- Location
- how about no
Speaking for myself at least, I think if we added a section to deal with Mari and adding explicit things to test with seals (as in my plan) would be a massive improvement.
Sealing stuff and Mari stuff. You could always use the Seals Solve Everything Action from the Hivemind Aggregate Plan.
Regarding the latter, I'm not particularly comfortable with my contributions being taken at face value without any real iteration.
e: Got 'd
Well, we can't train Sealing levels and research at the same time, so I thought it best if we train now and use those additional levels sooner rather than later. As for Mari... yeah I forgot about her issues. Still, we don't have to do everything we can think of in a single update. There will be plenty of talking already when we have our team conversation about Hidden Mountain. It may be for the best if we wait a bit before we try to talk to Mari since that conversation will most likely hinge on what we decide to do with our Skywalker seals and our goals moving forward.
I do think both of those scenes should be done, but I don't believe they have to be done immediately. The longer we make plans the more likely it is that we will overlook something, something may happen during the update we need to address, and/or the update will have to be broken up into multiple parts. For such scenes such as confronting Mari and experimenting with seals we should devote much more time than a last minute edit. Such drastic changes haven't ended well for us before and I doubt I would be able to pull it off now.