intention that they will detonate after we've left.
    • Hazou (or Panashe/other allies, if they have an more efficient technique) uses Doton: Tunneling Excavation to make a tunnel under our Ring of Death, eliminating the need to slowly go through them.
      • Make the tunnel before we escape to give added chakra regen.
      • Direction of our escape is determined from the results of our scouting. We want to go through the path of least resistance, and then move towards the rendezvous point once we've escaped the Ring of Death.
      • Try to reinforce the underground tunnels with wood beams + 5SB, quietly.
    • Everyone prepares relevant seals and (as appropriate) jutsu before we leave.
      • Right before leaving, we should have Banshee Slayers up (and they should only be blocking
  • The Escape:
    • After 1.5-2.5 hours (exact time determined during discussion) we make our escape.
      • Time of our escape is determined by how long we're expected to take to get to the rendezvous point, plus ~30 minutes. We want to arrive just after ~4:45PM.
    • Neji should have his Byakugan active to check enemies/traps. Other allies with similar skills (e.g., Living Roots) should do the same.
    • Depending on the situation we may want to surface (e.g., the tunnel is collapsing). If so:
      • We are running at 100% normal speed and using chakra as appropriate to boost Athletics.
      • If/when we are chased engage only if necessary. Leave behind training explosives as shitty traps to slow them down.
      • (Aboveground) We use explosive seals to clear the path in front of us. Neji/high-Awareness individuals should direct specifics (e.g., training explosives, or stronger explosives), as relevant.
    • Ultimate goal of escape is to evade threats and arrive at the rally point at most 30min before the end time (5:15PM).
  • Contingency: Combat time! (Work In Progress)
    • Activate Banshee Slayers and Banshee seals.
    • KO enemies ASAP.
    • GTFO.

Oh, uh, right... how do we get through the water table without drowning ourselves underground?
The same way Panashe did?
No, I mean, I don't remember her going underground.
*rereads everything*

Son of a bitch, QMs retcon'd the part where Panashe burrowed underground. It was Chuunin Exam Second Event, Continued; the part where they brought Team Guy in. I'd thought they'd said that Panashe was supposed to tail Hazou's proctor from underground too, but it wasn't explicit. Though I can't imagine how else Panashe would be able to tail the proctor and then come back AND get intel on the proctor's central hub...
So, maybe we should work on our above-ground escape plan some. How do we go about that?
Are we allowed to skytower/skywalker out of the base? Or carpet bomb the area with flash bamgs? Do we have aby underground ways to escape?
I think @Cariyaga was referring to the making of the plan, not the execution.

Though I could be completely wrong about that.
Are we allowed to skytower/skywalker out of the base? Or carpet bomb the area with flash bamgs? Do we have aby underground ways to escape?
No, no, yes. Sky-anything is banned by word-of-Jiraiya and we don't have flashbangs. We do have the ability to make tunnels, which is what my plan is.
I think @Cariyaga was referring to the making of the plan, not the execution.

Though I could be completely wrong about that.

If tunnel-making doesn't work though we need to have an idea of how to get away above ground without getting collapsed on. Also need to have plans for if the other genin groups don't want to go along with the tunnel plan too. And for how to get away if we encounter a group too big to deal with.
If tunnel-making doesn't work though we need to have an idea of how to get away above ground without getting collapsed on. Also need to have plans for if the other genin groups don't want to go along with the tunnel plan too. And for how to get away if we encounter a group too big to deal with.
Bumrush things at full speed (maybe on a Pangolin or two), while throwing out Banshees and explosive tags like they're going out of style?

Like, that's what I would do.