The XP is lost then, I take it? That's a shame, since time has passed can we have read sealing notes? All of the last few plans specify reading notes in Hazou's free time. Since we can't FOOM that would have been a significant amount of notes.
[X] Action Plan: Welcome to Uplift
Word Count: 298
- Today
- Thank Tenten for leaving Leaf on Kei's word alone. We'll do our best to be worthy of it.
- Welcome to Team Uplift, Hazou has
some new seals he'll need to scribe for everyone, we'll get you read into to all of our codes, combat strategies, and capabilities ASAP. If you want to be taught any jutsu we have, or get a supply of some seals, just ask. Kei, mind taking point?
- Suggest Flame Aura (if Tenten doesn't already know it).
- Head to the bladehorror site in Iron to take observations with the team, use MS 8 and chakrascope.
- At check-in, (after swearing them to secrecy) brief the Toad Sages on the current situation, show them Naruto's letters. Tell them of Itachi's genjutsu and mind-control capabilities. Ask them to evaluate Noburi for lingering traces of Itachi's influence.
- If they question why we're getting into this much trouble, show them Jiriaya's letter, he told us to.
- Instruct Noburi to start setting up the same anti-communications protocols on the Seventh Path the other Team Uplfit Summoners have
- Tell Noburi's team to meet us at the bladehorror rift
- Tomorrow
- SCs work on difficulty checks for the 3 Rift Runes Naruto described, use the observations from the previous day.
- Prime scribes seals for the team (RRBs, Force Blades, skywalkers etc.)
- Send Canvass alone to meet with Noburi and co. first, and detect if they smell abnormal (mind controlled, scent-based trackers etc.) and to smell around for anyone following.
- If she's forcibly dispersed, run.
- Now that we're missing-nin, Hazou will teach Shadow Clone to anyone who wants it.
- Next, we're heading to the Oro's chakra water cave in Wind, to replicate its effects with Runes for our mission, and Leaf's attack force
- Plan: Skywalk to directly above it and dive down. Use a telescope to confirm no human presence.
- Any other suggestions to get in undetected?