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Hippos are 1.5 to 2.5 cubic meters, so about 1 to 1.6 cubic meters for Deidara's dragon before combat. A storage seal can store 100kg or 1 cubic meter of material, whichever is lower. So we should be able to parcel up the dragon across 10 or so storage seals, if it's safe to approach and handle.
From what we've seen of it, it's magical chakra explosive. It takes shape and flies around, Deidara could explode it telepathically, it only exploded if he wanted it to (he sets off only the surface of the Dragon during the fight, when with IRL explosives that would immediately detonate the entire mass).

Given all this, I think it's reasonable to assume that it has too much chakra in it to seal up, and if it no longer has chakra in it then it's properties and usefulness are significantly diminished. It's worth a shot, I suppose, but I'm not expecting much.
I feel like it's decently likely Hidan is currently at the town nearby. Though he might have left to come see what all the exploding was about (is the town close enough to tell there are a bunch of explosions going on?)

Possible. I just want Enma around until the Rubble is cleared and the Rift is found. Maybe he can stay until we pulled Deidara out.

If Canvass can track Hidan? Cool.
[X] Action Plan: Aftermath
Word Count: <299
  • At the Rift
    • Summon Canvass, give her a vial of Hidan's blood and ask her to do a circuit around the exploded fortress looking for his scent.
      • If Hidan has a fresh trail, suggest we send a fully refilled Tsunade, Orochimaru, Mari, and Kurenai with Canvass to hunt him down.
    • Sift the rubble with ES, SC and chakrascopes, bring in the rest of the Leaf ninja to help look for the Rift
      • Look for Summoning Scrolls, seals, research notes, or anything of value.
      • Search the Sasori-fortified portion of the labs, be sure to grab any of his seals that remain.
      • Invoke 1x or 2x on the final reintegration roll to generate additional SC hours.
      • Ask Orochimaru if he would be willing to let Hazou have Deidara's eyepiece to attempt to replicate it. We have some experience with optics.
    • Expend Iron Earth and Force Dome, store the remains. Bury any Ninja-Radar deep and wrap in LFE. Expend the remaining RER shots, destroy the burned out runes with the last shot.
    • Open a deep shaft for the Superchiller, and set LFEs to collapse the tunnel.
    • Shape a Rift-Opener rune -- use the 25 point size.
      • Open the Rift and grab Deidara (if possible), have Noburi drain him to keep him unconscious.
      • Killbox the exit, and send the Sannin in first.
      • Observe to see if most of the slain ninja ended up near the Rift.
    • Raise the ground where the fortress was to kill Unsummoners
    • (If Mari approves) Suggest to Tsunade that she stay with Orochimaru while he's moving the Rift. Both to help him move it....and lower the chance he absconds with it.
    • Leave by dawn for Leaf with Uplift and the Leaf contingent.
    • Contact Kagome via 7th Path and tell him the battle is won.
Plan updates everyone. Please take a look
Summon Canvass, give her a vial of Hidan's blood and ask her to do a circuit around the exploded fortress looking for his scent.
  • If Hidan has a fresh trail, suggest we send a fully refilled Tsunade, Orochimaru, Mari, and Kurenai with Canvass to hunt him down.
Cannai doesn't think it's practical to try to find scents in the ruins of the fortress in the time available. The explosions generated an enormous amount of dust and would have obliterated or dispersed the tiny traces on which scent tracking relies.
Are we certain that we should still be attempting this?
Shape a Rift-Opener rune -- use the 25 point size.
Suggestion: Replace "Shape" with "Create".
Killbox the exit, and send the Sannin in first.
Suggestion: Send in Sannin Shadow Clones first. Or even send in Shadow Clones of one of the random Jonin, just to check.
Contact Kagome via 7th Path and tell him the battle is won.
Also he needs to link back up with us.
Given all this, I think it's reasonable to assume that it has too much chakra in it to seal up, and if it no longer has chakra in it then it's properties and usefulness are significantly diminished. It's worth a shot, I suppose, but I'm not expecting much.
Pretty much my thoughts. Deidara's dead so I'd be surprised if his chakra stuck around- I expect to find either regular clay or mundane-but-magical-to-the-EN-tech-level plastic explosive chemically transmuted by Deidara's bloodline.
Sift the rubble with ES, SC and chakrascopes, bring in the rest of the Leaf ninja to help look for the Rift

This is the reason why I want Enma around. Unless I am mistaken that means we shut the Force Dome down, meaning whatever Akatsuki member could be under the rubble can escape, even if wounded.

Pretty much my thoughts. Deidara's dead so I'd be surprised if his chakra stuck around- I expect to find either regular clay or mundane-but-magical-to-the-EN-tech-level plastic explosive chemically transmuted by Deidara's bloodline.

Don't worry, Noburi can drain his chakra.

the Katsumi Clan, which is reported to allow the user to cause anything they look at to explode
His combat skills would be mediocre for a jōnin. He has exactly two tricks. First, he is a ninjutsu creator of no small skill, and a combination of secret techniques and his own bloodline

Nothing to fear. Nope.
They also don't have chakra. Like they're not a threat to the Sannin without chakra.

If you mean people we take out of the Rift, then they might have chakra,
Hazou should point out that Daizen, despite having died multiple times, still had chakra; he just didn't seem to be regenerating any. Unless Deidara was completely tapped out he may put up a fight. It may be worth setting up an electrified field or something around the reopened rift to catch any explosives he sends through.

But I am talking about people who could be under the rubble, Hidan for example escaped last time while being heavily wounded.
The air was thinner up here. Leaf's ninja were flagging, and Hidan wasn't. Did he not need to breathe? Or was he just able to ignore the damage that not breathing was doing to his body, the same way he'd ignored being flayed and Rasengan'd and everything else? There was no mistake about it, though. Little by little, the gap between them had stopped narrowing, and started to widen.
[X] Hazō Training Plan: Sorry Ino, It's Time To Go ACE
[X] Noburi Training Plan: ACE III
[X] Kei Training Plan: ACE II
"Apologies for keeping you waiting, summoner," Cannai said. "There are many things in my territory demanding my attention and my power, and even travel and communication grows expensive for me."

Hazō looked at Cannai. The Dog Clan's leader wasn't exerting his presence as the Alpha the same way he had when the war first broke out. Cannai had become more comfortable with remaining himself while protecting the Dog Clan on whatever metaphysical level he needed to, but still, Hazō could tell that Cannai was tired. The Alpha moved slightly slower, and he had a deep weariness in his voice.

"Let me help," Hazō said. "Let me take messages across your territory for you. I'll have a bit of time every few days. I feel like I'm not doing enough for the war."

"As I have said, you do not need to do anything for the war," Cannai said. "But your aid would be appreciated. How many times in a day could you summon a Dog such as Canoe?"

"Huh, I don't know. Four, maybe? Five?"

"Your chakra reserves have not progressed much since you acquired the scroll, then," Cannai said. "That is fine. How about with the aid of your brother, who transfers chakra?"

"Triple that," Hazō said. "But we don't have that much chakra to spare right now, since we've been removed from our village. Why does it matter how many Canoe-strength dogs I can summon? Surely I should summon puppies for moving messages around, right?"

"I would not send puppies to the front lines," Cannai said. "We have dedicated messengers, but they are not puppies. I shall attempt to find the fastest ones which will nonetheless cost you the least to summon. Beware though, summoner – you wished not to be disturbed by outside elements, correct? If it becomes known that you are passing messages for us, as Leopard may well infer if our coordination suddenly improves on given days – though I shall attempt to obscure it – then the Akatsuki you fear may well search for your contractees. The Dusk Willow pack is kept in Dog's heartlands for this very reason, so that your enemies will not be able to reach them. Dedicated messengers on the borders are far more vulnerable."

"Can't you help keep any outside elements away?" Hazō asked.

"To an extent," Cannai said. "But I took an oath not to pass messages because you want a defense with no weaknesses, and I believe this would open weaknesses. I cannot predict what will happen, but with a war dividing my attention and my strength I know there would be risks."

"I can live with that in order to help with the war," Hazō said. "Really, I regret that I'm not doing more. I was going to offer you skytowers, except I recently found a… concerning discovery about how dimensional seals are damaging the Great Seal, and I really can't afford to make that problem any worse. As it is, the Seventh Path trade network needs to be completely shut down – so maybe it's a good thing that we pulled Dog out of it earlier."

"You're saying that storage seals also interfere with the Great Seal?" Cannai asked.

"That's right."

"Including the storage seals you gave us, so that we could transport the sleds you made for our pups everywhere without weighing ourselves down, as well as for the saddlebags and foodstuffs?"

"Right… yeah, you really shouldn't use those either. Can you get those back to me so I can take them off the Path?"

Cannai lowered his head to the ground and huffed. He scratched the ground with the bare forepaw he'd nearly lost to the Mirror Dragon, then looked back up at Hazō. "So be it, summoner. I would not want the Great Seal to further deteriorate while so many other crises occupy the Seventh Path. I shall prepare this for you within the week."

"I'm sorry."

"It is not your fault that the storage seals interfere with the Great Seal," Cannai said. "That is just the fact of nature. I had wondered whether I ought to ask you for skytowers, or whether your experiences with the Pangolins would make this request damage our relationship. Perhaps I should be grateful that the option has been taken away from me."

"I really do want to help, though," Hazō said. "I can supply you with Force Blades, and the MARS needed to use them effectively. We have a half-dozen spare combat harnesses that your warriors could use right away, and I could ask Kagome-sensei to make more for you."

"I will accept this gift, if you think it will do more good than harm."

"I think it's fine," Hazō said. "I don't offer it lightly, after the horrors of the Pangolin conquest of Condor, but it's a gift without an indefinite commitment of supply, so I trust that you'll use them well."

"For harms, I meant against the Great Seal."

"Ah. Sorry. Yes, Force Blades aren't dimensional, so unless they fail unexpectedly, it should be fine."

"It will be appreciated," Cannai said, turning to look out as if the woods around them were transparent. "Making a handful of dogs more lethal in combat is a far cry from the aerial superiority that enabled Pangolin to conquer Condor, but it will help."

Cannai is the best boy. What can we do to help him in his war against Leopard?

Even if all dimensional based seals are out, we still have some stuff that might help! Ideally we want something that is strategically shifting in small numbers (small ask, I know), so we could feasibly provide Dog with enough to make a difference.

@Shrooms came up with a brilliant idea of turning this seal into a giant spiral staircase that Dogs can use as a vantage point!

Earth Pillar Seal

Difficulty: Genin
Movable: No
Components: 1
Duration: Instantaneous

Causes a chakra-construct stone pillar to rise out of the ground in front of the seal.

Unfortunately it's much worse than Skytowers in the sense that (A) it's easily visible from a great distance array, and (B) Leopards can get up it too. Still, I think it's net benefit to dog a great thing to research.

We can also provide them with these:

Jiraiya's Instant Fortress Seal

Difficulty: Chūnin
Movable: Yes
Components: 4
Duration: 12 hours

Raises four chakra-construct stone walls around the perimeter of the square defined by the four seal elements. The square cannot have a face longer than 30 meters. Each wall is three meters high and one meter thick. The stone walls are decorated with images of Jiraiya's face and the faces of various Toads. Both man and Toads are making faces–frowning, sticking their tongues out, etc.

That would probably be useful right out of the gate. It's not game-changing, but being able to instantly drop a fortress somewhere will be very useful for dogs that travel in giant packs.

Does anyone have any other ideas what we can give them?
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