Fuck it I feel we should just talk to him during the meeting, since it'd be really awkward for him to take time out of his Hokage-sized schedule to meet with us in a privately secured location just for this, instead of activating the various security seals to do these things. @Cariyaga Do you have any serious objections?
No way should we be spending time having dinner. The team might die. We split the party up. We need to get back asap
"Orders from Lord Hokage actual to mission team designate 'Rockfall 2', deliver soonest. Orders are as follows: Team Rockfall 2 is to report to the Hokage's office for in-person debrief—And wow, that is so shattered! You guys must be seriously tapped!...um, where was I? Oh, yeah: For in-person debrief. After reporting, team will have the remainder of the day to resupply, and then Rockfall 2 is to reunite with Rockfall 1 at maximum urgency consistent with safety and OPSEC."
Granted I'd be fine doing it at any meal where Mari and J were there. I'd rather do so with both present, but I'm fine either way.
Moved the Mist Drain Incident from Mari's talk to Jiraiya's meeting. Made some alterations (like removing the "ask for advice") part.

Scrapped-together plan based on the leftovers of the previous plan. Will add more later.

[X] Action Plan: Dressing Down

  • General:
    • Follow Akane's lead while she's our sub-team leader. Follow Minami's lead after we regroup.
    • Be polite at all times. Especially to people who could make life difficult for us (e.g., Hyuuga, Uchiha).
    • Try to avoid triggering Minami's insecurities.
      • She's team leader, but she inherited a team who treats her as an outsider. Avoid reminding her of this.
    • When moving, minimize chatter in favor of alertness.
  • Main Questline:
    • Report to the Lord Hokage.
        • Be polite and honest. He's the Hokage.
        • Do what the Hokage says. This should go without saying.
        • Let Akane do official reports, since she's the current team leader.
        • Report on the circumstances that let us know of Goda.
          • Bouncer in Ise delivered information on Goda's presence.
        • Report on our plan to capture Goda.
          • 3 Pangolins, Keiko, Noburi to hide in water.
          • Pangolins to provide main threat against possible ninja forces.
          • Team to provide support alongside Pangolins at appropriate ranges.
        • Report on the execution of our plan.
          • Pangolins were able to begin the ambush from stealth, but took a casualty against Goda's bodyguards.
          • Combat suggests the two pangolins engaging the ninja would fail given more time.
          • The team was able to subdue and render the boat's personnel unconscious.
            • If pressed for details, politely inform the Hokage beforehand that clan secrets were involved.
        • Report on the aftermath.
          • Executing civilians.
            • Don't be callous about it, but also don't turn into an emotional wreck.
          • Journey back to Leaf.
        • (Discuss with the team first) Suggest that maybe the captured ninja could be added to the network after the current crisis?
          • Assumptions:
            • They can be useful as contacts/disposable assets.
            • They aren't more useful in other ways (ransom money?).
            • They aren't likely to betray Leaf (to their home country, Yakuza...).
        • Talk to Noburi & Akane beforehand, make sure they're in agreement. If either says to not do it, DON'T DO IT.
          • Obviously talk to them privately. Maybe while on the Skytower, after having dismissed the messenger?
        • Make SURE the place is secure FIRST. Make sure the anti-spying seals are in full force.
        • Explain the situation. Be honest and sincere about the situation.
          • We (Hazou) broke OPSEC regarding clan secrets to Minami.
          • Kagome panicked and tried to kill Minami.
          • We stopped that from happening, and convinced Minami to not report either the clan secret or the murder attempt.
            • Kagome has sworn fealty to Minami, and agreed to share his skills/knowledge to her. And to get therapy.
            • Kagome has also threatened to kill everyone Minami loves if she betrays us.
            • Minami has agreed to downplay the incident (such that Jiraiya wouldn't realize the full gravity of the situation).
      • Ask if there's anything we can do for him.
        • Because the guy's the Hokage, and he's definitely under a lot of stress.
        • Privately ask Noburi & Akane beforehand if it's OK for us to be asking him now.
        • Do this only after other important topics have been discussed.
        • Don't press the issue.
        • Things to discuss:
          • Rules of engagement.
          • Possible assets/equipment.
          • Methods of contact.
            • Messages, rumors...
            • Provide identification to Hana of Hazou's survival/well-being.
              • Make a seal that plays the Coming Home song?
          • Methods of extraction.
            • Intercept out-of-Mist mission.
            • Sneak into/out of Mist.
      • Get food & weapons as ordered.
        • See if we can get a spyglass or telescope. Ask Mari-sensei if we get the chance to talk with her.
      • Ask Captain Akane if we ought to fully refresh (sleep).
        • Decide if we should sleep in Konoha or back in a Skytower.
    • Skywalk back to the team.
      • It's a 22 hour run (to Nagi Island, on average). Don't exhaust ourselves with a second all-nighter.
  • Meet Mari-sensei.
    • Do this as we Resupply.
    • Give her a big hug and tell her we missed her.
    • Ask her how things have been going in Konoha.
      • Her befriending of the clan head wives.
      • The political situation.
  • Complete an After-Action Report.
    • Do the report after we regroup with the team, as time permits.
    • Keep in mind Minami still considers us to be the Cold Stone Killers/outsiders.
      • Disguising the use of secret abilities (Pangolins, Mist Drain) so we might not need to kill witnesses.
        • Disguise Pangolins using physical coverings or Henge. Ask Pangolins in future?
        • Apply Misterators first, then Pangolins attack while LOS is blocked with Mist.
      • Timing between the air-team landing and the boat team was off.
        • Not a problem this time, but could have been one if the enemy was stronger.
        • Leave Sodai's Prism with Keiko's team; visual for ambush beginning.
        • Learn Whispers on the Wind, useful for signaling for ambush.
        • Maybe have Panda be part of the air-team and be unsummoned beforehand as a signal?
      • Better knowledge of the Pangolin's personal combat ability for better diagnosis of enemy ninja capabilities.
  • Talk with Noburi about research into quantifying chakra.
    • Talk with him as time permits.
    • Ask him if there has been research into this in the past. If not, continue.
      • Improve combat efficiency.
      • Gives ability for non-sensors to measure their chakra levels.
      • Gives ability for ninja to determine minimum chakra levels to use techniques.
      • Gives ability for ninja to calculate chakra usage during combat (techniques and/or chakra boost).
      • Standardize the "chakra point".
      • Determine amount of chakra used when "chakra boosting" or casting a jutsu.
      • Determine effects of skill on "chakra boosting" or casting a jutsu.

Things to do:
  • Conversation with Keiko re: Pangolins.
  • Conversation with Noburi re: quantifying chakra.
Clarifying question:

Am I right in understanding that the "Talk about the Mist Drain situation" section refers to discussing it with Jiraiya, and only the first bullet point in it refers to discussing it with Noburi and Akane?
Clarifying question:

Am I right in understanding that the "Talk about the Mist Drain situation" section refers to discussing it with Jiraiya, and only the first bullet point in it refers to discussing it with Noburi and Akane?

That seems right to me - the section is under the talk with the Hokage, after all, and discussion seems to have gone in that direction.
Clarifying question:

Am I right in understanding that the "Talk about the Mist Drain situation" section refers to discussing it with Jiraiya, and only the first bullet point in it refers to discussing it with Noburi and Akane?
Yes, the idea is to confirm with Noburi/Akane that we should do this; if they agree THEN we talk with Jiraiya about it.
Alright, since this is an awkward period with no direct planning, let's talk SCIENCE.

Paradigm Shattering Seals:
(Skywalkers belong in this category, these seals throw out all the prior rules of engagement and substitute new ones)
  • Reusable Civilian Proximity Detection General Activation Seal
    • Once infused, will trigger seals within a certain radius (usually less than 1 meter) when anything with civilian level chakra up enters the detection radius.
    • Ideally should be simple to infuse, but a general proliferation will only mean good things.
  • Seal Blank Error Detection Seal
    • May be in two separate seals considered functionally the same.
    • One seal/side will connect with the template seal blank.
    • The other seal/side will connect with the seal blank to be scanned.
    • If scanned seal blank does not match template seal blank, the seal (system) will light up red.
    • If scanned seal blank does match template seal blank, the seal system will light up green.
    • Enables reliable civilian seal blank production.
  • Edo Tensei with chakra beast sacrifice instead of human?
I'm sure I'm missing a lot in this category.

Excellent Seals:
(Skytowers belong in this category)
  • Shotgun Seals:
    • Note: Macerators may already be in this category, especially if I remembered correctly and they store 100 kg of materials.
  • Sniper Seals:
    • May require different research direction, but essential idea is to create a >1000 m/s velocity leaving the seal with a minimum of 10 grams of mass.
  • Activation Relay Seals:
    • When one seal is activated, activate paired seal some distance away. No chakra tripwire required. Should be toggleable (e.g when both seals are turned on, pulsing one end will shut both off)
    • Pretty much only as useful as the activatable seals themselves, and doesn't really create any new economies of scale or usability to more ninja, but definitely useful.
  • Radio Seals:
    • Remote communication through sounds/flashes of light
    • Note: If toggleable Activation Relay Seals are a thing, we can just build a combination machine with Party Trick Seal, LBF, and the TARS
  • Casino Radar Machine
    • Restricting the Casino Seal's band of detection to a single slice, as small as we can, and then using the output to draw a radar slice, we can detect all incoming chakra targets within a large radius. Best amplified with multiple Radars set a significant distance apart.
    • Distance will be outputted in a color, with actual detection being whether the lights activate at all.
Out of seal ideas for now, someone please contribute more to the cause of SCIENCE
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Okay, seriously? A healthy amount of paranoia is useful.

Fearmongering for the sake of fearmongering is worse than useless. We've had this DOOM period before every update that I can remember participating in, and likely every single update since the first.

There is no actionable information we gain from declaring our doom. We cannot take actions in this period of waiting for an update to improve our survival chances. Add on top of that, a general miasma of doom choking out any other productive long term discussions, and is it any wonder that we stagger from objective to objective, constantly looking out for Itachi Uchiha/Pein/Hiashi Hyuga in every fucking shadow, and completely unable to consider the long term strategic implications of the things we create?

We want to be better, the QMs will not do that for us. We have to do it ourselves, and that means we can't wait for the planning sessions to figure out what to do after we do the next step. We have to force ourselves to look two, three, ten, twenty steps ahead, but we're not doing that if we take valuable time on goddamn fearmongering!


We'll be swinging by a whole lot of towns and villages enroute. It may be a good idea for our mental health to take about an hour at some villages to do something for them, be it killing chakra beasts, erecting walls, or even healing a few people. Furthermore, we'll want to start making friends in the places we go to, if we don't automatically start out in hostilities. Yes, getting the courier mission done is really goddamn important, but we're not likely to get a mission that takes us to so many locales again, so we should take the opportunity to expand our network a bit.
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Okay, seriously? A healthy amount of paranoia is useful.

Fearmongering for the sake of fearmongering is worse than useless. We've had this DOOM period before every update that I can remember participating in, and likely every single update since the first.

There is no actionable information we gain from declaring our doom. We cannot take actions in this period of waiting for an update to improve our survival chances. Add on top of that, a general miasma of doom choking out any other productive long term discussions, and is it any wonder that we stagger from objective to objective, constantly looking out for Itachi Uchiha/Pein/Hiashi Hyuga in every fucking shadow, and completely unable to consider the long term strategic implications of the things we create?

Seriously. Get it together. We want to be better, the QMs will not do that for us. We have to do ourselves, and that means we can't wait for the planning sessions to figure out what to do after we do the next step. We have to force ourselves to look two, three, ten, twenty steps ahead, but we're not doing that if we take valuable time on goddamn fearmongering!


We'll be swinging by a whole lot of towns and villages enroute. It may be a good idea for our mental health to take about an hour at some villages to do something for them, be it killing chakra beasts, erecting walls, or even healing a few people. Furthermore, we'll want to start making friends in the places we go to, if we don't automatically start out in hostilities. Yes, getting the courier mission done is really goddamn important, but we're not likely to get a mission that takes us to so many locales again, so we should take the opportunity to expand our network a bit.
I think your phrasing is a bit harsh, but I do agree with the general point - how am I supposed to drop ominous comments to frighten the players when it's all being done for me on such a constant basis?
Okay, seriously? A healthy amount of paranoia is useful.

Fearmongering for the sake of fearmongering is worse than useless. We've had this DOOM period before every update that I can remember participating in, and likely every single update since the first.

There is no actionable information we gain from declaring our doom. We cannot take actions in this period of waiting for an update to improve our survival chances. Add on top of that, a general miasma of doom choking out any other productive long term discussions, and is it any wonder that we stagger from objective to objective, constantly looking out for Itachi Uchiha/Pein/Hiashi Hyuga in every fucking shadow, and completely unable to consider the long term strategic implications of the things we create?

We want to be better, the QMs will not do that for us. We have to do it ourselves, and that means we can't wait for the planning sessions to figure out what to do after we do the next step. We have to force ourselves to look two, three, ten, twenty steps ahead, but we're not doing that if we take valuable time on goddamn fearmongering!


We'll be swinging by a whole lot of towns and villages enroute. It may be a good idea for our mental health to take about an hour at some villages to do something for them, be it killing chakra beasts, erecting walls, or even healing a few people. Furthermore, we'll want to start making friends in the places we go to, if we don't automatically start out in hostilities. Yes, getting the courier mission done is really goddamn important, but we're not likely to get a mission that takes us to so many locales again, so we should take the opportunity to expand our network a bit.
Fearmongering? I'm screaming because a) that's my schtick; and b) I wrote the plan and if anytHING GOES WRONG ITS MY FAULT AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Yes, getting the courier mission done is really goddamn important, but we're not likely to get a mission that takes us to so many locales again, so we should take the opportunity to expand our network a bit.

I suspect Jiraiya will need our help in maintaining/extending his personal intelligence network from now on, I think we are going to get plenty of oppertunity.

I think your phrasing is a bit harsh, but I do agree with the general point - how am I supposed to drop ominous comments to frighten the players when it's all being done for me on such a constant basis?

You make a number of really safe updates with extra xp and give us a sense of safety and security and then BAM Zaubuza Edo Tensei Zabuza!
I think your phrasing is a bit harsh, but I do agree with the general point - how am I supposed to drop ominous comments to frighten the players when it's all being done for me on such a constant basis?
Well, gosh, just be nice to us for a dozen updates or so and maybe we'll stop panicking? Food for thought. :whistle:
Alright, since this is an awkward period with no direct planning, let's talk SCIENCE.

Paradigm Shattering Seals:
(Skywalkers belong in this category, these seals throw out all the prior rules of engagement and substitute new ones)
  • Reusable Civilian Proximity Detection General Activation Seal
    • Once infused, will trigger seals within a certain radius (usually less than 1 meter) when anything with civilian level chakra up enters the detection radius.
    • Ideally should be simple to infuse, but a general proliferation will only mean good things.
  • Seal Blank Error Detection Seal
    • May be in two separate seals considered functionally the same.
    • One seal/side will connect with the template seal blank.
    • The other seal/side will connect with the seal blank to be scanned.
    • If scanned seal blank does not match template seal blank, the seal (system) will light up.
    • Enables reliable civilian seal blank production.
  • Edo Tensei with chakra beast sacrifice instead of human?
I'm sure I'm missing a lot in this category.

Excellent Seals:
(Skytowers belong in this category)
  • Shotgun Seals:
    • Note: Macerators may already be in this category, especially if I remembered correctly and they store 100 kg of materials.
  • Sniper Seals:
    • May require different research direction, but essential idea is to create a >1000 m/s velocity leaving the seal with a minimum of 10 grams of mass.
  • Activation Relay Seals:
    • When one seal is activated, activate paired seal some distance away. No chakra tripwire required. Should be toggleable (e.g when both seals are turned on, pulsing one end will shut both off)
    • Pretty much only as useful as the activatable seals themselves, and doesn't really create any new economies of scale or usability to more ninja, but definitely useful.
  • Radio Seals:
    • Remote communication through sounds/flashes of light
    • Note: If toggleable Activation Relay Seals are a thing, we can just build a combination machine with Party Trick Seal, LBF, and the TARS
  • Casino Radar Machine
    • Restricting the Casino Seal's band of detection to a single slice, as small as we can, and then using the output to draw a radar slice, we can detect all incoming chakra targets within a large radius. Best amplified with multiple Radars set a significant distance apart.
    • Distance will be outputted in a color, with actual detection being whether the lights activate at all.
Out of seal ideas for now, someone please contribute more to the cause of SCIENCE

Civilian-usable storage seals. They do have issues -- they make it easy for enemy agents to smuggle in chemical weapons or bombs (which may be solved to some extent by simply disallowing their presence in Leaf) -- but take a moment and imagine the implications for trade.

Seal-finding seals.

My simulation of Jiraiya -- and, for that matter, Shikaku -- gets a massive migraine regarding Seal Blank Error Detection Seals -- not because they're impossible, but because if something like that worked out it'd be an even bigger upset than skywalkers. Because for one, you wouldn't have to send them out -- as long as they were kept secure, there would be no way for enemies to figure them out. For another, it would solve the scarcity problem of seals -- seals take forever to write, but very little time to infuse.
Alright, since this is an awkward period with no direct planning, let's talk SCIENCE.

I fully approve.

Paradigm Shattering Seals:

Let's talk about what the current paradigm is, before attempting to throw it out of a window.

  1. Some people (ninja) have useable chakra. Others (civilians) do not.
  2. Ninja can use chakra to enhance their physical abilities, but not their mental abilities.
  3. Ninja can use chakra to befuddle another person's senses (genjutsu), but not to affect their minds in other ways (barring very rare "utter bullshit"-tier techniques like Kotoamatsukami).
  4. Ninja can use chakra to heal others, but not significantly better than IRL modern medicine can.
  5. Ninja can utilise techniques based on fire, water, earth, lightning, and wind, though aquiring multiple elements is difficult.
  6. Ninja can utilise non-elemental techniques based on yin and yang chakra, but these seem either very basic (henge, substitution) or rare (shadow clone, needle jīzo).
  7. Some ninja have innate ninjutsu encoded into their biology (bloodline limits). Most do not.
  8. Ninja tend to operate in teams of three to ten. Smaller or larger groups are rare.
  9. The tech level is pre-industrial. Machinery is rare and expensive cutting-edge tech.
  10. Ranged weapons are either thrown or archery-based.
  11. Mechanised cavalry is non-existant.
  12. Ninja tend to be squishy. Defensive techniques are rare. Elemental defensive techniques can be countered by 20% of elemental ninjutsu.
  13. Ninja are highly mobile to compensate for their squishiness. They run fast, but with rare exceptions (now including all of Leaf), cannot fly or teleport.
  14. Permanent resurrection doesn't seem to exist.
  15. Most ninja are subject to ageing.
  16. Sealing research is dangerous.
  17. Learning Sealing is difficult.
  18. Sealing knowledge cannot be passed on perfectly between sealmasters due to everyone using a different sealing language.
I'm sure I could go into more detail, but I think that's enough to be getting on with.

I think we might want to research seal equivalents of the Simple Machines (pulleys, levers, etc.) that we can then build more complicated seal machines out of. Seals like
  • Activate the next seal along the chain after x seconds.
  • Stop the next seal along the chain from activating.
  • Apply x Newtons of force in y direction.
  • Change the angular momentum of the connected object by x amount.
  • Change the temperature of the connected object by x amount.
  • Change the speed of the connected object by x amount.
  • Store "0" or "1" until you have chakra flow into you, in which case flip your stored bit.
  • Check the stored bit of the connected seal and output chakra flow if it's "1".
Really simple things that can be used as standardised parts.
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