Posting this for now (thank you, @FaintlySorcerous for the help), likely to edit later with greater detail.

[x] Action Plan: Answering Asuma
  • Include Kei. Her input is invaluable, and we trust her to prioritise the safety of the world over her own feelings if necessary.
    • If permitted, also include Akane and/or Mari.
  • Suggestions, in no particular order:
    • Create a "superior" alternative to EM and release it in hopes it quickly out-competes normal EM.
      • Either a hacked version, or a seal(s).
    • Enter into some sort of exclusivity agreement with Isan.
      • Won't stop them from discovering the nuke themselves, but it will contain the threat (unless EM is stolen, but it's unlikely a priority for theft).
    • Use Isan's reverence (fear?) of Thinkers to put pressure on them not to spread EM.
      • Would need a good cover story for why using it is undesirable that prevents them from looking into EM more closely.
      • "It causes micro-shifts in the global chakra network that cause a build-up of bad luck concentrated around areas of use — you'll endanger the entire world if this jutsu spreads"?
    • Find a way to vassalise Isan.
      • "Create a looming threat and offer to make them a protectorate state"?
    • Inform Isan of the nuke, use our position of "game-theoretic-garunteed destruction if they defect but good faith of choosing to approach them instead of instantly alpha-striking" to get them to agree to a Thinker-designed set of treaties that will bind Leaf and Isan extremely tightly together and incentivise both parties to never defect.
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I mean yeah, I trust them

If that feeling is not shared then ig I can add an additional check
Most* of the plan isn't the sort I would expect to cause issues (re: Naruto debacle) so I won't push on this one. Not sure how much the Sages are giving to us but that's a whole other thing.
From Dog, Hazou wants to travel to Conclave alongside Kei and Noburi, evoking Sannin mystique as Enma recommended. Noburi needs to escort his Toad ambassador to Dog ASAP.
  • Both trips require Hyenas' approval for territory travel.
So is the plan for the three of us to walk to the Conclave together from Dog, dragging the gthsss?
Loop in and get remaining Leaf Summoners to the Conclave to bolster Hazou's arguments.
  • Work with Asuma and other Summoners to arrange as much presence as possible, start optimizing our arrival/speech.
*This is the part I would want a sanity-check on. Can we simply move it to the planning stage and have a "Hazou plans to..." to it, or some equivalent?
So is the plan for the three of us to walk to the Conclave together from Dog, dragging the gthsss?
Carrying it (I'm envisioning a Panda-sized one since we were told only the weakest were ignored by the Dragons.) Keep it in a cage rated for chakra beasts, have Noburi drain it if Ma and Pa sign off, if not just use drugs or other methods to pacify it. This is assuming it's signed off on by the various parties. If it's untenable we just won't do it

*This is the part I would want a sanity-check on. Can we simply move it to the planning stage and have a "Hazou plans to..." to it, or some equivalent?
Mmm OK that's fair, it can probably be reworded to be covered by a check.

Not sure how much the Sages are giving to us but that's a whole other thing
I think they will be very helpful for formulating our approach to the Conclave because they've been to it and know who's there
it loops kei in and is a short timescale plan (giving us time for the conclave later) so

Can you loop in Mari as well? And suggest kei bring out snowflake and asuma bring in the ANBU who know? I'd expect them to think of that themselves but high OPSEC -> few people -> simple mistakes get missed
in the principle of bringing more people in. i'd say bring in akane too. but i don't expect her to be much help, she didn't do much when we killed the kids (guessing she was moping instead). so i don't care about her as much as the others.

edit: looping akane in could also make her sad to hear about all the possible gruesome fates of isan. although her becoming sad could either cause good or bad outcomes in the end. a lot of uncertainty in the final consequences of that
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Given that the entire village hasn't discovered FOOM, I don't think occasionally checking in on someone is enough to determine the progress of techniques that they're working on.
Isn't it? It's why Mari told us to stop. Because they'd discover it. Without her, they'd have discovered we're using shadow clones at least. Also FOOM's different because part of it is an entire philosophy of (strangely) raising resolve/aka meditation.
[x] Action Plan: Answering Asuma

@MadScientist Can we include Akane? She has co-responsibility for this situation, she could use the experience and she has a strong conscience.
Btw on discord EJ said we can vote for Conclave stuff or EM stuff, we won't be penalized either way

So here's my plan again:
[X] Action Plan: Three Scenes, One Plan
Word Count: 298
  • (Before Asuma EM meeting)
  • Uplift+Yuno (and Toad Sages, if willing.)
    • Relay Enma's info.
      • Persuasion is crucial. With Conclave's help, remaining Dragons could be killed.
      • From Dog, Hazou wants to travel to Conclave alongside Kei and Noburi, evoking Sannin mystique as Enma recommended. Noburi needs to escort his Toad ambassador to Dog ASAP.
        • Both trips require Hyenas' approval for territory travel.
    • General approach to Conclave is to unify against a common threat. Currently, Eastern clans don't consider threat existential. Enma wants a fire lit under their asses. Hazou is considering capturing a small Archaeopteryx gthsss to present, though it will be challenging.
    • Are Kei/Noburi onboard? Do they have feedback?
      • Everyone in Goketsu will be needed in upcoming month for Clan and Conclave success.
    • With group's approval, relay to Cannai, then Kumokogo.
  • Cannai
    • Go over the above.
    • Get approval for:
      • Overall plan.
      • Negotiating passage through Hyena Territory
      • Noburi escorting a Toad to Dog.
      • Moving a gthsss through Dog.
      • Seeking out candidates (for Cannai's approval) for escorts/representatives for Conclave. What are his criteria?
    • Gthsss
      • Do you have relevant lore?
      • Are they different from kvthsss? Can it be reversed?
      • Are there cultural taboos surrounding Hazou's capture plan?
      • Does that happen when a Boss dies or only when Dragons eats them?
  • Kumokogo
    • Relay plan + Cannai's comments. Ask gthsss questions, get necessary permissions.
    • Could Arachnids move a gthsssto Dog via boat if Hazou captured one?
      • Check if Enma can help, if Kumokogo approves.
      • Check if Inuzuka have advice/tools.
    • If Kumokogo wants to send Ambassadors, Hazou can escort them.
  • Misc (Offscreen)
    • Optimize with Kei/Mari.
      • Loop in and get remaining Leaf Summoners to the Conclave to bolster Hazou's arguments.
        • Work with Asuma and other Summoners to arrange as much presence as possible, start optimizing our arrival/speech.
  • Complete Chakdar 2.0.

Bumping this

Not opposed to immediate EM reply but imo it's also okay to do that after this plan. The Conclave stuff is still very urgent and the sooner we start prepping for that the better.
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He'd be a brindled Doberman if they existed
Closer to a Rottweiler. Heavier body and deeper chest than a Dobie.

I took for granted that EM usage was emphasized for difficult winters and harsh climates.
My understanding is that Isan regards EM as an air conditioning jutsu. It's a simple thing that people take a few levels in so that they can heat / cool their homes during winter / summer. It's possible I'm being cheese brained and am about to be faflec'd.

EM is taught to everyone regardless of elemental affinity.
It is?
Posting this for now (thank you, @FaintlySorcerous for the help), likely to edit later with greater detail.

[x] Action Plan: Answering Asuma
  • Include Kei. Her input is invaluable, and we trust her to prioritise the safety of the world over her own feelings if necessary.
  • Suggestions, in no particular order:
    • Hack a 'superior' version of EM and release it in hopes it quickly out-competes normal EM.
    • Enter into some sort of exclusivity agreement with Isan.
    • Release some sufficiently-good Fire jutsu such that no one in their right mind would ever spend even a level in EM.
      • [Wait, isn't this just suggestion 1 again? — Maddie]
    • Create a warming seal and flood the market with that and Harumitsu's cooling seals.
      • [Could combine into suggestion 1. — Maddie]
    • Use Isan's reverence (fear?) of Thinkers to put pressure on them not to spread EM.
      • [This feels like it would garner instant suspicion, drawing attention to EM's importance. — Maddie]
    • Find a scroll and buy Isan with the scroll. Knock-on benefits: they're now a vassal state.
      • [Can you "buy" a sovereign polity? Not writing off some form of vassalisation, but this method seems iffy. — Maddie]
    • Inform Isan of the nuke, use our position of "game-theoretic-garunteed destruction if they defect but good faith of choosing to approach them instead of instantly alpha-striking" to get them to agree to a Thinker-designed set of treaties that will bind Leaf and Isan extremely tightly together and incentivise both parties to never defect.
@MadScientist can you add something about Ami might be a good choice for the conspiracy
[X] Action Plan: Three Scenes, One Plan
Closer to a Rottweiler. Heavier body and deeper chest than a Dobie.

My understanding is that Isan regards EM as an air conditioning jutsu. It's a simple thing that people take a few levels in so that they can heat / cool their homes during winter / summer. It's possible I'm being cheese brained and am about to be faflec'd.

It is?

It's based on what was said back in Chapter 43 : Assimilation.

From Mari and Takahashis interaction and openess, I figured both were being pretty honest with each other and Akane when they did the jutsu exchange.

Sorry to throw so many quotes at you. And tbh fair, it was a long time ago.

She'd considered this. Offensive techniques that could be used against the group were, for obvious reasons, a bad idea. Defensive techniques were fine as long as they didn't counter the group's actual abilities (which meant, for example, that the Wind Wall Technique was right out). But best of all were utility techniques. A village which hadn't seen serious ninja vs ninja combat for a very long time would likely value them much more highly than the outside world did.

This first quote seems to point to Mari appreciating the jutsu as a utility Technique, which doesn't contradict you. It only later she realizes that the jutsu is important to Isan as more than keep temperature comfortable.

Takahashi's eyebrows rose. "I am a Wind Element user myself, and I know our ninjutsu library backwards, yet I have never seen anything like this. Yes, I would be grateful to learn the Zephyr's Reach. In fact, if an ability of that kind were combined with…"

I forgot about this particular bit, but seems important since he says he can teach EM later.

"Ah, yes. Well, I have given the matter some consideration. You have brought new ninjutsu to our village for the first time in centuries, and you and I are allies in a common cause. It is not something I would normally consider, but I believe I will teach you a ninjutsu unique to this village—it was invented by the Founder's master, and taught only to him, so nothing like it will exist in the outside world."

He turned to Akane, the intended student, and looked at her thoughtfully for a few seconds.

"A harsh winter is coming, and you must be prepared if you are to endure. Thus, I shall teach you… the Elemental Mastery Technique."

"So when you said a harsh winter was coming," Mari asked slowly, "you were being completely literal?"

Takahashi nodded. "Oh, yes. In a climate such as ours, a technique that raises or lowers the temperature of a room to comfortable levels is nothing short of invaluable. We teach the Elemental Mastery Technique to all our children as soon as they're ready to learn ninjutsu."

And he says once more he can teach the Elemental Mastery Technique and that all the children learn it. I assume he really does teach Akane himself and that many older ninja also teach the technique as well.
adding Ami is pretty controversial. asuma and shika are trying hard to keep OPSEC and prevent anyone from Leaf learning about EM. and they may fear what Ami will do with EM knowledge if Kei ever dies. but yeah she does bring a lot of optimization potential
[X] Training Plan: Hazou Notes
[X] Training Plan: Noburi Notes
[X] Training Plan: Akane Notes Plus Extra Ten Stat

[X] Action Plan: Answering Asuma

Given the recent statement about doing Nuke/Conclave plans in whichever order, I think I would prefer to address the Nuke plot thread right now, contiguous with the last chapter bringing it to the fore. I feel like we're in the somewhat tenuous position of juggling progress on three major plot threads at once, and would like to minimize the degree to which we jump about between them. Ideally this plan resolves the EM plot thread for the time being, allowing us to wrap up the Ami Necromancy plot thread and put all our focus on the Conclave plotline that will take up the majority of our attention in the upcoming months.
Here's 2 quotes from way back when. It was back on our first visit to Isan. It's possible he could have been talking the jutsu up, but I doubt it was entirely just a negotiation tactic or political talk. Maybe Mari let it slide thinking it was a good deal, but I figured Taka recognized he wouldn't be able to pull one over on her iirc as well.

He also mentioned they teach it to all their children. And Isan did seem pretty rough of a place to live in. So pretty believable.
It should be noted that Elemental Mastery was originally a nonelemental jutsu, usable by any ninja. It was changed to Fire Element in one of the system overhauls along the way, and I suppose those lines were never adjusted to account for that.
It should be noted that Elemental Mastery was originally a nonelemental jutsu, usable by any ninja. It was changed to Fire Element in one of the system overhauls along the way, and I suppose those lines were never adjusted to account for that.
You faflec'd!

I guess then it becomes a question of whether Isan's culture pushes everyone into learning EM regardless of affinity because due to Isan's location and climate.
it loops kei in and is a short timescale plan (giving us time for the conclave later) so
[x] Action Plan: Answering Asuma

Can you loop in Mari as well? And suggest kei bring out snowflake and asuma bring in the ANBU who know? I'd expect them to think of that themselves but high OPSEC -> few people -> simple mistakes get missed
in the principle of bringing more people in. i'd say bring in akane too. but i don't expect her to be much help, she didn't do much when we killed the kids (guessing she was moping instead). so i don't care about her as much as the others.

edit: looping akane in could also make her sad to hear about all the possible gruesome fates of isan. although her becoming sad could either cause good or bad outcomes in the end. a lot of uncertainty in the final consequences of that

IIRC, Asuma only offered to let us loop in Kei.

Posting this for now (thank you, @FaintlySorcerous for the help), likely to edit later with greater detail.

[x] Action Plan: Answering Asuma
  • Include Kei. Her input is invaluable, and we trust her to prioritise the safety of the world over her own feelings if necessary.
    • If permitted, also include Akane and/or Mari.
  • Suggestions, in no particular order:
    • Create a "superior" alternative to EM and release it in hopes it quickly out-competes normal EM.
      • Either a hacked version, or a seal(s).
    • Enter into some sort of exclusivity agreement with Isan.
      • Won't stop them from discovering the nuke themselves, but it will contain the threat (unless EM is stolen, but it's unlikely a priority for theft).
    • Use Isan's reverence (fear?) of Thinkers to put pressure on them not to spread EM.
      • Would need a good cover story for why using it is undesirable that prevents them from looking into EM more closely.
      • "It causes micro-shifts in the global chakra network that cause a build-up of bad luck concentrated around areas of use — you'll endanger the entire world if this jutsu spreads"?
    • Find a way to vassalise Isan.
      • "Create a looming threat and offer to make them a protectorate state"?
    • Inform Isan of the nuke, use our position of "game-theoretic-garunteed destruction if they defect but good faith of choosing to approach them instead of instantly alpha-striking" to get them to agree to a Thinker-designed set of treaties that will bind Leaf and Isan extremely tightly together and incentivise both parties to never defect.
It's based on what was said back in Chapter 43 : Assimilation.

From Mari and Takahashis interaction and openess, I figured both were being pretty honest with each other and Akane when they did the jutsu exchange.

Sorry to throw so many quotes at you. And tbh fair, it was a long time ago.

This first quote seems to point to Mari appreciating the jutsu as a utility Technique, which doesn't contradict you. It only later she realizes that the jutsu is important to Isan as more than keep temperature comfortable.

I forgot about this particular bit, but seems important since he says he can teach EM later.

And he says once more he can teach the Elemental Mastery Technique and that all the children learn it. I assume he really does teach Akane himself and that many older ninja also teach the technique as well.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but you're failing to comprehend that this is a hostile negotiation. Takahashi was very obviously bullshiting here. He's upselling their Thermostat no Jutsu as a viable trade jutsu when (he thinks) it's totally useless for combat. To them, it's pretty much the equivalent of the condense water cantrip.
Fork of @MadScientist's plan, with the major change being the removal of the game-theoretic coercion strategy; I find it impossible for Asuma to contemplate and it goes against the idea of preventing EM proliferation.

Other notable changes include recommending Summoner-induced pressure and removing the exclusivity agreement (already mentioned in the update).

EDIT: I have removed the mention of Thinkers from the general pool of suggestions; it likely gets into Thinker Clan Secret stuff that Shikamaru would be Annoyed by.

[x] Action Plan: Answering Asuma Modless
  • We recommend including Kei; her input is invaluable, and we trust her to prioritise the safety of the world over her own feelings if necessary.
    • Also include Akane and/or Mari, with permission.
  • Additional suggestions, in no particular order:
    • Create a "superior" alternative to EM and release it in hopes it quickly out-competes normal EM.
      • Either a hacked version, or a seal(s).
    • Use Isan's reverence (fear?) of Summoners to put pressure on them not to spread EM.
      • Would need a good cover story for why using it is undesirable that prevents them from looking into EM more closely.
      • "It causes micro-shifts in the global chakra network that cause a build-up of bad luck concentrated around areas of use — you'll endanger the entire world if this jutsu spreads"?
    • Find a way to vassalise Isan.
      • "Create a looming threat and offer to make them a protectorate state"?
  • Thought to share with Shikamaru/Kei, in private:
    • Isan seems to have a Thing about the Thinker Clans; is this something we can use?
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Would the Isanese use the new version of EM? They might want to preserve their customs and traditional ninjitsu. Especially hardcore traditionalists. Asuma might also not be impressed as it leaves behind too many loose ends and things to chance.

Also if Yuno and Noburi catches wind of Asuma's intentions.. there will be blood.
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