Okay, seriously? A healthy amount of paranoia is useful.
Fearmongering for the sake of fearmongering is worse than useless. We've had this DOOM period before every update that I can remember participating in, and likely every single update since the first.
There is no actionable information we gain from declaring our doom. We cannot take actions in this period of waiting for an update to improve our survival chances. Add on top of that, a general miasma of doom choking out any other productive long term discussions, and is it any wonder that we stagger from objective to objective, constantly looking out for Itachi Uchiha/Pein/Hiashi Hyuga in every fucking shadow, and completely unable to consider the long term strategic implications of the things we create?
Seriously. Get it together. We want to be better, the QMs will not do that for us. We have to do ourselves, and that means we can't wait for the planning sessions to figure out what to do after we do the next step. We have to force ourselves to look two, three, ten, twenty steps ahead, but we're not doing that if we take valuable time on goddamn fearmongering!
We'll be swinging by a whole lot of towns and villages enroute. It may be a good idea for our mental health to take about an hour at some villages to do something for them, be it killing chakra beasts, erecting walls, or even healing a few people. Furthermore, we'll want to start making friends in the places we go to, if we don't automatically start out in hostilities. Yes, getting the courier mission done is really goddamn important, but we're not likely to get a mission that takes us to so many locales again, so we should take the opportunity to expand our network a bit.