I do like the series of events that we're doing here from the perspective of the Jounin. Here's my rough take on what last update and this update will be.
1) Ambush goes well: enemies are poisoned, defenses up
2) Leader dies in attack. So far so good. Remainder can't have that much fight left in them.
3) Remainder appear to retreat and set up an invisible defense. No matter, they'll die of poison soon.
4) ...They aren't dying of poison, and boy is that a lot of seals.
5) Well, they don't seem to be attacking, let's leave a message in blood.
6) Guess I'll go set up an ambush and observation outside. Seals are scary, I'll back up a bit.
7) Are they idiots? I've now got all my ninjutsu up. They won't stand a chance now.
8) HOLY CRAP that's a huge explosion. Guess that bunker wasn't long for the world. Now to check if they're coming out
9) Everything's covered in mist now? Good thing I backed up to get perspective. Sealmasters are scary, but they'll underestimate ninjutsu users
10) Is this hell? The farm is entirely engulfed in flames.
11) Wait! There they are: they're running to the forest.
12) Crap, those are water clones. Where'd they go?
13) Eh, they got the message. I'll assume they died in the massive fiery inferno? Silly self-destruct buttons. Time to sweep the area and go home.