From before:

[X] Training Noburi: Living Water
Water Clone 13 [6.5]
Water Clone 14 [13.5]
Water Clone 15 [21]
Water Clone 16 [29]
Water Clone 17 [37.5]
Water Clone 18 [46.5]
Save 12XP
[X] Training Noburi: Living Water

[X] Training Hazou: Face Puncher
Roki 10 (10)
Roki 11 (21)
Roki 12 (33)
Dex 12 (57)
Strength 9 (75)
Stamina 9 (93)
Save 11 exp
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Could a kunai have a seal on the tip that would store air in a cylinder in front of it, and then a seal on the back to immediately expel the stored air?

It'd basically allow a kunai to be thrown without wind resistance, and it'd be jet propelled.
Could a kunai have a seal on the tip that would store air in a cylinder in front of it, and then a seal on the back to immediately expel the stored air?

It'd basically allow a kunai to be thrown without wind resistance, and it'd be jet propelled.
This would require linking the two seals to the same storage space. Should we do that I have much grander plans.... Instantaneous communication will be mine. Or alternately literally endless bombs falling from our airships.
At the same time though, we could make jet engines right now given preexisting examples of fuel injection and whether it'd create any repulsive force at all. Everyone else has sky walkers while we have jet bombers.
If we were to theoretically expatriate Hana, do we think that Jiraiya would be able to direct us to someone who'd be able to tell us when she was on a mission?

Alternately, does Mist have any aerial surveillance tech? Kagome might know this one, so might Mari or Kei. If we could borrow Mari for three days or so, she could use Whisper on the Wind to get a message to Hana even in the village's confines.

e: Current moon phase? New moon would make us utterly invisible at night.

e2: Hazou's claws:
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[X] Training Noburi: Living Water
[X] Training Hazou: Face Puncher

So... what did we learn in this update that makes us not want to continue with the previously voted plan as is?

  • Keiko seems accepting for now of Kagome's decision. That info might be build in to the (as of yet non-existing) emotional part of the planned Kagome talk.
  • Add Keiko's caltrop ideas to our list of Kagome shop talk.
  • We need 3 6 more XP on Keiko to increase Capacity. (Edit: Somehow my eyes saw an 8 instead of a 5).
Other than that it seems like we could just go with [+] Iced Tea UPDATED minus section 3.

Edit: Maybe discuss Kagome's situation with the 3 of us as we said we would.
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So glad we're finally talking about this. Too bad we didn't mention using a pangolin for night watch.
We did this immediately after she got the summon scroll but noooo it's stupid to try to get an extra 2 hours sleep a night for everyone. That would be silly. We definitely wouldn't want to get something like 360 extra man hours apiece between then and now :p
Um, remind me why we're raising Roki again? Hazou's biggest problem is that he can't close well. He could standoff and throw around explosives like they were going out of style, but that's kind of a "winning-more" manuever at this stage - Akane is going to murdassacre everything with a Tai stat of 36 + Youthful Fist, but Hazou doesn't have the sheer tankiness that Akane has that lets Akane close with 30 TacMov, let alone Hazou's pitiful 21. If we start combat at taijutsu range, sure, we'll get some more value out of Roki, but that doesn't seem likely to me.
I wonder if we could
1. Get Kagome to teach us Explosion Palm style.
2. If it would combine well with Roki. Seems like it would. You think he's feinting to create an opening for a kick, but nope, actually you just went boom.
If I am not mistaken we have 99 XP, we could level Transformation to 18 and could ride on Best Girlfriend our war horse into combat.
I wonder if we could
1. Get Kagome to teach us Explosion Palm style.
2. If it would combine well with Roki. Seems like it would. You think he's feinting to create an opening for a kick, but nope, actually you just went boom.
Yes and, likely, yes. Kagome gave us a set of rings back up in Snow, we just, uh, haven't gotten around to training with them.


Um, remind me why we're raising Roki again? Hazou's biggest problem is that he can't close well. He could standoff and throw around explosives like they were going out of style, but that's kind of a "winning-more" manuever at this stage - Akane is going to murdassacre everything with a Tai stat of 36 + Youthful Fist, but Hazou doesn't have the sheer tankiness that Akane has that lets Akane close with 30 TacMov, let alone Hazou's pitiful 21. If we start combat at taijutsu range, sure, we'll get some more value out of Roki, but that doesn't seem likely to me.
If the fight starts at:

Close range: Hazō, Noburi, and Keiko will all demolish SSC. Keiko can either use her kusarigama at close range or else easily open range via Skywalkers and then win with long-range weapons.

Medium range:
  • Keiko and Noburi win.
  • Hazō needs to close distance, which he probably cannot do based on stats. Instead, he throws out a PMYF, substitutes, and wins.

Long range:
  • Keiko wins.
  • Hazō throws out a PMYF, substitutes, and wins.
  • Noburi has a couple options but the simplest is to throw out a PMYF to close range and win with Water Whip.
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Yes and, likely, yes. Kagome gave us a set of rings back up in Snow, we just, uh, haven't gotten around to training with them.

The point wasn't so much that Hazou wouldn't benefit at all from raising Taijutsu - it'll be good, but Hazou's main problem is when he starts outside of Taijutsu range. Sure, if we have the luxury of beginning combat we could end combat in any number of ways - but most of the time where it would make a difference, more TacMov is going to help us survive more fights than more Taijutsu.

I guess this means I should put forth a training plan then.

Edit: In light of new XP...

[X] Training Plan: Hazou Close
Strength 9 (18)
Stamina 9 (36)
Dexterity 12 (60)
Tactical Movement 19 (79)
Tactical Movement 20 (99)
Save 0 XP

effective TacMov: 23
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Too bad we didn't mention using a pangolin for night watch.
I will note that night watch is the only time the team can talk privately. This has probably in no way influenced the team's decision to keep night watch.

Also, most Pangolins are no more thrilled about being on watch for eight hours straight than human people are.
This would require linking the two seals to the same storage space.

Would it? I imagine it as one seal that toggles between two states very fast. We have storage seals on a timer, right? Similar concept except it's a constant cycle.

The bigger problem is that storage seals need to define a boundary around an object. We don't have a mechanism to grab a cylinder of air. We have some kind of air purification seal that gets around that, and has some impressive filtering capability, being able to not only pull in air without a boundry, but to be able to pull in just the impurities.

I think it's worth investigating. We've already got most of the components in other seals, and we're not trying to do anything *too* novel. It seems to me like it would be simpler than the implosion seal based propulsion, and could very well have a high top speed since we're reducing air resistance.

The first step would be to investigate exactly how the air-impurity-removal seal actually works, which would be useful all around. There are a few different ways it could work, one of the most exciting is that it's drawing a boundary around individual molecules. Another is that it's drawing a boundary using some kind of geometry, saying "everything 10cm away from this seal should be stored". Both of those options have some pretty exciting applications.

Plus with our ninja wire, we could build a monorail Atmospheric railway.
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In the longer term, I'd like to form a civilian based seal production and research company.

There's no reason civilians can't do that kind of research, and they're cheap. It seems like the best way to spark the magitech revolution is to have a civilian "clan" or "university" that hires ninja. They have a vested interest in keeping civilians alive.

This presumes that civilians don't earn XP mostly because they don't get enough calories and opportunities, not because they're genetically inferior. Which would be sad. If that were the case we'd have to take a different tact.