Has it ever been confirmed that ninja are even able to sense how full their reserves are at any given time?

Yes, here's just what quotes I can grab off the cuff ("low on chakra", "chakra coils", "chakra reserves").

The world became calm around him and he seemed to float in a moment of stillness. This was it. He was going to lose this fight. The layers of blood coating him were too thick to let him move or fight effectively, and he was already running dangerously low on chakra.

"I am as yet uncertain," Kei admitted. "Please stand by." She quickly drank the first bottle of water that Noburi was holding, her chakra coils surging full again as she swallowed, then repeated the fingerstick and handseals.

"Hopefully we can extend his life with regular chakra infusions," Noburi said. "Pepperoni, let us know when you start to feel even slightly low on chakra."

"I did not know him that well, but I shall miss him. We collaborated for a few weeks, adapting several Dog jutsu for his use. Cannai mentioned that was what you were looking for? You needed jutsu to protect some of your pack?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm prepared to offer—"

She tossed her head dismissively. "Don't bother. These are already prepared for humans and it would be a pity to have them be forgotten. How are your chakra reserves right now? They look solid but I don't know your normal maximum. You're not running empty or anything, are you? Kakashi used to show up nearly empty after some stupid fight and then I'd have to wait around while he recovered." She sniffed in annoyance.

"No, ma'am. I'm nearly full."

Noburi shrugged. "It doesn't, really, most of the time. Like, when I have my barrel on, I don't notice any difference at all. It's a drop in the ocean. But then if I try going without the barrel… it gets really weird. It's like having this massive cavern somewhere inside me, only at the same time I know it's really tiny, and if I try to move my chakra around at all, it goes empty in a flash. I wonder if it's how civilian kids feel when they first develop chakra reserves."

Hazō nodded. "How do you feel about the next step, learning the Shadow Clone Technique?"

azō hurled himself to the side and cut his skywalkers, dropping from the sky and rolling across the ground. He clutched instinctively for his chakra, desperate to trigger the familiar enhancement of chakra boost that would lend speed and precision to his evasion, but there was nothing there. His chakra coils were empty from creating the Shadow Clones, barely enough left to sustain life, and he cursed as his body refused to enhance itself.

"Dispel!" Minami called out at the reminder that they were dealing with a genjutsu user. Nothing happened.

"I don't know how many more of those I can manage," Minami said. "I'm running low on chakra."

"So she's a missing-nin?" Sasaki asked.

By all accounts they know how much chakra they have and keep track of it in some way or another. I expect that statements with regards to "They weren't able to perfectly quantify how fast the drain occurred" are really closer to "It happened wickedly fast" in reality when taking this into account, given that Mari at least is a highly competent shinobi and probably keeps track of her chakra reserves as well as a billion other tiny things in a dangerous situation.

tl;dr: If it happened too fast for them to actually notice, then it happened really fucking fast.
[X] Action Plan: Fuck It We Blitz
Word Count: 299
  • Everyone buy up to 6 FP or until they run out of XP
  • Discuss/sanity check/optimize plan with team
  • Otter Creatures
    • Seem to be primarily chakra drainers.
      • Noburi, the double thunk + statue you observed is consistent with a third otter draining Candoru and then transforming to stone from the nature chakra.
      • We could use more Summons as suicide bombers. Kill them with nature chakra. Kagome, any Arachnids that would agree to this? It's extremely unpleasant for the Summon. We need low-cost physically small Summons that follow orders. Rules out most of our Clans.
      • Otters in the desert? This could be from someone signing the Otter Scroll and causing a huge mess.
        • Keep an eye out for the Scroll, but the beasts could have just migrated here to feed.
      • Kagome do these creature bear resemblance to gaki?
      • These things seem to eat jutsu, be careful, Noburi especially. Be prepared to yank back any of your chakra they try to drain.
    • Blitz the Cave
      • Send Hazou, Kei, Tenten, and Noburi ASAP. Rebalance chakra to leave everyone (except Nobs) at halfish reserves after buffing up.
        • If there's additional chakra, leave SCs behind as chakra batteries, with instructions monitor their reserves, and dispel themselves the instant they notice any drain.
      • Summon the suicide bombers, sprint halfway to the nook, buff up (no PEA), and then sprint through the cave to the Otter creatures. Suicide bomber Summons a bit ahead of the group.
      • MARS chain without Banshees or Strobelights.
      • Attack otters with physical weapons, not ninjutsu. Noburi should focus on activating MARS'd misterators, redirecting any drain from the Otters by playing tug-of-war, and looking for more chakra shadows.
      • Afterwards, keep exploring and using mist-drain to clear the cave of any regular beasts. Noburi keeps alert for more chakravores.
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Or maybe sensing your own chakra is like checking your ammo count in a video game.

Totally trivial to flick your eyes over and look, and you generally have a rough mental count of how fast you're spending it and how much you probably have left. But if something majicaly stole half your ammo, you wouldn't notice until the next time you flicked your eyes to the ammo counter and went "where the hell is my ammo?"

Mari was keeping her eyes pricked for danger, not constantly looking at an ammo count that by all rights shouldn't be changing unless she chooses to spend it.
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Send Hazou, Kei, Tenten, and Noburi. Rebalance chakra to leave everyone (except Nobs) at half reserves after buffing up.
Do we really want to send Noburi (who wasn't bothered too badly) along with three other Prime bodies? What if they all faint? Can Nobs rush them all back to the surface?

Go straight for the nook, attack with phyical weapons, not ninjutsu. Noburi should focus on activating MARS'd misterators with and redirecting the drain from the Otters by playing tug-of-war
I'm not saying this is likely, or that I think it's the case, but I just want to throw the idea out there: are we sure that the otter things are actually hostile? If they're not hostile, we shouldn't attack them first.
[X] Action Plan: Fuck It We Blitz

Yeah I'm increasingly convinced this is some Preta Path stuff that we can deal with by having some summons petrify them or by pasting them with some cold metal slugging their physical forms at sufficient velocity.
Do we really want to send Noburi (who wasn't bothered too badly) along with three other Prime bodies? What if they all faint? Can Nobs rush them all back to the surface?
Then they...die? This is the loss condition.
I'm not saying this is likely, or that I think it's the case, but I just want to throw the idea out there: are we sure that the otter things are actually hostile? If they're not hostile, we shouldn't attack them first.
I'm not concerned about this. Draining our chakra and injuring Mari and Yuno is hostile enough
Blitz the Cave
  • Send Hazou, Kei, Tenten, and Noburi ASAP. Rebalance chakra to leave everyone (except Nobs) at halfish reserves after buffing up.
    • If there's additional chakra, leave SCs behind as backup chakra batteries. With instructions to dispel themselves the instant they notice any drain
  • Summon the suicide bombers, buff up (no PEA) and sprint through the cleared cave to the Otter creatures.
  • MARS chain without Banshees or Strobelights.
  • Go straight for the nook, attack with phyical weapons, not ninjutsu. Noburi should focus on activating MARS'd misterators and redirecting the drain from the Otters by playing tug-of-war with the VD
Try sending the suicide bombers in *first*, so they get targeted before the humans.
Then they...die? This is the loss condition.
If the otters can drain 50% of Mari and Yuno's chakra faster than they can react, I'm skeptical that sending in Prime bodies at 50% is a good idea. They'll just get drained again. At least when sending SCs, the Primes were outside the cave with the others, so all Noburi had to do was run away.

I'm not concerned about this. Draining our chakra and injuring Mari and Yuno is hostile enough
Fair. The only reason the idea even occurs to me is that last time we ended up fighting golems that didn't attack us first. My sleepy self just made the extra leap of "oh, maybe they're not actually hostile" and I thought the idea worth mentioning.
They're probably absorbing the chakra constructs incredibly fast, some Preta Path shit.

Remember that the drain on Noburi was slow by comparison. Shrooms was pointing out that they seem to target the larger reserves first. Noburi's barrel and not Noburi himself etc.

I think that sending in Primes is the best counter to this.
Remember that the drain on Noburi was slow by comparison. Shrooms was pointing out that they seem to target the larger reserves first. Noburi's barrel and not Noburi himself etc.
Yeah, this seems plausible.

They're probably absorbing the chakra construct incredibly fast, some Preta Path shit.
AFAICT this is contradictory with Shrooms' explanation.

I think that sending in Primes is the best counter to this.
If it's true that they drain the largest reserves first, then sending in a Prime with the same amount of chakra as an SC doesn't change anything.

On reflection, it's possible that they target the large reserves first, but Shadow Clones are easier to drain from than Prime bodies. I still think sending in the Primes is too risky, though.
AFAICT this is contradictory with Shrooms' explanation.
I don't see how, they target the large chakra construct clones. Which are incredibly easy for them to drain and destroy. Then move on to the Summons and the barrel, then the human. We run away before they get both Summons and finish draining the barrel.

If it's true that they drain the largest reserves first, then sending in a Prime with the same amount of chakra as an SC doesn't change anything.
I'm assuming half our reserves is less than our Summons would have. They'll likely target the Summons first.

We also just don't have all that much chakra left...
then sending in a Prime with the same amount of chakra as an SC doesn't change anything.
We know they go through Shadow Clones like a hot knife through butter and that this knocks Prime out and drains the chakra anyway.

Doing the one thing is more likely to be successful than the thing we know is probably dangerous.

The team's going to workshop this out quickly before doing stuff anyway. I assume that if this is stupid beyond all mortal ken someone will let us know.
Okay but what if we... contain them for science...

[X] Action Plan: Mad Science Cave Clearing
Word Count: 500+

  • Everyone buy up to 6 FP or as much as possible.
  • Discuss/sanity check/optimize plan with team
    • If Hazou can't get at least 3 other members of Uplift to agree that studying the chakravores is a good idea on balance, default to killing them.
  • Otter Creatures
    • Seem to be primarily chakra drainers.
      • Noburi, the double thunk + statue you observed is consistent with a third otter draining Candoru and then transforming to stone from the nature chakra.
      • We could use more Summons as suicide bombers. Kill them with nature chakra. Kagome, any Arachnids that would agree to this? It's extremely unpleasant for the Summon. We need low-cost, physically small Summons that follow orders. Rules out most of our Clans.
        • Worth trying in an emergency.
      • Otters in the desert? Not very likely. This could be from someone mis-signing the Otter Scroll and causing a huge mess.
        • Keep a lookout for the Scroll, but the beasts could have migrated here to feed. It is a chakra cave.
      • Kagome do these creature sound like gaki? They seem similar...
      • These things seem to eat jutsu, be careful, Noburi especially. Be prepared to yank back any of your chakra they try to drain.
      • Their range seems small too. Mundane ranged weapons might be key here.
      • If Kei/Hazou replenish via SC left behind, we could pop them when low for a "spare life". Noburi seems resistant. Others should be cautious about approaching closely, if at all.
    • See if baiting them with MS2/MS3 seals and/or a Capacitor Rune works. Will the environmental chakra draw them to a location? Can we keep them there?
      • MS2 and MS3 generate big short-lived bursts of environmental chakra.
      • The Capacitor Rune shifts massive amounts of environmental chakra towards itself over the course of 3 days.
      • This should keep the gaki busy without killing them. You might want to research the weird chakravore stuff for weapons.
      • Powerful chakra drain would seriously fuck Itachi or Konan up. We might have struck gold here.
    • Prep a Capacitor Rune and some seals.
      • Declare (-1 FP): You already made an extra Capacitor Rune blank for some tests you were going to run with Noburi. Otherwise make a blank.
      • Bring Kei, Tenten, and Noburi to guard Hazou from chakravore attack, have Noburi use mist sensing to detect them turning aggressive. Once the rune is active, have him use mist-sense to detect if they're interested.
      • Infuse it at a safe distance (closer to the cave mouth) to minimize potential problems.
      • Carefully bait them towards the rune with a chain of MS2 or MS3 seals if they aren't going for it immediately.
      • If the chakravores arrive during the infusion process or otherwise turn aggressive, kill them.
      • Have Noburi use VD via misterators to verify that the monsters are distracted by the Capacitor Rune.
    • Continue with previous mist drain plan to clear the cave, staying clear of wherever the Capacitor Rune/bait is.
      • Attack any more chakravores with physical weapons, not ninjutsu. Noburi should focus on activating MARS'd misterators, redirecting any drain from the chakravores by playing tug-of-war, and looking for more chakra shadows.
      • Keep exploring and using mist-drain to clear the cave of any regular beasts. Noburi stay alert for chakravores.
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It lasts 3 days, but doesn't draw chakra to itself for nearly that long -- just while charging. Of course if the gaki(?) are draining it, it might keep drawing as they drain it from full.
Thats my hope.

Seems like we actually accidentally Batman'd this shit already, an incredibly rare occurrence, so I really dont want to pass up the "Yeah I have a gadget for this" moment. If it doesn't work, then NBD. If it works, gods that will be cool.