Kagome screams.

We know OOC that Hashimoto is compromised. We also know it takes 12 days to get the message back and three days for Captain Zabuza.

We also know a little bit about how to run a spy network as well. I also never thought about turning nobles.

I would have turned prostitutes, cooks, guards, and innkeepers but nobles?? It make sense I guess.
Inwardly screams
Welp, it was a nice quest while it lasted.
Who wants to specialize in technique hacking on our new character instead of sealing?

Edit: On a different note, this was a very enjoyable chapter to read. I love lore dumps honestly, so learning about the Pangolins view of history and about spy networks almost undid the abject terror of certain death. Almost.
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His thoughts froze as he got to the picture of Wakahisa Noburi. He quickly skimmed back through the summary before reading the full debrief, making a point to note the name of the stakeout team leader who had made the decision to send this with the regular dispatches instead of as a Flash Priority. Four days delay before the information was dispatched, six more for the civilian caravan to take it through Rice to the relay in Hot Springs, a day to run it to the coast, and then a bad storm that delayed the courier ship for twenty-four precious extra hours. And it would take at least two days, probably three, to get a response team back there even if they left this minute.

"Is Zabuza back yet?" he demanded.

"No, sir," his secretary told him. "He's due in day after tomorrow."
16-17 days, and that's how long we've been doing our thing. We need to fuck off, right now.
Mother sighed. Clearly, the kami were bored and had decided to take it out on him. Catching the Cold Stone Killers and bringing them in for a nice public trial would cement Mist's presence in Hot Springs and give them the moral high ground. Even better, if they could 'find' evidence that the team had been working for Jiraiya when they caused the incident it would put Fire on the back foot and force them to spend their energy mending fences instead of making progress on whatever their current goals were. That all hinged on being able to mount a response before the targets vanished, though.

Still, if Wakahisa was applying for training he would probably be onsite for several weeks. And it would take a few days for the Document and Supplies team to forge the necessary evidence, so it didn't really matter that Zabuza wasn't available immediately. Speaking of which, he'd need to send a good minder with Zabuza—the swordsman was a great attack dog, but not as good at patience or intelligence-gathering. Catching the kid wasn't enough, they needed the whole team to get the proper effect.
Hashimoto has one of Noburi's barrels we need to get in there and GET RID OF IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW

Fuck fuck fuck
On a scale of "1" to "the Mist civil war", how metagamey would it be to have Hazou suddenly sit up, eyes wide, and declare "We're leaving. Now. Grab anything important, and let's go."
It took twelve days for them to report back, but they definitely know we're in Yuni. Though we also know it takes a few days for them to get a report.

I estimate that it takes three days at minimum for Noburi to get three points for Medical Knowledge with the worst case scenario of twelve days to learn everything he needs.

That said, merchants are great targets, since they aren't high priests or nobles, if nobody is trailing Mari-sensei.

Remember, starting a merchant network is an un-ninja thing to do.
Although that would also be acting on OOC knowledge.


I don't see a way to survive this without resorting to metagaming.

Telling Hazou to run is metagaming. Telling Hazou to double down on camp defences is metagaming.

Without metagaming, the only thing we can really tell Hazou to do is continue expanding our resources and doing seal research. This is so frustrating.
Edit: On a different note, this was a very enjoyable chapter to read. I love lore dumps honestly, so learning about the Pangolins view of history and about spy networks almost undid the abject terror of certain death. Almost.
Agreed. Except for that last bit. Definitely didn't undo the abject terror at all.
Although that would also be acting on OOC knowledge.


I don't see a way to survive this without resorting to metagaming.

Telling Hazou to run is metagaming. Telling Hazou to double down on camp defences is metagaming.

Without metagaming, the only thing we can really tell Hazou to do is continue expanding our resources and doing seal research. This is so frustrating.
Yeah, uh, frankly I don't know what to do here. I mean, I appreciate eaglejarl likes making us wet our pants in fear, but I'm not sure that there's anything actionable here?
Remember, Noburi didn't get to Yuni immediately. Depending on how long it took Noburi and Mari to get there, we might have more time.
At least no one in the thread has to take the blame for this.

Noburi: Trained his Medical Knowledge up to 10 as well as training Water Clone and Hozuki's Mantle. No, this is not the plan you voted on. He disagreed with your suggestions.

The thread had voted for:
[X] Noburi Training: Water Up
Int 4 (8 xp from Med fund)
Water Clone 10-18 (63 xp)
Resolve 6-7 (26 xp)
Stamina 6-7 (26 xp)
Hozuki's Mantle 16-21 (55.5 xp)
Control 11-12 (46 xp)

Which would not have involved going to Hashimoto, which means this is all on Noburi. You should tell him so right before you die.

[jk] Make sure to tell Noburi it's all his fault right before you die.

Okay, that said there is something I would like to point out.

Mother sighed. Clearly, the kami were bored and had decided to take it out on him. Catching the Cold Stone Killers and bringing them in for a nice public trial would cement Mist's presence in Hot Springs and give them the moral high ground. Even better, if they could 'find' evidence that the team had been working for Jiraiya when they caused the incident it would put Fire on the back foot and force them to spend their energy mending fences instead of making progress on whatever their current goals were. That all hinged on being able to mount a response before the targets vanished, though.

Zabuza is being instructed to bring you in alive (if possible presumably). So that at least gives you some kind of chance, I guess. At the very least you won't 'wake up dead' one morning.
I mean...

I trust that the QMs wouldn't put us in an unsalvageable position without telling us. And @eaglejarl said that if we were definitely going to die in the killbox then he wouldn't have opened voting and would have just killed us. The same probably applies here.

So... surely there is a way out.

But unless it involves Hazou having a nightmare about Zabuzza due to the thread's panicking, awakening in a cold sweat, and begging everyone to relocate camp to the land of Neck... I just can't see it right now.
Although that would also be acting on OOC knowledge.


I don't see a way to survive this without resorting to metagaming.

Telling Hazou to run is metagaming. Telling Hazou to double down on camp defences is metagaming.

Without metagaming, the only thing we can really tell Hazou to do is continue expanding our resources and doing seal research. This is so frustrating.
Yeah, uh, frankly I don't know what to do here. I mean, I appreciate eaglejarl likes making us wet our pants in fear, but I'm not sure that there's anything actionable here?
Argue that since we've finished Noburi's medical training, there's no reason for us to stay in Iron specifically.

Argue that we've been seen in Yuni before, on multiple occasions; and furthermore that our faces were sketched in the Liberator's camp; therefore we should leave Iron to a place we haven't been seen before.

Conclude that to ensure our safety we should leave Iron for -insert other place here-.
I mean...

I trust that the QMs wouldn't put us in an unsalvageable position without telling us. And @eaglejarl said that if we were definitely going to die in the killbox then he wouldn't have opened voting and would have just killed us. The same probably applies here.

So... surely there is a way out.

But unless it involves Hazou having a nightmare about Zabuzza due to the thread's panicking, awakening in a cold sweat, and begging everyone to relocate camp to the land of Neck... I just can't see it right now.
I could see Kagome demanding the team vacate country on Noburi's return from that town. Maybe. I don't know.
{!} Start 1751 8013296
{!} Schedule 12:00 08-03-2017


This is why we do not return to places we have previously been.
I mean...

I trust that the QMs wouldn't put us in an unsalvageable position without telling us. And @eaglejarl said that if we were definitely going to die in the killbox then he wouldn't have opened voting and would have just killed us. The same probably applies here.

So... surely there is a way out.

The way out is that Zabuza will be told to capture you alive, so he won't go lethal force right away, and if he does succeed in capturing you then you'll have a chance to do something very clever to escape before you get brought back to a truly secure killbox prison. That's honestly a much better position than if he was supposed to execute the whole team on the spot.
Remember, Noburi didn't get to Yuni immediately. Depending on how long it took Noburi and Mari to get there, we might have more time.

I don't know how that changes thing? They noticed as soon as Hashimoto stabbed Nobby's hand. Now Mari's henge is compromised too.

At least no one in the thread has to take the blame for this.

Excuse me, my plan calls for Noburi to go to Hashimoto. It's a calculated risk, because there's always a chance of being spotted by village agents.

It's also what everyone on the thread wanted and voted for.
80/16=5XP per day.

So an above average plan.

Some good things about the plan:
  • Formatting was clear and compact. Plan overall didn't include too much extraneous stuff that had to be dug through to get to the main points.
  • The different actions being done were well-separated and clearly described (including describing how the characters would proceed with them instead of only what to try and accomplish).
  • The actions made clear progress toward the group's goals.
Which would not have involved going to Hashimoto, which means this is all on Noburi. You should tell him so right before you die.
It was the action plan that involved sending him to Hashimoto, not the training plans.