... @eaglejarl did we ask for a Lore Update or are we just gonna need a better plan?

PSA: @Velorien will be away from the 1st to the 10th and during that time @OliWhail is going to be busy with his [REMOVED BY MODERATOR. Reason: Violation of Rule 3: Be Civil. Causing envy of this level is not civil. Do it again and I'll infract you.], so I will be writing. This Thursday (the 1st) will be a Lore Update. Voting will continue from now until Saturday at 9am New York time. Sunday will be a regular chapter. I'm not sure yet about the following Thursday.
Kagomes village does seem to have a very big focus on sealing, I mean ten year old's that learn sealing? Sealing does seem to be something you only start learning after graduation, Hazou himself had to wait until he was a chunnin appearently. We really need to figure out where he is from!

Kagome and Hazou share too many similarities, I don't want us to spend 15 years in the woods !
Jiraiya gave him chocolate...

-at which point he started following orders from him.

Jiraiya started to turn away, then stopped and pointed at Kagome. "You. Listen closely: You are fucking safe while you are with me. If anyone threatens any of you I will fucking burn his face off and piss on the ashes. We are going to become a clan right the fuck now, so don't screw it up. Don't talk unless I tell you to, don't threaten anyone, keep your hands in your godsdamned pockets. I am all out of fucks to give about anything at all, so don't screw with me right now. Got it?"

Kagome studied him for a moment, then put his hands in his pockets and nodded. "Got it."

"Heh." Jiraiya eyed them (fondly?) for a moment, then waved his hands at them like a farmwife shooing chickens. "Well? What are you waiting for, a medal? Go on, git."


It was not even remotely surprising to Hazō when Keiko and Noburi snapped to attention alongside him, and only slightly surprising when Kagome-sensei joined in.

On the plus side, that makes keeping the new team leader alive really easy. On the other hand, that might be a really big problem if we ever actually do need to do anything about her.
Fantastic job on that chapter by the way @eaglejarl

Setting aside how adorable Kagome is, though, there's a few things we need to work into our plan:
  1. Figure out how best to bring up the following to Minami:
    1. Merchant Empire stuff -- something we can easily do while moving through the nations.
      1. Also, getting Kei this kind of information is its own reward. There's no telling what she could figure out from trade information. Girl's scary good at info analysis.
    2. The realization that checking Jiraiya's network for compromisation would be ideal
      1. Do we double back and check the places we've already been? Gut says no; we need to check across the ocean first, it's why J sent us out. Maybe check them when we're through with all the rest? River's not that far from Leaf.
      2. If we can figure out what assets are compromised and which aren't, we could feed the ones that are false information -- not us personally, but whatever J sends for us to do so. This would be ideal for the upcoming retrieval mission.
Merchant Empire stuff -- something we can easily do while moving through the nations.
  1. Also, getting Kei this kind of information is its own reward. There's no telling what she could figure out from trade information. Girl's scary good at info analysis.

Setting up a merchant empire/information network was something for when we were missing-nin and we needed an independent network. Why would we do this when we now are in Leaf, and in fact have Jiraiya as our clan head?

EDIT - And why would we want to bring this up with Minami? She's not in our clan.
Setting up a merchant empire/information network was something for when we were missing-nin and we needed an independent network. Why would we do this when we now are in Leaf, and in fact have Jiraiya as our clan head?

EDIT - And why would we want to bring this up with Minami? She's not in our clan.
...Because it would be done during the course of this mission? It would be highly disrespectful to act of our own accord without our team leader's go ahead on something that will add time to our mission.

Also, we're not doing Merchant Empire for spy level information -- we're doing it for trade-level information. If nothing else, knowing what goes for a lot in the nations that we visit would be very valuable information for Leaf, a very central nation. Also, I'm not even going to pretend to know what kind of shit Kei could figure out from it.
Also we could probably sell ice in suna to make a crazy profit

Edit: also we can establish our own spy/trade network. Redundancy is a good idea. Also it gives us an out if Jiraiya turns on us.
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...Because it would be done during the course of this mission? It would be highly disrespectful to act of our own accord without our team leader's go ahead on something that will add time to our mission.

Also, we're not doing Merchant Empire for spy level information -- we're doing it for trade-level information. If nothing else, knowing what goes for a lot in the nations that we visit would be very valuable information for Leaf, a very central nation. Also, I'm not even going to pretend to know what kind of shit Kei could figure out from it.

...and what makes you think that Leaf doesn't already have this kind of information?

Also, I'm against doing a sub-mission that'll span the entirety of our mission. We don't need to increase our footprint in an area by talking to a bunch of merchants.
Although I'm of the belief that Minami is probably not a spy, I do think Matesz bringing the topic has brought up some good discussion points.

One like this, for example, might help with our current predicament.
Can we maybe seed false information in her mind? Wrong information/implications about our Bloodlines/seals/general abilities? That'll at least reduce the damage she can do with this info.

Supposing we could alter what Hazou revealed to Minami about Noburi (hoping he was smart enough not to give away everything in terms of specifics ) how do we apply the Misinformation effect to Minami? I'm hoping Hazou can apply that mist-interrogation jutsu and some other stimulating activities Minami unintentionally used on us. Ideally, we can get the others to chip in as well. It might mitigate the opsec fail we did and get us back in the teams graces. Also, getting some alcohol might be useful as well.

Any other thoughts or comments?

I know the reveal of us as Stone-cold killers and Swamp-nin is there but perhaps we can at least help Noburi out, provided he gives the okay.

Hopefully this is brought up in the "Discuss mist-drain situation" part of Plan: Respite. I'd only be bringing up details or specifics, if so.

[X] Action Plan: Respite
It was a joke based on Kagome's behavior.
Ok, but I'd appreciate if you would explain the joke. (Let's just assume I'm a bit dim today.)
Kagomes village does seem to have a very big focus on sealing, I mean ten year old's that learn sealing? Sealing does seem to be something you only start learning after graduation, Hazou himself had to wait until he was a chunnin appearently. We really need to figure out where he is from!

Kagome and Hazou share too many similarities, I don't want us to spend 15 years in the woods !
Why not? Hazo could level grind like crazy in, say, the Swamp of Death, and come out when he's ready to deal with any possible threat from any possible direction. Or just get eaten by a chakra monster while he's not looking--that'd be funny too.
As we drift further and further off topic, nobody "won" the Cold War except in the sense that you win when you no longer have an opponent to fight. The Soviet Union collapsed because a critical mass of its constituents decided to secede, and while the failure of the Soviet planned economy was certainly a factor, it is not the case that a bunch of Soviet republics went, "You know, we'd totally be as rich and powerful as the West if we gave up Communism".
I put won in quotes for exactly that reason, and afaik, people going "wow those Americans on tv have really nice cars" was a major factor.
As we drift further and further off topic, nobody "won" the Cold War except in the sense that you win when you no longer have an opponent to fight. The Soviet Union collapsed because a critical mass of its constituents decided to secede, and while the failure of the Soviet planned economy was certainly a factor, it is not the case that a bunch of Soviet republics went, "You know, we'd totally be as rich and powerful as the West if we gave up Communism".
That actually seems like an ideal win to me. No major shooting war (I mean world-war scale), the enemy just collapses under the weight of his own errors and his people's desire to not have to wait on line for hours to buy a piece of bread. (Note that I'm not saying that they thought they'd become as rich and powerful as the West--just that they would no longer suffer the grinding poverty of the worker's paradise. Which, so far as I'm aware, is true--they don't suffer that anymore.)
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...and what makes you think that Leaf doesn't already have this kind of information?

Also, I'm against doing a sub-mission that'll span the entirety of our mission. We don't need to increase our footprint in an area by talking to a bunch of merchants.
This is why we clear it with Minami first, and later with Jiraiya in our daily briefings to him via Pangolin delivery service.

Kagome was so adorable as a kid!

And he already was that paranoid, too. This interlude destroys every theory I had about his past, bit I love it anyway.
Kagomes village does seem to have a very big focus on sealing, I mean ten year old's that learn sealing? Sealing does seem to be something you only start learning after graduation, Hazou himself had to wait until he was a chunnin appearently. We really need to figure out where he is from!
Fantastic job on that chapter by the way @eaglejarl

Ugh. Glad you all like it, but I've had to add the following at bottom:

EDIT: This update was extremely rushed and it has been pointed out in the comments that I was sloppy with a number of things, including a few that weren't noticed yet. I'm working and/or moving for the next few days so I won't have time to fix it before Sunday and then I'll be busy writing the next update. Let's say this one is probably an AU and not necessarily part of MfD canon.

Ok, but I'd appreciate if you would explain the joke. (Let's just assume I'm a bit dim today.)
The Uzumaki lived in Whirlpool and were hands-down the world's greatest experts on sealing. They were so good that they terrified the other villages into going to preemptive war with them. No one know what happened after that, but the village is now gone. Like, completely vanished without a trace. The MfD players have a theory that they shifted themselves into a parallel dimension and are speculating that Kagome is an Uzumaki who got left behind or returned on his own.
This is why we clear it with Minami first, and later with Jiraiya in our daily briefings to him via Pangolin delivery service.

I'm still not seeing the value in doing it at all. Leaf almost certainly has this kind of information already, and it'll add to the time we're spending in any given location since spending time tracking down and talking to merchants isn't free.

Further, we're not likely the only people who have ever thought of using merchants as an information network - do you honestly think that the village ninjas don't have merchant spies? (now that I think about it, us doing this as missing-nin could have ended up with us having our locations tracked and us hunted down by hunter-nin) Us talking to people like this unnecessarily while on mission could get us noticed, or establish a pattern of our movements which might help another village track down portions of Jiraiya's network.

Clear with Jiriaya first. Clan and Intel head.

Also this. The team taking a sub-mission without authorization from our superiors back in Leaf might not go over well.
The Uzumaki lived in Whirlpool and were hands-down the world's greatest experts on sealing. They were so good that they terrified the other villages into going to preemptive war with them. No one know what happened after that, but the village is now gone. Like, completely vanished without a trace. The MfD players have a theory that they shifted themselves into a parallel dimension and are speculating that Kagome is an Uzumaki who got left behind or returned on his own.
Thank you.
Further, we're not likely the only people who have ever thought of using merchants as an information network
CCNJ: This is not emphasized because I'm angry or anything. You've just suggested this several times and I need to clarify (I realize the words 'merchant empire' have a different context):

I did not suggest this to use merchants as an information network. I suggested it to get Kei and Leaf trade information.

Leaf almost certainly has this kind of information already, and it'll add to the time we're spending in any given location since spending time tracking down and talking to merchants isn't free.
How? Would they send ninja out on missions to gather trade info in surrounding nations (where they have a chance of getting caught by native ninja)? Collate information from civilian merchants who almost certainly do not have the whole picture? I could see the Nara clan maybe doing that, but is that really worth their time to?
Also this. The team taking a sub-mission without authorization from our superiors back in Leaf might not go over well.
Clear with Jiriaya first. Clan and Intel head.
To be clear: You think that going over the head of our team leader is the better option here, when we would be checking in with both regardless? In what world is that likely to engender good team relations, when the end result is the same either way?

Again, apologies if any of this comes across poorly; it's not intended to, but I'm not sure how better to put it to get across my points.