Takahashi Sahō smiled to herself for a fraction of a second, before smoothing her face into a pleasant neutrality. For the third day in a row, Gasai was out in the front yard of his house, practicing his morning stretches and his basic taijutsu kata. This was slightly improper, as front-facing taijutsu practice was meant primarily for youth who had not yet achieved the first rank of mastery, but none could doubt Gasai's skill. No, the part that interested Sahō was that Inoue had told Gasai that Sahō took morning walks just after dawn on this route exactly three days ago. Three mornings had passed, and of all the times she had taken this walk, it was these three days alone that she'd seen him training.
Sahō lowered her eyes respectfully as she passed his house. He stopped his training to give her a slight bow.
"It is auspicious for the morning sun to cast its rays upon the land like so, is it not?" she asked.
"Your wisdom is evident," he said, raising his eye level slightly, to be staring at her feet rather than his own. "Perhaps the day will be pleasant and bring us fortune."
She raised her eyes too, little by little, taking in the way that he also slowly drew his gaze upwards without pausing anywhere immodestly.
Their gazes met for two and a half-seconds. Something supernatural passed between them, and Sahō felt tingles go all over her body. It took all her self control to break her gaze away from his rich, brown eyes.
"Perhaps it will be," she said, struggling to keep her voice from faltering even as she flushed. "May our morning at least be pleasant."
"Indeed," he said, bowing again. Unnecessary, but perhaps he needed something physical to break his side of their eye contact. "May our paths cross again, Takahashi."
"If Ui wills it so," Sahō said.
Ui's blood, Inoue had been right! Maybe if she followed her friend's advice, Sahō could have Gasai propose within the month!
So much planning remained to be done. Before she could let the devious plots in her mind run free, though, there was a morning walk that needed finishing. She continued with a slight spring in her step. Slightly improper, but what did it matter?