"Hazō," Ami declared, "I officially love you and want you to have my babies."


"Biosealing," Ami said to the unvoiced objection. "I know it's next on your list."

"If he was going to conduct that kind of research," Snowflake said, "obviously his focus would be technique hacking."

"It would?" Ami asked innocently.

"Of course," Snowflake said, "for the purposes of extending shadow clone duration to–"
Hm. A different kind of quest would have me question exactly how closely Shadow Clones mimic the human body's ancillary processes. The idea that Shadow Clones could even be fertile at all is medically fascinating.

A seahorse bioseal, meanwhile, seems silly. A whole bunch of bioengineering would be required to make it work, and it probably would still be as dangerous as a normal birth. A much better idea is a bioseal that massively improves both the efficiency and safety of the normal birth mechanisms. Or perhaps a bioseal-sealing scroll hybrid to invent In-Vitro Fertilization...

On second thought, a bioseal that would allow same-sex couples to conceive children would do good. Although M-M couples might need additional engineering support since I can't imagine a YY baby going well.
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Is this wise (remain sane) or unwise (be blind to the insani- the Aminess)? Only time will tell
It's exactly according to Ami's plan. As she was starting her session of thinking out loud, she'd noted the following:
the medium is part of the message and you can't communicate without a test
In this case, the medium by which she was transferring her apparent message was instrumentalized for the purposes of leaving Hazou and Snowflake an excuse to converse one-to-one, without Ami's meddling (which would be off-puttingly uncharacteristic for her to refrain from otherwise, unless there's a clearly visible distraction). After all, it is doubtlessly not a coincidence that she chose to present her thought process in the form of drawn-out, droning, impossible-to-engage-with speculation. She could've summarized it, or made Hazou and Snowflake active participants – or, indeed, didn't have it out loud at all, as that would involve leaking data about her thought processes and any possible flaws in them and her knowledge for all the world to hear!

So why did she do it the way she did? Well, the meaning of this was her essentially checking out of the conversation. Hazou tuning her out was a natural and predictable end result. And while him and Snowflake tuned her out, they had a conversation sorting out their feelings and mutual standing – something Snowflake needs much more, at the date's start, than Ami.

But of course, that's only the first non-literal layer of her actions in that scene: the momentary social-landscape engineering. We mustn't fail to account for the message itself – informational-warfare angle, with her doubtlessly peppering her apparent speculations with tactical misdirections regarding how she thinks and what she knows (rather than actually leaking real data about her internal processes (except for the true data she genuinely opted to leak for the purposes of cultivating mutual knowledge and familiarity with Hazou and Snowflake, using the pretense of rambling out loud to convey information about herself to them she'd feel too awkward and vulnerable to convey openly)) – as well as what being taken out of the conversation does for her (namely, giving her the opportunity to gather data on Hazou and Snowflake's interactions while they believe themselves to be in relative privacy). In addition, we have to account for what message she's choosing to send Hazou and Snowflake by apparently getting distracted by Mari at the very start of...
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A lovely interlude. Spoons low after work (blerg), but this made me smile, and it helped. Scattershot thoughts/navel gazing...

  • If Ami was precisely on time, and Hazō arrived after, then he was late (even if by, like, 30 seconds). That he was late to a personal affair isn't surprising, because our clan is a barrel of unending chaos. Presumably, Hazō manages his time just fine for professional duties, so the fact that he was late (however minorly) is actually a positive note. It means he categorized this as a personal indulgence (something that Hazō-the-character is very rare to do) rather than a duty.
  • Ami (almost) certainly didn't actually intend on getting lost in the infinite recursive "I know that you know that I know that..." from Mari. She was just allowing Hazō and Snowflake a moment of privacy while stretching her mind to decipher the hidden messages (a good rule, from Ami's pov, might be "Mari intends every single message I can decrypt, plus three that I cannot.")
  • Ami calling out the accidental subtext from Snowflake is both amusing and endearing. If they form a stable polycule with Hazō, I could see Ami playing the part of the "begrudging translator" for Snowflake's hidden messages while also serving as a grounding influence to keep Snowflake from going too far into the "communicating thoughts and feelings indirectly" field with Hazō the "Snowflake totally wanted to experiment with my body in a nonromantic way."
  • Vaguely amused at Snowflake seeming to say "It would not be something I, myself, desire, but I'm also not willing to unilaterally rule the notion out, should this be something that you desire." The thought is sweet and endearing, and it was delivered via some wholesome/amusing phrasing.
I'm sure there's more, but my brain is running on glitchy hardware.
Live reaction post. Kinda long, so I'm spoilering it.

Oh, one of these?

There were not one but two women waiting for Hazō at the Asuma Fountain.
Hoo boy. Hazō's in for it now!

honestly, it might be shorter just to say "Ami" if he wanted to convey the the weirdness of it
True that.

or with his sister's identical-but-different other self currently in a fulfilling pentad with said sister, who possessed firm and unyielding killing intent for those who would date Ami and who shared the memories but not the actuality of whatever Snowflake's feelings were, but who had actually also had a crush of her own…
And now, the moment we've all been waiting for — the beginning of the Hazō and Snowflake's relationship! (Too bad it's a Future Interlude (AU?).)

Hazō would have to keep a clear record of his private life for posterity because any post-Uplift historian would be laughed out of the profession if they reconstructed this out of secondary evidence.
*snerk* Also, fair.

The two could not have been more sharply contrasted. Ami was wearing the exact vest and trousers prescribed for first dates in Chapter 20 of My Vision, down to the bandolier of antidote vials, the all-purpose kunai, the backup kunai, and the emergency kunai. Even the yellow rhombus badge indicating to the watching secret police that one was on a first date, and thus their partner had not yet been cleared of treasonous intent, was in place below her left shoulder.
Uh... wow. My Vision is... uh... quite something.

Between their current location, her well-known general outlook on life, her knowledge of exactly how treasonous he was, and the treasonous plotting they'd already participated in together, it was ironic on at least four different levels, and Hazō was sure he was missing more.
Very Ami of her.

The orange, as it happened, nicely matched Snowflake's season-appropriate kimono, a thing of abstract red, orange and yellow patterns evocative of autumn leaves (all very un-Kei colours, Hazō noted in passing). Unusually, Snowflake wore two yellow ribbons, worn symmetrically like hair ties, and Hazō made a note to ask Yuno about this afterwards. (He definitely didn't want to ask Snowflake herself in case the answer was either something embarrassing to her, like "true love", or something embarrassing to him, like "when will this walrus of a man finally notice my feelings?")
I just realized: anyone who sees them will assume that Hazō is dating both Kei and Ami. I see no way in which this could end poorly.

Challenge the first: he had to figure out unique compliments for each of their outfits that did not, Sage forbid, make one sound an iota better than the other. He wasn't that stupid.
Hazō is Compelled: Open Mouth, Insert Foot!

This was not a thing anyone had ever had to deal with on a first date before.
Ah, those poor sods living ordinary, boring lives. :D

"You've managed to impress me right back, and I've got to tell you, that takes some doing considering my, shall we say, variety of experience. You've got guts, making that kind of statement to two sisters who aren't exactly on threesome terms right now."
Things are not getting any better or easier are they?

"That blue hakama and white jacket combo symbolises foam on the waves," Ami explained to Snowflake, "in other words, vigorous, wet activity, in other words, expecting to bag your date before the night is over. Mist seduction specs sometimes wear it to get the sex kami to back them up when they only have one night to complete a hard seduction mission.
Because of course Mari's fashion advice would be something along those lines. What was I expecting?

"Mari picked it for me," he confessed. "I spent ages agonising over what the best outfit would be for this before I gave up and asked her for advice, and by the second hour, she'd more or less taken over the process."

This does not bode well.

"Only," Snowflake said, growing tense in the face of his distracted silence, "at this time, I would prefer–I mean not that I am establishing a conclusive dispreference for–which is to say the issue of context–but I by no means wish to imply that I am somehow… Hazō, do you understand what I am trying to say?"
Only Kei/Snowflake could use that many words to convey absolutely no information (more or less).

"So you wish for there to be a later date?" Snowflake clarified.

"I still cannot believe I did that. Kei literally beat her head against the wall, though not for long, since it was late and we did not wish to wake up Shikamaru.
Note to self: do not mess with a sleeping Shikamaru.

"I'm glad," she said with just as much awkwardness. "All those hours practising with Tenten finally paid off."
My brain was just like "Wat".

You don't want to pretend they're not there–especially not when we're already one big dodecahedron of incestuousness where everyone is connected to everyone else
Yup. When If we end up dating Ami, we'll be dating two of our sisters. Lol.

but on a first date, try to keep things simple. Trust me.
Too late. I see no way for a date with Ami to be simple.

"Nope," Ami said. "I've learned a lot on my travels. My personal shipping chart currently covers three Paths and two levels of reality. Maybe two and a half. Unfortunately, Singularity made me swear never to show it to anyone for fear of the consequences.
SHOW US!! I MUST SEE IT! Also, what consequences?

"There is one immortal tradition for brave couples–or, well, triples–on their first date in Leaf," Hazō began. "One place where the pure of stomach are rewarded while the unprepared receive their just desserts."

Both girls tensed.

"And we will not be going there."
Nice. Another Yabai Café date would get kinda repetitive.

Ami beamed. Snowflake, however, gave him a piercingly sanity-checker look.
That instinct runs deep.

"What's wrong?" Ami asked." Don't tell me you think Hazō could respect a kunoichi who can't protect the stupendously-expensive kimono that she expects to be wearing for rest of the date–maybe less if things go really well–while not only cooking but being surrounded by a bunch of clumsy civilian cooks wielding all sorts of colourful sauces?"
Ooh boy.

"If anything," Ami said, "I think I'm the one being unfairly handicapped here. Do you not remember eating my cooking?"

Snowflake smiled sweetly. "I'm glad you recognise that you don't belong in this competition, dear sister. It would be best for you to bow out now and waste no more time. I have already proved my willingness to risk losing face for the sake of the final goal."
Oh shoot! I forgot: Ami can't cook! LOL!

Hazō just sighed and kept leading them to the competition site.
Aww, whaat?! Will you write the rest of the date eventually?
Hm. A different kind of quest would have me question exactly how closely Shadow Clones mimic the human body's ancillary processes. The idea that Shadow Clones could even be fertile at all is medically fascinating.
At this point, this is that kind of quest...

But of course, that's only the first non-literal layer of her actions in that scene: the momentary social-landscape engineering. We mustn't fail to account for the message itself – informational-warfare angle, with her doubtlessly peppering her apparent speculations with tactical misdirections regarding how she thinks and what she knows (rather than actually leaking real data about her internal processes (except for the true data she genuinely opted to leak for the purposes of cultivating mutual knowledge and familiarity with Hazou and Snowflake, using the pretense of rambling out loud to convey information about herself to them she'd feel too awkward and vulnerable to convey openly)) – as well as what being taken out of the conversation does for her (namely, giving her the opportunity to gather data on Hazou and Snowflake's interactions while they believe themselves to be in relative privacy). In addition, we have to account for what message she's choosing to send Hazou and Snowflake by apparently getting distracted by Mari at the very start of...
Thanks for the analysis. :D

I was going to do the cooking competition itself today, but ran out of spoons.
Understandable. I'm just glad that I'll get to read it someday.
Will we actually use said techniques

imo most useful thing we can do with money is hire other ninja to do shit for us
Give us utility techniques. Find some clan that has wind element "take no fall damage" techniques and we can drop air-dome-less skywalkers from the research agenda.

Utility is, as we all know, the root of munchkinry, that which we all hold dear.
Give us utility techniques. Find some clan that has wind element "take no fall damage" techniques and we can drop air-dome-less skywalkers from the research agenda.

Utility is, as we all know, the root of munchkinry, that which we all hold dear.

We can buy/comission a Toad or even Pangolin ninjutsu creator for that. Unless it's has to be a human for the exact specifications that you want.

But even then everyone has to learn the wind element.
Prep Pocket Space Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks he could maybe do this rune. Hazō also thinks the Space Stretch Rune and similar things would build useful veterancy here.
Prep Remote-Explosion Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.
Prep Storm Rune. Hazō thinks a full thunderstorm would be needlessly challenging as it is composed of many different effects (heavy clouds, rain, wind, etc.). Instead, he simply preps a rune that calls down loads and loads of lightning in the rune's area of effect. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.
Prep Kagome-Sensei-Satisfying Explosive Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities
Prep Jiraiya's Awesome Dawnbuster Legacy Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.
Prep Explosiver Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks he could maybe do this rune.
Prep Landmine Rune. Hazō thinks that instantaneous rune activation is nearly impossible given the amount of power runes need to channel, so he prepares a rune which is primed over the usual ~30s and then remains dormant until a triggering condition happens, at which point it takes about 3 seconds (read: one combat round) to activate. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.

Hazō expects some trigger conditions will be more difficult than others – "a human with ninja levels of chakra is running past" would probably be relatively difficult but "a thing hit the rune with X force" would probably be relatively easy. He thinks the "seal-activation levels of chakra applied to the surface of the rune" trigger condition that he tried to make here is on the easy side, although it should be noted that this delayed-activation functionality is never going to be trivial to add in.
Prep Canary Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.
Prep Portable-Explosive Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.
Prep day results from Chapter 666 have been edited into the chapter.

As a reminder, all of these results are based on Hazō's Primordial Sealing score at the time, which was 44 (base 19).
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Prep Landmine Rune. Hazō thinks that instantaneous rune activation is nearly impossible given the amount of power runes need to channe, so he prepares a rune which is primed over the usual ~30s and then remains dormant until a triggering condition happens, at which point it takes about 3 seconds (read: one combat round) to activate. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.

Hazō expects some trigger conditions will be more difficult than others – "a human with ninja levels of chakra is running past" would probably be relatively difficult but "a thing hit the rune with X force" would probably be relatively easy. He thinks the "seal-activation levels of chakra applied to the surface of the rune" trigger condition that he tried to make here is on the easy side, although it should be noted that this delayed-activation functionality is never going to be trivial to add in.
This is amazing; we neatly bypass the long activation issue of runes with a relatively minor increase in difficulty. We should, after researching runes of interest, immediately take the time to install a seal-activation trigger condition version of said rune; or go straight to researching that variant if we can.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Aug 3, 2024 at 1:15 PM, finished with 226 posts and 15 votes.

Voting is closed.
This is amazing; we neatly bypass the long activation issue of runes with a relatively minor increase in difficulty. We should, after researching runes of interest, immediately take the time to install a seal-activation trigger condition version of said rune; or go straight to researching that variant if we can.
If we really want to optimize this, we could have the landmine trigger from "sufficient force" which we apply by attaching an explosive seal to it which we activate with ARS. Activation from a distance, from just a supplemental, using the activation condition Hazou singled out to us as the easiest.

But what has me interested is the remote explosion rune, because if the range is good enough we can set up a near-arbitrary number of these runes well away from the battlefield, hook them all up to runic ARS activators, and then detonate dozens of runic explosions all at once all over the rift site. Not to mention, if you can do this with explosives, who's to say we can't do it with other runes that might be helpful in the alpha strike? Maybe we could put up a remote runic Air Dome alongside the explosions, to stall them just long enough for all the explosives to go off.
But what has me interested is the remote explosion rune, because if the range is good enough we can set up a near-arbitrary number of these runes well away from the battlefield, hook them all up to runic ARS activators, and then detonate dozens of runic explosions all at once all over the rift site. Not to mention, if you can do this with explosives, who's to say we can't do it with other runes that might be helpful in the alpha strike? Maybe we could put up a remote runic Air Dome alongside the explosions, to stall them just long enough for all the explosives to go off.
Runic explosives, or runic Goo Bombs, or runic [esoteric effect]...yeah, it's a potential wincon that solves the "deliver payload to location" issue. Only concern I'd have is the prep it would take to set them up, since ideally the rune's detonation Zone would be exactly where Akatsuki is to maximize the TN needed to survive a roll.

I think the remote detonation seal should be our immediate research path for both offensive and defensive research, with remote explosions as our offensive path and Force Domes as our defensive path. Set SSA on landmines (veterancy) and Force Domes, and non-SSA on remote detonation seals, then research landmine versions of the Force Domes and remote detonation seals as they get completed.

Alternatively we just research remote Superchiller runes and just lmao the planet.
But what has me interested is the remote explosion rune, because if the range is good enough we can set up a near-arbitrary number of these runes well away from the battlefield, hook them all up to runic ARS activators, and then detonate dozens of runic explosions all at once all over the rift site. Not to mention, if you can do this with explosives, who's to say we can't do it with other runes that might be helpful in the alpha strike? Maybe we could put up a remote runic Air Dome alongside the explosions, to stall them just long enough for all the explosives to go off.
Could we make a reusable remote directional explosive, and link it to a runic air dome so it retaliates against attempts to break through the dome?
I think the remote detonation seal should be our immediate research path for both offensive and defensive research, with remote explosions as our offensive path and Force Domes as our defensive path. Set SSA on landmines (veterancy) and Force Domes, and non-SSA on remote detonation seals, then research landmine versions of the Force Domes and remote detonation seals as they get completed.
IMO we should do TR 150, the cost-benefit says yes right now. Getting exciting results from these prep days doesn't change that
IMO we should do TR 150, the cost-benefit says yes right now. Getting exciting results from these prep days doesn't change that
I'm not sure we can do TN150; the Explosiver Rune (TN 130) was a "Hazou can maybe do this rune".

Yes yes I know prep days but I already predict that TN150 is going to be "Hazou thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities".