[X] Action Plan: Business and Pleasure

Given that we no longer need to manually uncap NPC skills, I am removing this plan.

Word count: <300
  • Celebrate Snowflake's birthday (on/offscreen per QM spoons).
  • Snowflake:
    • You're reluctant to create two discontinuous Snowflakes.
      • If you aren't comfortable, don't do it. We respect your boundaries with or without explanation.
      • This new plan allows for 12 hours of freedom immediately, with more coming.
  • Kei:
    • Suggestions for building resiliency (uncapping Resolve).
      • This sort of thing is important for the training plan. These are suggestions - please discard them if you don't like them.
    • Attempt physical closeness: holding hands, sitting near etc. Tenten or Snowflake.
    • Discuss emotionally challenging topics: burdens of leadership, grieving losses, anger and frustration (generalized or directed).
      • Try to discuss feelings without rationalization or justification. 'When I experience [situation], I feel [emotion] because [violated expectation/value/core belief].'
    • Both simultaneously?
    • Offer to help create a safe space - snacks, privacy, Akane/Hazo's presence/absence?
      • Ask Ino how the Yamanaka create environments to facilitate emotional discussions.
  • Gaku (offscreen):
    • We need stone.
      • Provide reasons and specifications. Describe the Great Seal's stone and the surrounding area.
      • Please reach out to merchants, geologists, anyone you think could help. We're looking for samples.
    • Please collate as much geometry and geology knowledge as you can without seriously denting the budget. Have summaries written if possible.
    • Does Tsunade run an aid organization? If so, where does she get her clerks? Does she need more?
      • If so, could we encourage excellent GED graduates to go work for her, or increase GED output and direct them to her?
  • Offscreen:
    • Continue work on Air Tunnel Seal.
    • Experiment with anything we can earthshape. See if you can alter things to create a more suitable medium. What are the tradeoffs (smoothness lowers density, etc.)?
    • Ask Kei to speak to Pangolin engineers/masons - have they seen similar material? Samples of 7th path stone?
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  • Largely joking: this is Ami-style training.

Nobody calles it Ami-style training in-univserse. That joke is going to sound to Kei as if were proposing seduction and infiltration training with her.

You could call it Lee or Gai like training, at least this implies some form of humour.

  • We need stone.
    • Provide specifications and reason - Great Seal. Describe the stone the Great Seal is made of and the surrounding area.
    • Please reach out to merchants, geologists, and anyone you think could help. We're looking for samples.
  • Please also find us copies of geometry and geology books and have summaries written if possible.

Leaf is the only place with a known printing press, so even if books and scroll on the topic exist, what quality do you expect to exist in 12th century magic japan with a few million people?

I am not saying this can't be part of the plan but:

Also ask the summoning clans and Earth-ninjutsu creators about information. Dogs for example have a Metal element. Maybe they inherited something that created that structure?

If the Great Seal-rock is 100% artifical magic rock or partially made out of chakra metal, then just hunting for normal geology is not going to cut it.

Kei even has a combat engineer (she is a religious asshole), maybe just talk to the combat engineer corps or whatever they call it.

We are trying to figure out how a magic gigantic stone with funny stone parts is causing space-time-magic-realm nonsense.
Leaf is the only place with a known printing press, so even if books and scroll on the topic exist, what quality do you expect to exist in 12th century magic japan with a few million people?
Updated (shortly) to 'treatises', or perhaps 'knowledge'.

Regardless, I hear your point and agree it's important.)
Nobody calles it Ami-style training in-univserse. That joke is going to sound to Kei as if were proposing seduction and infiltration training with her.
I removed the joke for wordcount.
Kei even has a combat engineer (she is a religious asshole), maybe just talk to the combat engineer corps or whatever they call it.

We are trying to figure out how a magic gigantic stone with funny stone parts is causing space-time-magic-realm nonsense.
Pangolin stone might be very useful, actually. Maybe the 7th Path has a different sort of rock that's great for 3D sealing.

I'll see if I can squeeze it in.
These both seem like nice fun plans that aren't trying to take advantage of our relationship with Shika to learn shit he very clearly doesn't want us to know
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[X] Action Plan: Business and Pleasure

Word count: <300
  • Celebrate Snowflake's birthday (on/offscreen per QM spoons).
  • Snowflake:
    • You're reluctant to create two discontinuous Snowflakes.
      • If you aren't comfortable, don't do it. We respect your boundaries with or without explanation.
      • This new plan allows for 12 hours of freedom immediately, with more coming.
  • Kei:
    • Suggestions for building resiliency (uncapping Resolve).
      • This sort of thing is important for the training plan. These are suggestions - please discard them if you don't like them.
    • Attempt physical closeness: holding hands, sitting near etc. Tenten or Snowflake.
    • Discuss emotionally challenging topics: burdens of leadership, grieving losses, anger and frustration (generalized or directed).
      • Try to discuss feelings without rationalization or justification. 'When I experience [situation], I feel [emotion] because [violated expectation/value/core belief].'
    • Both simultaneously?
    • Offer to help create a safe space - snacks, privacy, Akane/Hazo's presence/absence?
      • Ask Ino how the Yamanaka create environments to facilitate emotional discussions.
  • Gaku (offscreen):
    • We need stone.
      • Provide reasons and specifications. Describe the Great Seal's stone and the surrounding area.
      • Please reach out to merchants, geologists, anyone you think could help. We're looking for samples.
    • Please collate as much geometry and geology knowledge as you can without seriously denting the budget. Have summaries written if possible.
    • Does Tsunade run an aid organization? If so, where does she get her clerks? Does she need more?
      • If so, could we encourage excellent GED graduates to go work for her, or increase GED output and direct them to her?
  • Offscreen:
    • Continue work on Air Tunnel Seal.
    • Experiment with anything we can earthshape. See if you can alter things to create a more suitable medium. What are the tradeoffs (smoothness lowers density, etc.)?
    • Ask Kei to speak to Pangolin engineers/masons - have they seen similar material? Samples of 7th path stone?
Nontrivial updates made. @ContextBot, I think I addressed all your comments.

There's still some word count and I'm largely flexible on content.

@Velorien and @eaglejarl - if we provide NPCs whose training we control with plans which require they unlock skills, will they go and do things to unlock the skills independently, or do we need to specify unlock activities in plans? Or will this run on a case-by-case basis with a preference on your end for plans where we make suggestions for uncap activities because it lightens your workload?

I join the chorus of 'please, do not attempt to level deceit by attempting to squirrel information that our friend and comrade in arms has made clear he does not wish to share with us (potentially because it could be very dangerous for us to know!) without his consent'. If we succeed and he later finds out that we tricked him, we've damaged that relationship - probably quite severely. And I think he's going to find out eventually.

[x] Definitely Not Sealing Research
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[x] Definitely Not Sealing Research
  • Snowflake's Present
    • Purchase samples of different minerals/crystals.
    • Use Earthshaping to create a thematically appropriate friendship bracelet.
      • Also check the materials for 3D sealing purity.
    • If no material works, use contrasting black and white stone instead.
  • Party Time
    • Focus on activities that Snowflake has shown interest in.
    • Run interference between Mari and Kei/Ami if Mari is present if required.
    • Compliment Snowflake's appearance in an appropriate manner.
  • Making The Rounds
    • Socialize with the guests.
    • Set up emergency plans to evacuate or fetch help with Noburi's help.
  • Following Days
    • Meet with Shikamaru to discuss Rock Annihilation Strategies, high OPSEC.
      • We are currently researching a series of seals that will allow us to destroy sections of Rock at distance (Suborbital strikes).
      • Shikaku once told us to come up with countermeasures before releasing WMDs.
      • We have preliminary ideas for protecting Leaf from this type of attack (Skyslicer nets, 5SB shields).
      • Could he provide his analysis regarding topics of concern.
        • Do not say that Kei asked to spare some Tama.
    • Spare one Shadow Clone to aid with seal research.
      • Finish Air Tunnels.
      • If time and ability permits, begin ARS research.
  • Misc
    • Geometry
      • Have Gaku purchase available Geometry books.
      • Check if the Nara are willing to sell/teach to the Goketsu.
    • Geology
      • Collate all known and suspected information on the GS material.
      • Ask Leaf masons/geologist/Earth elementalist and allied Summon Clans if they know of it or something similar.
Now with shapes and rocks. Willing to take suggestions.
Continue work on Air Tunnel Seal.
Reminder that I went over the math of aerial bombardment, and Air Tunnel seals did not seem to matter very much for its effectiveness.

It seems possible that you could make use of (a variety of) this seal for something more interesting, like seal all the air in a small area, then release that air gradually over time, such that if placed next to a surface it can create a pressure differential that can directly be used to generate thrust, so I don't want to say you shouldn't develop the seal, I just want to say that I disagree with the specific reason that IIUC is its current motivation.

Thanks. Some notes.
  1. Storage seals store 100kg max, so that's 432 storage seals worth of granite. Possible, sure, and quite realistically, but it's worth noting the effort it would require.
  2. 12 km is higher than a normal person can breathe unassisted, likely you'd have to do it lower.
  3. Terminal velocity for that object using your numbers and this calculator for laziness is ~500m/s, and could be easily increased above that by rounding the edges.
  4. This will be a pain to aim.
Overall I see little reason you'd need the seal for speed, since the resulting velocity when dropped from that height or lower is unlikely to be changed by a great factor, and you could just make up the difference with a bigger payload. I do however see why you might use the seal to prevent the projectile from breaking up against the air.

Good points!

  1. Yes. It's possible to make much larger single use seals, but those would require further research. It'll take some effort with our current resources but as you said, it's still realistically done.
  2. Regular Tunneler's Friends can allow us to breathe that high up.
  3. Without any air resistance, we reach 485 m/s, so it's not possible that we reach 500 m/s with air resistance edit: at the same height. We would have to go even higher than the 12 km to reach terminal velocity, at which point the Air Tunnel seals would provide an even larger velocity.
  4. If you stick Air Tunnel seals on the sides too, you don't have to worry about drift due to the wind. Just have to be very careful about going straight up. Can test your aim by sticking an Air Tunnel seal around a rock, dropping it, and seeing if it lands on target.

The point is that if you're not limited by terminal velocity, air tunnel seals only are a marginal benefit. Thus there's not much need to invent them.

@Paperclipped is right that because this is a kinetic weapon, it's going to be very good at penetration compared to similar yield explosives. The problem is that this is the entirely of the damage it will do, straight down in one small spot. It is like we'd be shooting Rock with a bullet, not throwing them a grenade. This means the accuracy we need in order to do enough damage to justify the investment is extremely high. Carpet bombing with bullets is infeasible.

I'm not convinced you can just Tunneler's Friend the breathing problem away given it's an air pressure problem. You need, I would think, concentrated oxygen. Climbing quickly exaggerates the adaptation problem. Climbing slowly is infeasible due to resource and safety constraints.

Reminder that I went over the math of aerial bombardment, and Air Tunnel seals did not seem to matter very much for its effectiveness.

It seems possible that you could make use of (a variety of) this seal for something more interesting, like seal all the air in a small area, then release that air gradually over time, such that if placed next to a surface it can create a pressure differential that can directly be used to generate thrust, so I don't want to say you shouldn't develop the seal, I just want to say that I disagree with the specific reason that IIUC is its current motivation.
I disagree with that math. Drag coefficients increase as you approach and pass the speed of sound, something that the calculator you use says. The unassisted terminal velocity is lower than the stated 500 m/s and I don't see any actual calculations for what it would actually be. Furthermore, you claim that we would be unable to operate at 12 km of altitude, while failing to acknowledge that for the unassisted projectile to reach terminal velocity, it would have to be dropped from even higher than that altitude.
Furthermore, you claim that we would be unable to operate at 12 km of altitude, while failing to acknowledge that for the unassisted projectile to reach terminal velocity, it would have to be dropped from even higher than that altitude.
I did not fail to acknowledge that. I don't understand why you bring it up, since it supports my point. (TBH I'm really not motivated to rehash this conversation. The answer seems hugely overdetermined.)
[X] Action Plan: Definitely Another Normal Birthday
Words: 298
  • Snowflake:
    • You're reluctant to create two discontinuous Snowflakes.
      • If you aren't comfortable, don't do it. We respect your boundaries with or without explanation.
      • This new plan allows for 12 hours of freedom immediately, with more coming.
  • Celebrate Snowflake's birthday (on/offscreen per QM spoons).
  • Following Days
    • Meet with Shikamaru to discuss Rock Strategies, high OPSEC.
      • We are currently considering researching a series of seals to allow us to destroy sections of Rock at distance (Suborbital strikes).
      • Shikaku once told us to come up with countermeasures before releasing WMDs.
      • We have preliminary ideas for protecting Leaf from this type of attack (Skyslicer nets, 5SB shields, nets above shields).
      • Could he provide his insight regarding topics of concern?
        • Do not mention Kei's request to spare some Tama.
  • Gaku (offscreen):
    • We need stone samples.
      • Provide reasons and specifications. Describe the Great Seal's stone and the surrounding area.
      • Please reach out to merchants, geologists, anyone you think could help.
    • Please collate as much geometry and geology knowledge as is reasonable without seriously denting the budget. Have summaries written if possible.
    • Does Tsunade run an aid organization? If so, where does she get clerks? Does she need more?
      • Could we encourage excellent GED graduates to go work for her, or increase GED output and direct them to her?
  • Offscreen:
    • Continue work on Air Tunnel Seal.
    • Experiment with anything we can earthshape. See if you can alter things to create a more suitable medium. What are the tradeoffs (smoothness lowers density, etc.)?
      • Obsidian? Diamond and other gems?
      • Can we increase the transparency of quartz?
    • Ask Kei to speak to Pangolin engineers/masons - have they seen similar material? Samples of 7th path stone?
    • Check in with Kumokugo about skyslicer teams
      • Report that skyslicers are vulnerable to dragonfire
      • Ask for ETA of mission
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PSA: Regarding NPC uncaps

You may assume that NPCs can handle their own uncaps, and you may give them training plans as you like as long as no individual plan exceeds the 5-point cap. Note that simulationism applies--a character has to actually have time and opportunity to perform uncap activities, in the QMs' judgement. For example, if a series of updates takes place across the same in-universe day, you can generally assume that a character won't have time to perform an uncap activity between them.
PSA: Regarding NPC uncaps
...as long as no individual plan exceeds the 5-point cap.
Clarification request:
  • Does this mean we can go from say, 42->47 and just assume they'll handle the uncap in the middle?
    • 42->51 would be illegal, as it levels up 45->46 at the same time as 50->51?
  • Or do we have to do 42->45, wait for them to uncap, then in a separate plan do 45-47?
Kei: Annoyed
Akane and Ino: More confused than anything
Ami: Thinks it's high level flirting and is flattered
Hazou: Somehow out of the loop on something he himself is doing
Speaking of which, we ought to start doing more Ami style training actually. We still have yet to do any with Ami herself! I say let's not worry about it for this cycle but I would like to start seeing it again soon...
Do you accept submission?

Clarification request:
  • Does this mean we can go from say, 42->47 and just assume they'll handle the uncap in the middle?
  • 42->51 would be illegal, as it levels up 45->46 at the same time as 50->51?
  • Or do we have to do 42->45, wait for them to uncap, then in a separate plan do 45-47?
The last one. ("Or do we have to do 42->45, wait for them to uncap, then in a separate plan do 45-47?")