The Akimichi bonus is separate of overcharging. It's 380 * 1.55 + 380*.05 for 608 CP.
Where is this stated? (It sounds plausible given that the CR 38 attempt didn't work, but it doesn't seem to be in the rules and I can't easily find a QM statement, plus it seems like a very weird interpretation. ACE not copying to SCs is one thing, but not affecting overcharge? What even controls how much you can overcharge if ACE doesn't affect it?)
Where is this stated? (It sounds plausible given that the CR 38 attempt didn't work, but it doesn't seem to be in the rules and I can't easily find a QM statement, plus it seems like a very weird interpretation. ACE not copying to SCs is one thing, but not affecting overcharge? What even controls how much you can overcharge if ACE doesn't affect it?)
Nowhere, I think Paper decided it by fiat when doing the calculations.

What appears to control overcharge is the CR stat.
Hazou's SCs are by definition not affected by bioseals. Hazou's SCs can advocate for prime if people are concerned about a decision or reaction or whatever. If the clones are saying it too Hazou really means it lol

EDIT: hell delegate the decisions to the clones if it makes people feel better. They are mentally identical so should be making the same decisions if prime actually is unaffected.
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Hazou's SCs are by definition not affected by bioseals. Hazou's SCs can advocate for prime if people are concerned about a decision or reaction or whatever. If the clones are saying it too Hazou really means it lol
Hazō's SCs are forced to follow Hazō's wishes. If an affected Hazō wanted them to pretend everything is okay before he summoned them….
Hazō's SCs are forced to follow Hazō's wishes. If an affected Hazō wanted them to pretend everything is okay before he summoned them….
They're still only as good at pretending as Hazō is, though, so Mari should be able to spot it in that case. The more worrying scenario from Team Uplift's perspective is probably if the hypothetical control bioseal caused (semi-)permanent mental change instead of temporary influence, in which case the clones might copy that.
Honestly now that i think about it, this is a really good point! We have mind-control-resistant SCs active practically 24/7.
Just quoting and noting in case anyone was worried that all mention of Kagome was removed, like I briefly was. Hes prolly mad at us, but he prolly hasnt been retgone'd.
Not retconned out of existence, but I consider it moderately likely that he's abandoned Hazou.

The insanity pepper stew almost certainly came from a storage seal so it doesn't say anything about Kagome's current status
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Hazou's SCs are by definition not affected by bioseals. Hazou's SCs can advocate for prime if people are concerned about a decision or reaction or whatever. If the clones are saying it too Hazou really means it lol

EDIT: hell delegate the decisions to the clones if it makes people feel better. They are mentally identical so should be making the same decisions if prime actually is unaffected.

Shadow Clone actually gets replaced with Snake Clone after you get the secret Oro mind control operation. The bioseals cause your mouth to move and the vocal chords to produce the words "Shadow Clone" somehow while simultaneously saying "Snake Clone". This was well established by several off the cuff ramblings by this point, haven't you been paying attention?

There's not much point in engaging overly much with a fit of paranoia being experienced by what amounts to a paranoid schizophrenic person. After a certain point, you just have to shrug at it or neutral-response the guy to death. If it gets too ridiculous, hit him with the "Well gee, I'm real sorry you feel that way.", and if it keeps escalating just seriously advise him to kill us to skip the heart wrenching nonsense.

Or just slap him with the "Sensei, how do I know that you're still you every morning, and not some other Kagome? Come on, isn't this whole chain of logic a bit ridiculous? We all could be different people every time we wake up."

Given his secret backstory (that he hasn't talked about ever, by the by) that will shut him up real fucking quick, I'd hope.
Hazō's SCs are forced to follow Hazō's wishes. If an affected Hazō wanted them to pretend everything is okay before he summoned them….
Just don't let prime talk? This is an extremely easily solved problem

EDIT: better yet, have Hazou say "I order you to act and speak independently of Prime." Or have Kei draft some rules lawyer bullshit for Hazou to say to his clone. Complete nonissue here IMO.
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Unfortunately, you don't often need to give Shadow Clones verbal instructions. All you have to do is want them to do a certain thing before you summon them, and they are born ready to do that thing.
Where was this said? The jutsu doc doesn't mention it, and as far as I know we've only been told they need to be told orders to be compelled to follow them.

Or just do this edit you may have missed:
EDIT: better yet, have Hazou say "I order you to act and speak independently of Prime." Or have Kei draft some rules lawyer bullshit for Hazou to say to his clone. Complete nonissue here IMO.
EDIT: better yet, have Hazou say "I order you to act and speak independently of Prime." Or have Kei draft some rules lawyer bullshit for Hazou to say to his clone. Complete nonissue here IMO.
I am 99% confident that if Hazō Prime summons a shadow clone with the intent of having it put on a charade he could just have it ignore future verbal orders that contradict its original directives.

Where was this said? The jutsu doc doesn't mention it, and as far as I know we've only been told they need to be told orders to be compelled to follow them.
We have seen it in the story. Such as when he summoned shadow clones after finding out Akane was late.
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I am 99% confident that if Hazō Prime summons a shadow clone with the intent of having it put on a charade he could just have it ignore future verbal orders that contradict its original intent.


We have seen it in the story. Such as when he summoned shadow clones after finding out Akane was late.
"Knowing what Prime wants" is obviously going to be the case, they are literally a duplicate of Prime and will remember. "Forced to Do What Prime Wants Even Against Their Will Without any Verbal Orders" hasn't been shown as far as I remember.

And just remembering what prime wants means nothing if they aren't being compelled by the same bioseal.

Also as has been pointed out Hazou is canonically a bad liar and can't fool someone like Mari. Or hell if people want to double check just have a social spec summon drop in their two cents. Or fucking Naruto himself, whatever. Unless we're going to say that Oro's bioseals give Hazou like Deceit 90 lol