Come on, it wasn't that bad. End Times are scheduled to start far later than this.
Not sure what you mean here. First of all, my design doesn't necessarily have to rely on chakra detection-Kagome's proximity triggers for implosion seals work through walls, since he mentions they would activate even if enemies tried to tunnel under them. It'd be
nice to have chakra-based triggers, but ultimately it's not necessary, proximity detection works just as well.
Furthermore, let's try to clear up the confusion around why you need so many seals. My modified original design has 360 seals (though if you use 5 degree wide cones it's just 72-you can trade number of seals for accuracy) positioned in a following way in a spherical cordinate system. Azimuth angle from -180 to 180 degrees, polar angle from 0 to 180 (look up a picture on wikipedia, it helps).
- Cone from -0.5 degree to 0.5 degree azimuth angle, 0 to 160 polar angle
- Cone from 0.5 degree to 1.5 degree azimuth angle, 0 to 160 polar angle
- Cone from 1.5 degree to 2.5 degree azimuth angle, 0 to 160 polar angle
- ...
Direction where polar angle is 0 is the "center"-that part which rotates towards the enemy. Direction where polar angle is 180 is "back"-you stand there while activating so that seal doesn't immediately home in on you, because there is a 40 degree blindspot there. Alternatively, you can attach an already used timed activation mechanism to the seals, since otherwise I don't know how Kagome would activate his implosion seals with proximity detection without immediately blowing himself up. Alternatively alternatively, proximity detection can only work when distance to the enemy decreases, and not increases.
Rotation works because enemy is always detected by only one seal, and that seal has the rotating moment already hardcoded to be positioned in such a way that it rotates it straight to the "center" direction. On the other hand, suppose you increased azimuth angle to 90 degrees:
- Cone from 0 to 90 degree azimuth angle, 0 to 160 polar angle
Now suppose you hardcode
torque to go in an azimuth angle 135, polar angle 90 direction. Further suppose you detect three targets, in order:
- 0 degree azimuth angle, 90 polar angle
- 45 degree azimuth angle, 90 polar angle
- 90 degree azimuth angle, 90 polar angle
Second target is successfully homed in, since it's in the same plane as the torque that will rotate the system. First and third, however, are missed, because seal still rotates in the same direction as when the second target was detected. In the ending configuration they are 45 degrees off from the "center". Now, if you add 3 more such seals:
- Cone from 90 to 180 degree azimuth angle, 0 to 160 polar angle
- Cone from 180 to 270 degree azimuth angle, 0 to 160 polar angle
- Cone from 270 to 360 degree azimuth angle, 0 to 160 polar angle
Then yes, it will home in on the center
eventually. It will, however, be slow and produce oscillations- a problem that often arose with early relay control systems IRL. It's much better to have more seals, each of which has much lower initial error in allignment of the target and the torque/rotation plane.