Freezing it seems better.
  • It's faster, since the mist doesn't have to dissipate before it stops being dangerous,
  • It's more reliable, since we have precedent for AOE jutsu being magically stuck in one place (EM being an example), which would negate any effect from heating,
  • It's prettier, because snow,
  • Dissipation probably requires turning EM off, since otherwise the air stays where it is, which means we're vulnerable to the jutsu just being repeated. Freezing can be kept on, and and even if it is dispelled, since we've run into combat now and maintaining it is dangerous, the ice should stick around and hopefully interfere with repeat attempts.

The problem with freezing is that it actually increases the effective local humidity and thus the fog. That might make the droplets enlarge enough to drizzle out, but I'm not finding good numbers for what conditions to expect that under and we'd have to either get all of them or literally freeze all of them to stop the effect.

On the other hand, making the fog re-evaporate takes miniscule changes. Like, I'm looking at reports on the French Turboclair runway system which showed fantastic results from heating the volume by just 2C. Fog is really sensitive to that tipping point and its very condensation keeps the local temperature right at that easy cusp from the other end. How much 2m tall area can Akane heat by just 2C?

The air presumably isn't trapped by the jutsu. Even if it cools again immediately upon leaving it will have left by going up, where it is mixing with drier air and being driven away by the ongoing stream following it. Akane could vacuum up a huge area for what must be trivial amounts of chakra compared to vaporizing the water in the first place.

Also, boom. Boom always works.
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That's a serious question: how much area? Hazou's hive-mind is telling him to use the enemy jutsu to turn his girlfriend into the eye of a self-sustaining hurricane.
we'd have to either get all of them or literally freeze
If you get noticeably sub-0, that's exactly what will happen.
How much 2m tall area can Akane heat by just 2C?
EM is lv. 5, so maximum delta 25K, cost is 3CP/K, area is a sphere radius (3+lvl)m. Temperature and area are not separate, so affecting a larger area either means doing so by a larger amount or with multiple casts. At lv. 5 this means 16m diameter for 15CP.

It turns out the jutsu lasts 10m even with no maintaining, so whatever gets done will last the battle with room to spare.
The air presumably isn't trapped by the jutsu.
I expect otherwise. @eaglejarl?
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You mean we've had a means of quietly suffocating people in their sleep this whole time? Why didn't we just cast a 1C difference on a chunk of the boat and let inertia tear it apart? Heck, if nothing else, that would make this utility spell basically a force wall a against any wind attacks.
To be more specific I expect the effects of convection due to the temperature difference in the air is magically suppressed, because this jutsu was not noted as causing any significant drafts. I don't expect it forms an airtight seal.
Stinking Americans with their cheating imperial standards-

Things are even better than they initially looked. If we assume perfectly even heating (magic AOE), no vapor contribution from the heat source (magic), and do the calculations in proper centigrade, a 10c ambient fog of 0.3gm/m^3 (thick fog) only needs to be heated half a degree to completely absorb the droplets even before considering layer mixing.

So, that's a lower bound of ~1,430m^3 cleared per CP and some very surprised Moist-nin.
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If we assume perfectly even heating (magic AOE), no vapor contribution from the heat source (magic), and do the calculations in proper centigrade, a 10c ambient fog of 0.3gm/m^3 (thick fog) only needs to be heated half a degree to completely absorb the droplets even before considering layer mixing.
How are you calculating this? Wikipedia says fog "forms when the difference between air temperature and dew point is less than 2.5 °C", which suggests there is a 5K range in which fog can form naturally. (Since this is magically sourced fog, presumably made for use in a wide variety of conditions, that might be anywhere from accurate to entirely pessimistic.)
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Two questions regarding the current situation:
  • Where (was) the enemy Wakahisa during the update? Neji and Noburi referenced them as being Southeast and South, but Noburi acted as though Neji was being accurate with his directions.
  • Are we considered as being "under combat", such that we can't have an Ambush round?
How are you calculating this? Wikipedia says fog "forms when the difference between air temperature and dew point is less than 2.5 °C", which suggests there is a 5K range in which fog can form naturally. (Since this is magically sourced fog, presumably made for use in a wide variety of conditions, that might be anywhere from accurate to entirely pessimistic.)

It can, in the same way that it can form in isolated pockets when the general humidity is as low as 70%, but we're speaking of small-area ideals over a pretty consistent water source and temperature range. That's why the source for that wiki quote says in full:

According to international definition, fog reduces visibility below 1 km (0.62 miles). Fog differs from cloud only in that the base of fog is at the earth's surface while clouds are above the surface. When composed of ice crystals, it is termed ice fog. Visibility reduction in fog depends on concentration of cloud condensation nuclei and the resulting distribution of droplet sizes. Patchy fog may also occur, particularly where air of different temperatureand moisture content is interacting, which sometimes make these definitions difficult to apply in practice. Fogs of all types originate when the temperature and dewpoint of the air become identical (or nearly so). This may occur through cooling of the air to a little beyond its dewpoint (producing advection fog, radiation fog or upslope fog), or by adding moisture and thereby elevating the dewpoint (producing steam fog or frontal fog). Fog seldom forms when the dewpoint spread is greater than 4°F

We're dealing with freshly formed, presumably ultrafine fog to maximize coverage and visibility hindrance per unit of investment. It's presumably going to be at or even at a disadvantage to equilibrium and have fast kinetics. We know that it isn't a chakra construct because they're draining through it.

That earlier statement was pulled from the current tab on my list: I'd rather take his word for it than start looking up tables and running calculations to confirm.

We may not need to even bother with the acoustic dispersion techniques which keep getting mentioned in the literature.
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Oh right, um @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail ...

A long time ago there was a discussion regarding holding personal Combat/Move/Quick Actions until other individuals have made their own (within the round), as stated in the Combat Rules doc. Could I have confirmation that this is the case?
Look, let's compromise. We immediately launch a screaming saturation bombing run on the Waka, but modulate the timing of the explosions to spell out "Raise Temp 1C" in knock code.
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the other teams didn't listen to us much anyways
It was really just Neji-the-arrogant who was ignoring you. Akane and Shikamaru were right there, listening and wanting to work with you. Shikamaru countered the Dome idea because he recognized a fact that you hadn't yet, and he called for everyone to scatter when the attack came in, but he was quite willing to work with you so long as the opportunity was there. Hazō is pretty sure that, if he can manage to link up with Ino/Shika/Chō, they will be happy to listen to his plan and support it if it makes sense.

I have to believe that the real Nobs would use a codeword even if only his own team would know it, and the allies really should have set some shared ones up while waiting. If that was the real Nobs he deserves whatever he gets.
You know, that's a good point. I didn't think of that but Noburi should have.

Okay, there was a code word used that makes it ae likely to have been Noburi as it's possible to be in a world with pseudo-telepathic Yamanaka and all sorts of cheating information-gathering cheater bloodlines.

I'll fix it when I get home.

Also, @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail, what's the current temperature?
I'd need to talk to the others, but it's cold. The current in-game date is October or November, I think?

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Two questions regarding the current situation:
  • Where (was) the enemy Wakahisa during the update? Neji and Noburi referenced them as being Southeast and South, but Noburi acted as though Neji was being accurate with his directions.
  • Are we considered as being "under combat", such that we can't have an Ambush round?
I'm away from my notes right now, but I think it was supposed to be that the mist drain girl was south of you and the Lightning team was slightly to their east, close enough to provide combat support but far enough not to be hit by most AOE attacks.

I'll need to check with the others on the ambush question. You definitely won't be able to get one on anyone with special senses that can target you in the fog, and that will include the Wakahisa.

Oh right, um @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail ...

A long time ago there was a discussion regarding holding personal Combat/Move/Quick Actions until other individuals have made their own (within the round), as stated in the Combat Rules doc. Could I have confirmation that this is the case?
Yes, you can hold actions until later in the round. Note, however, that you must take all actions at the same time unless there's a specific rule that allows otherwise. Pinning and screening are the only such rules at this time.
Yes, you can hold actions until later in the round. Note, however, that you must take all actions at the same time unless there's a specific rule that allows otherwise. Pinning and screening are the only such rules at this time.
Alright, that brings me to a complicated question:

I'm writing an Action Plan right now and I want Hazou to run (to Noburi's position), wait for him to activate his Banshee Slayers, and then activate his Earbusters. If what you're saying is true, Hazou will have to wait until Noburi has taken his turn (and activated his Banshee Slayers), and then move to Noburi (to see him activating his Banshee Slayers)? But then Hazou wouldn't be able to see Noburi activating his Banshees since he has to move in order to get to Noburi to see him activate them...?

Would Hazou just magically arrive as Noburi's fighting and sees him activate his Banshee Slayers?
Thanks, @eaglejarl! Could you give us a sense as to how far away Noburi's voice was, relative to the Lightning AoE that just happened and the location that Hazou thinks the enemy Wakahisa's at? (since all appear to be in the same general direction, 2 o'clock to "forward and right" to 12 o'clock)
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Shit I forgot another question: If Noburi spends his Combat Action on Vampiric Dew (also, does Vampiric Dew count as a Combat Action?), does he still give MC combat bonus for Hazou with Water Whip (assuming it's active)?
So, here's what I'm thinking: Hazou doesn't chakra boost his Taijutsu (well, at least not fully), instead relying on Macerators and Roki.

Kei doesn't boost weapons, relying on explosives (use her judgement as to what level to use) which target Tac Move. If she had the chance to before engaging, go ahead and have Echolocation active for the first round.

Noburi goes full boost, uses Syrup Trap to slow enemies and calls out their location for Keiko (in code) to hit with A-rank explosives, which Hazou follows up.
That earlier statement was pulled from the current tab on my list: I'd rather take his word for it than start looking up tables and running calculations to confirm.
This is a good source. Since eaglejarl says it's cold (which I consider to roughly mean under 10°C) both cooling and heating should work on natural fogs. I will note again that you can't raise the temperature by a single degree, since it works in 5K increments and it's inefficient not to target large areas (mostly because of action economy, but also chakra). But I'll also note that stacking the jutsu has the stronger effect entirely override the weaker, IIRC, which means if we heat by 20°C we can always have cooling by 25°C as a backup plan.
Alright, new plan. Link up with Noburi, then blast our way straight for the Waka with twice the firepower. Once the damned area control/C&C contingent so very unfortunately fails one of their dozen simultaneous dodge checks against some flavor of Giant Boom of Doom followed by a couple of Palm Blasts of Doom followed by metal punches of doom followed by having everything but the very last erg of chakra drained out we can circle back and clean up. By then Neji and Guy will have thoroughly mulched their chosen targets in close combat, Tenten will have begun taking advantage of the dissipating mist, Keiko will have either followed the explosions or started summoning Angry Armored Balls of Doom, Shika will have had time to hunker down and recover, and we'll probably run into Akane and co homing on the explosions on the way back even if we don't pass a message that she can basically single-handedly clear the fog of war. If any opponents left standing haven't fled by then, well, kudos. Stupid, but kudos. Of course, anyone who has disengaged is going to get a visit from Panache and friends with some revised ROEs.
Here's a shitty Action Plan.

[X] Action Plan: War of the Blind

Part the First: Saving Noburi (Again)
This part ends when we have successfully incapacitated all active hostiles engaging Noburi.

Yell out: "Banshee on Longfish prepare!" as we approach.
  • We are basically saying: I'm activating an Earbuster on Noburi's (Longfish's) position, if you're there prep Banshee Slayers right now.
Round 1:
  • Move Action: Get to where we heard Noburi.
    • When we see Noburi, check to make sure he's not an imposter under Henge (read: is there a barrel/remains of one present?).
  • Quick Actions:
    • Activate personal Banshee Slayers.
  • Combat Action: Taijutsu punch whoever's giving Noburi trouble.
    • Focus on whatever enemy is closest to Noburi. Work together (KO one enemy before moving on to others).
Round 2-6 (?):
  • (Round 2 only) Quick Action: Activate an Earbuster seal.
  • Move and Combat Action: Get to and KO a nearby foe.
    • Combine Taijutsu and Water Whip.
    • Focus on any [capacitated] enemies within range, then TacMove to active hostiles farther away. Work together.
    • If unable to fight (due to having nobody in range):
      • Noburi: Vampiric Dew.
          • Active hostiles.
          • Hostiles engaged by allies.
          • Hostiles doing other stuff (e.g., Lighting Pillar Person).
      • Hazou: Throw an Earbuster-tagged kunai at a nearby foe.
    • Quick Actions:
      • Hazou: Only if he cannot Taijutsu punch a target this round.
        • Withdraw an Earbuster-tagged kunai.
        • Activate the [time-delayed] Earbuster.
      • Noburi: Maintain Water Whip.
Part the Second: Stupid Wakahisa (get RFP'd)
This part ends when we have successfully incapacitated Wakahisa Aiko and any active hostiles in her vicinity.

Yell out: "Banshee on bad Longfisher prepare!" as we approach.
  • We are basically saying: I'm activating an Earbuster on Aiko's (enemy Wakahisa's) position, if you're there prep Banshee Slayers right now.
Round 1:
  • Move Action: Get to Aiko. Use Noburi's Vampiric Dew as a guide.
  • Quick Actions:
    • Maintain jutsus (Water Whip).
  • Combat Action: KO Aiko.
    • Combine Taijutsu and Water Whip. Work together.
    • If unable to KO her (due to not being in range):
      • Noburi: Vampiric Dew.
          • Active hostiles.
          • Hostiles engaged by allies.
          • Hostiles doing other stuff (e.g., Lighting Pillar Person).
      • Hazou: Throw an Earbuster-tagged kunai at a nearby foe.
Round 2-6 (?):
  • (Round 2 only) Quick Action: Activate Earbuster seal.
  • Move and Combat Action: Get to and KO a nearby foe.
    • Combine Taijutsu and Water Whip.
        • Aiko.
        • Kani clan member.
        • Most competent active hostiles.
    • Focus on any [capacitated] enemies within range, then TacMove to active hostiles farther away. Work together.
    • If unable to fight (due to having nobody in range):
      • Noburi: Vampiric Dew.
          • Active hostiles.
          • Hostiles engaged by allies.
          • Hostiles doing other stuff (e.g., Lighting Pillar Person).
      • Hazou: Throw an Earbuster-tagged kunai at a nearby foe.
  • Quick Actions:
    • Hazou: Only if he cannot Taijutsu punch a target this round.
      • Withdraw an Earbuster-tagged kunai.
      • Activate the [time-delayed] Earbuster.
    • Noburi: Maintain Water Whip.
Part the Third: Regrouping (and Roflstomping)
This part ends when we have successfully incapacitated or otherwise routed all enemies.

Round 1:
  • Move Action: Get to our ally.
    • Priority onto whichever nearby ally is under the most pressure from hostiles.
    • If all nearby allies have grouped with us take down long-ranged artillery (e.g., Lightning Pillar Person).
  • Quick Actions:
    • Maintain jutsus (Water Whip).
  • Combat Action: KO enemies.
    • Prioritize the most competent active hostiles in the fight.
    • Combine our combat skills. Work together.
Round 2-6 (?):
  • Move and Combat Action: Get to and KO a nearby foe.
    • Prioritize the most competent active hostiles in the fight.
      • If Move Action fails use Combat Action on whatever enemy is in Close (Noburi: also Medium) with us.
    • Work together, in tandem with Noburi. Focus a target and take them down, then repeat.
    • Noburi can use Vampiric Dew if he's not in range of an enemy to KO.
Note: Once nearby enemies are defeated, return to Round 1 of this Part and repeat with other allies.

A Short Note on Chakra Usage:
  • Noburi is free to 100% chakra boost everything, since his bloodline allows him to replenish his chakra reserves without issue.
  • Hazou and other allies ought to:
    • Moderately boost TacMove (50% max chakra boost) during every round.
    • Fully boost combat (100% max chakra boost) IFF:
      • They are in range to actually use those combat die.
      • They are fighting a priority target (e.g., Aiko).
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@faflec Problems I see: AFAIR, Lee and Neji are near us, and eaglejarl has already stated that they aren't prepared to have banshee slayers on in combat conditions.
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I don't think they're that close, and IIRC the damaging range on the Earbusters isn't that high (10m?). Recall that Hazou's activating the seal from his body.
Fair point. Though... it's worth noting that I'm pretty sure activating banshee's takes at minimum two minor actions, discounting how long it takes to put the earmuffs on.