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You plan to use an RER for this? I doubt they'll work underwater. Requires LoE, and I would guess that water is enough obstruction for them to misfire. Also requires that we:

1) Find a suitable underwater cliff. How? We don't have any aquatic Summons. How do we even know what's suitable? Hazou is no geologist, for all he enjoys a good rock.
2) Set off a tsunami with good enough timing to capitalize on the aftermath. Just seems like we have no idea how to predict this.
There exist aquatic snakes. I was thinking just locating a suitable overhang though I am ALSO not a geologist, which is why I'm seeing what other people think of the idea.
I will actually scream if we do that.

I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. No hard feelings?

I think it's highly unlikely that Oro would offer to do the surgeries if that was likely. So I don't really consider that a concern.

As others have noted, Oro does not know about Noburi's ability to overcharge us and Hazou!Pilot overruled our voted in plan to ensure Oro would not learn of Nobby's ability.

Also, how are we gonna explain to Kagome and our team that Hazou again wants to let Oro operate on him? They were all united against us the last time we offered to only let Oro do an exploratory surgery and adding chakra coils would be even riskier than that was, not to mention the monthly medical upkeep Hazou will have to undergo indefinitely.

I'm confident that if it there's a need for it we can cause a dire international incident without EM. We're pretty good at international incidents I think.

I am open to suggestions that fit the following criteria:
  1. The incident will not negatively affect agricultural output to such a degree that we accelerate the civilization-wide downward spiral of humanity. All we need is mass disruption; mass destruction is too conspicuous.
  2. The most reasonable explanation is NOT that the incident is a direct attack on Akatsuki's interests.
  3. The incident overwhelms whatever bureaucracy Akatsuki has established to run AMITY so that Akatsuki's S-rankers have to directly step into AMITY discussions to re-establish order.
  4. The time necessary to implement the incident (as well as for the effects of the incident to affect Akatsuki's S-rankers assignments) does not take so long that Sasori finishes his Rift research while we spend too much time on the diversion.
I came up with using EM nukes on international shipping lanes to satisfy those reasons:
  1. I'm assuming EM nukes over the water while disruptive will eventually dissipate given that our test EM with Asuma did not result in waves of migrant civilians.
  2. EM nukes affecting the weather need to strike just the right amount of disruption initially (which I hope to consult with Kei on to get the logistics of correct).
  3. The effect needs to snowball in a way that no member nation of AMITY can address alone. As shipping deliveries become canceled AMITY will be charged with maintaining supply routes to assist the most affected areas.
  4. We already know the effects of EM to accurately guess the effect such a weather phenomenon would have and we have the means to execute such a plan immediately (or nearly immediately if we want to use Superchillers).
EDIT: Of course, if anyone can make arguments against those criteria and why they are not relevant, I'd love to hear those too.

@Dictator4Hire's idea about causing a big natural that wouldn't look like our doing, in order to bait Konan to Rain, seems good. We can further try to optimize it such that it'd "accidentally" draw AMITY's attention to the rough neighbourhood of the O'Uzu island, so that the Akatsuki are actuallymotivated to go steer the events instead of just letting AMITY fall apart.
  • Might also mention the more direct idea of RERing Rain as a distraction, though I don't think it'd work; the Akatsuki will likely interpret it as what it is and not get distracted.

Looking at the map we have (IMO) two realistic options for the EM nuke chain:
  1. We start in as far NE as Kei deems fit, working our way SW from the Hokubu Ocea into the Kasumi Strait and ending in the Kaizoku Sea just north of Noodle.
    1. This cuts off Mist, Leaf, and Lightning which will surely cause AMITY headaches
  2. We start instead from the SE and work our way NW from the edges of the southern most Kaijuu Ocean between Moon and Crimson State Island to have the weather phenomenon terminate between Noodle and Nagi Island.
    1. While this option does not cut off as many major nations it could serve as an obstacle to Akatsuki approaching the Rift site itself if the EM effects persist long enough.*
I doubt we would have time to totally split the map with EM nukes and I my gut says that that would be far too conspicuous not to have AMITY as a polity on heightened alert. The last thing we want is Kage running alongside Akatsuki to fight us at the Rift site.

*assuming I remember correctly where the Rift is

[X] Lore Update

(so we have more time to discuss this)
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I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. No hard feelings?
To be clear that was 60% tongue in cheek, it's just... we've done this song and dance a million times and I can tell you how it'll go

KeI: That's a stupid idea Hazou but no one else is coming up with better ideas so I guess we gotta go with it.
Mari: I'm feeling sorry for myself because I don't want to use my expertise as a social spec to help with social things
Noburi: Aight, seems like it's the best plan we got, let's go
Kagome: I'm feeling sorry for myself because I'm incapable of interacting with people outside my team which makes me a liability in situations like this (stupid snake stinker)

Sprinkle in Yuno and Tenten to taste.
And now for an idea so insane it just might work:

Combining the principles of Julius Caesar's encirclement siege of the Battle for Alesia with Douglas MacArthur's strategy of using nukes to draw borders.

Simply Deploy EM nukes far enough around the Rift site to totally encircle it so that no defenders can enter or leave before we start using RERs and other runes on Akatsuki's Rift defenses. Of course, we'd have to be safely far enough inside of the EM nuke barrier to attack the Rift site so we would want some wiggle room to keep us safe from our own WMDs. Ideally we would start saturation bombing at the the Rift site itself and have our more mundane rune explosive effects work their way out of from that center point while establishing a relatively safe path for our team to traverse toward the Rift. Once there we can deploy our sturdiest dome rune and then detonate yet another EM directly on top of the dome to kill (or at least inconvenience) any remaining pesky Akatsuki S-rankers.

With our time dilation runes (nested in such a way that they do NOT mess with the edges of our protective dome) we can hopefully finish not only our Rift research but also retrieve J-Dad, Akane, etc. just in time for the EM effects to dissipate. As the air around the rift stops being a liquid our dome would be dispelled to reveal our newly revived S-rankers in time to take on whatever forces Akatsuki has managed to assemble while waiting outside of the EM nuke barrier.
To be clear that was 60% tongue in cheek, it's just... we've done this song and dance a million times and I can tell you how it'll go

KeI: That's a stupid idea Hazou but no one else is coming up with better ideas so I guess we gotta go with it.
Mari: I'm feeling sorry for myself because I don't want to use my expertise as a social spec to help with social things
Noburi: Aight, seems like it's the best plan we got, let's go
Kagome: I'm feeling sorry for myself because I'm incapable of interacting with people outside my team which makes me a liability in situations like this (stupid snake stinker)

Sprinkle in Yuno and Tenten to taste.

See I don't think that will happen as soon as Hazou mentions the surgery he has already made up his mind on and asks for a sanity check.


Even Tenten will probably say, "What the hell, Hazou?"
See I don't think that will happen as soon as Hazou mentions the surgery he has already made up his mind on and asks for a sanity check.


Even Tenten will probably say, "What the hell, Hazou?"
I mean. We don't really have a choice there. We are going under the knife with him. The only question is if we also go under the knife to help summon Cannai.
I mean. We don't really have a choice there. We are going under the knife with him. The only question is if we also go under the knife to help summon Cannai.

How do we not have a choice? We could just say that given the new information we've changed our strategy and need to do XYZ instead. We could say that Hazou was hoping for a very quick, simple out-patient surgery but that we do not want to take the risk if Oro's believes the surgery is tricky even for him.

We can probably win the Rift fight without Cannai. I am not convinced we can win the Rift fight without doing prep on runes while we recover to not introduce the possibility of failures while runecrafting.

Put another way, I don't think the possibility of summoning Cannai is worth the risk of not having enough runes for the fight. We can plan around our runic capabilities but we don't even know Cannai's skill set other than 'stronk boss dog' and what we saw him do when we fought the Dragons.
How do we not have a choice? We could just say that given the new information we've changed our strategy and need to do XYZ instead. We could say that Hazou was hoping for a very quick, simple out-patient surgery but that we do not want to take the risk if Oro's believes the surgery is tricky even for him.

We can probably win the Rift fight without Cannai. I am not convinced we can win the Rift fight without doing prep on runes while we recover to not introduce the possibility of failures while runecrafting.

Put another way, I don't think the possibility of summoning Cannai is worth the risk of not having enough runes for the fight. We can plan around our runic capabilities but we don't even know Cannai's skill set other than 'stronk boss dog' and what we saw him do when we fought the Dragons.
To be clear I'm refering to the blood surgery so that we don't set off the Hidan-dar. That's not something we can avoid.
I am extremely reluctant to do anything which will give Orochimaru any reason at any point to connect our actions and the devastation of Isan. I expect that he is deeply allergic to X-risk. Remember, he wants to live forever and has likely made appreciable progress towards that goal. If we destroy the world, that's all for naught.

If he finds out that we unthinkingly deployed a weapon which could end the world, I think there are great odds that he deems us too dangerous to exist as a free individual because if we've done it once, we're likely to do it again.
To be clear I'm refering to the blood surgery so that we don't set off the Hidan-dar. That's not something we can avoid.

If it means avoiding an Oro-surgery, I would be willing to instead split our party to position our runes before the assault begins in earnest (and I think our team would prefer that as well while telling whoever stays with us not to let Hazou run off to Oro on his own). 1/3 of our team would go our to deploy runes while 2/3 including Hazou and Noburi stay in a defensible position. Oro noted that either Hazou or Noburi could trigger Akatsuki to react to the Rift site so they need to stay far away from the front line until the fight begins. Yuno and Tenten (with perhaps Mari as well? or Kei could ensure summon communications between the two teams if we need to split for a long period of time) could go out and prep whatever we agree upon for our attack.

Oro has said that Hidan is useless, so perhaps he will have plans to neutralize Hidan quickly? Hidan is more than just a tracker against us but against someone who takes apart interesting living human bodies as a hobby I am 90% sure Oro stomps Hidan in a 1 on 1 fight.
I came up with using EM nukes on international shipping lanes to satisfy those reasons
Nobody gives a shit about international shipping.

You're assuming that they will hear of this and send Akatsuki members to investigate? This close to rezzing Pain? Fat chance.

We could EM Nuke Rain, they might notice that. Other than that, it's doubtful at best.

But hey, let's EM Nuke Rain! I see no downsides to this.
If it means avoiding an Oro-surgery, I would be willing to instead split our party to position our runes before the assault begins in earnest (and I think our team would prefer that as well while telling whoever stays with us not to let Hazou run off to Oro on his own). 1/3 of our team would go our to deploy runes while 2/3 including Hazou and Noburi stay in a defensible position. Oro noted that either Hazou or Noburi could trigger Akatsuki to react to the Rift site so they need to stay far away from the front line until the fight begins. Yuno and Tenten (with perhaps Mari as well? or Kei could ensure summon communications between the two teams if we need to split for a long period of time) could go out and prep whatever we agree upon for our attack.

Oro has said that Hidan is useless, so perhaps he will have plans to neutralize Hidan quickly? Hidan is more than just a tracker against us but against someone who takes apart interesting living human bodies as a hobby I am 90% sure Oro stomps Hidan in a 1 on 1 fight.
Hidan can sense us at a range of miles and our max range for RER is 2 miles. That's not enough, I'm afraid.
I am extremely reluctant to do anything which will give Orochimaru any reason at any point to connect our actions and the devastation of Isan. I expect that he is deeply allergic to X-risk. Remember, he wants to live forever and has likely made appreciable progress towards that goal. If we destroy the world, that's all for naught.

If he finds out that we unthinkingly deployed a weapon which could end the world, I think there are great odds that he deems us too dangerous to exist as a free individual because if we've done it once, we're likely to do it again.

EM is one of (if not the) strongest tools in our arsenal and we are about to be in the fight for our lives. Extraordinary circumstances (Akatsuki potentially trying to end the world as we know it again) can necessitate our deployment of such extreme measures. We can also mention that Asuma gave the order to use EM on Isan so Oro does not assume it was our idea to do so.

I believe we can convincingly argue to Oro that we gave the deployment of such a dangerous technique due consideration and found it necessary. Oro probably already knows about Isan's fate so he would reasonably expect Hazou to be behind such a dangerous new paradigm. However, Oro has almost 0 information about Noburi's overcharge ability so that is why I do not want to reveal that particular trick to Oro. I certainly do not want to tell Oro how to make EM nukes.

Nobody gives a shit about international shipping.

You're assuming that they will hear of this and send Akatsuki members to investigate? This close to rezzing Pain? Fat chance.

It all depends on exactly how close Sasori believes he is to opening the Rift. While we believe it is possible to retrieve people from the afterlife I'd estimate that at least one member of Akatsuki (probably Konan) would insist on not planning their futures on possible breakthroughs in sealing.

After all, look at how well risking everything they had on a seal to 'save the world' went when Nagato was still around.

If there is any doubt Akatsuki would have to send someone to restore order in AMITY. If they don't we know that they think the Rift is about to be opened and we will know beyond the shadow of a doubt need to attack ASAP. That would be useful information as a consolation prize compared to possibly distracting one of their members from the fight before the fight even begins.

Hidan can sense us at a range of miles and our max range for RER is 2 miles. That's not enough, I'm afraid.

We routinely relocate across international borders whenever we need to and we could prime an EM perimeter around the Rift site outside of Hidan's suspected blood-dar range. Once the fight begins and the perimeter detonates simultaneously it doesn't matter if he can sense us if he can't reach us. The EM nuke perimeter should be large enough that Akatsuki will not find us immediately inside of it and that should give us enough time to start setting up RERs. If Hidan is inside of the perimeter then we can sic Oro and/or the Toad Sages on him.

Hm... now that I think about it, as long as Sasori has not opened the Rift we can ensure a stalemate by killing him even if we get driven off by Akatsuki for whatever reason. We would then obviously be able to move the Rift at our discretion just at the cost of a very pissed off Akatsuki rampaging throughout the Elemental Nations. Definitely something we should mention while Tsunade and Naruto are en route.
Probably to late, but I've been proven wrong about that before.

Is Naruto's contribution that useful? He's vulnerable to Itachi, and there'll be many clones present. It may make sense to leave him behind to throe off Akatsuki.
Typo, I think?
Throe -> throw

We'd ideally use 25+ metric tons of substrate
Not sure why the smaller number, we've seen that Tsunade has the resolve for 20 SC at once, or two trips with 10.
I guess you must have a different number from me on how quickly a swarm of Hazou can infuse the runes? Or some other consideration?
Anyway, I'd err on the bigger number. If it turns out to be excess, we can pocket the surplus. we *still* don't have our own substrate source.

You do good maths, but I'm curious what led you to 25 tons.

If the bioseal is applied to Hazou would Hazou's SCs have Hazou's new blood?
  • If that's not the case, we could potentially skip that bioseal -- all our plans rely on Hazou SCs.
I'd also ask if SC are even blooded by default, but it's pretty well implied here.
I assume it was cut for wordcount. Fair enough.

What does Orochimaru think of our odds, overall?
I think this line will lower his respect for us. We know attacking is the best plan we've got, so we'll do it. This might read as nervous hand-wringing indicative of the wrong mindset.
Not a big deal, but wanted to mention.

After the Moderate clears, and only if it's not a substantial biosealing complication, attempt to Summon Cannai.
I'd really like to strengthen the wording here maybe say a "major" complication.
We were so close, them we bought up CR and got ACE. We should be there, and it'd suck really hard to not summon Cannai because of surgery prep, only to learn we didn't need the surgery.

I'd ideally even go for flat-out summoning him, and just waiting an extra 3 days in the unlikely event that we still can't do it alone.
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[X] Under the Knife

@Sir Stompy , @eaglejarl @Paperclipped @Velorien , boosting the below since it's very important for this cycle.
@faflec doesn't Orochimaru already know this?
Yes. @eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped
"I'll take my time and consult with my clan before I make any final decision," Hazō said as Orochimaru returned. "After all, it's not like I'm actively doing runic research, as I mentioned."

"So, your clan also knows about runecraft?" Orochimaru asked. "Interesting.

"Regardless, you will take every effort to prevent Akatsuki from discovering anything about runecraft. Is that clear?"

"I have no interest in letting them find it out either, Lord Orochimaru."

"I intend to discuss our shared research interests, and certain knowledge there should not spread beyond the two of us," Orochimaru said. "You may dismiss her."

Hazō hesitated. Did he want Orochimaru to know that Mari (or worse, everyone on his team) knew about runes? If Orochimaru really wanted to kill Hazō over his knowledge of runecrafting, sharing this would put his team on Orochimaru's kill list.

"I'll take my time and consult with my clan before I make any final decision," Hazō said as Orochimaru returned. "After all, it's not like I'm actively doing runic research, as I mentioned."

"So, your clan also knows about runecraft?" Orochimaru asked. "Interesting.
Huh. Well I can't blame the plan for getting it wrong here, since this seems to be a bit of a continuity error.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by eaglejarl on Dec 8, 2024 at 8:24 PM, finished with 269 posts and 17 votes.
Not sure why the smaller number, we've seen that Tsunade has the resolve for 20 SC at once, or two trips with 10.
I guess you must have a different number from me on how quickly a swarm of Hazou can infuse the runes? Or some other consideration?
Anyway, I'd err on the bigger number. If it turns out to be excess, we can pocket the surplus. we *still* don't have our own substrate source.

You do good maths, but I'm curious what led you to 25 tons.
Roughly 10-15 to grind veterancy and then at most 15 day of the attack. We likely aren't going to be using 20 Tsunade clones since that would require like 40 jounin worth of chakra. Leaf doesn't have that many.

Edit: this appears to be an arithmetic error. Ah well, it does say 25+ tons.
Typo, I think?
Throe -> throw
Embarrassing but I'll let it stand since voting closed.
I think this line will lower his respect for us. We know attacking is the best plan we've got, so we'll do it. This might read as nervous hand-wringing indicative of the wrong mindset.
Not a big deal, but wanted to mention
This is to vibe check bringing up Superchillers.
I'd really like to strengthen the wording here maybe say a "major" complication.
We were so close, them we bought up CR and got ACE. We should be there, and it'd suck really hard to not summon Cannai because of surgery prep, only to learn we didn't need the surgery
We haven't gotten ACE and will not in the relevent time frame. Also we were told by Paper on Discord that ACE won't matter here. Either 39 is enough or 38 is. I guess that never got communicated to the thread.
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...Have we considered that there is not, in fact, any kind of continuity error and this is not Orochimaru we are with?
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 9 hours