Just had a neat idea on discord!

Bulk Ninja Transit: a solution to merchants dying on major trade routes

So one thing we've seen through the quest is merchants: ordinary civilians with a wagon full of goods moving from place to place to try and earn a living. It's hard work and high-risk because this world is full of ravenous monsters a merchant has no hope of defeating. We know that sometimes a merchant will hire a ninja escort for high-value cargo (see that one interlude with the meat merchant) but many are just hoping they don't roll snakeeyes that particular trip.

So why do civilian merchants need to travel anyways? Well, most goods aren't high-value cargo and even a genin escort is too much to ask, so the only way the merchant gets enough profit margin to survive is if they make the trip themselves. But what if a bunch of merchants all cooperated to buy the missions at once?

A properly-equipped ninja can hold a basically arbitrary amount of cargo (the requisite storage seals can be provided by us if needbe) so one genin can carry the cargo of, say, twenty traveling merchants as easily as one. The genin can travel at ninja speeds, with a ninja's ability to survive ordinary chakra beasts that would kill any ordinary trader. Ultimately there's one major problem: without the merchant making it to the other end of the journey, who sells the goods?

So here's my idea: we have two groups of merchants, one on either side, and they enter into a fixed agreement in advance. Group A in Leaf negotiates with Group B in Tanzaku Gai and forms a contract: Group A sends goods over for Group B to sell, Group B sends other goods back for Group A to sell, this goes back and forth for a certain amount of time until the contract gets renegotiated.

While it is not untrue that each group is trusting that the other group won't just run off with their goods, a proper legal contract with a ninja around to enforce fair play leaves precious few opportunities to pull a fast one. There are likely other edge cases to consider, but if we're dealing in proper contracts there's plenty of room to add clauses for them as we finalize the idea.

Ultimately what this needs to happen is for someone to a) provide a sufficient amount of storage seals, and b) organize the civilians on both ends of the route. Ultimately this will reduce civilian mortalities and boost economic productivity, and I don't think it will even cost more ninja manpower than normal because ninja are already getting hired as escorts for missions like these, this will just magnify the scope of those missions so they help a ton of merchants instead of just one. Kei and Shikamaru, with their logisitics skills, will be the perfect avenue to run this idea, with us providing the excess storage seals.

Sorry, forgot that part. Do we have 8 total or does that include the whole "Not in the room part"?
The 8 are not in the room.

What the fuck happened to Ebisu!?
He died.

While I don't like the Hagoromo, this was honestly a dick move on Hazō's part. Knowing ninja life expectancies, Hogoromo's dad probably died in service to Leaf, and besides that destroying something that you know likely has sentimental value to someone is the kind of thing only a bully does. Hazō was a serious asshole right here.
What makes you think that Hazō knew the significance of the knife?
Yeah, it's kind of a low blow. We'll have to give an apology and weregild as the Hokage ordered, but maybe see if we can get the scraps reforged into a new knife as well? Could backfire, so might want to check with Mari on it.

The thing I hate most of all is that Hazō bullying someone worked out in his favor. We're barely getting a slap on the wrist. I fully support reforging Hagoromo's knife *with the real pieces* and giving it back to him.
Maybe we can do that thing where you repair a broken item using gold to fill in the cracks? Quick google search says it is called Kintsugi. Ritsuo has been shown to be a huge bigot, and they have been appropriately cowed. If all we do is continue to pit ourselves against them, they are going to resort to extreme measures.

Also, they insulted Kei in front of Ami. We don't need to do anything else, the problem will be taken care of.
Yeah that is the thing that killed the idea dead on the water, the eledgible bachelors we have are ROCK LEE and sasuke. And this would break rule 1.

Regarding the knife, ritsuo was kinda retard, one of the leaf top sealmasters know for making extremely lethal seals was demonstrated a suposed S rank killer blane net. WHAT HE EXPECTED?
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Maybe we can do that thing where you repair a broken item using gold to fill in the cracks? Quick google search says it is called Kintsugi.
Probably not. For a precious vase, sure. For a knife, eeeeeh. Gold is bad at stuff like not bending and staying sharp. Also, normally the gold highlights a running crack, but here the knife is somewhere between cleanly sliced and puréed, which would, as far as I understand it, make it somewhere between "not respecting the aesthetic and idea at all" and "physically impossible". Kintsugi highlights the fact it was once broken as an important part of the object's (hi)story. It shows a scar and turns the imperfection into beauty. Clean slices have a bad "imperfection" outlook, and you really don't want Hagoromo to think about that event everyday for the rest of his (short, considering he just insulted Kei again) life.
[] future plan: keep our eyes open and rob some poor fool blind.

  • sanity chek whit the usual lot
  • propose to Asuma:
  1. he use of engraved etching as an anti-counterfeit measure, makes the safeguard of the original plates a top priority
  2. Whit leaf's trade likely to increase, we want to cement our fiat currency "leafbucks" as the preferred trading currency in the new alliance; this will not only give us the knowledge of exactly how much money is in circulation but also make the merchants believe we are the most stable of all the elemental nations macking us a natural hub for inter-village trading on top of our central position in the continent
  3. we could further incentivize the use of leafbucks by giving small discounts for transactions performed primarily in them.
  4. revisiting taxing laws to ensure an optimal point between the towers cut and the profit independent merchants make, taxes too high mean lower income overall.
  5. now that our ninja force is so greatly reduced and whit the influx of money, ninja lives are our most valuable commodity so it is worth it to invest in a fund for better clanless' equipment, given that they are going to be the ones primarily patrolling the new silk route and wrangling the foreign civilians, projecting an image of force is well worth the price. check whit Kei
  6. Conversely, other villages are going to have their Ryo be comparatively cheaper we (as in the gouketsu) could make a killing by money changing theirs for leafbucks, then melt it for gold. Sanity check whit Mari whether or not we should keep this secret from Asuma.
7. if yes:​
  • We could then use all that gold for crafting baubles for the new rich or store it to make piping once we figure that out.
  • Optionally, crash the gold market if the wakahisha are ever a problem.
7. if no: This also would make leaf currency more valuable, given that village in question would no longer have the gold reserves to mint more, having to adopt leafbucks for day-to-day transactions until they have their own fiat currency. Repeat for other villages. they will eventually catch up and change to fiat, but ours will have a headstart.​
thoughts? is this likely to blow up in our faces?​
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Ok, so things to vel wirthe.
1- Victory party with Ami and Kei, Ami pulled off would peace, she do deserve it.
2- Go to Kei's the clan (dammit Ami) compound and pay respects to their dead, the deaths of the jounins and spec where truly a lost for the clanless ninja, hazou did respect Ebisu.
For those thinking we can repair Hagoromo's knife, why do you think we would be allowed to have the fragments? He's going to want them back and Hazou would never get a chance to hold it. With how terrible the relations are, any attempt to fix things after that bit of disrespect would be seen as more disrespect. There's no way to really go back and undo it, no way to really make up for it.

If Hazou is truly contrite, he can pay a bigger weregild. Otherwise leave it alone and pay a regular weregild.
We could tell him that the knife can be repaired with earthshape and leave at that.
Purely by feeling bad for damaging a memento from a father to a son.
For those thinking we can repair Hagoromo's knife, why do you think we would be allowed to have the fragments? He's going to want them back and Hazou would never get a chance to hold it. With how terrible the relations are, any attempt to fix things after that bit of disrespect would be seen as more disrespect. There's no way to really go back and undo it, no way to really make up for it.

If Hazou is truly contrite, he can pay a bigger weregild. Otherwise leave it alone and pay a regular weregild.
Maybe Hazou could pull a Shallan and create art of someone as they could be rather than as they are/were. Make a sculpture of Ritsuo's dad idk feeding the poor or something. Try to encourage whatever good tendencies may exist (if any, amirite)
In an unprecedented act of political maneuvering, a Mist jōnin has renationalized herself to Leaf, although I think that point may have been elided.

Is anyone going to talk about this?

I mean, it was an amazing chapter, and that was a rather offhand statement buried in the midst of a great deal of awesomeness and very important information, but it's also something very noteworthy that I'd have expected the Hivemind to be more exuberant about.
What are the odds hag gave us a random knife, expecting what we planned to do, and then used it as a pretense to make a fuss to get us in trouble? Mind, it was quite a performance if not true, but it is a possible answer to the question 'Well what did he think we were going to do with it?' Maybe check with harumitsu?