"Please be careful," Shikamaru said, leaving the lantern where it was. "It's a long descent, and no shade is permitted where we are heading."
Hazō followed Shikamaru down, holding tight to the handrail in the absolute darkness of the underworld. Above them, the door shut itself again, leaving him at Shikamaru's mercy to get out of here again.
Hazō had previously thought that the staircase down to Orochimaru's Basement was deep. He now realised that he had known nothing of depth, as the pair's journey wore on and his legs began to ache.
"How much longer—"
"Shhh!" Shikamaru hissed. "Do not speak unbidden until we are back at the top."
After a second, he added, "You do not wish to accidentally provide information."
Provide information to whom, Hazō wanted to ask, but despite what his Academy teachers might have believed, he was capable of following direct instructions.
At long last, the descent came to an end. From the sudden shift in the sound of their footsteps, Hazō guessed that they had entered a large, open space.
"Walk forward slowly," Shikamaru said. "Hold out a hand so that you do not run into it face-first."
Hazō obeyed, increasingly wary. If Shikamaru wanted to assassinate him, say, for asking too many questions about unspeakable clan secrets, there would be no better opportunity. He had to count on the fact that people had seen them together today, and while Shikamaru had the authority to swear them all to secrecy, there was still a chance that his second-in-command would find out, in which case he'd quickly join Hazō in the afterlife.
Hazō's hand touched stone. Or was it stone? It felt just a little bit too giving, and oddly warm. As his fingers moved across it, he could feel grooves etched into the material, sweeping lines and deep points forming a pattern he could almost but not quite visualise. In fact, if there was one thing it made him think of…
Shikamaru was saying something in the background, but Hazō found himself less and less interested in what he had to say. This was it, he realised, a second example of a 3D seal. With this for comparison, he had what he needed in order to be able to analyse and decode the Great Seal. It was the clue he'd been waiting for all along.
He couldn't see it, and that meant he couldn't store its image in his mind. Maybe that was the real reason for the darkness. Yes, Shikamaru must have found out about the Iron Nerve's greatest secret. It wasn't something Shikamaru, or anyone outside the Kurosawa, could be allowed to know—Hazō had barely escaped being vivisected for it once already. He would have to do something. Here, in the dark, Shikamaru couldn't use his shadows. There would be no better chance. Nobody could blame Hazō if, after such a long walk, the fatigue combined with the darkness led the boy to slip on the endless stairs and break his neck.
No. No, there was no need to be hasty. There was something much more important to do before he risked combat with the heir of the binders. For the sake of defeating the Heralds, Hazō needed to know what lay behind this seal. All the answers to the mysteries of the world were waiting for him to reach out and take them, if he only removed one trivial obstacle.
Hazō reached for his exploding tags.