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You've finished researching the Macerator seal. Now we're trying to come up with rules for it, and we figure we're going to outsource this to you clever folk. We need some way of figuring out what it can and can't macerate. Suggestions?
You know that the first Hokage was famous for his Wood Release, but you haven't heard of anyone using it since then.
It varies. If they happen out in the woods there's no problem. If they happen in or near a city then lots and lots of people die.
Kagome is familiar with the following materials that seals can be written on:
• Paper, vellum, and other paper-like things
• Clay tablets
• Smooth stone like polished marble
• True masters have put seals on flesh. In Kagome's words, this is done by "Bone-headed retards. Skin changes shape, gets a sunburn, gets a cut, gets old, seal gets distorted, everything goes boom or slurp or splat or some other godawful noise and then we're all running for our lives and cursing stupid idiotic boneheaded retarded stinking 'expert sealmasters'. Ptui."
None of you know anything about chakra conductive metal aside from the fact that it exists, is crazy expensive, and is used for constructing weapons. You've certainly never heard of it used for anything other than daggers before.
The Kurosawa have written genealogy going back about 10 generations. (~200 years.) All of those generations had the Iron Nerve. No one is quite sure when it originally cropped up.
The Sage (and therefore creation of chakra) was 1,000+ years ago. The Elemental Nations are (arguably) several hundred years old; before that was the Warring States period where the nations were nominally there but poorly defined. The Hidden Villages are about 100 years old.
There are a series of berms and walls remaining -- removing all of them is impractical. There's no clarity on what exactly they were for, though.
This happened.
You have 4,958 ryo. (A little under $500 USD.) There are moneylenders in large towns, but no banking system per se. Money lenders require collateral.
No, seals cannot move or change shape / size in our 'verse.
Rules for storage seals:
1. Each seal has a maximum volume it can contain, set at creation time.
2. Each seal has a maximum mass it can contain, set at creation time.
3. Typical values are 1m^3 and 100kg.
4. Each seal can hold only one object.
5. The object must be within 3' (one yard) of the seal to be stored.
6. For this purpose, "an object" is defined as follows: Draw a line from the seal to the nearest point of the thing you're trying to seal. Imagine water flowing over the surface of the object. The water must be able to completely cover the item with no breaks. (e.g., the object can't be tied or chained to something).
7. There are stresses applied to the object when it is put into the seal and taken out of the seal. The stresses are asymmetric and somewhat random in terms of vector and intensity. They mostly-but-not-entirely stick to the surface of the object, although some will be inside it as well.
8. Inside a storage seal there is no time so the object is preserved exactly as it was. This includes temperature.
A stupid box is made by taking something that is going to explode very very soon (but hasn't yet) and putting it in a seal before it can.
Yes, he can choose a length from 0 up to 10s.
Yes, it is fully researched.
No. That is not information that the characters have, it is meta-information about game mechanics.
Since leaving Mist they've spent a lot of time living around civilians -- even in Mountain. They've come to recognize that civilians are people too.
Kawarimi lets you switch places with a distant object. It models super-fast movement, not teleportation. As such, the rules are:
1. You need to be able to see at least 25% of the target, such that the 25% is exposed to the surrounding environment (i.e. you could walk up to it and touch it).
2. You need a clear path to the target, meaning one that you could actually traverse by (wall- / water-) walking.
3. The path must include no turns, although it can allow changes in orientation. Example: your path can go straight to the bottom of a cliff, then up the face of the cliff using wall-walking.
4. If you can only see part of the target then it needs to be what you think it is. Examples:
1. You put a log behind a tree with part of the log sticking out. You can switch with it.
2. You put a log behind a tree, but someone else comes along and swaps it with a different log without you knowing. You see part of the log and think it's the same one you put there, so you try to switch. You fail.
Wonder how the Senju Wood Jutsu bloodline mostly disappearing ties into the Scorch Squads. The Scorch Squads part of the Senju plan for peace so they chose to let their power fade away to avoid getting ganged up on maybe after setting Konoha up as just enough of a dominant power to come out ahead if Mist's declining power is standard? Were other villages constantly doing shit to try and ensure the Bloodline didn't pass on? Did it not actually disappear in this Rational verse?
This one's more just 'does Hazou know if there are still ninja with this particular legendary ability?' since he has no real reason to bring it up in-character.
You know that the first Hokage was famous for his Wood Release, but you haven't heard of anyone using it since then.
@eaglejarl, @Velorien, how deadly are the ninja wars to the civilian population?
It varies. If they happen out in the woods there's no problem. If they happen in or near a city then lots and lots of people die.
Relatedly, at some point there was an ordering of materials onto which it was preferable to draw seals that I can't find now. What materials are viable, and can seals be made of chakra constructs rather than chakra ink?
Kagome is familiar with the following materials that seals can be written on:
• Paper, vellum, and other paper-like things
• Clay tablets
• Smooth stone like polished marble
• True masters have put seals on flesh. In Kagome's words, this is done by "Bone-headed retards. Skin changes shape, gets a sunburn, gets a cut, gets old, seal gets distorted, everything goes boom or slurp or splat or some other godawful noise and then we're all running for our lives and cursing stupid idiotic boneheaded retarded stinking 'expert sealmasters'. Ptui."
e: Did we ever figure out if chakra-conductive metal is suitable to activate seals? What if the seal is already touching one's skin? I'm thinking of putting said seals under clothing along the back of shoulders, on elbows and knees...
None of you know anything about chakra conductive metal aside from the fact that it exists, is crazy expensive, and is used for constructing weapons. You've certainly never heard of it used for anything other than daggers before.
Issue is, how long have we had iron nerve? Since before the elemental nations? or are they older in this AU?
The Kurosawa clan was apparently existent at the same time as the Uchiha Clan (and Fire Country existed, so it's possible its been only a century or more), and their crossing was what resulted in the Iron Nerve generations later. Chances are the Kurosawa already had at least one sealmaster who took advantage of the Iron Nerve secret ability to train a sealmaster every generation.
The Kurosawa have written genealogy going back about 10 generations. (~200 years.) All of those generations had the Iron Nerve. No one is quite sure when it originally cropped up.
Aren't we 6 or 7 generations from the founding of the elemental nations and a handful more from the creation of chakra? At least going by number of Hokage seen in the wild.
The Sage (and therefore creation of chakra) was 1,000+ years ago. The Elemental Nations are (arguably) several hundred years old; before that was the Warring States period where the nations were nominally there but poorly defined. The Hidden Villages are about 100 years old.
Make sure it's impossible to tell what was done in our lab, use explosives for the walls if necessary
There are a series of berms and walls remaining -- removing all of them is impractical. There's no clarity on what exactly they were for, though.
Team keeps mulling in the background over tactics of what, exactly, to tell Jiraiya to keep our promise to Takahashi while making Jiraiya maximally happy/minimally unhappy.
This happened.
@eaglejarl, @Velorien: Do we have enough cash to fake being a family of civvies who are just getting into the caravan business? Are there banks from which we could get a loan?
You have 4,958 ryo. (A little under $500 USD.) There are moneylenders in large towns, but no banking system per se. Money lenders require collateral.
@eaglejarl, @Velorien : In canon we see huge seals fold up into tiny symbols. Is that a thing that happens in MFD? If so, do we or Kagome know how to do it?
No, seals cannot move or change shape / size in our 'verse.
@Velorien @eaglejarl Is it possible to use Water Release: Syrup Trap as a 'sourced' jutsu (i.e., use chakra to manipulate preexisting water into taking on the 'sticky' property)? If so, how much chakra would be saved in doing so?
How do Stupid Boxes fit into this? Kagome describes storing a box full of a variety of components; we should examine what storage seals consider to be 'one object' (just one compartment?)
Rules for storage seals:
1. Each seal has a maximum volume it can contain, set at creation time.
2. Each seal has a maximum mass it can contain, set at creation time.
3. Typical values are 1m^3 and 100kg.
4. Each seal can hold only one object.
5. The object must be within 3' (one yard) of the seal to be stored.
6. For this purpose, "an object" is defined as follows: Draw a line from the seal to the nearest point of the thing you're trying to seal. Imagine water flowing over the surface of the object. The water must be able to completely cover the item with no breaks. (e.g., the object can't be tied or chained to something).
7. There are stresses applied to the object when it is put into the seal and taken out of the seal. The stresses are asymmetric and somewhat random in terms of vector and intensity. They mostly-but-not-entirely stick to the surface of the object, although some will be inside it as well.
8. Inside a storage seal there is no time so the object is preserved exactly as it was. This includes temperature.
A stupid box is made by taking something that is going to explode very very soon (but hasn't yet) and putting it in a seal before it can.
I blinked several times after I read this. @eaglejarl Can Hazou just easily choose the length of the timer when he activates the seal? Is it a variable timer like Kagome had on Inoue's necklace? Because if so, then holy cow that is one design restriction I vastly overestimated.
Also, is this seal fully researched? If it is, can I get the technical details of exactly what it can do, in terms of the goals from my Formal Specifications?
Yes, he can choose a length from 0 up to 10s.
Yes, it is fully researched.
Also, can you list the levels of Pandaa and Pankurashun on her character sheet? That is one of the most important aspects of each summon.
No. That is not information that the characters have, it is meta-information about game mechanics.
Jello_Raptor said:I would expect them to be raised to view civilians as little more than cattle, did that just not take? Were they not in a situation where they were isolated from civvies and grew to know them as people?
Since leaving Mist they've spent a lot of time living around civilians -- even in Mountain. They've come to recognize that civilians are people too.
"various people" said:
Kawarimi lets you switch places with a distant object. It models super-fast movement, not teleportation. As such, the rules are:
1. You need to be able to see at least 25% of the target, such that the 25% is exposed to the surrounding environment (i.e. you could walk up to it and touch it).
2. You need a clear path to the target, meaning one that you could actually traverse by (wall- / water-) walking.
3. The path must include no turns, although it can allow changes in orientation. Example: your path can go straight to the bottom of a cliff, then up the face of the cliff using wall-walking.
4. If you can only see part of the target then it needs to be what you think it is. Examples:
1. You put a log behind a tree with part of the log sticking out. You can switch with it.
2. You put a log behind a tree, but someone else comes along and swaps it with a different log without you knowing. You see part of the log and think it's the same one you put there, so you try to switch. You fail.
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