By using the information about Arikada's route to take her out while she was distracted, instead of having to rely on incomplete information to stage an ambush.
This line is sort of the distilled essence of the quest, to a large extent"Nope," he said, vanishing into a kawarimi with one of the logs that the PMYF seals had dispensed all over the battlefield.
i seem to recall that the requirement was them being equidistant from the central seal, rather than in plane?
Yaaaay my Hidden Heaven planning did something!there's been prior discussion that did come up with workable ideas
This didn't actually get all the way done, but it seemed a good place to break off. I'm not entirely thrilled with it, but I couldn't keep it waiting any longer.
Also we need to get eyes on the crater quickly. It's shape should tell us direction of explosion, whether the blast was consecrated in one axis, and the mode of effect. That should give us information on likely distance, direction, and capabilities of her seals. (assuming a ballistic path)
You just heard the 'thump!' of Arikada hitting the ground a hundred yards or so to the north.
Does that mean she's legless for now? That would be way to good to be true. She's getting new transportation asap somehow, I know it.her legs seemed to explode, the heavy flesh blasting away from her body and hurling her through the air
So a few questions.
- Where is Arikada going? Can we see her?
- Is it a ballistic path? What angle did she launch at?
- Do we see evidence of her maneuver in midair?
- Is her movement a cast from HP spell? Are her legs gone?
"It is a most youthful invention, sensei!" Akane said. "Hazou-sensei conceived of it, Kagome made the seals, and I built the framework. You see, you take one of these wooden blocks"—she held up a chunk of pine the size of her head with a large hole bored into the center of each side—"and you connect them like so." She picked up one of the thumb-thick oak dowels that she'd pulled out of a storage-sealed bag a few minutes ago. One end of the dowel went into one block, the other end into another block. More blocks and more dowels were rapidly assembled into a grid three meters across.
"See, this is the best part!" Kagome said, too excited to wait for Akane to explain. He grabbed one of the extra-long coils of ninja wire off the ground and started running it around the frame, placing a small loop on top of each block and then balancing another block on top to hold it in place. A lifetime of experience as a hasn't-died-yet sealmaster made him check that each piece of the wire was in the middle of its supporting block and firmly anchored.
The precision was obviously pure reflex, because it still left him plenty of attention with which to chatter. "See, the frame is a bunch of different things, but the wire is all one! That's the trick—the seal only works on one object, but a wire is just one object! You can run it around all you want, then on to the next piece, and it's fine. And when you're done with it you just take the seal off and the wire collapses so you can pull it up with you and there's no way for the stinkers to get to you because you're up in the air! It's like being in a tree, except the tree doesn't want to eat you!"
Twenty minutes later, they were so high up that the wind was whipping her hair everywhere. It was exactly as awful as she'd expected, and she didn't dare look down at the ground so far below. Gods, she hated heights. If she fell from here she wouldn't just hit the ground, she'd splash. Every bone would shatter like glass, leaving her—
Keiko apparently decided that perceptiveness should be its own reward, because she targeted the blond ninja with a pair of kunai. She was boosting so hard she should have glowed; the weapons seemed to vanish from her hands and disappear into a blurred line connecting her to her victim.
The man was fast, but not fast enough. He managed to barely twist aside from one weapon and deflect the second. Instead of blasting straight through his chest and out his back, he turned it enough that it hit his collarbone instead. In the end he might have preferred the instant kill; the kunai sank into his flesh right up to the hilt, the point sticking a full thumblength out his back. He screamed and stumbled as the pain hit, but managed to stay on his feet.
"Pangolin Summoning Technique: Panchipaama!" Keiko shouted. Purple smoke exploded everywhere as the eight-foot scaled monstrosity that was her combat summon appeared. "We need the woman!" Keiko called, pointing at Arikada.
Panchipaama's massive head swung towards the enemy and locked onto the wounded ninja who had just been implicitly declared unneeded. She dropped forward, curling into a tight ball and racing towards the enemy ninja. Her scales lifted up slightly, turning into bladed scoops that drove her forward at impossible speed and sent a rooster tail of dirt up behind her. Arikada leaped frantically aside, but the wounded guard wasn't nearly fast enough to evade before the massive ball of bladed scales rolled over him.
*slams table* INSTANT HEADCANON.
This is the perfect time to try out that PMYF-based movement scheme we'd tried to figure out back in the forest of Fire! Doing the math I think we can actually pull it off if Hazou can put up a MEW kawarimi-assistance wall several dozen yards downrange to get around the 3m-jumping issue.I am concerned our Tactical Movement will not be good enough to catch her at this point. Hrmm.
Those little pretties are one of my favorite bits of the Shadowrun universeOn the topic of "things Arikada can do", the dice list an attack called "cortex bomb", which frankly sounds terrifying.
And are there bits of them left behind, which we should immediately run the hell away from since they'll probably explode or dissolve into chakra-eating bacteria? @eaglejarl @Velorien
Jesus, Inoue. ~40 fricking Taijutsu dice? Isn't there a small upper limit on how much you can chakra boost one action? What have her past Tai rolls been?
Those little pretties are one of my favorite bits of the Shadowrun universe![]()