Personally i would appreciate talk Mari/Kei about the possible Yamanaka resolve jutsu, find out if it exists, how could we obtain it.
I'd expect them to be like "you'd know as much or better than us" but we could still ask them about how to sus such a thing out without being slimy

Cuz from our meta standpoint we are just trying to acquire more helpful stuff but in-universe trying to get such a thing from Hazou's gf's clan... whoof
I strongly encourage, prior to offering the Aburame help with lenses, to consider how they might respond to this. Do they respect the Merchant Council? Will they dislike our avoiding involving civilians in their production?
I like the plan, especially because we're trying to see what resources the Arachnid have and if they can help, in fact, i would suggest to change it from "Jutsu" to "Jutsu or other resources". The Toads for example know Sage Mode, and there could be something helpful for us with the Arachnids that isn't a jutsu.
Sure can do

Personally i would appreciate talk Mari/Kei about the possible Yamanaka resolve jutsu, find out if it exists, how could we obtain it. It would be easiest way to improve FOOM we just never even started investigating it.

Mind telling me what your referring to cause can't remember?
What do you mean with "Naruto would be willing to come over" do you mean live in the estate?

Meant visit us at the estate to talk about necromancy

Also the FOOM situation, did enough time pass? Should we find a FOOM safely regardless of the ANBU survelliance?
Sure will add it to the misc section
With great thanks to @Paperclipped who did all the work of verifying that Noburi could do it, verifying that there was enough koi chakra available, rewrote the beginning part to account for Noburi summoning the sages one after the other with a refill in between, and generally making this cut'n'paste easy for me.
Given that this happened, can we get costs for Ma and Pa in Noburi's character sheet?
Given that this happened, can we get costs for Ma and Pa in Noburi's character sheet?
IIRC, this was already asked, and the answer was no? Though, considering that it drained all of Noburi's chakra, the koi pond, and he still had to borrow some from Yuno (possibly overdrawing in the process), we might be able to make a rough estimate.
[X] Action Plan: N is for never ever accept death, E is for everyone...
  • Optimize all with Kei and Mari.
    • Ask if contracts etc. would be useful with Ami. (Nara lawyers writing documents, pinkie swears, Mist oaths, etc.)
  • Ami
    • High-opsec environment.
    • If Ami agrees to the "perfectly sensible conditions" we discussed with Kei then read her in on Necromancy
    • No filters: explain exactly what happened, from the opening of the Rift to present day. Be detailed, let her ask questions.
      • Display full trust: she's promised not use any of this unless she would have found out about it naturally.
    • Our overarching goal is and always has been Uplift.
      • From our discussions with Kei (apologize to her again) it seems that bringing Jiraiya back might not advance that goal as much as we thought.
    • What does she recommend we do between now and opening the Rift?
    • Does she know of any related or useful lore?
    • What questions should we be asking her which we aren't?
    • We're glad we can tell you.
  • Noburi
    • You can Summon Ma and/or Pa now. Do you think it's worth asking them if they'd keep teaching Naruto their secret martial art?
      • Good way to reach out to Naruto and build positive connections with Ma and Pa.
      • We'd ask Naruto to defray the cost of the chakra.
      • Ideally we'd also get to meet Ma and Pa: we'd like to hear any stories they have about Jiraiya.
    • If Noburi thinks this is a good idea, have him arrange it.
      • If that goes well, can he invite Naruto over to the estate for dinner sometime? Hazo doesn't have to be there, but Goketsu would like to work with Uzumaki.
  • Misc
    • if it seems safe/interesting, make Orochimaru's egg custard.
    • Continue working on the estate and begin chakrascope research.
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Hazō (Calligraphy): 35 + 3 (IN) + 3 = 41
Hazō (Sealing): 48 + 22 (SSA) + 8 (invoke "Promising Sealing Student") + 8 (invoke "Following the Fourth's Notes") - 6 = 80
Hazō is out of Fate Points!

In an incredible two research days, punctuated only by yet more reality-splitting (no, wait, just head-splitting) headaches, Hazō has finished the third seal in the jinchūriki seal chain. Though the breakneck pace can feel dangerous at times with the speed at which he scribes prototypes, Hazō is emboldened by the journals of the Fourth Hokage that he is referencing. Those journals tell the tale of another man working at a similarly breakneck pace, though to what end is still unclear. Examining the next seal's research notes with his hard-fought understanding from his progress so far and his previous work, he has a sense for what the fourth chain seal does.

Namely, he's quite confident that the next seal (and possibly some future seals that build on it) are related to chakra-sensing. Hazō thinks he will benefit from his previous work on chakdar. Likewise, Kagome says that his own previous experiences with the chakrascope seal were helpful when he was working on this seal, and continue to be helpful even onto the fifth seal that Kagome is currently working on. Hazō thinks this seal is well within his capabilities (chūnin), but he could still improve his prospects by finishing chakdar v2 (chūnin) or working on Kagome's chakrascope seal (genin).
Hello everyone, please note that sealing research rolls have been added into the update, along with some in-character commentary.
[X] Action Plan: N is for never ever accept death, E is for everyone...
Hazō (Calligraphy): 35 + 3 (IN) + 3 = 41
Hazō (Sealing): 48 + 22 (SSA) + 8 (invoke "Promising Sealing Student") + 8 (invoke "Following the Fourth's Notes") - 6 = 80
Hazō is out of Fate Points!

In an incredible two research days, punctuated only by yet more reality-splitting (no, wait, just head-splitting) headaches, Hazō has finished the third seal in the jinchūriki seal chain. Though the breakneck pace can feel dangerous at times with the speed at which he scribes prototypes, Hazō is emboldened by the journals of the Fourth Hokage that he is referencing. Those journals tell the tale of another man working at a similarly breakneck pace, though to what end is still unclear. Examining the next seal's research notes with his hard-fought understanding from his progress so far and his previous work, he has a sense for what the fourth chain seal does.

Namely, he's quite confident that the next seal (and possibly some future seals that build on it) are related to chakra-sensing. Hazō thinks he will benefit from his previous work on chakdar. Likewise, Kagome says that his own previous experiences with the chakrascope seal were helpful when he was working on this seal, and continue to be helpful even onto the fifth seal that Kagome is currently working on. Hazō thinks this seal is well within his capabilities (chūnin), but he could still improve his prospects by finishing chakdar v2 (chūnin) or working on Kagome's chakrascope seal (genin).
@FaintlySorcerous I'm starting to wonder if it would be worth detouring to finish v2 chakdar before starting the next seal in the chain. Certainly we would want to detour as we progress to the later part of the chain, so it might be a good idea to do it early and get that bonus + upgraded chakdar.
We should do the chakrascope and then Chakradar v2, in case the former provides additional veterancy for the latter.

...In either case we should definitely wait to have at least a couple FP.
But we're not burning FP for safety. We're burning them for speed since we aren't using them on calligraphy
I don't mean to burn them, I mean to have them in case we roll another -12 on callig. Sealing's not the limitting factor for chakradar, and IIRC we're one roll away from getting it done anyway, so...
Good news we can buy another point of calligraphy now

[X] training Hazou: Calligraphy
Calligraphy 36
Save 23 XP
[X] Action Plan: I Spy(glass)...Custard?
[X] training Hazou: Calligraphy

We're out of FP. So we should start by researching chakrascope first, then work on chakdar as long we have FP or Hazo thinks it's safe enough.
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[X] Action Plan: The real cool stuff where the friends we made along the way
[X] Action Plan: N is for never ever accept death, E is for everyone...
Invoking whatever contractual tradition makes the most sense (Nara lawyers write a document, pinkie swear, swearing on Kei's life, etc.)
I suggest not touching that with a ten-foot-pole. It also seems rude to Kei, and like it'd prompt a discussion about how swearing on another's life is an agency violation or something. (Also, if we succeed at resurrection, this condition's graveness may fall down sharply, possible leading to unexpected behavior.)

... Actually, I'd suggest no documents either. Detailed legalese will probably be full of holes, and being "playful" by supplying it may prompt Ami to "playfully" find and exploit said holes, in a way she wouldn't if it's just a good-faith verbal agreement. KISS, etc.
What questions should we be asking her which we aren't?
Good one.
Just a FYI I was just messing with the vote tally and noticed that people who voted for two plans were not voting for them both separately but a plan with both names. To get it to work had to run it with divide vote with line's selected
[X] training Hazou: Calligraphy
[X] Action Plan: The real cool stuff where the friends we made along the way

Continue working on the estate and studying Minato's seals.
Would like to research chakrascope and chakdar 2.0 next since it's efficient. I suggest chakrascope since we don't need FP for it, and then when we have 2 or so, finish chakdar 2.0