As always, reaction posts are greatly appreciated. Take +1 XP to a character of your choice (chosen randomly by 1d3 among the PCs if you do not pick within 24 hours) as thanks.

Noburi, please

(Well, I suppose it doesn't make things any better if we trigger the runic failure here instead of there. If memory serves you don't get Calligraphy veterancy credit unless you go through with the infusion, so it's only more safe to practice here if we can pad out our safety margins more here than at O'Uzu. If not, then it's probably best to not roll the dice more times than we have to, to conserve FP.)

If he can reliably pass the base TN during downtime, he can practice that in order to build veterancy until he's brought it down enough to reliably pass while time laddering it down, which will help a lot during on-site set up - much easier/safer to remain hidden a few miles from the rifts site for a few hours rather than half a day.

Hm... now that I think about it, as long as Sasori has not opened the Rift we can ensure a stalemate by killing him even if we get driven off by Akatsuki for whatever reason.

Konan's probably good enough to take over the research if they still have the rift scar in hand, but I'd expect Sasori dying to delay them by at least several months

TFW Orochimaru died, and his revival-memory-glitch means he forgot our team knows about runecrafting :p
Huh. I think this is pretty plausible, though I'd still bet on it being a continuity error that'll be retconned once the QMs get around to it.
Konan's probably good enough to take over the research if they still have the rift scar in hand, but I'd expect Sasori dying to delay them by at least several months
Not sure she is. She's "jounin-level" according to Oro, which means Sealing at low 60s or possibly 59; that might not be enough for work this delicate.

... This is bringing my concern about what Oro's Sealing stat is up again. Hazou had to pass TN 60 checks in order to make spec-jounin, so it does seem likely that a "jounin-level" sealmaster has Sealing in a 60-slot. Oro thinks Sasori is decisively better than Konan (I assume), meaning he probably has Sealing 70 ... and Oro also thinks that he is decisively better than Sasori.
Unlike his peers, Sasori is not strong in direct combat. While his general capabilities would likely still grant him a win in a direct match-up, his puppetmastery is inferior to Chiyo's. However, he is a sealmaster of no small skill – while not on the level of myself or Jiraiya, he is certainly your superior.

That would seem to suggest that Oro's Sealing/Biosealing stat is in an 80-slot, or at least high 70-slot. I think the players previously dismissed this possibility based on the idea that Oro would have to have Ath/Alt/offence as capstones, but in the last update, he said:
"I will grant that my shadow clones are competent elite jōnin," Orochimaru said. "Likely superior to any of the Jashinists or Rain ninja stationed on-site. My clones will not threaten Itachi, especially as shadow clones in general cannot be effectively deployed against a genjutsu user of his level."
Which suggests that his combat skills are not in fact his capstones, and he uses biosealing to compensate for this (assuming that Oro does in fact have at least one 80-stat, which seems nearly certain).

If true, this has significant implications for the widespread hivemind perception that we are currently Oro's approximate peer. Granted, Oro is extremely arrogant, and he has huge amounts of veterency which conceivably could be compensating for a relatively low numeric stat, but ... I'm concerned about it.
If true, this has significant implications for the widespread hivemind perception that we are currently Oro's approximate peer. Granted, Oro is extremely arrogant-
Now hold on. Orochimaru is many things, but arrogant? My take would be he tends to back up his claims; his assessments of his capabilities, IMO, are accurate and come off as arrogant because he's a Essie, very intelligent, and a highly accomplished sealsmith/biosealer/THer.

It's not arrogance if you're right.
Now hold on. Orochimaru is many things, but arrogant? My take would be he tends to back up his claims; his assessments of his capabilities, IMO, are accurate and come off as arrogant because he's a Essie, very intelligent, and a highly accomplished sealsmith/biosealer/THer.

It's not arrogance if you're right.
He deeply underestimated Hazou for a long time, probably due to reasonable priors, but it looked like arrogance to us. He seems to be getting over that, which is about 1000x better than the rest of the ninja world, so, respect.

Probably should have respected Jiriaya's judgement more
Not sure she is. She's "jounin-level" according to Oro, which means Sealing at low 60s or possibly 59; that might not be enough for work this delicate.

Kagome was making pretty good progress on the rift, IIRC we think he's in the 50s? Plus Sasori's likely nearly done, and it's decently likely that she'd have access to at least substantial portions of his notes in this scenario.

Which suggests that his combat skills are not in fact his capstones, and he uses biosealing to compensate for this (assuming that Oro does in fact have at least one 80-stat, which seems nearly certain).
Yeah, I would actually expect biosealing to be his capstone.
Now hold on. Orochimaru is many things, but arrogant? My take would be he tends to back up his claims; his assessments of his capabilities, IMO, are accurate and come off as arrogant because he's a Essie, very intelligent, and a highly accomplished sealsmith/biosealer/THer.

It's not arrogance if you're right.
He deeply underestimated Hazou for a long time, probably due to reasonable priors, but it looked like arrogance to us. He seems to be getting over that, which is about 1000x better than the rest of the ninja world, so, respect.

Probably should have respected Jiriaya's judgement more
Basically this - Oro said Sasori was "certainly our superior" at a time when we had effective Sealing 75. I agree that Oro is probably capable of accurately assessing his own capabilities and those of others in most cases, but I would not put it past him to noticeably underestimate people in research disciplines given that he's done it once already.

Edit: I guess we did have a Severe at that particular point in time? So maybe it's fair.

Kagome was making pretty good progress on the rift, IIRC we think he's in the 50s? Plus Sasori's likely nearly done, and it's decently likely that she'd have access to at least substantial portions of his notes in this scenario.
Fair, I guess.

Hmm. In principle, we ought to know exactly what AB bracket Kagome's in based on how many prep days he does. Not sure if we've ever seen his cycles in enough detail, though.

Yeah, I would actually expect biosealing to be his capstone.
I mean, I don't know? Oro's famous for biosealing, but also for medical work more generally; I'd buy that he actually has capstone MedKnow/MedNin.

I did a calculation a while back based on how long it took Oro to catch up with us in Primordial Sealing that came out neatly at him having Sealing/Biosealing 69. It's probably not accurate, because I didn't account for Oro spending time learning Bones of Creation, and also because it assumes that Oro did in fact "catch up with us" narratively at the same time as he mechanically hit PS 5; but, if we assume that he was capped at spending 5 XP/day on PS because we refused to multithread teaching him, that would cap him at at most Sealing/Biosealing 69, or else he would have caught up with us more quickly.
Hmm. Oro took just over 25 days to learn lithosealing, suggesting an average XP rate of about 5 XP/day (assuming he was spending only on that, which seems like a reasonable assumption) this is wrong but it works if we substitute "a maximum of 5 XP/day spent on learning PS due to teaching limitations". He then caught up to Hazō in about seven days (April 30th to May 6th). If he was still earning spending 5 XP/day during that time, and spending it all on PS, that would mean he only had to reach PS 5 to catch up to Hazō. I'm not sure what Hazō's effective PS was at that point; his base PS was 11, but I'm not sure if SSA would have been included in Oro catching up to Hazō (given that a. Hazō wouldn't have wanted Oro to know about it and b. its insights are extremely weird); I think our Sealing was something like 51 at the time, so our crossover bonus would have been +17 except for the Severe that makes it +13 instead and penalizes PS directly by 4, so our eff. PS should have been 7 + 13 = 20 without SSA, 28 with it? That would make Oro's highest sealing stat 45 if the "catching up to Hazō" doesn't include SSA, or 69 with it; since 45 is entirely implausible, that puts him at top sealing stat 69.

Alright, I'm convinced. Oro probably does have Sealing-or-Biosealing 69, so we were better than him (and will be again). It's possible these calculations are inaccurate, but 5 XP/day and top sealing stat 69 are such nice numbers that I suspect they were how the QMs got the time frames in the first place, and I think it's a pretty good argument that they're the actual numbers.

There are a couple of other pieces of evidence that he might have only Sealing/Biosealing 69. Back when we were initially cooperating on the Great Seal, before we figured out PS, we had to make a TN 80 Sealing check to impress Oro:
Orochimaru's standards are, of course, ridiculous. For Hazō to impress him, it will be a straightforward TN 80 (Legendary) Sealing check. Small success (1-3 shifts): Hazō finds an insight that Orochimaru missed. Big success: [secret], Small failure (1-3 shifts): Hazō's thinking, while intelligent, is not ultimately helpful. Big failure: Orochimaru dismisses Hazō as an idiot (and maybe demotes him to a specimen).

Hazō (Sealing): 50 + 22 (SSA) + 8 (invoke "Promising Sealing Student") - 6 = 74

Hazō's feedback is insightful, but sadly too late to affect Orochimaru's research.
This sounds like Oro must have Sealing/Biosealing 80; but consider that a 74 was enough for Oro to be actually pretty impressed with us, enough to dig a little into how we managed to be so good:
"Remarkable," said Orochimaru in a mild tone. "I formulated a similar hypothesis, though I proscribed forming conclusions before acquiring experimental evidence. Experimental evidence supports your claim. Many components appear to be intentionally positioned to exploit feedback effects.

"This is no longer a significant contribution. My theories have advanced in the past three weeks. Nonetheless, it is… an impressive observation to make. I recall Jiraiya at your age. He would not have had the foundational maturity to consider this hypothesis, except solely as one among a scattershot of ideas that he would not ultimately select as noteworthy. Who taught you sealing, boy?"

"My uncle Kagome," Hazō said. "And I studied your work and Jiraiya's textbooks."

Orochimaru glanced at Hazō, and Hazō thought he saw Orochimaru's slitted pupils dilate. Orochimaru looked forward again. "Neither your demented uncle nor the pretentious imbeciles that call themselves Leaf's sealmasters would comprehend the Great Seal's implications. I understand that you primarily find creative applications for existing seals. You have not demonstrated any faculty for practical sealcraft. Where does your theoretical maturity come from?"

It's plausible, then, that Oro's check was TN 80 because he'd already spent weeks working on the problem and reliably got high (69 + 12 = 81, or 69 + 7 (invoke) + 6 = 82) rolls. I still do struggle a bit to believe it, though.
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Kagome was making pretty good progress on the rift, IIRC we think he's in the 50s?
We think Kagome had Sealing 20 while he lived alone in the forest (this would've been before the ruling that you need Sealing/THing 40 to teach someone), and that he's since been eating the Sealing Lootboxes (well, when we haven't been piling up grunt work in front of him).

Idk if he's had enough time to get Sealing 50, with all that's been going on.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped Alas, I have additional runecraft questions, above.
What's the question?

Is Hazou comfortable timeladdering up the RER 2.0 ES check?
Hazoupilot would not timeladder up the Earthshaping check for Remote Explosive Rune 2.0, if left to his own intuition.

Would Hazou prefer to Invoke the first two shapings to get past 54 effective for another margin of safety?
He would prefer to Invoke for the first shaping at least, then reassess from there.
We think Kagome had Sealing 20 while he lived alone in the forest (this would've been before the ruling that you need Sealing/THing 40 to teach someone), and that he's since been eating the Sealing Lootboxes (well, when we haven't been piling up grunt work in front of him).

Idk if he's had enough time to get Sealing 50, with all that's been going on.
Sealing 20? Really? He invented Directional Explosives and was able to research Skywalkers, neither of which are trivial seals. Plus, he must have had at least Sealing 40, because he had the "Yes, Even The Dances" stunt (which we know because it's why we're eligible for it):
Known Stunts said:

Yes, Even the Dances

XP Cost: 150 XP
Prereqs: Sealing 40 AND (Fully trained under someone with the stunt OR at least 100 sealing research cycles with full prep days, when fewer prep days would have had no risk of sealing failure)

A careful and diligent form of sealing with strict attention to a variety of rules and guidelines, sparing the user from the worst of the dangers of sealing failure.

This ability can trigger at most once per research cycle, where the user is using their maximum possible number of prep days. If the final result of a Calligraphy or Sealing check would cause a sealing failure, that roll is immediately rerolled. The user may still reroll again by spending FP, optionally adding invokes or using FP half-bonuses after the initial triggering reroll.
We think Kagome had Sealing 20 while he lived alone in the forest (this would've been before the ruling that you need Sealing/THing 40 to teach someone)
I absolutely do not think this.

He researched rocket boots not all that long after joining which are jonin level. Even with crazy veterancy he is not clutching that one with Sealing 20 and change.

He was a chuunin when we found him, and his combat skills would not be enough for that promotion, so presumably he was a chuunin sealmaster.

I also somewhat disagree with the premise of "that mechanic didn't exist at the time so it doesn't apply to him."

Personally, Sealing 40 is the lowest score I would give him at start of quest.

Kagome was making pretty good progress on the rift, IIRC we think he's in the 50s? Plus Sasori's likely nearly done, and it's decently likely that she'd have access to at least substantial portions of his notes in this scenario.
Depends on how much of the Sealing notes he's done and if he's pyramid locked.

IIRC we have confirmation he's done with Jiraiya's notes but it is unknown how much of Oro's notes he's done.

So most pessimistic scenario:
- he had Sealing 40 start of quest and decided to never level it without notes (somehow pulling off jonin level seals regardless...)
- he has only finished jman notes but nothing else
- pyramid locked

He could only get to Sealing 49. However, Kagome is really good at a lot of misc things (Cryptography, Carving, Trapmaking, Survival, genin-chuunin combat skills, etc) so I don't think he would be pyramid locked to 49.

Using all 1500 xp of Jiraiya notes would put him at Sealing 55 using the same pessimistic assumptions.

If he's read all Oro notes and isn't pyramid locked he could reach roughly Sealing 64.

So imo he is most likely somewhere between Sealing 55 and Sealing 64. (I expect he leveled Sealing some without notes, but I don't think he's very far into Oro's notes yet.)
Using all 1500 xp of Jiraiya notes would put him at Sealing 55 using the same pessimistic assumptions.
You mean Kagome's only ~10 levels of Sealing below Hazou, and will likely be better at Sealing than us once he eats the Orochimaru notes (and gathers up requisite pyramid supports)?

Kagome needs to stop being so down on himself, that's not nearly as bad as he makes it out to be :V
Even with crazy veterancy he is not clutching that one with Sealing 20 and change.
A bit of soft evidence in favor of Kagome having had 40+ Sealing- we've recently been getting told that Hazo can't actually apply infinite amounts of veterancy to a single seal, iirc- it was some point in the recentish past when we got told that Hazo didn't think that grinding a specific tier of time rune(?) would give much of a return for researching a theoretical higher tier of time rune. Specific details hazy but it did give me the impression that veterancy has its limits for how much it lets you punch up difficulty tiers.

You mean Kagome's only ~10 levels of Sealing below Hazou, and will likely be better at Sealing than us once he eats the Orochimaru notes (and gathers up requisite pyramid supports)?

Kagome needs to stop being so down on himself, that's not nearly as bad as he makes it out to be
Agreed that he should be nicer to himself. I have my reservations about whether he'd be better with DoB in play, but he's damn good.
You mean Kagome's only ~10 levels of Sealing below Hazou, and will likely be better at Sealing than us once he eats the Orochimaru notes (and gathers up requisite pyramid supports)?

Kagome needs to stop being so down on himself, that's not nearly as bad as he makes it out to be :V
I think if he didn't get stuck at 59 due to the pyramid, there is a very good chance Kagome already has 60+ Sealing

He would've still been a ways behind SSA Hazou but he may not have realized how much Hazou's paper sealing skill dropped (who the heck gets permanently worse by a whole tier?)
Sealing 20? Really? He invented Directional Explosives and was able to research Skywalkers, neither of which are trivial seals. Plus, he must have had at least Sealing 40, because he had the "Yes, Even The Dances" stunt (which we know because it's why we're eligible for it):
Kagome's early sealing level is one of those things we don't poke at too much. He somehow made rocket boots with sealing in the 30s, and Force walls, 5sb, and DEs with an even lower score.
You mean Kagome's only ~10 levels of Sealing below Hazou, and will likely be better at Sealing than us once he eats the Orochimaru notes (and gathers up requisite pyramid supports)?

Kagome needs to stop being so down on himself, that's not nearly as bad as he makes it out to be :V
He won't be better, he'd be comperable at Sealing 64. Hazou has Sealing 66
Kagome's early sealing level is one of those things we don't poke at too much. He somehow made rocket boots with sealing in the 30s, and Force walls, 5sb, and DEs with an even lower score.
I have a simple explanation: he didn't actually have Sealing in the 30s when he did those and never had Sealing below 40 since start of story, please look into the light
