Let me put it this way: This is the Kagome's "first offence" as far as Konoha is concerned. I strongly suspect that he is not the only one in Konoha who has ever suffered a bout of temporary insanity borne of paranoia, and I equally doubt that all those prior to him were executed on the spot unless the clan demanded it.

Furthermore, given that Keiko thinks we should tell J, I seriously doubt she expects anything super-bad to come of it.
What if we told J something along the lines of

"There was an incident involving Kagome transgressing against Minami. The situation has been sorted out to the satisfaction of both parties. If you order me to explain in more detail then I will, however it is the opinion of everyone (?) who knows the details that explaining the details to you would cause you unnecessary problems and/or stress."

Would that... help? Do you think? Obviously he'll see right through it and guess what's going on, but does that leave him enough plausible deniability to say "okay, don't tell me"?
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What if we told J something along the lines of

"There was an incident involving Kagome transgressing against Minami. The situation has been sorted out to the satisfaction of both parties. If you order me to explain in more detail then I will, however it is the opinion of everyone (?) who knows the details that explaining the details to you would cause you unnecessary problems and/or stress."

Would that... help? Do you think? Obviously he'll see right through it and guess what's going on, but does that leave him enough plausible deniability to say "okay, don't tell me"?
I would be okay with this. I would also suggest asking after contracts. Because rules lawyering is even more fun when you're working with contracts.
Just remember that any explanation of this while in Leaf should be done while under privacy seals. Alternatively, Jiraiya could meet Keiko in the summon realm for full details.
Added stuff on The Kurosawa Hana Situation. Currently trying to figure out what to do regarding the Mist Drain Incident.

Scrapped-together plan based on the leftovers of the previous plan. Will add more later.

[X] Action Plan: Dressing Down

  • General:
    • Follow Akane's lead while she's our sub-team leader. Follow Minami's lead after we regroup.
    • Be polite at all times. Especially to people who could make life difficult for us (e.g., Hyuuga, Uchiha).
    • Try to avoid triggering Minami's insecurities.
      • She's team leader, but she inherited a team who treats her as an outsider. Avoid reminding her of this.
    • When moving, minimize chatter in favor of alertness.
  • Main Questline:
    • Report to the Lord Hokage.
        • If we have a OPSEC standard, use that. Otherwise:
          • Physical disguises (veils).
          • Henge into (unique) disguising forms.
        • Be polite and honest. He's the Hokage.
        • Do what the Hokage says. This should go without saying.
        • Let Akane do official reports, since she's the current team leader.
        • Politely inform the Hokage beforehand that clan secrets were involved with the Goda mission, and possibly make sure we're secure.
        • Report on the circumstances that let us know of Goda.
          • Bouncer in Ise delivered information on Goda's presence.
        • Report on our plan to capture Goda.
          • 3 Pangolins, Keiko, Noburi to hide in water.
          • Pangolins to provide main threat against possible ninja forces.
          • Noburi to drain all hostiles to unconsciousness.
          • Minami, Hazou, Akane, Keiko, Kagome to provide support alongside Pangolins.
        • Report on the execution of our plan.
          • Pangolins were able to begin the ambush from stealth, but took a casualty against Goda's bodyguards.
          • Combat suggests the two pangolins engaging the ninja would fail given more time.
          • Noburi was able to defeat the ninjas within seconds, as well as the civilians (including Goda).
          • Minami, Hazou, Akane, Kagome did not influence the battle (they arrived after the ninjas were drained).
        • Report on the aftermath.
          • Executing civilians.
          • Journey back to Leaf.
        • Privately ask Noburi & Akane beforehand if it's OK for us to be asking him now.
        • Do this only after other important topics have been discussed.
        • Don't press the issue.
        • Things to discuss:
          • Rules of engagement.
          • Possible assets/equipment.
          • Methods of contact.
            • Messages, rumors...
            • Provide identification to Hana of Hazou's survival/well-being.
          • Methods of extraction.
            • Intercept out-of-Mist mission.
            • Sneak into/out of Mist.
      • Get food & weapons as ordered.
        • See if we can get a spyglass or telescope. Ask Mari-sensei if we get the chance to talk with her.
      • Ask Captain Akane if we ought to fully refresh (sleep).
        • Decide if we should sleep in Konoha or back in a Skywalker.
    • Skywalk back to the team.
      • It's a 22 hour run (to Nagi Island, on average). Don't exhaust ourselves with a second all-nighter.
  • Meet Mari-sensei.
    • Do this if we have the time as we Resupply.
    • Give her a hug.
    • Tell her we missed her.
    • Ask her how things have been going in Konoha.
      • Her befriending of the clan head wives.
      • The political situation.
  • Complete an After-Action Report.
    • Do the report after we regroup with the team, as time permits.
    • Keep in mind Minami still considers us to be the Cold Stone Killers/outsiders.
      • Disguising the use of secret abilities (Pangolins, Mist Drain) so we might not need to kill witnesses.
        • Disguise Pangolins using physical coverings or Henge. Ask Pangolins in future?
        • Apply Misterators first, then Pangolins attack while LOS is blocked with Mist.
      • Timing between the air-team landing and the boat team was off.
        • Not a problem this time, but could have been one if the enemy was stronger.
        • Leave Sodai's Prism with Keiko's team; visual for ambush beginning.
        • Learn Whispers on the Wind, useful for signaling for ambush.
        • Maybe have Panda be part of the air-team and be unsummoned beforehand as a signal?
      • Better knowledge of the Pangolin's personal combat ability for better diagnosis of enemy ninja capabilities.
  • Talk with Noburi about research into quantifying chakra.
    • Talk with him as time permits.
    • Ask him if there has been research into this in the past. If not, continue.
      • Improve combat efficiency.
      • Gives ability for non-sensors to measure their chakra levels.
      • Gives ability for ninja to determine minimum chakra levels to use techniques.
      • Gives ability for ninja to calculate chakra usage during combat (techniques and/or chakra boost).
      • Standardize the "chakra point".
      • Determine amount of chakra used when "chakra boosting" or casting a jutsu.
      • Determine effects of skill on "chakra boosting" or casting a jutsu.

Things to do:
  • Conversation with Keiko re: Pangolins.
  • Conversation with Noburi re: quantifying chakra.

  • What happened:
    • We (Hazou) broke OPSEC regarding clan secrets to Minami.
    • Kagome panicked and tried to kill Minami.
    • We stopped that from happening, and convinced Minami to not report either the clan secret or the murder attempt.
      • Kagome has agreed to share everything he knows to Minami.
      • Kagome has also threatened to kill everyone Minami loves if she betrays us.
We do still need to make up our minds as to what to suggest with regards to the sisters after we get any intel they might have.
We get to make suggestions? I thought they were just going to be tortured for information and then killed or ransomed back after their minds were broken/erased?
...Why wouldn't we? I mean, he's our clan leader, and we brought them in without causing them any injury. It's entirely possible that Konoha could recruit them similarly to us, or failing that, make them part of Jiraiya's spy network.
That's really not our concern. Just let Jiraiya do whatever is best
Of course it's our concern, we were responsible for bringing them in.

e: Eaglejarl literally suggested we think about what we were going to suggest with regard to them.

And now that the frog is quite thoroughly dead, I return you to your regularly-scheduled adventure story with the following question: You're taking the two ninja you captured back to Leaf...and then what? You don't have the de iure power to control their fate when they get there which means you have limited responsibility for the outcome. You do, however, have a modicum of de facto power through your relationships to the Hokage and various clan heirs. Are you going to hand the women over and then wash your hands, or is there some outcome that you would like to influence people towards? If so, what is it and how are you going to get there?
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...Why wouldn't we? I mean, he's our clan leader, and we brought them in without causing them any injury. It's entirely possible that Konoha could recruit them similarly to us, or failing that, make them part of Jiraiya's spy network.

Of course it's our concern, we were responsible for bringing them in.

e: Eaglejarl literally suggested we think about what we were going to suggest with regard to them.


Ohh hmmm We could recruit them as our own personal missing nin. Do the same thing Jiraiya did to us.
Regarding Goda's bodyguards...I think we could suggest (SUGGEST ONLY) that they be added to Jiraiya's contact network, under the assumption that they're useful enough and not likely to betray us (to their home country if they're not missing-nin, to the first person who wants information if they are).
Regarding Goda's bodyguards...I think we could suggest (SUGGEST ONLY) that they be added to Jiraiya's contact network, under the assumption that they're useful enough and not likely to betray us (to their home country if they're not missing-nin, to the first person who wants information if they are).
This would be acceptable.

As an aside: You know the idea we had for Akane's birthday present to make a Tears of Red seal? We could do the same thing for Hana if Jiraiya didn't want us on that mission.
Has it been brought up that having a section of a plan meant to inform the QMs what we want to do labeled "QMs DO NOT READ" seems... counterproductive?
Oh no I haven't moved that yet. Because I'm lazy.
This would be acceptable.

As an aside: You know the idea we had for Akane's birthday present to make a Tears of Red seal? We could do the same thing for Hana if Jiraiya didn't want us on that mission.
Will add, give me a bit.

Edit: Done.

Scrapped-together plan based on the leftovers of the previous plan. Will add more later.

[X] Action Plan: Dressing Down

  • General:
    • Follow Akane's lead while she's our sub-team leader. Follow Minami's lead after we regroup.
    • Be polite at all times. Especially to people who could make life difficult for us (e.g., Hyuuga, Uchiha).
    • Try to avoid triggering Minami's insecurities.
      • She's team leader, but she inherited a team who treats her as an outsider. Avoid reminding her of this.
    • When moving, minimize chatter in favor of alertness.
  • Main Questline:
    • Report to the Lord Hokage.
        • If we have a OPSEC standard, use that. Otherwise:
          • Physical disguises (veils).
          • Henge into (unique) disguising forms.
        • Be polite and honest. He's the Hokage.
        • Do what the Hokage says. This should go without saying.
        • Let Akane do official reports, since she's the current team leader.
        • Politely inform the Hokage beforehand that clan secrets were involved with the Goda mission, and possibly make sure we're secure.
        • Report on the circumstances that let us know of Goda.
          • Bouncer in Ise delivered information on Goda's presence.
        • Report on our plan to capture Goda.
          • 3 Pangolins, Keiko, Noburi to hide in water.
          • Pangolins to provide main threat against possible ninja forces.
          • Noburi to drain all hostiles to unconsciousness.
          • Minami, Hazou, Akane, Keiko, Kagome to provide support alongside Pangolins.
        • Report on the execution of our plan.
          • Pangolins were able to begin the ambush from stealth, but took a casualty against Goda's bodyguards.
          • Combat suggests the two pangolins engaging the ninja would fail given more time.
          • Noburi was able to defeat the ninjas within seconds, as well as the civilians (including Goda).
          • Minami, Hazou, Akane, Kagome did not influence the battle (they arrived after the ninjas were drained).
        • Report on the aftermath.
          • Executing civilians.
          • Journey back to Leaf.
        • (Discuss with the team first) Suggest that maybe the captured ninja could be added to the network after the current crisis?
          • Assumptions:
            • They can be useful as contacts/disposable assets.
            • They aren't more useful in other ways (ransom money?).
            • They aren't likely to betray Leaf (to their home country, Yakuza...).
        • Privately ask Noburi & Akane beforehand if it's OK for us to be asking him now.
        • Do this only after other important topics have been discussed.
        • Don't press the issue.
        • Things to discuss:
          • Rules of engagement.
          • Possible assets/equipment.
          • Methods of contact.
            • Messages, rumors...
            • Provide identification to Hana of Hazou's survival/well-being.
              • Make a seal that plays the Coming Home song?
          • Methods of extraction.
            • Intercept out-of-Mist mission.
            • Sneak into/out of Mist.
      • Get food & weapons as ordered.
        • See if we can get a spyglass or telescope. Ask Mari-sensei if we get the chance to talk with her.
      • Ask Captain Akane if we ought to fully refresh (sleep).
        • Decide if we should sleep in Konoha or back in a Skywalker.
    • Skywalk back to the team.
      • It's a 22 hour run (to Nagi Island, on average). Don't exhaust ourselves with a second all-nighter.
  • Meet Mari-sensei.
    • Do this if we have the time as we Resupply.
    • Give her a hug.
    • Tell her we missed her.
    • Ask her how things have been going in Konoha.
      • Her befriending of the clan head wives.
      • The political situation.
  • Complete an After-Action Report.
    • Do the report after we regroup with the team, as time permits.
    • Keep in mind Minami still considers us to be the Cold Stone Killers/outsiders.
      • Disguising the use of secret abilities (Pangolins, Mist Drain) so we might not need to kill witnesses.
        • Disguise Pangolins using physical coverings or Henge. Ask Pangolins in future?
        • Apply Misterators first, then Pangolins attack while LOS is blocked with Mist.
      • Timing between the air-team landing and the boat team was off.
        • Not a problem this time, but could have been one if the enemy was stronger.
        • Leave Sodai's Prism with Keiko's team; visual for ambush beginning.
        • Learn Whispers on the Wind, useful for signaling for ambush.
        • Maybe have Panda be part of the air-team and be unsummoned beforehand as a signal?
      • Better knowledge of the Pangolin's personal combat ability for better diagnosis of enemy ninja capabilities.
  • Talk with Noburi about research into quantifying chakra.
    • Talk with him as time permits.
    • Ask him if there has been research into this in the past. If not, continue.
      • Improve combat efficiency.
      • Gives ability for non-sensors to measure their chakra levels.
      • Gives ability for ninja to determine minimum chakra levels to use techniques.
      • Gives ability for ninja to calculate chakra usage during combat (techniques and/or chakra boost).
      • Standardize the "chakra point".
      • Determine amount of chakra used when "chakra boosting" or casting a jutsu.
      • Determine effects of skill on "chakra boosting" or casting a jutsu.

Things to do:
  • Conversation with Keiko re: Pangolins.
  • Conversation with Noburi re: quantifying chakra.

  • What happened:
    • We (Hazou) broke OPSEC regarding clan secrets to Minami.
    • Kagome panicked and tried to kill Minami.
    • We stopped that from happening, and convinced Minami to not report either the clan secret or the murder attempt.
      • Kagome has agreed to share everything he knows to Minami.
      • Kagome has also threatened to kill everyone Minami loves if she betrays us.
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An idea we should probably share with Jiraiya: Creating single-use chakra battery seals not by absorbing ambient chakra but instead by using however much excess is present at infusion-time.

Alternately: chakra batteries that store only "shaped" chakra -- that which would otherwise be used for techniques.

*raises finger*

*rereads QM statements*

*lowers finger*

OK now I swear to god I saw a statement saying that we were supposed to maintain identity OPSEC, wtf.
"Orders from Lord Hokage actual to mission team designate 'Rockfall 2', deliver soonest. Orders are as follows: Team Rockfall 2 is to report to the Hokage's office for in-person debrief—And wow, that is so shattered! You guys must be seriously tapped!...um, where was I? Oh, yeah: For in-person debrief. After reporting, team will have the remainder of the day to resupply, and then Rockfall 2 is to reunite with Rockfall 1 at maximum urgency consistent with safety and OPSEC."
Pretty sure that's on the return to the other team.