zap lunch
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I take 'almost infinitely sharp' to mean there wouldn't be much material to evacuate. Not sure, though.
Chakra wire is extremely expensive and we're not sure it works for that. Good thought, though.The blade/wall would still get stuck in place from the pressure of what you just cut pinching it in place from the sides.
If the force walls are actually that sharp, we should really make a Bolas out of ninja wire and two seals. Hazo spins the Bolas until they are equidistant apart then sends a pulse of chakra down the line to trigger the seals they then activate 1s later as he has launched them at the target.
At that point cover/armour would be useless.
.. or you know, make a lightsaber out of one.
It's a d100 for 'type' of failure (how weird) and a d100 for intensity.On the note of sealing failures, was it ever decided if failure category (A/B/C) determined sealing failure severity or whether it remains rolling a single d100 to figure out sealing failure severity? I remember that there was a discussion on that back when we failed with skywalkers.
...the QMs literally have a doc called this and I'm concerned it may have actually gotten compromised
So was there ever any discussion on if it would be appropriate to make the intensity of failure dependent instead on by how much you failed a sealing check? It'd likely have to have different thresholds than the normal success/failure formula, but I believe there was discussion back when we made the rift up in Iron about how appropriate that was for the quantity of sealmasters produced that any failure had a chance of being deadly.It's a d100 for 'type' of failure (how weird) and a d100 for intensity.
...the QMs literally have a doc called this and I'm concerned it may have actually gotten compromised![]()
Sealing is, in the short term, a route to wealth, respect, and not needing to go on dangerous missions if you don't want to. In the long run it's one of only two or three routes to demi-godhood. Despite that, there are only 50 sealsmiths in Konoha and most of them are students. What does that tell you?It's stated that the chime series of seals are intended for absolute beginners (Sealing 1), correct? This being the case, over the course of researching all of them, there is a 89.99% chance that the researcher will experience a sealing failure. I cannot believe that the Nara would accept such an attrition rate.
...that we need more points in sealing?Sealing is, in the short term, a route to wealth, respect, and not needing to go on dangerous missions if you don't want to. In the long run it's one of only two or three routes to demi-godhood. Despite that, there are only 50 sealsmiths in Konoha and most of them are students. What does that tell you?
No that was when we tried to research skywalkers. Which technically is an entirely separate type of catastrophic failure we can do
Let's see...
IIRC, Taijutsu requires Str*4, Dex*3, Stam*4, meaning to get Taijutsu 50 costs
Str 13 [182]
Dex 17 [306]
Stam 13 [182]
Taijutsu 50 [1275]
Total [1945]
so we'll use 1945XP as our value for how much a jonin specialty stat costs. Now, let's see how much Sealing we can buy with that...
*fifteen minutes of trying and failing to find a neat way to do this mathmatically later, MadScientist gives up and writes a python script to do it inefficiently but fast*
*said script takes two and a half minutes to write, and outputs the result in like a second*
*head desk*
37. A jonin sealmaster should have a Sealing level of 37. Unless my program's wrong. But that sounds about right, and it's not telling me something stupid like "530", like my first equation was.
Sooo, we're a mediocre genin sealmaster? We're seven dice away (and 538 exp) from chunin sealing. Sealing dice are expensive, jeez.
That's not really how it works as far as I'm aware; ~10-15 Sealing is sufficient to infuse explosive seals/storage seals, at around 20 you can fairly safely do basic research into things related to those, or things around their difficulty (ie macerators, implosion seals, banshee seals, etc.).We have been leaning on Kagome pretty hard for activation's. We are more like the idiot Savant kid who can trace shit really well but has no fucking clue about activating seals.
To confirm the mechanic for activating sealing drops the difficulty with each activation?
Genin Sealer = I copied this from a book and now i can make things explode
Chunin Sealer = I made my own version of these seals and I am still alive
Jonin Sealer = I can create my own seal to create the effect I am after, let me just head off to the lab to research and iterative test it 1000 times
Master Sealer = Yeah I think I can do that, let me just make a seal right now to do that
...citation?Kagome has stated that we will be (approximately) safe to learn and infuse Skywalkers when we're around 27 in Sealing.
IIRC it was a QM meta-response to me doing the math that Kylinger posted above much earlier in the thread.
e2: Which makes sense, to be honest. IIRC having someone who knows the seal help you with research gets a 2/3 modifer to the TN, and 2/3 of 27 is 18, at which point Hazou would have a 71% chance of not failing. Granted, that's not particularly good odds, but.
I find it unlikely that Kagome would know the exact odds.It is more than good enough for someone as optimistic and carefree as Kagome. Sounds legit, IMO.
Oh, @Jello_Raptor, I still want to see a continuation. *nudge, nudge* I can be generous to those who satisfy my Shadowrun chakrapunk cravings....Omake : Hard Boiled
You know, sometimes when a man is bound and gagged in the back of a car taking him to kami knows where, he wonders how he got here. Usually this is a philosphical question, but in my case it was much more practical. I have no idea where I am.
My head is spinning, and I feel like I'd snorted ten lines of dragonfly powder too many. It took me a second to realize the sharp pains over every bump were senbon, all strategically located in order to paralyse me and block my chakra flow. I guess whoever kidnapped me decided that ropes weren't enough to keep me down. The fact that they were right just makes it more annoying.
Frankly, I'm stuck here waiting for my gracious hosts to announce me to the party. I just have to hope that the explosive tags I planted would set up the right sort of landslide. The kind that leaves me alive at the end of it.
Of course, that would be easier if I knew how to hide like a mole.
Like most of the stories that get me free shots of soju, this one started with a broad walking into my office.
"Mr. Kurosawa, you're a hard man to find."
Her face was hiding under the rim of a wide hat, but the rest of her was more than enough to keep me occupied. She was smoking, and I don't just mean her looks, she had pulled out a cigar and lit it with blue sparks that danced off her fingers. Not a jutsu I'd ever seen before, but that's not rare.
I looked out the window and sighed, making a point to be louder than the air purifier that had just kicked on.
Why had I gone for the 20th story office on the building with anti-chakra-walking edifices? In the old shithole, jumping out the window was actually an option.
Of course, clients like this one wouldn't have been caught dead in the old shithole. This lady actually had gems studding her kimono, the eyes of dragons embroidered in gold thread. I might as well try to make a good impression, the spider in my wallet was getting entirely too comfortable.
"I'm in the phone book. What do you want?"
"Oh? Cutting to chase already Hazou? Aren't you going to offer me a seat? I thought I had taught you better than that."
And she had, but I can't be bothered to put those lessons to use right now. I whipped up a stool out of red granite and motioned for her to sit.
"Feeling nostalgic Mr. MEW?"
A little, but I wasn't going to tell her that.
"Inoue, why are you here?" I grumbled out.
"What? Your adoptive mother can't stop by for a little chat? It's been so long since we've seen you at the mansion." she said in a voice sweeter than honey.
"You never 'just stop by', Mari. You're here for something. Spit it out." I tried to keep up the usual brooding facade, but she'd known me for too long.
"Fine," she said, dropping the small talk. She was serious now. "You need to round up the old squad. Jiraiya's godson, he's been kidnapped. We need you to find him."
What? Naruto? That boy was a small city of power unto himself. Anyone who could take him could beat us into pulp. There was no upside here. Either I leave the CEO of the biggest sealing conglomerate in the world in the lurch, or I have to deal with someone who can beat a kid with enough chakra that he could make old Nobbs look like a tadpole.
I raised one eyebrow.
"We aren't asking you to retrieve him. Just find him. We'll take care of the rest. The company will make it worth your while."
She couldn't seriously believe that she needed me to find him. Konoha wrote the sealware for most of Fire, including every payment processing and surveillance system of note. Inoue was hiding something, and I was willing to bet it'd bite me in the ass at least once before this was over.
"Do I have a choice?"
"I knew you'd say yes," she said, with a grin that would make a wolf shiver.
First things first, I had to round up the gang again.
I walked up to the dingy warehouse, with its broken neon sign sparking in the rain. Grunts of exertion occasionally broke the usual murmur of the city.
There was shouting coming from the inside as I walked up to the door. Discretion being the better part of valour, I planted my feet on the ground and took a look. Just in time, too. I was able to take a step aside as some brute was hurled through the wall with enough force to fly into a dumpster on the other side of the street.
I walked in through the hole to find Akane and a number of pangolin helping a weedy fellow with a black eye.
"Hazou, do you mind?" Akane said, without bothering to actually look at me.
I shrugged and closed up the wall with a quick jutsu.
"Th-Th-Thank you. He's been getting into the bottle more and more often. I just needed to get away, I didn't know he'd follow me," the scrawny fellow stammered out.
Sounding for all the world like the kindly old lady on the corner, Akane said "Look Joushi, you're a Naraka. We take care of our own. It's fine. Just do us all favour and find a boyfriend who's less of an asshole. Now go downstairs to the lounge and relax for a while. Panacea will patch you up, just don't make fun of her snout or you might find you wake up with one of your own."
"Still playing mother hen to your minions?" I said as I sauntered up behind her.
"It's just good business Hazou. It's easier to take care of good mooks than it is to replace them." She turned around and looked me up and down. The mixture of disappointment and pity almost made me retch. We used to have a good thing, the two of us, but I went ahead and ruined that. "Back for more dragonfly? You know we can't just turn a blind eye for 'old times sake' anymore."
"Not this time. Inoue and I had a talk."
"I'll go get Keiko."
The Naraka Rollers were probably the biggest runners of dragonfly in this damned city. Something about being able to dig and collapse tunnels at will makes it much easier to get the poison past ANBU. Not that I had much room to talk. By the time Keiko had finished her run, it'd been long enough since my last hit that I started to feel a headache coming on.
"Jiraiya's godson is missing" I said, noticing the two ladies across from me shift. Only someone who knew them well would be able to see the tension in Akane's arms or the sudden sharpness in Keiko's movements. Of course, I knew them very well indeed.
The pair looked at each other, wordlessly coming to a consensus. "Shit"
Next stop was the old chop shop. Akane and Keiko were getting kitted out and grabbing the supplies we'd need, so it was up to me to grab Nobby.
He's a medic, but when Hydra took over the local hospitals he had to go to the black market to find work. From everything I hear, he's probably the only chop shop in town with a good reputation for leaving his patients alive. I've even gone to him a few times when some brilliant plan of mine failed and I needed some minor reconstructive work.
I knocked on the door.
"Come in, it's open. Just have a seat in the waiting room."
I walked in and saw the doctor himself in the backroom with a patient in a big metal bathtub. A red tendril of water snaked it's way out and into a small pan, where it deposited a few small pieces of metal. The clink was obvious enough, but it took me a moment to realize those were bullets that he was pulling out of some poor sod.
So I waited until he was done.
"Hazou, I told you to never call me that again."
Once Nobby was back at the warehouse working on the plan, I snuck off to set up a little backup for when the plan goes wrong.
Of course, this meant trucking through the sewers. It was filthy, so I quickly henged into something a bit more protective.
By the time I got to the lair it was almost sunup, and I was so tired I didn't realize I had just knocked on the door. Suddenly I was fixed in the air, ropes of chakra binding me in place. They were tightening and I knew if this kept up they'd crush me worse than one of Akane's hugs.
"Who are you! How do you know I'm here!? You have 10 seconds to give me an answer before I pulp you."
I managed to squeak out the old recognition codes, and suddenly fell to the ground. Before I knew it, a thin stick of a man dragged me inside.
"Hazou, It's been so long since you last visited. I thought you had forgotten about me." He said, pulling at his thin beard and struggling to meet my eyes. In truth, I hadn't wanted him to see me like this. A shadow of the excited, creative student he knew.
Of course, that was before the megacorps got on his tail for decrypting their systems and he had to move into a sewer to hide. The man always had an interesting mentality. His lived his life trying to be as safe as possible, and then he hacks into sealing sweatshops to free the people in them and kill the people running them. He was good at it too, nobody else could sneak a worm onto your machine and then have it assemble itself into an explosive rune.
They never figured out it was him, but they got close enough that it put us in danger. We helped him hide and cover his tracks till it blew over. But that was around when we all started drifting apart, and when I got into the powder.
"Kagome, the team is getting ready to do something stupid. We need overwatch...."
He almost tripped over himself to help us out. It hurt me to pull on his emotions like that, but we needed him if we were going to survive. By the end of our chat he shooed me off saying he needed time to prepare, send out some sniffers, seed viruses in key infrastructure, prepare some explosives, that sort of thing.
As I left, I realized I still didn't know how he managed to get faster internet access in a sewer than we ever had when we worked for Konoha.
Here's a bit of a plot bunny from when I first saw that image @Vecht commissioned.
Hazou's tongue is firmly in his cheek, and he's not exactly a perfectly reliable narrator here.
I don't really have much of place to go forward from this, and if I do, it'll be a complete rewrite. This is just a bunch of vignettes, not an actual story.
Activating seals is easy, it's drawing them and infusing them that's hard. Every successful infusion reduces the infusion TN by 1. Every failed infusion reduces it by 5, because you usually learn more from failure than success.To confirm the mechanic for activating sealing drops the difficulty with each activation?
When you don't it's because you're dead!
I happen to know he's still working on itOh, @Jello_Raptor, I still want to see a continuation. *nudge, nudge* I can be generous to those who satisfy my Shadowrun chakrapunk cravings....
Oh, @Jello_Raptor
Activating seals is easy, it's drawing them and infusing them that's hard. Every successful infusion reduces the infusion TN by 1. Every failed infusion reduces it by 5, because you usually learn more from failure than success.
That looks accurate to slight miscommunication then. Is the following correct?
1. Drawing/painting/carving/tattooing seals is the first check and the one Hazo is a Savant in. Seal is completely benign at this stage.
2. Activating/Infusion (ninja magic) is the hardest step and gets easier with repetition per seal. failure of this step are hilariously lethal. Seal is a loaded weapon at this stage.
3. Triggering is depended on the trigger mechanism defined by the seal. most triggers have no skill check required.
Known triggers
- Proximity (civilian usable)
- Chakra Pulse
- Chakra Pulse -> timer
- Pressure (civilian usable)
- Break beam of Chakra (civilian usable)
- Break Chakra String tripwire (civilian usable)
Don't give up, and don't do things by half-measures!Woops, forgot to vote for [x] Action Plan: Drink Ourselves Half to Death. And so, the streak ends before it even had the chance to begin.
If I'm not misunderstanding it, the Hazou spreadsheet indicates that Hazou's current level of 20 in sealing is also his cap. That means that he is not able to ever get any better at this ever again, I think?IIRC it was a QM meta-response to me doing the math that Kylinger posted above much earlier in the thread.
e: Went something like:
Me: It'd be around 27 to be Chuunin
QM: Incidentally that's about how much training [it wasn't put into the context of numbers directly in the post, IIRC] Kagome thinks you'll need to infuse skywalkers. You can research them now, with his help, but infusing them would be risky.
e2: Which makes sense, to be honest. IIRC having someone who knows the seal help you with research gets a 2/3 modifer to the TN, and 2/3 of 27 is 18, at which point Hazou would have a 71% chance of not failing. Granted, that's not particularly good odds, but.
That means that he is not able to ever get any better at this ever again, I think?
The terminology is slightly backward. The word 'activation' is used to describe the thing @TyrialFrost is calling 'triggering'. 'Infusion' is the one and only word for 'turning the seal from pretty calligraphy into a loaded weapon'.
No, the cap is modified by his attributes.If I'm not misunderstanding it, the Hazou spreadsheet indicates that Hazou's current level of 20 in sealing is also his cap. That means that he is not able to ever get any better at this ever again, I think?