Actually real talk why don't we just propose to Minami right now? Seems like a good solution to all the problems being presented to us right now
Noburi: "Dammit, Hazou! I had my eye on her first! This is Ino all over again."
Actually real talk why don't we just propose to Minami right now? Seems like a good solution to all the problems being presented to us right now
Actually real talk why don't we just propose to Minami right now? Seems like a good solution to all the problems being presented to us right now
I'm not sure that she'd be open to proposals of marriage, considering that A) she hardly knows us, B) Hazo is several years younger than her, c) Hazo is thirteen, and D) she thinks we're extraordinarily evil killers.
Oh shit, when did MfD become a Game of Thrones quest? It seems that all of our solutions to our problems were either ultimately solved with marriage or murder:
Chakra monsters ambushing you?
Mist missing-nin causing a ruckus in Hidden Swamp?
Liberator Village cronies catch you red-handed in their filing cabinets?
Get intercepted and captured by Liberator ninja?
Need to find a summoning scroll?
Murder ALL the patrols.
Don't want to kill all of the rednecks but you still gotta get access to the reclusive Hill Billies?
Marriage not working out?
Meh. Hey, Kagome, murder the naysayers.
Need to permanently join Hidden Leaf?
Marriage (with a sizable Skywalker dowry).
Nara breathing down your neck trying to figure out how you managed to plan all of this?
Teammates about to kill each other?
Oh shit, the murder didn't work. Marriage maybe?
You could make a flowchart out of this.
Well that's easy to fix:
A) "Hey Minami, wait 'til you hear all about our past when I intentionally break OpSec. Here goes..."
B) "Well the Nara are already engaging their heir to Keiko and he's our age. Also, Noburi is used to dangerous engagements (yes, the marriage kind) and you probably aren't a yandere ax murderer so this should be a piece of cake for him."
C) "We live in a medieval-ish society where most of us won't live to see our twenties and our new dad is basically your new dictator. Can't break the law if we make the law. YOLO gurl."
D) "From my point of view the villages are evil! But that's a terrible argument, so to really convince you I have some lists for you to read..."
MfD: where if we can't murder you, we marry you. If we can't marry you, we try to murder you again. And if we can't do that, things get awkward.
Good times.
From the post directly below yours. The irony is incredible.I would consider voting for []Action Plan: Hazou Kills Himself before I let him live life like that.
We could give the Noburi the pin to work as a ring for him to propose to Minami
Rated insightful more for the last comment than anything prior. We need to get a speed-reading technique for Hazou.There is nothing to suggest that engagement rings are even a thing in MfD culture.
If we are really serious about engaging Noburi to Minami (and why not, imo), we should see if we can rely on Hazou's knowledge about Leaf culture and customs. We had him read all of those books for a reason and if we can now rely on his passive personal knowledge we should do so whenever possible.
Books are love; books are life.
You must be new here.
I am all about winning, no matter the means nor (mis)deeds necessary.
All that matters is that Hazou acts intelligently and rationally towards a reasonable, if ambitious, goal; we can quibble about the morals after we've won.
I would consider voting for []Action Plan: Hazou Kills Himself before I let him live life like that.
All right, which QM spilled the beans about the Inuzuka Clan Massacre?
Wait, are we being played by actors or characters?Starring:
Barney Stinson, as @eaglejarl
[Undecided], as @Velorien
Kramer, as @OliWhail
... Actually, hey guys, who would you choose to play you in a sitcom?
You can be pitch-shifted Azula.All right, which QM spilled the beans about the Inuzuka Clan Massacre?
Wait, are we being played by actors or characters?
I haven't seen Avatar, but...
I'll take it.A firebending prodigy, Azula was sadistic, manipulative, and obsessed with power. She was a skilled strategist who orchestrated the coup over the Earth Kingdom capital Ba Sing Se,[5][6] and halted the invasion on the Day of Black Sun.[7]
Strictly speaking, this could still be interpreted as conventional monoshipping, which is a thing that has already taken place (though before @OliWhail's ascension).Are we polyshipping the QMs now?
*sighs, goes to update the shipping chart*
Really? You should. Keiko might actually be a weirdly inverted Mai expy, now that I think about it. And the acting is phenomenal.
*tries to think of the appropriate Homestuck reference*
Legend of Korra, from what I've seen, is visually pretty but just not up to snuff plotwise. But then again, I've only seen Season 1.
Has anybody ever thought of laminating seals? Does that not work? Does the technology for laminating paper not exist?
"Sealing tags in waterproof wrapping attached to wooden buoys," he explained as if stating the blindingly obvious. "I wasn't going to leave the perimeter unsecured."
Odd question, probably not the time, but I feel like it might be pertinent at some point in the future:
Has anybody ever thought of laminating seals? Does that not work? Does the technology for laminating paper not exist?