...speaking of the Pangolin, I'd like to, somehow, let her know that we support her in her personal initiative and believe in her there. She really does need to learn to push through that part of her bloodline and do things for herself. I know it's not impossible for a Mori to pull off (see: Her sister), and I also know that she's pretty damned awesome, so.

Just ccnj with Kei. She's the kind of person that it is designed to work with
Keiko: Discuss learning a medium-ranged weapon specialty when we return to Konoha.
  • Also discuss a possible bloodline-based combat style for her.
    • Use CCnJ.
    • Note: We don't really know that much about its effectiveness in combat, but it's something that could be considered.
    • Reassure her that her current combat effectiveness and general worth as team member is not in question. We just want her to be even better.
    • If she questions her qualifications for this, remind her of the colossal growth she went through during our travels.
    • Remark that we aren't pressuring her to do it. If she thinks it's too dangerous, we are not going to force her.
Suggested additions in blue.
Suggested additions in blue.
Further suggestions:

Make note of how impressive he found her back in Rice, and, more recently, with Kagome.

e: Also, I'd get rid of the bit about forcing her; even making that remark makes it out like Hazou thinks he could, which removes agency from her, which is one of her issues. We need to encourage her agency, with respect to the pangolin and otherwise.
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Let's get the praise train going, I am sure we can find more examples of awesomeness in case of a sudden confidence breakdown.

"Oh, one more thing," Minami said. "Mori? You're fucking scary. Remind me not to get on your bad side."
I think Minami puts it best.

Hazō looked at Keiko; she raised a very expressive eyebrow. Don't look at me, the eyebrow said. I don't do plan creation and, although I'm onboard with your 'uplift all the civilians' idea, I'm not so invested that I won't make an exception here and there. Such as, just by way of example, killing a random gangster-wannabe who intends to hurt people to increase his own money and power. Especially when killing said wannabe will help a member of Jiraiya's network whom we have every motivation to help because helping his agents improves the chances of making Jiraiya look good, which will make us look good, which will improve our chances of acceptance by the Leaf elders, which will in turn improve the chances of the aforementioned 'uplift all the civilians' plan coming to fruition. Also, the entire point of this mission is, firstly, to find our new clan leader's godson, the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails without whom our new home village is at serious risk of extinction and, second, to reinforce the position of our new clan-leader-cum-Hokage (or at least not damage it), so helping his agents would be a positive action.
With CCnJ (which she was a co-creator of!) and all the time they spent together, communication with her borders on telepathic.

"Akane," Keiko said, her voice utterly flat, "that was extremely youthful."

Three pairs of eyes locked onto Keiko in shock. Noburi's hand reflexively caught Kagome-sensei's arm to stop the demolitionist's grab for explosives. Minami looked from one of her new teammates to the next, frowning in confusion.

"Keiko..." Hazō said carefully.

"Did...did you just make a joke?" Noburi asked.

"All right you stinker, you can't fool me! What have you done with our Keiko! You give her back right now or so help me—"

Keiko tipped her head and frowned. "As they were showing me around the library complex, one of the Nara engaged me in a conversation about social dynamics. She indicated that in-jokes provided an excellent method for inducing team bonding, and even helped me prepare several witticisms and work on my delivery. Apparently I need more practice."

Everyone relaxed and Kagome-sensei stopped trying to fight free of Noburi's hand.

"Aaaaaand, all is right with the world again," Noburi said.

Keiko's frown deepened. "I am uncertain, but I believe that was sardonic humor for purposes of stress relief. Is that an accurate assessment?"

A wave of amused snorts swept around the group, passing completely around a more and more confused Minami.

"Keiko," Mari-sensei said reprovingly from near the door. (When had she appeared?! Hazō had been looking in that direction!) "Did you just deliver a second-level setup and punchline aimed at causing team bonding by reminding the rest of the team in an amusing way about your social discomfort?"

And she grew as a person as well. We all remember how... well her interactions with Akane went, right?

"Keiko is the Pangolin Summoner."


"Like I said: been there, killed that."

"On other topics that are less related to the measuring of genitalia," Hazō said. "Keiko, is Pandour still with the Toads and can we still use him for message relays?"

She nodded. "Yes. He was scheduled to remain there for the rest of the month but I could ask him to extend his stay if necessary."

"Great, that'll let us get news back to Jiraiya quickly. What check-in schedule did you arrange?"

"I haven't been using it while we've been here, but now that we're going out to the field I will summon him at sundown each day in order to verify that both of us are still alive, and to pass on whatever information we have."

"How are you the Pangolin Summoner?!"

Keiko dead eyes bored into Minami's as she said, "I gazed into the maddened soul of the Out and did not flinch when it gazed back into mine."
A quick reminder- Keiko is a complete badass.

So yeah. No mere Frozen Skein can beat our Keiko.

It took way too long to make it...(still worth it)

    • Akane: Have a romantic picnic.
      • Get some chocolate (from Kagome) & iced drinks.
      • Set up somewhere with a nice view. Don't go too far from the team; we're supposed to stay on the quiet.
      • Play the flute. Tears of Red, anyone?
      • Catch up a bit more since our last conversation.
      • Watch the sunset.

I am concerned that having a romantic picnic could get the team spotted.

Oh, I can't help myself, but I am still not watching this quest.
Can Noburi drain at the same time as he does other stuff in combat, or does it take an action all its own?

If the latter, it could be a good fighting style for him.

e: But I'm pretty sure he can do both given that he can drain through Water Whip...


Right, here's a reminder (to myself and others): Work on contingencies.
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Changes in ORANGE.
[X] Action Plan: Respite

  • General:
    • Stay on the quiet. We're supposed to not get noticed.
    • Stay under Henge. We are all (former) missing-nin and should any scouts see our position and decide to knock without our noticing they'll see our faces. And that would be bad.
      • Under our Henge, have face-concealing masks that keep our facial features hidden.
    • Keep constant watches, especially above us for Sand's gliders.
  • Discuss the Mist Drain Situation.
    • Discuss this while Minami isn't here.
    • Minami knows Noburi's ace-in-the-hole, and has the ability to use this as leverage against Jiraiya's clan. We need to prevent this from happening.
      • What can we offer that could convince her to keep mum?
    • Related topics of discussion:
      • What systems (in Konoha) exist to handle situations like this?
      • Should we send a message to Jiraiya (via pangolin) to inform him of the situation/ask for advice?
  • Talk with the rest of the team.
    • Keiko: Discuss learning a medium-ranged weapon specialty when we return to Konoha.
      • Also suggest a possible bloodline-based combat style for her.
        • Use CCnJ.
        • Note: We don't really know that much about its effectiveness in combat, but it's something that could be considered.
        • Reassure her that her current combat effectiveness and general worth as team member is not in question. We just want her to be even better.
        • If she questions her qualifications for this, remind her of the colossal growth she went through during our travels.
        • Make note of how impressive he found her back in Rice, and, more recently, with Kagome.
    • Noburi:
      • Discuss possible avenues of research for when we return to Konoha (or even before); let him mull them over.
        • Utilizing Medical Ninjutsu or other techniques through his bloodline (ie, medical ninjutsu on someone anywhere within mist or water) if he thinks it possible
        • Draining techniques or chakra boost as they are used -- could be dangerous to experiment with.
        • Does draining someone dry help train their chakra reserves (is it dangerous to use in this way? Noburi would probably know)?
      • Talk about potential combat styles combining his bloodline with Water Whip/Water Clone.
        • As with Keiko, we don't know that much about his bloodline, but it ought to be considered for future.
    • Akane: Have a romantic picnic.
      • Get some chocolate (from Kagome) & iced drinks.
      • Set up somewhere with a nice view. Don't go too far from the team; we're supposed to stay on the quiet.
        • Also make sure the place doesn't risk us getting spotted.
      • Play the flute. Tears of Red, anyone?
      • Catch up a bit more since our last conversation.
      • Watch the sunset (if applicable).
    • Kagome: Discuss the method we used to escape the Mountain-nin cave (specifically, using Force Walls to direct an explosion). Ask if it's possible for us to develop combat weapons around this.
      • Obviously, do not do actual testing right now. This is theoretical discussion only.
      • Maybe stuff an implosion seal down a 5SB'd airtight tube? It could probably propel something pretty fast, though it'd need to be against a stationary target.
  • Research & Training:
    • Study some seals (Make sure Kagome clears it first):
      • Basic seals from the Nara Library.
      • Beginner seals from Jiraiya.
      • Mountain-nin seals. Take a look at these with Kagome to figure out what they do since we don't have the time to set up research facilities.
    • Ask Noburi/Keiko for some Diplomacy training, since we clearly need help with our mouth.
    • Do some basic training with the Seal Rings & Macerators, such that we can use them in combat.

Voting ends on Wednesday, May the 31st​ at 11:00 AM (UTC), in 14.6 hours.
Vote Count said:
[] Action Plan: Respite
Votes: 3

Total Voters: 3

Training Plans said:
[] Training Kei: Stealthy Ninja
Votes: 3

[] Training Noburi: Stealthy Ninja
Votes: 3

[] Training Hazou: Stealthy Ninja
Votes: 3

Total Training Plan Voters: 3

Current PlanBot Data
(Data from Page 2345, PostId 8603761)
What is Noburi's weakness though?

I mean, he is pretty amazing against enemies he can reach, draining even the best, but that requires him continuously be in range of his enemies.
Which means they can't just escape, or kill him in few seconds. That suggests a need for additional means of crowd control.

So how about a style that focuses on controlling and sapping the enemy? Castle DracNobula, I'd call it. :p
It would require a focus on mobility and control of the enemy.
So stuff like surrounding the enemy with clones to kawarimi with them, both to keep in and out of range, any and all traps.
A terrain filled with mist and seals, to slow and control the enemy, while his life is drained.
Maybe even poison his water/mist, so that the wearing down can be more effective?(if he & the team are immunized to it, it won't stand in way of normal chakra boosting others)
Imagine a trap specifically for usage of Noburi. Force walls hidden everywhere, artificial poodles of water for additional clone creation, goo traps, misterators...
If someone is dumb enough to walk in, they will not walk away from Count Nobula!

We can add skywalkers to this. Flying around the enemy to confuse him even further. Add some aerial superiority, raining from above.
... Clones can't use skywalkers, can they? (seals in general?) Or fly in any way? It'd be simply funny surrounding enemy in all possible dimensions. I guess we can accomplish that with our teammates switching with us.
Imagine a trap tailored specifically for Noburi. Force walls, wires, artificial poodles of water everywhere, as a thick mist fills the area. No one would come back alive from an encounter with Count Nobula!
Edit2: I await any other suggestions.
Edit3: Noburi is a proud Leaf-nin!

(also kinda forgot)
[X] Action Plan: Respite
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What is Noburi's weakness though?

I mean, he is pretty amazing against enemies he can reach, draining even the best, but that requires him continuously be in range of his enemies.
Which means they can't just escape, or kill him in few seconds. That suggests a need for additional means of crowd control.

So how about a style that focuses on controlling and sapping the enemy? Castle DracNobula, I'd call it. :p
It would require a focus on mobility and control of the enemy.
So stuff like surrounding the enemy with clones to kawarimi with them, both to keep in and out of range, any and all traps.
A terrain filled with mist and seals, to slow and control the enemy, while his life is drained.
Maybe even poison his water/mist, so that the wearing down can be more effective?(if he & the team are immunized to it, it won't stand in way of normal chakra boosting others)

We can add skywalkers to this. Flying around the enemy to confuse him even further. Add some aerial superiority, raining from above.
... Clones can't use skywalkers, can they? (seals in general?) Or fly in any way? It'd be simply funny surrounding enemy in all possible dimensions. I guess we can accomplish that with our teammates switching with us.

[X] Action Plan: Respite
Hm... actually. What if we developed a misterator variant that made a thick enough fog that you couldn't see inside it (I assume by default it's not that thick), Noburi makes clones, and then gets into the air with skywalkers.
Hm... actually. What if we developed a misterator variant that made a thick enough fog that you couldn't see inside it (I assume by default it's not that thick), Noburi makes clones, and then gets into the air with skywalkers.
Thick, poisonous, draining, and now also obscuring vision. This mist will be the stuff of nightmares.
We'll make Mist embarrassed of themselves.
I'm pretty sure clones can use seals, though. ...actually, that'd make them even more terrifying with high-powered macerators. You don't need particular skill to aim in the general direction of someone, and that's the disadvantage of clones.
@faflec , I think we shouldn't have a 'picnic', we aren't really in a safe/friendly spot for that. Why not just spending time alone with Akane and talk?
How about this instead, we can ask -whoever's in charge while Minami's gone- if we can spend some picnic time with Akane and if they say no we just talk in the base?

@Oneiros43 You were the one who wanted the picnic the most IIRC, do you have objections?
Also, I would REALLY APPRECIATE IT if someone could look over the "Mist Drain Situation" and give me some suggestions to add. Because that is the most pressing issue and we really need a plan for it.
How about this instead, we can ask -whoever's in charge while Minami's gone- if we can spend some picnic time with Akane and if they say no we just talk in the base?

@Oneiros43 You were the one who wanted the picnic the most IIRC, do you have objections?

I think it is ridiculously paranoid and is pointless since we already have a giant mew structure in the wilderness
I'm pretty sure clones can use seals, though. ...actually, that'd make them even more terrifying with high-powered macerators. You don't need particular skill to aim in the general direction of someone, and that's the disadvantage of clones.

No, otherwise meatbag duty wouldn't exist. You'd just have a clone test your experimental seals for you.
Discuss the Mist Drain Situation.
  • Discuss this while Minami isn't here.
  • How bad is this? What's our political standing with Minami's clan? Should we be afraid? Who can she leak this info to, besides her clan?
  • Minami knows Noburi's ace-in-the-hole, and has the ability to use this as leverage against Jiraiya's clan. We need to prevent this from happening.
    • What can we offer that could convince her to keep mum?
      • Personal favors, clan concessions, specialized seals?
    • Are there any memory modification jutsu she could voluntarily go through? (from Yamanaka or others)
    • Any oaths or formal agreements to discourage her from sharing this information?
  • Related topics of discussion:
    • What systems (in Konoha) exist to handle situations like this?
    • How did Kagome's village and Mist handle this?
    • Should we send a message to Jiraiya (via pangolin) to inform him of the situation/ask for advice?
    • Any other things we really shouldn't share with her?
      • Specific working of Keiko's bloodline?
      • Any seals?
      • Information about Pangolin/Summoning realm?
      • Anything from team's history?
      • Anything from/about Kagome?
Suggestions in green.

... Do we, as Leaf-Nin, get those cool forehead protectors?
Because if not, we really got screwed over.

Wow, you really specialize in barrels! I remember so many months ago when we first collaborated on Octopus Style Noburi. Good times... :p
Links please.