*Ahem*. He somehow is already part of the Goketsu clan. Gōketsu Hidenobu.
I think it's likely he just calls himself that despite it not being his actual last name, since we made it clear that we consider everyone living here to be Goketsu even if we can't adopt all of them just yet.

Of course, it might be illegal for him to say he's Goketsu, but I doubt anyone else on the estate would care and he hasn't been Yamanaka'd yet, so he's probably safe.
I think it's likely he just calls himself that despite it not being his actual last name, since we made it clear that we consider everyone living here to be Goketsu even if we can't adopt all of them just yet.

Of course, it might be illegal for him to say he's Goketsu, but I doubt anyone else on the estate would care and he hasn't been Yamanaka'd yet, so he's probably safe.
There's an outside possibility that he was in a minor clan before the Collapse or BotG, his family died and he decided to join up. That wouldn't cost a ticket IIRC. I agree you have the most likely scenario - we'd probably have heard of this guy before if that was the case.

Still I would expect he'd have come up previously, he's a chunin b/c he knows medical ninjutsu, and I thought all our doctors were contractors who didn't want to join the clan. Obviously we should officially adopt him as soon as we can.
Atomu called himself "Goketsu" before we officially adopted him. Given that Hazou didn't paint the walls with Atomu's blood for doing so (and actually adopted him before other ninja on the property), that might've given enough precedent for the other unofficial-Goketsu to begin using the name.
Time, mostly
Or the law combined with time, perhaps
I think I remember this being mentioned back during the initial adoptions. I can't remember the exact QM answer, but I think it was a combination of something to the effect of "if it were that simple, other clans would be doing it, too" and also "a clan with four ninja but a hundred civilians wouldn't be taken seriously."

I imagine that there's also a certain amount of practicality involved. Back during the first round of adoptions, Hazou-pilot mentioned being leery of adopting too many non-Team Uplift ninja, because then the new members would outnumber the OG family, and that would create a power imbalance while also making it harder to integrate into the Uplift Family culture --whereas if the Uplift Family outnumbered the Newbies, it would allow for an easier transition...

I think. My memory is... Not great. I'm no Loremaster, at any rate :p
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*Ahem*. He somehow is already part of the Goketsu clan. Gōketsu Hidenobu.
Note that it was his internal monologue saying that. He's not a legally-recognized member yet. There was a mention later on that said "I'm the only Gōketsu medic" when what it should have said, and now says, was "the only medic full-time at the Gōketsu clinic". Like I said, it needed another pass.

I imagine that there's also a certain amount of practicality involved. Back during the first round of adoptions, Hazou-pilot mentioned being leery of adopting too many non-Team Uplift ninja, because then the new members would outnumber the OG family, and that would create a power imbalance while also making it harder to integrate into the Uplift Family culture --whereas if the Uplift Family outnumbered the Newbies, it would allow for an easier transition...
Are you thinking of Chapter 261?
Note that it was his internal monologue saying that. He's not a legally-recognized member yet. There was a mention later on that said "I'm the only Gōketsu medic" when what it should have said, and now says, was "the only medic full-time at the Gōketsu clinic". Like I said, it needed another pass.
i mean, he is speaking to a legendary ninja who is notable for her talent within his field of specialization as well as her ability to punch people until they are dead

illegally referring to himself as part of a clan would be easy to understand when he is this preoccupied
I don't think there's anything stopping us adopting all of the civilians, anyway.

A clan is an extended family. it includes your mom and dad, your cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. Normally, they would all be related by blood, but the Goketsu made their own family. Adopting even more people would be more impractical, since it would get more impersonal and difficult to manage, and the clan would cease to lose its meaning and become something else.

We don't need to do that if we're already helping out civilians in many other ways, such as facilitating their education, offering medical care, etc, or working with civilians to do uplift, and we can always create a formal organization to work with non-Goketsu.

(Now that I think about it, Hazo probably has more uncles than we realize)
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[X] @Inferno Vulpix
[X] @FaintlySorcerous

I still think that general strategy we discussed is the way to go, and still not gonna be too available this cycle so as a general recommendation for everyone I would have the team prepare a response for any alliance the High Priest might decide to announce, including Leaf. Depending on what it is, stall the decision, undermine his proclamation, whatever
A slight diversion on the current topic, but does anything think the flight project is in dire need of help? There's superstition and bad assumptions all over the report. They aren't rooting out those issues too given the time spent on the project and the narrow results.

I suggest with either put the project on hold until we can get Hanzo or someone to help teach them the proper scientific principles.
A slight diversion on the current topic, but does anything think the flight project is in dire need of help? There's superstition and bad assumptions all over the report. They aren't rooting out those issues too given the time spent on the project and the narrow results.

I suggest with either put the project on hold until we can get Hanzo or someone to help teach them the proper scientific principles.
We're not any better equipped than they are, tbh.

E: Through the lense of Hazou, that is.
[X] Action Plan: A Leaf of Plots
Word Count: 399

Sanity-check/optimize with the Isan team.
  • {Offscreen} Gather allies while we can:
    • Yoshida: Deliver the (Nara-revised) contract.
    • Gasai: If Yuno's right, they're less valuable to Shusuke's Isan, and thus potential allies. See if they can be converted.
      • Is Mikoto still Clan Head after Kota's debacle(s)? Would her successor be more willing to work with us?
    • Arikada: Offer him contact with Orochimaru, match Shusuke's offer, whatever he wants (within reason) for his support.
    • Kannagi: Mari could redirect his anger onto Shusuke, for example by pointing out that Kentaro took one mild blow and dipped out. Oddly suspicious.
  • Hazou believes directly challenging Shusuke is needed, his unfilitered ideas:
    1. Pangolin Tales: Contract with Pangolins who knew Ui, have them publically support Keiko/denounce Shusuke.
      • Rationale: Shusuke claims to have Ui's blessing, but these Pangolins knew Ui personally.
      • Have Keiko, Snowflake, and Pandaa work double-time to find/contract the Pangolins, sourcing materials from Leaf if needed.
      • If Ui left anything with the Pangolins (writings OR stories), apply them here.
    2. Purification Ritual: {If Yuno agrees} Ritually 'cleanse' Yuno, removing her "cursed child" status.
      • Rationale: This directly challenges Shusuke's status as High Priest.
      • Do research/prepwork: What is the logic behind Yuno's status? What precedents exist?
        • Get Pangolins and anything from Ui to help with this.
      • The ritual: Combine Isan's and the Pangolins' traditions, but hold Ui up as the centerpiece of the ritual.
        • Make sure Shusuke's faction can't interfere without resorting to violence.
        • Abide by Isan's laws to the extent possible.
    3. Our Bonfire: Trick Shusuke into thinking we're preparing a WMD, provoke him into attacking.
      • Rationale: Absence of any evidence would result in massive loss of face, and attacking outright additionally risks his life.
      • 'Superweapon': Summoning/Sealing-based ritual capable of mass mind-control/wide-scale destruction.
        • Ritual components are very large and must be moved slowly.
      • Possible misinformation vectors:
        • Arikada: Bring him on-board, stage a public falling-out 'alienating' him, then he 'tells' Shusuke.
        • Takahashi: Leak intel to Shusuke's informations during meetings.
        • Straightforward OPSEC breach, like a loudmouthed 'drunk'...
      • Stage: Kannagi estate (alternatively, a nearby cave/forest)
        • Maximize publicity of the event, forces the Kannagi to (at least initially) defend us, generally maximizes chaos for us.
        • Our team may contribute but should avoid implicating ourselves.
        • Depending on the situation:
          • Peacefully surrender, don't interfere...but since we don't have a WMD, the investigation'll prove our innocence.
          • Provoke (Shusuke into) attacking, repel the attack and/or kill him.
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[X] Action plan: The Voice of Ui Isas
Word count: 295

  • Consult with Asuma, Isan team, Takahashi, and Ami.
  • Stock up on weapons and seals.
  • Lean on local allies and clan heads.
  • Have Panda collect 7th path Ui Isas literature.
  • Have Keiko interview Ui Isas' Tessera.
    • Hunt Driver ants as meals and conversation openers. Snowflake can assist.
    • Tell them about Isan and its religion.
    • Contract them if possible.
  • Guilt the Pangolins from the Quisling hunt disaster into helping.
  • How do the Pangolin's view mission deaths? How did Ui or Akio? Do fallen comrades get lionized? Posthumous Awards/honors?
    • Confirm accounts with allied Inoue.
Action plan:

Azai Shusuke:
  • Have the Tessera of Ui Isas testify to Keiko's character. Don't make comparisons to Ui or Azai.
Isan Clans:
  • Have Ui's Tessera bestow Posthumous Awards to the fallen from the recent hunt. They died in service to Isan. Their sacrifice must be honored and treasured.
  • Gasai
    • Hazo and Mari can compile personal taijutsu insights or pointers for them?
    • Perhaps mist-academy taijutsu supplemental scrolls (from IN memory) might be of use as well. (Ask Asuma)(remove Mist references)
  • Aida
    • Keiko should have some info on village perimeters and penetration testing to offer.
    • Send some of Kagome's security insights as well.
  • Inoue
    • The Inoue might find value in mining the 7th path for more Ui Isas lore. Long-term correspondence could be established.
  • Murasaki
    • Send them Tsunade Senju approved medical texts

  • Can Asuma allow diplomatic outreach to the SSSSS by Kei?
  • Get a letter authorized by Asuma from Ami to Arikada. Or ask Arikada if he would like to get a letter of intro back to Ami.
  • Can the cursed or outcasts be redeemed in service to Isan? Any niches they can fill like Leaf or Goketsu civies? Ask Inoue allies.
  • Can Yuno do anything for Kannagi Ryu?
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Have them point out the changes seen in the village from the time of Isas.
Note that the village was founded after Akio brought the Pangolin Scroll here. Ui and his tessera would never have seen Isan.
Perhaps some pointers from Yuno to the Kannagi in taijutsu as an award?
Hazo can compile his personal taijutsu insights or pointers for the Kannagi?
Note that the Kannagi are the weaponmaster clan, not the taijutsu clan. Also, they are the ones who taught Yuno everything she knows.
[X] Action plan: Let my people go.
(136 words)
  • Ask prominent pangolins to publicly denounce the High Priest as fake while clones and other summons Meteor Strike the Azai as a sign of divine displeasure. ( And pop to remove evidence. )
  • Don't let our dreams be memes. Find out whether the power of youth can break conventional wisdom about elemental affinities by procuring a Sun-type teacher-dog for Akane.
  • Invite Haru to explain his long-term plans for the yakuza and offer to help him optimize them. Unleash Ami if he really managed to stir up a bother.
  • Discreetly contact Orochimaru for advice on anti-lupchanzen measures.
  • Send Akane and Ino to invite Hinata for girl stuff and seduce her to find out about the Hyuga role in the Scrip disaster.
  • Ask Ami about her thoughts on Snowflake and how she's dealing with the situation.
Suggestions for alternate implementations of components would be welcome. Also, should probably add some details on how exactly we'd capitalized on the High Priest's mistake.

[x] Action Plan: Writing the Enemy's Plans
Wordcount: 379
  • Concept: Feed Shuusuke information about a supposed Leaf superweapon that could ensure our victory, but which is very costly to use. Subtly confirm his intel, encouraging him to investigate. Leave breadcrumbs leading to a very obvious, immediate (a matter of hours or less) threat. Provoke him into taking drastic actions to stop us. Destroy all evidence of the threat's existence before he could prove it to the rest of Isan. Repel the attack, and portray him as the villain. (Or kill him in battle.)
  • The plan's components are largely independent, and could be changed or improved as the team sees fit.
  • "Entry point": Pick some element of attire, habit, or cultural behaviour that the Leaf contingent was seen having since day one. Have the disinformation suggest it's a side-effect or a tell of the weapon's presence. Start having more of it as the High Priest's apparent victory approaches.
  • Vector of disinformation: Arikada.
    • Approach him, offer him contact with Orochimaru and match whatever the High Priest is giving him, in exchange for giving us Isan.
    • Optional: With Arikada's cooperation, stage a public falling-out, where we presumptuously offer Arikada contact with Kabuto, and keep pushing until he's completely alienated. Then he seeds the disinformation.
    • Optional, beforehand: Hazou seeks Asuma's approval. If given, he discusses the subject of arranging Arikada/Orochimaru communication with Ami.
    • Alternative vectors:
      • Find a SSSSS informant and covertly feed them disinformation.
      • Engineer a straightforward OPSEC breach. A drunk ninja speaking too loudly, a document misplaced.
      • Generally act suspicious. Suddenly lose interest in politicking, but make a lot of movement otherwise.
  • Superweapon: Wide-area mind-affecting spell. Or some straightforward WMD ("if we can't have Isan...").
  • High cost: Requires willing sacrifice of several high-chakra individuals.
  • Obvious threat: A sealing array, well-hidden somewhere in the woods/a cave.
  • Additional moves:
    • Coordinate with Takahashi. Have him make a (non-public, but detectable to the High Priest) move strongly signalling his confidence in our victory. A costly commitment, a burned bridge.
    • Coordinate with the Yoshida. If Shuusuke consults them, they confirm the threat is dire. In the aftermath, they publicly explain how impossible the weapon Shuusuka claims to have suspected us of having is.
  • Unrelated:
    • Deliver your response to Yoshida.
    • Are any pangolins from Ui's tessera still around? If yes, have them publicly support Keiko.
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Destroy all evidence of the threat's existence before he could prove it to the rest of Isan.
So I'm torn about this part, since it would be trivial for Shusuke to fabricate evidence and/or claim that they were forced to destroy most/all trace of it's existence to prevent the WMD from activating.

And I know the claim falls flat just by keeping his forces from actually kicking us out of the area, but that leads to an even greater question: How the fuck are we supposed to repel this attack? Shusuke, as High Priest/local Kage, is going to respond to an existential threat to his very village by burning huge capital to get as many forces as possible into the area. Last time we faced a squad of 16 ninja + 34 tapirs (pre-retcon), and I have no doubt that when scaled Shusuke will be sending in a massive fraction of Isan's total military force. Even considering the allies we have (a non-trivial fraction of which are civilians/not militarily-capable), I don't think we can win against the forces Shusuke can muster.
Obvious threat: A sealing array, well-hidden somewhere in the woods/a cave.
I also have concerns about this part, somewhat because it'd be unbelievable that nobody would have noticed us making the array (this is trivially solved by us starting its implementation recently), but mostly because I can think of no plausible-to-dubious-eyes reason for us to have been here for innocuous reasons. Even assuming we manage to repel the attack, and destroy all evidence as suggested, every ninja in Isan is still going to think "why the fuck were they even there, though?". Also issues about our allies being there for any non-suspicious reason.


My solution to the above is for us to pull a tipserator incident.

Spread the rumours as above, provoke Azai into rushing into an attack...but have the damn thing inside the Kannagi manor, forcing Kannagi to (at least initially) defend us for honorable purposes, have our allies show up and start arguing, have us all show up and start arguing...start a ticking time bomb leading to a village-wide slaughter. We won't necessarily have to be the ones to throw the first metaphorical punch, all it'd take is for Panashe to go underground and detonate one of Jiraiya's Epic Seal of Awesomeness With A Really Awesome Name That You Have To Say All Of Every Time Or It Won't Work And Also I'll Punch You In The Face, This Means You, Hazō to make people start murdering each other.
Concept: Feed Shuusuke information about a supposed Leaf superweapon that could ensure our victory, but which is very costly to use.
What information? Whose victory? Is it a superweapon that will kill him and his clan? Will it mind control Isan? What does it do?

I think this is a good idea, but it lacks a hook and it's basically useless without one.
Major plan changes are in the blue.
I have the Tessera of UI speak to Keiko's character based on her own merits. Made sure not to compare her to Ui or the high priest.
That might be a step too far.

Also included something for the Outcast/cursed.
Maybe they can take on similar roles to civilians for redemption?

Also, Kannagi Ryu killing his brother has got to be acknowledged. Don't know what else to do. Wasn't his fault.

Have Keiko interview Ui Isas' Tessera.
  • Hunt Driver ants as meals and conversation openers. Snowflake can assist.
  • Tell them about Isan and its religion.
  • Contract them if possible.

Azai Shusuke:
  • Have the Tessera of Ui Isas speak up on behalf of Keiko's character. Don't make comparisons to Ui or Azai.
Isan Clans:
  • Have Ui's Tessera bestow Posthumous Awards to the fallen from the recent hunt. They died in service to Isan. Their sacrifice must be treasured. They were Keiko's Tessera.
  • Gasai
    • Hazo and Mari can compile personal taijutsu insights or pointers for them?
    • Perhaps mist-academy taijutsu supplemental scrolls (from IN memory) might be of use as well. (Ask Asuma)(remove Mist references)
  • Aida
    • Keiko should have some info on village perimeters and penetration testing to offer.
    • Send some of Kagome's security insights as well.
  • Inoue
    • The Inoue might find value in mining the 7th path for more Ui Isas lore. Long-term correspondence could be established.
  • Murasaki
    • Send them Tsunade Senju approved medical texts
  • Can Asuma allow diplomatic outreach to the SSSSS by Kei?
  • Get a letter authorized by Asuma from Ami to Arikada. Or ask Arikada if he would like to get a letter of intro back to Ami.
  • Can the cursed or outcasts be redeemed in service to Isan? Any niches they can fill like Leaf or Goketsu civies? Ask Inoue allies.
  • Can Yuno do anything for Kannagi Ryu?