I'd recommend sticking a point into diplomacy, purely because I would enjoy reading a slightly less awkward Hazou.
I suppose that only costs 1 XP and is probably worth it. It'll also be easy to raise after we've raised deception (if we want)

So, Here's my proposed XP expenditure for the next time we can:

Resolve 2 [4]
Awareness 6 [10]
Diplomacy 1 [11]
Let's not vote on that just yet, it may be that we get more XP before we get the time to train; there might be a better way to allocate points (like can raise Awareness to 7 while dumping the Diplomacy increase until later). Right now we should focus on what we're going to do.
Let's not vote on that just yet, it may be that we get more XP before we get the time to train; there might be a better way to allocate points (like can raise Awareness to 7 while dumping the Diplomacy increase until later). Right now we should focus on what we're going to do.

Well we're going to interact with villagers, which will require diplomacy.
I come back from a trip, and we're already in Iron Country...

poor decision or the overlooked piece of information which resulted in you being perma-henged into Uchiha Sasuke and sealed in an extradimensional space with all of his fangirls.
Could be worse:

[J] Plan Escape the Extradimensional Space
  1. Mate with the fangirls (who think we are Sasuke) until the 1/32 chance finally comes up and the offspring has a Sharingan.
    Have the offspring kill his or her mother (to get the upgrade).Use Sharingan to get us out of the extradimensional space. (I think Sharingan has some capability like that.)
She vanished his bloody shirt into a storage seal
I knew the green spandex jumpsuit would come in useful! Thank you so much for giving it to us, @eaglejarl. We might have caught a chill, otherwise.

[J] Kill Mariko to get the steelback steak back

Would we do that to you?
Is that a rhetorical question?

And we definitely don't get together in ours and create counter-rituals to place ideas in yours. On a completely unrelated note, you wouldn't happen to want to share your research on the rituals that you don't do?
Oh, yes. The steps for countering our ritual are straightforward:
  1. Make the planning documents you intend to hide publicly readable. You must do it to show faith in the ritual.
  2. Strip naked and cover yourself with chicken blood and feathers; take pictures and post them on this thread. This will bind everyone who posted in or reads this thread except for the four of you by the ritual that will be sealed by the following step.
  3. PM the links to them to Pahan on SpaceBattles, who is totally not the same person as me.
After that, it works like the Fidelius Charm in Harry Potter: only Pahan on SpaceBattles will be able to disclose them to anyone bound by the ritual; and he won't ever tell me, because he's mad at me for taking his preferred nick on SV.

Alternatively, it could be referring to the exclamation mark being used as a factorial symbol. That represents how our paranoia needs to increase, not linearly, not exponentially, but factorially. WE ARE NOT BEING CAREFUL ENOUGH!
Eh... 1 factorial is still 1.
*finally gets around to properly reading the thread*

Would we do that to you?

Yes. Unequivocally yes.

Miss Totally-a-Ninja

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @Jackercracks : Wait, is the old lady a ninja pretending to be an old lady, while rolling so well on the deception check she fooled you into rolling her as an actual old lady? o_O

The way I see it is that us three genin have a really good chance of taking care of random wildlife that shows up.

*cough* SpiderBear *cough* (also the pikachu, and the snake that nearly ate us, and those insect things, and the crocodile, and the mind eating slime ...)​

Actually, all the animals are probably just Zabuza.

- Memory erasure failsafe with Iron Nerve?
  1. Decide on an initial series of actions that are hard to notice and unlikely to occur randomly. (a fixed pattern of teeth chattering, some subtle hand movements etc...)
  2. Choose an indexing scheme (number of eye blinks, etc...)
  3. When you suspect you're going to be mind wiped perform the initial series of actions, and then the indexing action till you get to the first unused number, and then do something that might help you remember info. (trace words with your finger, etc... (ideally after inventing your own scheme for doing so))
  4. When you suspect you might have been mind-wiped then run through the actions to the first unused index and see if you muscle memory remembers anything more, if so run through that memory and decode your message to yourself.
- Is it okay to use water jutsu (ie. for irrigation) or do you think it will tip off Mist hunters?

Would rather not,ideally we should ask Inoue for a "sufficiently common subset of genin skills that our nationality could not be deduced from them"

- Do we want to advertise that we have multiple sealing scrolls?

I'd rather not, one is a huge deal regardless.

This seems fine so far.

Constant Vigilance:
- Pretend to be 4 genin, Inoue can probably fake working with clones if she feels lazy

Wait, she's still doing the work, how does that count as laziness?

Nah, you can't be an avatar of Kurama. I've got him sealed up in a jar over on my...mantel...piece.... Hang on, where's the jar?


Anko forgot it in Sound, don't worry about it.

Waterbugs prey on people and animals near the shore on sunny days.

Right before a waterbug attacks, its shell starts to glow with a rainbowy light, so if you see a sudden glint beneath the water, you run. Those who are too slow get caught in the flash of blinding light as the waterbug launches itself out of the water. No one knows what happens then, as by that point any witnesses will have run for their lives.

Old wives' tales say that the waterbugs only feed on fish, and instead of devouring their victims, they drag them back to their nest to use as living hosts for their eggs. But of course, no one has ever come back after being caught in that flash of light, so who knows?

As a completely unrelated fact, for a telepath to come into contact with a sufficiently alien mind can cost a lot of sanity points. Someone who is not a natural telepath, but accessing telepathic powers through ritual, however, might not even realise that such an event has taken place.

I'm not sure I believe you. Mostly because of the rainbow beam ...

At this rate we'll have unicorns prancing about while farting Fresh Floral Scent. (They'll still kill you sooner than look at you, but that's about par for the course.)
Wait, she's still doing the work, how does that count as laziness?

water clones are basically autonomous robots made of water. unlike shadow clones, you don't get any memories, and their cheap enough that using them for brute labour is being lazy, because you don't feel the work.

you give them simple orders, and they do them while you laze around and watch clouds.
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because otherwise it would be you digging a trench, or whatever else it is you want them to do.
Ah, but the you can't dig 9 trenches at once, can you? So really, water clones are getting more done with less effort. Programmers: so lazy, we spend days figuring out ways to avoid having to do an hour of work ourselves ever again.
Any plan that involves hunting or guarding should include an explicit callout of using it to practice squad tactics and coordination.

Also, go team lazy!
@eaglejarlHow many points do we get if we can convince you that gratuitous evil is the most moral course of action under the circumstances?
If it's the most moral course of action under the circumstances, it is neither gratuitous nor evil.

On an unrelated note, what technique mod/dev level would we need to invent a jutsu that solves world hunger in exchange for sacrificing babies?
As low as 0, depending on how many babies you're planning to sacrifice, and over what period of time.

[J] Plan Escape the Extradimensional Space
  1. Mate with the fangirls (who think we are Sasuke) until the 1/32 chance finally comes up and the offspring has a Sharingan.
    Have the offspring kill his or her mother (to get the upgrade).Use Sharingan to get us out of the extradimensional space. (I think Sharingan has some capability like that.)
Technically, moving in and out of extradimensional spaces is a power unique to Obito's Sharingan (although since its emergence was probably random, there's no reason someone else couldn't theoretically end up with it). Also, his and Kakashi's power seems to always connect to the same extradimensional space, so it probably wouldn't let you escape an unrelated space created by someone else.

Nevertheless, the speed and effectiveness of your plan to defeat QM vengeance has significantly upgraded your threat rating.
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We have 18 hours left (12PM UTC) so we should make and vote on a plan, soon. Here's my suggestion:

Our goal is to get goods to sell in a town to establish our cover as self-sufficient merchants. So we want to trade our services for goods that we can then sell at market for other goods and continue the cycle. Thus:

-Offer to get clay for the potter ourselves in exchange for the potter making for us some things to sell.
--We don't need miners to assist us; this way we can hide our skills more easily.
--We can use Water Clones to do most of the grunt work, and seal clay in scrolls for easy carrying. We'll want to unseal + carry the clay right before we arrive at town to avoid showing seal-skill.
-Offer to help the fishermen remove their waterbug problem in exchange for fish to sell at market.
--We use Water Clones, or meat-based baits, to bait waterbugs into attacking; we then attack and kill them.
--See if there's anything worth selling from the waterbug corpses.
-Offer to help the village build defenses/irrigate in exchange for crops/goods to sell.
--This is going to require a bit of planning but I'd imagine copying the Fire palisade should work reasonably well. Something to discuss.
-Offer to escort some villagers to Yuni for trade, in exchange for goods to sell.
I suppose that only costs 1 XP and is probably worth it. It'll also be easy to raise after we've raised deception (if we want)

So, Here's my proposed XP expenditure for the next time we can:

Resolve 2 [4]
Awareness 6 [10]
Diplomacy 1 [11]

[X] This plan for XP usage

I think I also agree with the plan of us getting the clay for them ourselves, rather than just escorting them. Increases our flexibility with combat/using our skills out of sight, we can carry it ourselves with scrolls/seals which saves time, and we can 'charge' a little more for doing more of the labor/saving the village from having to use their citizens for the labor
Maybe we should join Akatsuki and convince 'The Human Printing Press' Konan to use her incredible Seal mass production abilities for the good of mankind. Seriously, 600 billion explosive seals?

Cheap and readily available seals could revolutionise so many fields...
Here's the updated Plan Labour Week. There weren't that many new ideas floating around but now we are going to ask Inoue what kind of Jutsu will out us as Mist-nin and then not use those. We will also not reveal that we have multiple sealing scrolls.

@faflec I think hunting while guarding the clay diggers has a good chance to end up with the diggers dead, so I didn't add that.

  1. Decide on an initial series of actions that are hard to notice and unlikely to occur randomly. (a fixed pattern of teeth chattering, some subtle hand movements etc...)
  2. Choose an indexing scheme (number of eye blinks, etc...)
  3. When you suspect you're going to be mind wiped perform the initial series of actions, and then the indexing action till you get to the first unused number, and then do something that might help you remember info. (trace words with your finger, etc... (ideally after inventing your own scheme for doing so))
  4. When you suspect you might have been mind-wiped then run through the actions to the first unused index and see if you muscle memory remembers anything more, if so run through that memory and decode your message to yourself.

You know, this sounds like an excellent chance for an Omake. If nobody wants to do that it still needs some details before I can copy-paste it to the plan. Like specifics on the actions, when to add them and when to check them. It's our idea so we should come up with the details instead of leaving it to the QMs.

Anyway here's a quote of the current plan, ping me if you want to add/change stuff.

Here's a start of a plan. A week sounds like a good time to spend in a village and after that we can do the trade mission if we judge it to be worth our time.

Open questions that need answering:
- Any solid details on HOW to do any of the individual tasks
- Memory erasure failsafe with Iron Nerve?
- Any ideas on pricing/haggling strategies?
- Is it okay to use water jutsu (ie. for irrigation) or do you think it will tip off Mist hunters?
- Do we want to advertise that we have multiple sealing scrolls?

- Any security precautions we want to take?
- Do we pretend to be 4 genin? Maybe Inoue could be chuunin? Details?
- Do we sleep in the village?

- What else did I miss?

[X] Plan Labor Week

Lets give the village a week's worth of ninja action that has a lasting positive impact. During that time we can fish out details of the caravan trip and make a decision about it at the end of the week. The labors are listed in order of preference.

As usual run this by our teammates, then present it to sensei.

Prepare Village Defenses:
- Ask Inoue for design ideas
- Copy palisade and gate ideas from the fire village
- Clear out vegetation near the village
- Make a sentry tower for the village
- A moat with sharp sticks

Get Clay:
- Get the clay early enough so the potter has time to make stuff for the (possible) caravan
- Good chance to train escorting formations

Hunt Waterbugs:
- Villagers need to fish, plus this works as a nice morale boost
- See if Noburi can drain or detect them
- Try to work out if there's a reason why they are so aggressive now
- Use water clones as bait then hit them with ranged weapons
- Good chance to train small unit tactics

Help With The Irrigation System:
- There's a lake right there, how hard could it be to dig a ditch with a gate?

Hunt Dangerous Things Nearby:
- Not really a priority
- Leave this last and do it if we have time

Pump the villagers for information:
- Nearby settlements?
- How often do they see ninjas?
- Details about trading (goods, prices, procedure)
- Rumors?
- Get general knowledge about village life
- How does this farming thing work?
- Fishing tips?
- How are the seasons in Iron?
- History of Iron?
- Observe the villagers speech, manners, attitudes etc. so we can pretend to be one

Constant Vigilance:
- Pretend to be 4 genin (Keep current Henge), Inoue can probably fake working with clones if she feels lazy
- Ask Inoue for what jutsu/skills are safe to use around civilians so a well informed observer can't pinpoint us as mist-nin
- Don't use any jutsu Inoue deems likely to out us
- Don't reveal that we have multiple sealing scrolls

- Keep bloodlines VERY hidden (Nobby, no impressing the girls with your stretchy whip)
- Always henge
- Don't sleep in the village
- Keep an eye out what the villagers are doing when they think you are not looking (Drop a normal Clone and then Stealth to have a look see)

EDIT: Additions underlined