Bringing WHW back:
[X] Action Plan: Long-Overdue Combat for Bird-Duke with Some Unavoidable Talking
- Survive
- Procrastinate on Skywalkers
- Verify in game our team's current combat strength
- Train
- Learn stuff
- Give Seal towers to the Pangolins
- Talk about Hidden Mountain
- To see our team's current capabilities, propose a friendly competition to kill or incapacitate chakra monsters in specified ways, such as without making a sound, not spilling any blood or other bodily fluids, as many as possible within a minute, kill a member of a pack without the other monsters noticing, use only one hand, one leg, etc. (the more creative the better (suggestions from teammates are welcome and encouraged)). Bonus points awarded to contestants who successfully recover useful chakra monster bits, like the paralytic from those dragonflies or boars we once encountered.
- Stay within a Kagome-approved distance from camp, no explosions or anything else that would draw attention to our presence during the competition unless a contestant is in serious danger (anything that would give them malus die). Mari and Kagome act as judges to see who wins, but also they act as guards in case something goes awry. The competition should only last one day unless Mari and Kagome think we should continue past that.
- Our team has many ways to boom squish our enemies, but doing so gives away our position to anyone within several miles. We need other ways to approach problems, but first we need to see what our team is already capable of in this capacity. Put another way, the main goal of this exercise is not to see what the team can do well, but to see what the team cannot do adequately so that we can shore up our deficiencies.
- At the end of the day when it is time for a team meeting, gather everyone together, including Pandaa, to discuss what the team's feelings are regarding Hidden Mountain and how it could be an alternative to signing on full term with Leaf.
- Hazou should mention that Noburi will have to face Yuno eventually, so Hazou should ask how Noburi feels about being near her again. However, Noburi will be able to act as the villagers best doctor with his even more improved medical skills; he would be able to do a significant amount of life-changing procedures again, even more so than last time.
- Kagome should be asked which he would prefer if he had to choose one: working with Leaf or Mountain and his reasoning for his decision. Also ask him if he thinks we could defend ourselves from Hidden Mountain like we did previously versus how well we could defend ourselves from Leaf using the same methods.
- Mari should be asked about her thoughts on Mountain in regards to setting ourselves up as liaisons between Mountain and Leaf; would this give us, especially Hazou, enough political leverage to visit and leave Leaf somewhat safely and regularly? How does she feel about Hidden Mountain versus Leaf?
- If Pandaa wants to chime in about anything he knows about Hidden Mountain's history he is free to butt in at any time. Even the smallest details about their past would be helpful. Anything he can tell us about how the Pangolins view the citizens of Hidden Mountain would help as well. Also, what can he tell us about the Tapirs? Mention to him the Tapir presence in Hidden Mountain and ask what that could mean.
- Finally, Keiko will have to decide how she wants to approach the Hill Billies. We have less than six months to decide upon a plan of action and whatever we do she will be the linchpin because she is the Pangolin Summoner, aka Ui's heir.
- No one has to decide right away what we should do regarding Mountain; this conversation is meant as a way to start the conversation and get our teammate's thoughts and concerns about Mountain in the open for us (the hivemind) to address later on. This team meeting should not be the similar to the one we had when we talked about joining Leaf or not; there are many ways we could involve ourselves with Hidden Mountain so we need to see where everyone stands first before we get ahead of ourselves with all of the 'what-if's' surrounding our Redneck options.
- Open trade relations with the Pangolins by offering our Seal-tower seals and their design notes
- Pandaa should be consulted first to see how such negotiations should be done and whom to approach. Keiko should be briefed on how the seals work by Kagome if she needs a refresher and Kagome should get some say in what she should bargain for since it is his seal design. In the summon realm Keiko should use her Deal Making skill to get the best bargain she can get, but also mention that these are unique seals that we don't want spread any further if possible (like how that one Pangolin instructor taught Akane that one secret strengthening technique). If she feels it necessary, Keiko can simply give away the seal for goodwill with her summon clan, but we'd prefer if she got something in return for it.
- The towers have been discovered by Leaf anyway, but by showing all of the design notes and the actual seals used in the construction of the towers we can give the Pangolins the tech much faster than letting them figure it out for themselves.
Background stuff:
[X] Natural Philosopher Hazou (Character Development)
[X] Same as Always (Contingency)
[X] Study Plan: Historical Analysis And Math Fundamental
Kagome should still work on the Skywalker-seals when he has time.
Action: Seals Solve Everything by @Vecht
- Spend no more than one week in game for the entirety of the update
Edits in Underline
I'm on the fence in regards to adding more actions for each character since only Keiko gets an action that only she can do (Hazou's education stuff doesn't really need a scene, imo, just a blurb at the end of the chapter). On one hand, having everyone else sit on their bums when they aren't training is inefficient. On the other hand, having 4+ scenes seems a bit much for one update.
Meh, let's make some baller training plans so we can finish the requisite repetitions. The sooner we level up our team's skills, the better.
I probably won't be able to update this plan, so feel free to cannibalize it as you see fit. Be the plan-maker you want to see in the thread!