[X] Training Plan: Hazou Notes
[X] Training Plan: Noburi Notes
[X] Training Plan: Akane Notes Plus Extra Ten Stat
[X] Training Plan: Hazou Notes
[X] Training Plan: Noburi Notes
[X] Training Plan: Akane Notes Plus Extra Ten Stat

@Shrooms can you edit your action plan to specify that it should take place before the current conversation with Shika and Asuma?

@Paperclipped @eaglejarl @Velorien can you confirm that's a thing we can do?
This is impossible. Flat out. This is a level of surveillance that does not exist. We cannot monitor how much these ninja are training EM.
Sure we can. Just tail them constantly. It's not like spies don't exist for lesser reasons on lesser missions.

And if we don't know who has it or who's leveling it? We only have so much espionage power, we can't peer inside secret one-on-one meetings at AMITY to tell if any Cloud-nin bought the jutsu or not and we can't peer into Cloud to maintain the kind of surveillance needed to track individual Cloud-nin and their training schedules.

That's on us? We have spies that tell us all kind of info, but we can't see if someone's training EM? If it's this important?

It's existed as a utility jutsu of an isolationist clan without clanless ninja. The second that jutsu gets put in the hands of a ninjutsu spec that doesn't have anything better to level they'll find the battlefield control benefits, keep leveling it, and eventually kill themselves.

I don't see the issue tbh. If they kill themselves (which can only be done with the cold version which ISN'T the battlefield control one), then there's no propagation or world ending.

[X] Training Plan: Hazou Notes
[X] Training Plan: Noburi Notes
[X] Training Plan: Akane Notes Plus Extra Ten Stat
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[X] Training Plan: Hazou Notes
[X] Training Plan: Noburi Notes
[X] Training Plan: Akane Notes Plus Extra Ten Stat
Accounted for it this time but imo we should have Hazou using his full 1.8x until the Conclave is over
Except when we're multithreading seal research - banging out Macerators 3.0, Goo Bombs, and maybe Something Else (TM) (darkness seals? What sort of combat scenarios seem Very Bad for us right now, and how can a seal fix it?) seems smart.

Does doing them one at a time make more sense than multithreading?
Rocket boots are a +8 if Hazou makes them

multithreading easy seals makes sense to me
We should try to get that going if we're balls to the wall on Shadow Clone again. My only concern would have been XP loss etc. but having the seals available Now so we can start practicing with them or finding neat synergies or whatever makes sense.

Do we need to specify what we're looking for with Macerators 3.0, or can we just say 'bigger, faster, and blastier'?
[X] Action Plan: Preventing Another Apocalypse
Word Count
: 275


Prevent proliferation and experimentation of Elemental Mastery.

Incentivize neglect and a dismissive perception of Elemental Mastery (EM) in favor of seals that replicate the effects. Seal variants should greatly discourage any notion of experimentation, which appeals to Isanese culture.

Make EM seal variants seem like a much more elegant tool than jutsu counterparts.

Maintain Opsec of EM capabilities.

Dont reveal Harumitsu's Seal without his input.


  • ( Create a Cover Story) Isan has done well with trading with the outside world by trading jutsu, but there's lost opertunity there. Why not make it so that EM was a seal instead and traded in recurring purchases? Perhaps a Isan-Leaf Seal trade or bank would be appropriate? This would benefit Leaf and Isan long term as well As Takahashi and the Yoshida.

  • Get Takahashi and the Yoshida on board. Takahashi might want a Tower Seal setup and the Yoshida might want first dibs on the seals Leaf provides as well as the benefits of a seal bank for internal Isanese use. Goketsu can provide guidance here.

Olive branch:

  • Harumitsu has a cooling seal that could replace mild EM usage for lower temperatures. Speak with the Hagaromo and Harumitsu on joining the trade so as not to cut them out.
  • (Mentally) Show Asuma your attempt to build bridges with even the Hags for this while creating a wedge in the Hagaromo conservative block. Also provides Haru with some prestige and influence.
  • Negotiate resources, provide guidance, benefits, use cases, and be open to criticism or alternatives.
  • Emphasize that this would help generate extra revenue for Leaf and could build good will with an ally if Hagoromo plays hardball.
Figure that while a jutsu trade would be a good solution, ideally we would want to get from as far away as possible from any reminders of EM in its jutsu form as possible. I figures seals would be suitable as a deterrent from any tinkering while simultaneously allowing Isan to profit from a long term revenue stream better than selling jutsu scrolls. Should be a money maker for Goketsu and the Hags too. Other than that, I do want boost Harumitsu's profile here as well.
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( Create a Cover Story) Isan has done well with trading with the outside world by trading jutsu, but there's lost opertunity there. Why not make it so that EM was a seal instead and traded in recurring purchases? Perhaps a Isan-Leaf Seal trade or bank would be appropriate? This would benefit Leaf and Isan long term as well As Takahashi and the Yoshida.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped As a high-level sealmaster, Hazou should have an idea of how difficult a project this is. How long would it take for him to develop such a seal?
Could you expand on that? I don't understand the question.
I assume @Paperclipped would write the follow up to the last chapter, which would be the end of the Asuma/Shika meeting. That would be one plan, and whoever is next in line (you or @Velorien) would write the other plan. So we have two plans this cycle.
Sure we can. Just tail them constantly. It's not like spies don't exist for lesser reasons on lesser missions.
Sure we can [do impossible thing] just do [another impossible thing].

We do not have that surveillance capability. No one does! Like what the fuck do you think spies do? They do not follow their targets around 24/7 for years at a time. We would need literally one spy for every person we suspect might learn EM. A technique that, may I point out, 1/5 of all ninja can learn! Leaf doesn't have that many ninja. Leaf especially doesn't have that many infiltration specs that can live in a hostile foreign village forever since once the target learns the jutsu, the spy could never leave, lest their target take up a sudden interest.

Tbh this is such a bad take I'm not sure if you're trolling.

( Create a Cover Story) Isan has done well with trading with the outside world by trading jutsu, but there's lost opertunity there. Why not make it so that EM was a seal instead and traded in recurring purchases? Perhaps a Isan-Leaf Seal trade or bank would be appropriate? This would benefit Leaf and Isan long term as well As Takahashi and the Yoshida.
Seals are a crappy excuse for justu to most ninja. I don't think they'd be interested tbh. This is supposed to be better and jutsu are better than seals to most ninja.

Also for jutsu where you never level it past 10 and get the full benefit. Jutsu are better. So they're not wrong.
Today's act of faflec.
Correcting a confusion that was happening in Discord:

Isan has 500 people total. Of those, 400 are ninja.

The confusion is on the QMs. Isan originally had 100 people, of whom 80 were ninja. We retconned that up when we started thinking about inbreeding, and wanted to be clear that the ninja population stayed proportional.
I see your act of Faflec and I raise you an act of Faflec

EDIT: Your quote was posted in 2016 but last edited in 2020, I suspect when Vel edited the post in 2020 he swapped the numbers for ninja and civvies. It really was originally 80/20 ninja/civvies.
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As a high-level sealmaster, Hazou should have an idea of how difficult a project this is. How long would it take for him to develop such a seal?
We know that Harumitsu, budding research sealmaster, was able to accomplish part of this. As a practical matter we just need to make the inverse of his seal and then we're set. Heck, it's possible we could even delegate this, or that the kid already has it on the books.

The issue is flooding the market to a point where this becomes an appreciable factor. Why would Isan buy our seals (or even produce them in large enough numbers that EM goes out of style) when they already have EM and can use it costlessly? Our seals aren't better. Seals only compete with jutsu for us because they're so cheap - we have Explosives: Yes in our inventory. For most people, if you have to choose between using a seal or using a jutsu you already know, you're going to use the jutsu because it's free.
Do we need to specify what we're looking for with Macerators 3.0, or can we just say 'bigger, faster, and blastier'?
There are a few bonuses we could ask for (Make it a +6 instead of +3, or have the +3 bonus apply to adjacent zones as well as the user's zone, etc.) but I think it's better just to specify how we're actually improving the seal. And yeah just making them much faster is probably our best move.
Actually it doesn't have to cost us any time. Since when we push for ES 50 we will be able to immediately move into resolve 60 since we have over 100 Nara training jutsu saved up
It only slows down the acquisition of ES 50, it shouldn't slow down FOOM since within a detour you can mostly do things in any order. But I think the first thing is the thing people are hung up on. I also want ES 50 ASAP, but it's fine. Shouldn't take very long to nab it now that we're FOOMing again.

For 'optimal' FOOM, Hazou's next purchase needs to be a 20 (probably either Rapport or Substitution). Then Physique 30 is free from pang XP. Then Calligraphy is bumped to 40, and then ES is bumped to 50, and then Resolve is bumped to 60 (and then 68.)

We may wind up boosting both Rapport and Sub for the Conclave though.

edit: i keep forgetting moving up physique is one less 20, so we actually need 2 20s, which I suppose will be both Rapport and Substitution. Then some 10s. I'd say the med stats just so we can get that free XP too + maybe biosealing down the line.
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I'm suggesting that we say something like 'oh, we came up with this technique we were always planning on releasing, we just found out that you taught it to Akane, because of this unfortunate coincidence we want to offer you SOME_RECOMPENSE as you can no longer make any money from EM as we're releasing our superior version for free'.

The last thing we want is Isan to get upset over EM. This smooths things out.
Right, but this tells Isan that elemental mastery is a nuke. Why would they ever stop keeping it in their back pockets now?

We're a conspiracy, we want to solve this with as few people involved as possible. My way solves the EM issue without alerting an existing power bloc that they're sitting on nukes. If we tell Isan this they will instantly turn against us lmfao.

Why wouldn't they? They'll have learned that they're actually one of the strongest forces in the world, given 6 months.