• Hazou:
    • Technique Hacking:
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #1: S:0, B:0, R:200
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #2: S:0, B:0, R:200
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #3: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #4: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #5: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #6: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #7: S:0, B:0, R:50
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #8: S:0, B:0, R:50

Posted my own little giga-tracker until @Shrooms can update his.

25 blocks are applied to the top two notes (as more than 4 blocks can't be done on one set of notes per day I'll split them between the top 2)
  • Orochimaru's TH notes #1: S:0, B:52, R:148
  • Orochimaru's TH notes #2: S:0, B:48, R:152
Any chance I can petition you to add this at the top? It would ease greatly in a quick-assessment and I'm happy to provide updated numbers as we keep reading.
Total: S:0, B:100, R:900

EDIT: @Shrooms I really should have directed this at you. Any chance you could add it?
Last edited:
There is a downside - we stagnate sooner
Eh, if we can't bank unstagnations and we're about to do a lot of research and missing nin stuff, grinding XP and clearing barriers on the regular sounds more optional to me. But maybe I'm missing something. Certainly, I have been a proponent of helping Kei clear hers for a while.
Can we tell Noburi to summon them to the Human Path so they can look around? I think that having the Toad Sages confirm that the family isn't being followed or manipulated is safer than sending Canvass to do it.
Noburi doesn't have the chakra to Summon both at the same time, it costs two full days of the entire team's regen to Summon them. He could summon a single one, but I don't think this is worth it for the minuscule possibility that
  1. They were followed to the meeting point and
  2. That the Toad Sages detect it when Mari couldn't
Will they be able to find it? IIRC it's kinda in a random patch of wilderness.
I guess we'll find out! But Hazou was able to give the location to Orochimaru, so he does know where it is.
You recently recorded is getting a bunch of TH XP, correct? Can we include that in the training plan, since there's no downside to increasing it until it hits a new pyramid level? 100 TH XP -> going from TH10 to TH14, I believe? (4 levels of 50 XP, at double cost)
Shrooms is correct, I don't want to stagnate faster at this time, if we have a TH project pop up it should be incredibly easy to buy out all the TH notes in a single training plan.
Any chance I can petition you to add this at the top? It would ease greatly in a quick-assessment and I'm happy to provide updated numbers as we keep reading.
It's just the temp post until @Shrooms gets it edited into his. I suggest you ask him.
Last edited:
Noburi doesn't have the chakra to Summon both at the same time, it costs two full days of the entire team's regen to Summon them. He could summon a single one, but I don't think this is worth it for the minuscule possibility that
I mis-wrote. I meant to propose Noburi only summoning one.

That the Toad Sages detect it when Mari couldn't
Right now, all we know is that Noburi says that they exfiltrated successfully and without being followed. For all we know, Itachi could have caught them escaping, killed all but Noburi and genjutsu'd Noburi into thinking that they made it and are one day away from the rift. Yes, this is paranoid, but IMO paranoia is justified when they are out to get you. I think that mitigating the risk of being within summon-range of a potentially compromised meeting point is worth the chakra cost of summoning a Toad Sage.
[X] Action Plan: Welcome to Uplift

My last thought is that some characters may ask why we are going to the cave in Wind, the advantages of the boost are obvious but they only last a week - they may not know we (and by we I mean Hazou) want to replicate the effect with Runes to bolster not just our own mission but potentially also the Konoha attack force. I know WC is getting tight though, may need some optimizing
I mis-wrote. I meant to propose Noburi only summoning one.

Right now, all we know is that Noburi says that they exfiltrated successfully and without being followed. For all we know, Itachi could have caught them escaping, killed all but Noburi and genjutsu'd Noburi into thinking that they made it and are one day away from the rift. Yes, this is paranoid, but IMO paranoia is justified when they are out to get you. I think that mitigating the risk of being within summon-range of a potentially compromised meeting point is worth the chakra cost of summoning a Toad Sage.
This would be detected by Canvass.
The XP is lost then, I take it? That's a shame, since time has passed can we have read sealing notes? All of the last few plans specify reading notes in Hazou's free time. Since we can't FOOM that would have been a significant amount of notes.

[X] Action Plan: Welcome to Uplift
Word Count: 298
  • Today
    • Thank Tenten for leaving Leaf on Kei's word alone. We'll do our best to be worthy of it.
    • Welcome to Team Uplift, Hazou has some new seals he'll need to scribe for everyone, we'll get you read into to all of our codes, combat strategies, and capabilities ASAP. If you want to be taught any jutsu we have, or get a supply of some seals, just ask. Kei, mind taking point?
      • Suggest Flame Aura (if Tenten doesn't already know it).
    • Head to the bladehorror site in Iron to take observations with the team, use MS 8 and chakrascope.
    • At check-in, (after swearing them to secrecy) brief the Toad Sages on the current situation, show them Naruto's letters. Tell them of Itachi's genjutsu and mind-control capabilities. Ask them to evaluate Noburi for lingering traces of Itachi's influence.
      • If they question why we're getting into this much trouble, show them Jiriaya's letter, he told us to.
      • Instruct Noburi to start setting up the same anti-communications protocols on the Seventh Path the other Team Uplfit Summoners have
      • Tell Noburi's team to meet us at the bladehorror rift
  • Tomorrow
    • SCs work on difficulty checks for the 3 Rift Runes Naruto described, use the observations from the previous day.
      • Prime scribes seals for the team (RRBs, Force Blades, skywalkers etc.)
    • Send Canvass alone to meet with Noburi and co. first, and detect if they smell abnormal (mind controlled, scent-based trackers etc.) and to smell around for anyone following.
      • If she's forcibly dispersed, run.
      • Now that we're missing-nin, Hazou will teach Shadow Clone to anyone who wants it.
    • Next, we're heading to the Oro's chakra water cave in Wind, to replicate its effects with Runes for our mission, and Leaf's attack force
      • Plan: Skywalk to directly above it and dive down. Use a telescope to confirm no human presence.
      • Any other suggestions to get in undetected?
I cut 13 words and added 13 more
the giga tracker (I will make sub bullets in the kids sections when they actually get to the second batch)

  • Sealing:
    • Jiraiya Sealing Notes:
      • 1: 1500 XP
    • Orochimaru Batch 1 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: 200 XP / 100% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: 200 XP / 100% Learning Rate
    • Orochimaru Batch 2 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: 150 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: 150 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: 100 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: 100 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: 50 XP / 25% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: 50 XP / 25% Learning Rate

  • MedKnow:
    • Orochimaru Batch 1 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #1: 100 XP / 100% Learning Rate
    • Orochimaru Batch 2 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #2: 100 XP / 100% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: 75 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: 75 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: 50 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: 50 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: 25 XP / 25% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: 25 XP / 25% Learning Rate

  • MedNin:
    • Orochimaru Batch 1 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #1: 100 XP / 100% Learning Rate
    • Orochimaru Batch 2 Notes:
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #2: 100 XP / 100% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: 75 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: 75 XP / 75% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: 50 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: 50 XP / 50% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: 25 XP / 25% Learning Rate
      • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: 25 XP / 25% Learning Rate

  • Hazou:
    • Sealing:
      • Jiraiya's Sealing Notes: S:1500, B:0, R:0
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: S:200, B:0, R:0
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: S:200, B:0, R:0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: S:150, B:0, R:0
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:150 B:0 R:0
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: S:24, B:76, R:0
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: S:0, B:74, R:26
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: S:0, B:37, R:13
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: S:0, B:21.5, R:28.5
    • MedKnow
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
    • MedNin:
      • Oro Batch 1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
      • Oro Batch 2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 400
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25

  • Noburi:
    • Sealing:
      • Jiraiya's Sealing Notes: S:0, B:0, R:1500
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: S:0, B:0, R:200
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: S:0, B:0, R:200
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: S:0, B:0, R:50
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: S:0, B:0, R:50
    • MedKnow
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow Notes #2: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow Notes #2 : S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: S: 75, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 0, B: 27, R: 48
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
    • MedNin:
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #1: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedNin Notes #2: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 75, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: S: 50, B: 25, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: S: 0, B: 46, R: 4
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25

  • Akane:
    • Sealing:
      • Jiraiya's Sealing Notes: S:0, B:0, R:1500
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: S:0, B:0, R:200
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: S:0, B:0, R:200
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: S:0, B:0, R:50
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: S:0, B:0, R:50
    • MedKnow
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow Notes #1: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #2: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: S: 75, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 21, B: 6, R: 48
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
    • MedNin:
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedNin Notes #1: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #2: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 70, B: 5, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: S: 0, B: 2, R: 73
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25

  • Kei:
    • Sealing:
      • Jiraiya's Sealing Notes: S:0, B:0, R:1500
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: S:0, B:0, R:200
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: S:0, B:0, R:200
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: S:0, B:0, R:50
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: S:0, B:0, R:50
    • MedKnow
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
    • MedNin:
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: S: 0, B: 0, R: 75
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
OK, all the sealing info should now be up to date for Hazou. The nice thing about being towards the end is that even if any errors were made along the way, we know the exact level Hazou started reading at, so we will know exactly how much he should be at by the end.

I'll start adding the TH notes next
  • Technique Hacking:
    • Oro Batch 1
      • Orochimaru's TH notes #1: S:0, B:0, R:200
      • Orochimaru's TH notes #2: S:0, B:0, R:200
      • Orochimaru's TH notes #3: S:0, B:0, R:150
      • Orochimaru's TH notes #4: S:0, B:0, R:150
      • Orochimaru's TH notes #5: S:0, B:0, R:100
      • Orochimaru's TH notes #6: S:0, B:0, R:100
      • Orochimaru's TH notes #7: S:0, B:0, R:50
      • Orochimaru's TH notes #8: S:0, B:0, R:50
  • Orochimaru's TH notes #1: S:0, B:52, R:148
  • Orochimaru's TH notes #2: S:0, B:48, R:152
These are now incorporated

Can someone link me to where Noburi's most recent notes is posted? I think he's read them a few times since I last updated but I'm not sure.
I think that mitigating the risk of being within summon-range of a potentially compromised meeting point is worth the chakra cost of summoning a Toad Sage.
This would be detected by Canvass.
That's what I was trying to say. Sending Canvass requires us to be somewhat close to the meeting point, right? Summons don't have a huge range IIRC. So I'm concerned that if we're close enough to send a summon and the meeting is a trap, we'd be close enough to be caught. Sending Ma or Pa doesn't put us so close to the meeting point. (On reflection, if the summons' range is wide enough, the risk might not be so big as I think.)
That's what I was trying to say. Sending Canvass requires us to be somewhat close to the meeting point, right? Summons don't have a huge range IIRC
So far as we know they are the only chakra effect that has infinite range. They are only limited by time (they last for one hour, you must expend 1/3 their cost every hour to maintain them another hour but you can do this from any distance.)
Can someone link me to where Noburi's most recent notes is posted? I think he's read them a few times since I last updated but I'm not sure.

Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: S: 0, B: 50, R: 0
Orochimaru's Mednin notes #6: S: 0, B: 50, R: 0
Orochimaru's Mednin notes #7: S: 0, B: 23, R: 2
Notes #8 is still untouched
So far as we know they are the only chakra effect that has infinite range. They are only limited by time (they last for one hour, you must expend 1/3 their cost every hour to maintain them another hour but you can do this from any distance.)

Reminds me of Kagome saying some Akatsuki are Death Summoner or Dragon Summoner and stuff. We could have been the Explosion Summoner and use infinite range explosion summons to defeat any/everyone.

How the heck does "expend 1/3 their cost every hour to maintain" work with Chakra having a defined range? Are we tied to the Summon? To the Scroll? To the Scroll->Boss->Summon->Scroll->Us?
How the heck does "expend 1/3 their cost every hour to maintain" work with Chakra having a defined range? Are we tied to the Summon? To the Scroll? To the Scroll->Boss->Summon->Scroll->Us?
I'm guessing it cheats bc it's a spacetime tech, like how Minato had bigger teleportation range than one might expect is possible. Probably it just gets around the distance requirement by using dimensional travel BS to effectively be nearby at all times. Like how we can be on the 7th path in one location, unsummon ourselves to the human path, then reverse summon to be somewhere on the 7th path thousands of miles from where we just were. This seems like it shouldn't be a possible chakra effect, but maybe chakra treats dimension hopping as a shorter distance than traveling through normal 3D space
We really should commit to researching some way to get around runic drag. Whether literally researching making runes without the drag, or attempting the remote activation seal/rune connection, we need something, unless we're always gonna be fighting in a static position.
Personally, that sounds like a drag.

[Let EJ write what he wants]
This gets us 0 XP, as was just proven.
True, it gets you no base XP but it does tend to produce good "QM had fun" bonuses.

Also, fair warning: there is a good chance that tomorrow is going to end up being an interlude. I've been having a day and it's lasted several days.

Reminds me of Kagome saying some Akatsuki are Death Summoner or Dragon Summoner and stuff. We could have been the Explosion Summoner and use infinite range explosion summons to defeat any/everyone.

How the heck does "expend 1/3 their cost every hour to maintain" work with Chakra having a defined range? Are we tied to the Summon? To the Scroll? To the Scroll->Boss->Summon->Scroll->Us?
ponwog: you are not sending the chakra to the summon, you are spending it on maintaining the aetheric tunnel down which they traveled. The tunnel is always adjacent to you and to the summon in higher dimensional space, regardless of how far apart you are in threespace.
[X] Action Plan: Welcome to Uplift

The fact that we went on a hunt for the Squirrel Scroll is, to my understanding, public knowledge in Leaf (or at least on the record at an ordinary level of clearance) and I expect that makes Neck an unsafe place to go to again in the future, since even if we do not get intercepted directly there we risk leaving information behind in the hands of whoever is there when the hunter-nin do show up to investigate. It doesn't sound like the biggest OPSEC breach, but it still is one.
I imagine it's clear but I was being somewhat facetious in my statement that this is the perfect time to get the Squirrel scroll because on the scale from Leaf nin to not Leaf nin, we are further to the side of 'not Leaf nin' than Squirrel nin. (I do actually believe this is true but I expect the subtly to be lost on the Squirrels, human or otherwise.)

That said, I think that running a fast, stealthy smash-and-grab would be safe as long as we committed to being quick and leaving in short order, scroll or no. Bring sufficiently careful would only provide our pursuers with a single place we were, and Noburi-enabled ninja move at a sufficient velocity that the search radius would be impossibly large mere hours after we departed.

The risk to weigh is whether we'd be walking into a trap. I think this is relatively unlikely unless big J has it in for us.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Jul 20, 2024 at 9:33 PM, finished with 173 posts and 15 votes.

Voting is closed.
Also, realizing that because we didn't write Ino letters, and then vanished, she's more likely to be safe from Akatsuki, but much more likely to be heartbroken... I don't think it's the wrong choice. But it does feel bad.