What is Noburi's weakness though?
I mean, he is pretty amazing against enemies he can reach, draining even the best, but that requires him continuously be in range of his enemies.
Which means they can't just escape, or kill him in few seconds. That suggests a need for additional means of crowd control.
So how about a style that focuses on controlling and sapping the enemy?
Castle DracNobula, I'd call it.

It would require a focus on mobility and control of the enemy.
So stuff like surrounding the enemy with clones to kawarimi with them, both to keep in and out of range, any and all traps.
A terrain filled with mist and seals, to slow and control the enemy, while his life is drained.
Maybe even poison his water/mist, so that the wearing down can be more effective?(if he & the team are immunized to it, it won't stand in way of normal chakra boosting others)
We can add skywalkers to this. Flying around the enemy to confuse him even further. Add some aerial superiority,
raining from above.
... Clones can't use skywalkers, can they? (seals in general?) Or fly in any way? It'd be simply funny surrounding enemy in all possible dimensions. I guess we can accomplish that with our teammates switching with us.
[X] Action Plan: Respite